LOPgold - Eleanor 2

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Re: Eleanor (LOP Gold)

Postby wicked035 » Sun, 16Apr10 02:14

Just asking if that bug is fixed and we can get all the content. Playing on the site anyway.
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Re: Eleanor (LOP Gold)

Postby bakuluus » Sun, 16Apr10 06:05

I started playing it about a half hour after it posted and I never had a problem with the photo studio. Using Firefox and Win7. I'm about 95% certain it was ver.99 at posting.
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Re: Eleanor (LOP Gold)

Postby saolo996 » Sun, 16Apr10 10:41

Skelaturi wrote:The photo studio is fine for me, I guess what the problem might be, but i don't want to wrongly accuse anyone. Take a hint from that. I shall be honest I expected a bit more from Eleanor as well, but I also wait for Leo's his post next week. If you ahve read the blog then you noticed this line

But hey! It isn’t our final word.
Next week we’ll publish more info about plan concerning Eleanor 2.

So I'd say there is more good news to come.

Yep, that's the point: many of us were expetcing more from this game, also because of the long waiting. They have no more to see if this game will have a good audience they already know it., so why not to make it a little bigger?
I read Leo's words on the blog and I'm pretty sure the game will be developed, just saying for once they could've made it bigger from the beginning.

So far I had 4 different endings: two of them I reached by playing almost the same way (excepted for the line with the photographer) and had two different reactions...
And I miss only 1 achievement.
Looking forward to see if I'm missing some story paths, I'll check comments daily to read what players write.

I haven't read anything about the new sex mechanics, I like them (ok, I loved them since 1st try as an insider) but I was expecting more variety during sex scenes, more positions (e.g.: as with Tracy in LWT when you're having sex in your bedroom) and choice in limited occasions, maybe, but I think it would be a plus.

Last but not least: it's a sequel but mainly it's a new game, and this thread is already long, maybe it's possible to open a new one?
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Re: Eleanor (LOP Gold)

Postby artorawley » Sun, 16Apr10 10:58

Done one playthrough so far, fun game but I hate the 30 day limit. It wasn't until around day 24 or so that I finally got all my stats boosted high enough not to be a detriment and then the game ended so I got the boring pregnancy ending. I can only imagine the huge amount of content I missed in that playthrough, but unless someone releases a list of scenes and the parameters on how to unlock them then I probably won't play any longer than this upcoming second playthrough.
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Re: Eleanor (LOP Gold)

Postby exar » Sun, 16Apr10 14:56

is there a way to fuck the son of samantha ? i mean besides the scene in the bathroom of the cafe?

someone catched drake cheating with his secretary?
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Re: Eleanor (LOP Gold)

Postby Stinky » Sun, 16Apr10 16:06

I don't post a lot here, but I do want to say that this game was a massive disappointment in relation to some of the other great work LOP has done.

The story is boring and the game mechanics are horrible. About the only good thing I can say is that the graphics were okay.

I expected more. The Living with Serena expansion was so much better.
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Re: Eleanor (LOP Gold)

Postby Skelaturi » Sun, 16Apr10 16:18

Stinky wrote: The Living with Serena expansion was so much better.

There that is the line some people might be frustrated about. But that goes for every game so far that had a expansion. And next to that; people have been expecting much from Eleanor. It's to hard to live up to in my opinion.
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Re: LOPgold - Eleanor 2

Postby DroopyLoving » Sun, 16Apr10 22:31

Played this through a couple of times; I've found it very disappointing.
The visuals don't look as good as normal LoP games with all the characters looking very exaggerated.
There is no plot at all (Eleanor is bored!? is that the entire story? The basis of the story is there as well! She suspects Drake is cheating, that should have been the inciting incident)
There didn't seem too much development with any of the characters (Eleanor included).

All in all I think this is the worst LoPGold game since Dignity One, this may in part be because of my expectations for it.
Sorry LoP team, I hope you knock it out of the park with your next release.
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Re: LOPgold - Eleanor 2

Postby saolo996 » Sun, 16Apr10 23:27

DroopyLoving wrote:Played this through a couple of times; I've found it very disappointing.
The visuals don't look as good as normal LoP games with all the characters looking very exaggerated.
There is no plot at all (Eleanor is bored!? is that the entire story? The basis of the story is there as well! She suspects Drake is cheating, that should have been the inciting incident)
There didn't seem too much development with any of the characters (Eleanor included).

All in all I think this is the worst LoPGold game since Dignity One, this may in part be because of my expectations for it.
Sorry LoP team, I hope you knock it out of the park with your next release.

I have nothing to complain about visuals, all locations are really well rendered, imho, and about characters to me they just look good and normal.
Why exaggerated? In what? I'll maybe give a try to Eleanor to notice possible differences.

When I was saying I was expecting more... I meant exactly about the story and the possible storylines decision you take as Eleanor can bring you into.
I'm pretty sure they will be developed (some details make me think about it... Samantha's son, Amelia...), the fact is that - I think - it would have been better to release a more full game (
for instance... Or I experienced a bug or Ferrari scene makes no sense, just admirating them and the car and reading she blew him while he was driving, maybe to add the playable scene, resulting in a little car crash if you do something wrong would have helped
). And to add later other little things as, maybe, casual encounters from the past as it was on previous game, or random from just hanging aroung (as Eleaonr in a new city is supposed not to konw so many people).

I like the fact is not so easy to lose fidelity, there are few occasions to do it and unless you completely ignore Drake the points will tend to "wife" more than to "whore", maybe this is just my playing style, more RPG balancing some aspects...

Said this... I'm looking forward for an expansion and I truly hope I'll be able to write only enthusiast words when LWT2time arrives.

Edit: I really loved the MacGuffin... If you don't know what is it just google it and think how it can fit in this story.
For this all Lop Team deserves a clap!!!
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Re: LOPgold - Eleanor 2

Postby GDS » Mon, 16Apr11 00:15

IMO Eleanor 1 still way better than this one,
The story is way too simple you just wait for things to happen,

But, a good game overall and a lot of nice Renders,
I miss the old kind of sex scenes, they were more interactive, now you just hold a button.

And its only me or im always missing scenes because I dint recharged those bars enough?
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Re: LOPgold - Eleanor 2

Postby saolo996 » Mon, 16Apr11 00:24

GDS wrote:IMO Eleanor 1 still way better than this one,
The story is way too simple you just wait for things to happen,

But, a good game overall and a lot of nice Renders,
I miss the old kind of sex scenes, they were more interactive, now you just hold a button.

And its only me or im always missing scenes because I dint recharged those bars enough?

About mechanics of sex I like these ones, and some relatively old ones as in LWT. I wrote what I think can be added :)

Which bars are you speaking about: Stamina and SexVibe on the top or Eleanor's stamina one during scenes?!?
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Re: LOPgold - Eleanor 2

Postby Xansi » Mon, 16Apr11 04:09

Game felt rushed to me. Seems like they cut a lot out that was planned but didn't have time to finish. I expect Leo to announce an expansion in a few days. A lot of scene are there for no reason other than filler, most suggest a follow up but nothing comes of it.

Overall the renders were fantastic as usual and story was ok but I expected more from Eleanor 2, I hope this doesn't continue into LWT. Between sex vibe, no dialog in sex scenes to keep me interested, and feeling like there's more not in the game it fell way short of my expectations.
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Re: LOPgold - Eleanor 2

Postby LucaNatoli » Mon, 16Apr11 06:06

This game was 100% rushed. Content has been cut to bring into future add ons, the vibe feels, whacky. It was rushed due to their forum going nuts with impatient people wanting a game.

Don't like the new direction they are taking.
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Re: LOPgold - Eleanor 2

Postby wllwf » Mon, 16Apr11 06:13

Eleanor 2 is a nice game.I like the visual arts. Hot bodies. Amazing backgrounds. But the game ,just like many other firends said ,seems incomplete. I really love that hunky Simon!But can only suck his huge sausage. Really wanna Eleanor fuck him. The simon ending only has 1 sex pic. And I cannot find Samantha scene. The Drake cheating story makes me so horny. I love this kind of games.lol
I agreethat Eleanor 2 is like some kinda remake of Eleanor 1 rather than a sequel. The story line is sort of boring ,nothing new. Finally ,Eleanor has a baby. So cool! Is there still a Eleanor 3?It seems impossible. Cuz a couple and a baby ,that is LWT. (∩_∩)
But I bet lots of people love Eleanor. Wish both Eleanor and LWT can be a trilogy.
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Re: Eleanor (LOP Gold)

Postby wllwf » Mon, 16Apr11 06:30

Skelaturi wrote:but I also wait for Leo's his post next week. If you ahve read the blog then you noticed this line

But hey! It isn’t our final word.
Next week we’ll publish more info about plan concerning Eleanor 2.

So I'd say there is more good news to come.

What does this mean? Not final word? Means this one is incomplete? More info about planing concerning Eleanor 2, means there must be an expansion?
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