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Re: General Chat

Postby Skelaturi » Sat, 16Feb27 10:54

I am currently enjoying the indie video game "flame in the flood". Its a craft survival rogue-lite game where you travel a post-societal America on rivers, together with your trusty dog "Aesop". The art-style is fantastic (but wouldn't expect less, considering the background of "the molasses flood"). And the sound-track, let me tell you this i rarely play with music on, but this sound-track is amazing (Chuck Ragan).

Hope someone else also will enjoy this little gem.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Rastifan » Tue, 16May03 04:06


A rather dark comic with Elena I did. Lilith is the refereed friend.
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Re: General Chat

Postby lath » Wed, 16May04 01:30

Today was my first encounter of the word "hebe". It took me 4 online dictionaries to understand it's the name of a greek goddess and from that about 30s to realize its current meaning. I find it... disagreeable.

Well, i needed to share this feeling somewhere and the beach lucked out. I am sad and depressed now. You get to share my pain. Thank you
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Re: General Chat

Postby Skelaturi » Wed, 16May04 15:54

lath wrote:Today was my first encounter of the word "hebe". It took me 4 online dictionaries to understand it's the name of a greek goddess and from that about 30s to realize its current meaning. I find it... disagreeable.

Well, i needed to share this feeling somewhere and the beach lucked out. I am sad and depressed now. You get to share my pain. Thank you

Want a feeling about finding out the meaning of a word? Try Twink, I used to be a world of warcraft player and twinks there are low level characters you create and deck out to outperform other players on the player versus player (pvp) battlegrounds. Search the word twink online and you get gay teen porn, imagine my disappointment.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greebo » Wed, 16May04 20:42

You found out that your beloved "twink" now means gay teen porn? Think about "gay" if you will! Back in my youth, many years ago, I knew "gay" to be more or less synonymous with "light-hearted", "exuberant" or "happy" -- It had a certain unique charm that other words didn't quite cover and it was also a delightful forename for a girl or woman, until in the late '60s or early '70s it was high-jacked by the burgeoning homosexual community as a contraction of "Good as you!", and young ladies had to either brazen it out, keep quiet about their name, change their name, or admit to being a lesbian! Meanwhile those of us who enjoy using words that provided a slight, delicately nuanced variation on the run of the mill ones had lost another to those who couldn't be bothered to think up a new word of their very own to make a statement about themselves.

Such is the power of use or abuse of words.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Rexxx » Wed, 16May04 22:31

Transforming something, complex and happen in many cases.
I don't like when in last years in stories, movies, comics characters become of another races or sex, usually become female or not white. When happen so frequently is not normal, I agree that too much strong character were created white and male, but it's not transformation the solution, but new characters; if that would be a normal thing why not happen that good female character become male or good not white become white, two error aren't a right thing.
If we speak of more important thing we can speak of the roman salute or worst the symbol of swastika, that doesn't begin with the nazism.
And if we want speak of word becoming bad "I s i s", how a word can becoming bad only because some terrorists become to use it.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Mimailia » Thu, 16May05 10:01

Greebo wrote:You found out that your beloved "twink" now means gay teen porn? Think about "gay" if you will! Back in my youth, many years ago, I knew "gay" to be more or less synonymous with "light-hearted", "exuberant" or "happy" -- It had a certain unique charm that other words didn't quite cover and it was also a delightful forename for a girl or woman, until in the late '60s or early '70s it was high-jacked by the burgeoning homosexual community as a contraction of "Good as you!", and young ladies had to either brazen it out, keep quiet about their name, change their name, or admit to being a lesbian! Meanwhile those of us who enjoy using words that provided a slight, delicately nuanced variation on the run of the mill ones had lost another to those who couldn't be bothered to think up a new word of their very own to make a statement about themselves.

Such is the power of use or abuse of words.

Great post on many levels Greebo. I still remember the old - "Are you a happy and gay fellow?" You are? Queer Queer Queer. (Knew a high school coach named Gay, you didn't make fun of him, he was a violent nutjob.)

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Re: General Chat

Postby Skelaturi » Thu, 16May05 12:03

I almost forgot about the original meaning of the word gay, but isn't that culture the change of the meaning of words. And about that terrorist group i still feel sorry for every person that is named Isis, cause we know they get joked (read bullied) cause of it.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Samvega » Wed, 16May11 00:16

it's fascinating how all "general chats" in different forums eventually ends up discussing gays :D

so.. does anyone here sail for fun? (I mean literally, sailing the boat on the water)
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greebo » Wed, 16May18 22:55

Sailing is an activity I haven't much experience of, but narrowboating on the English and Welsh canal system is something I enjoy. My son owns and lives aboard a narrowboat, which is usually moored at his permanent mooring on the Grand Union Canal at Uxbridge on the outskirts of London while he works "from home" for Canonical on aspects of their Ubuntu Touch mobile OS! It's an interesting combination of an old lifestyle with high tech work. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: General Chat

Postby LRM » Wed, 16May18 23:20

I don't sail either, but a day of kayaking on Pugent Sound is always a good day.
Search for "Harbor Seal"... I don't know why, but I'm certain the damned things like to bump the bottom of your kayak then surface, just out of paddle reach, wearing a big grin. I think they want to see if you're bailing water, or tossing a soiled pair of knickers overboard.
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Sat, 16May21 11:45

Greebo wrote:You found out that your beloved "twink" now means gay teen porn? Think about "gay" if you will! Back in my youth, many years ago, I knew "gay" to be more or less synonymous with "light-hearted", "exuberant" or "happy" -- It had a certain unique charm that other words didn't quite cover and it was also a delightful forename for a girl or woman, until in the late '60s or early '70s it was high-jacked by the burgeoning homosexual community as a contraction of "Good as you!", and young ladies had to either brazen it out, keep quiet about their name, change their name, or admit to being a lesbian! Meanwhile those of us who enjoy using words that provided a slight, delicately nuanced variation on the run of the mill ones had lost another to those who couldn't be bothered to think up a new word of their very own to make a statement about themselves.

Such is the power of use or abuse of words.

This is true, the word Gay at one point meant Happy, and people named their girls Gay, and the term care free and Gay was often used.

Many other terms were also often used, My Dad said, when he was young, for someone to say, well now, there is a Well Groomed young boy or a Well Groomed young girl was a major complement, now if you heard anyone saying it, it is used 99.9% of the time now to refer to pedophiles and children.

Many words and terms have been taken over and used for a host of bad things in today's world.
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The Lunatics Are Taking Over The Asylum!

Postby Greebo » Fri, 16Jun24 10:47

AAARGH! What is it that makes morons of so many people?

First we have the US Republican party nominating an obvious dipstick, Donald Trump, (or DRUMPF as his family name used to be until they changed it to provide a better image as John Oliver pointed out in one of his cuttingly humorous shows!) as Presidential candidate -- there's a disaster waiting to happen if ever there was one!

Now we have the farcical situation of a small majority of the electorate who stirred themselves sufficiently from watching football, soaps and "reality" shows on the telly forcing ALL of us occupants of the UK to leave the EU whether we want to or not! To my mind anyone who really believes, despite the bureaucratic inanities that tend to be part and parcel of the EU, that we'd be better off out of it is either living in lala-land or needs certifying -- the United Kingdom now seems to be in serious danger of becoming the Untied Kingdom, with Scotland and Northern Ireland distancing themselves from an ever more isolated England and Wales to ally themselves closer to the EU.

I hate what this stupid referendum has done to the country I've lived in all my life, and it was all so unnecessary -- Prime Minister Cameron has only himself to blame for thinking he might get a rational response out of the electorate when all he was really attempting was bolstering his own morale! [img]images/icones/icon6.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon16.gif[/img]
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Postby Niauropsaka » Fri, 16Jun24 20:01

I feel like it would be unfair of me to say that this is a stupid idea just because it comes from a stupid toad like Nigel Farage. But Farage is despicable, and it is coming from him and his despicableness. Boris Johnson is behaving as a racist prat. I don't find Michael Gove's arguments for Leave convincing either, and I think his support for Leave is opportunistic.

I was avoiding publicly taking a strong stance on this vote. But if the faces of the campaign are Boris, Farage, and that imp Gove, then I don't trust the Leave camp.

My last two daily renders were inspired by Brexit:

Brexit (is discredited by its advocates)?

Brexit bonus:
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Re: The Lunatics Are Taking Over The Asylum!

Postby Rastifan » Sat, 16Jun25 00:06

Greebo wrote:AAARGH! What is it that makes morons of so many people?

First we have the US Republican party nominating an obvious dipstick, Donald Trump

Donald's latest doodoo. The moron is clueless. The reactions are priceless

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