Redemption for Jessika (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby tlaero » Fri, 16Mar04 02:31

nerio wrote:As an aside on this point, there were points that didn't really seem to affect anything, like "nice" versus "funny". I played through this excellent game a few times trying different responses (after playing it naturally) and I don't recall anything standing out as different. Were there differences? Aside from "lewd", of course.

There are failure points if you don't do the right mix of response types, but there are enough options that no particular decision matters. I was trying to find a balance between letting you play the character you wanted to play while still having there be a gameplay aspect to it.

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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby Dolphin-BR » Fri, 16Mar04 02:48

Greyelf wrote:
jk103 wrote:In RfJ, the player gets to pick what Marc says. If Jessika approves, your score goes up and you get to move on. If Jessika disapproves, you fail and have to try again. The motivation behind every decision is solely, "will this make Jessika like Marc more?" The result is that Marc becomes sort of a sycophant who only seeks Jessika's approval, and I think that's why some people reacted negatively to his character.

I think the name of the game "Redemption for Jessika" implies that the game is not about Marc at all although it is seen from his Point-of-View, that the game is about Jessika and her potential redemption. If that assumption is correct then it follows that it makes sense that the 'good path' would include Marc doing thing that helps Jessika find redemption rather than things that furthers his own goals if they are contrary to her needs.

I think you're probably right. But there is a danger when you make a game and you focus overwhelmingly on telling a story. The danger is turning the 'game' into a visual novel. I saw this happen in a very good 'game' I played many years ago named "Desire". You had some choices, but in the end the story would remain the same.

From my point of view, a player wants to feel in control of his character. He/she can be given some limitations at the beginning by describing the character as shy, physically weak, etc. But even within those limitations the player wants to make the decisions and guide his/her character in a certain path through the game.
I could give some examples: 1- I don't want my character to have sex with underaged characters through the game. 2- I don't want my character to have sex with older partners through the game. 3- I don't want my character to use violence whatsoever. 4- I want my character to be as obnoxious as possible. All of these options could fit within some character limitation, meaning within any given character limitation there is room for options.

I understand the authors should balance, to their own taste, the options they want to provide to players and the amount of time they want to spend on making the game. So ultimately it is the author's decision. But 'options' is what makes a game 'a game', and from the players perspective the more options the better!
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby Mortze » Fri, 16Mar04 03:06

tlaero wrote:I've totally got to work, "Go for the eyes, Boo. Go for the eyes!" in somewhere. (-:

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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby JFR » Fri, 16Mar04 04:52

tlaero wrote:... Actually, no. Sylvia wasn't planning anything of the sort. She thought Marc was going to chat with Sarah for a little while, Sarah would see that he was a good guy, and that would be that. She was surprised when Sarah showed up in that outfit and she was definitely surprised when Sarah started kissing her on the couch. ... Tlaero

Absolutely my reading of that scene. She was as surprised as he was when SaraB started acting out. She didn't really decide to go along until she saw that he was ok. She didn't want to "entrap" the best male friend she had at work but was talked into it. I started out really disliking SaraB, not just for her patronizing attitude to Marc but also for the way she first ambushed and embarrassed and later pressured Sylvia, whom she supposedly loved deeply, during this scene. I didn't start liking her until much later in the game and even then never really felt like I (Marc) could completely trust her til the game was almost over.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby muttdoggy » Fri, 16Mar04 07:54

Regarding some people's thoughts about Sylvia and Serah...
This is as close as I can come without having to attach a spoiler tag. Get all the achievements to get the bonus scene. Carefully go through it and I bet you would like those 2 even more after that. I certainly did. [img]smile/eek.gif[/img]

Added this for clarification...
It is fact that actual lesbians have had straight sex and still remain lesbian. It can be for many reasons.. sexual release, making a baby, "in the moment" and you trust each other, experimentation, teaching each other, etc...

I had to add that since some people don't have the experience that some of us do and it seems that sometimes we nitpick each other over silly things. I'm guilty of it but I'm getting better at not nitpicking.. I hope!!! :crazy:

I wonder if we can get a "boner" smilie rating system like 5/5 boners cuz I'd award this game 10/5 boners.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby nerio » Fri, 16Mar04 22:56

tlaero wrote:
nerio wrote:but because I had not yet connected with Syliva. I just didn't feel that I (as Marc) was that close to her to be invited into that situation... she was obviously planning something along those lines beforehand so it seemed that Sarah was acting out trying to entrap Marc as an asshole, but Syliva was also using him in a way that I didn't feel close enough to her not to resent.

Actually, no. Sylvia wasn't planning anything of the sort. She thought Marc was going to chat with Sarah for a little while, Sarah would see that he was a good guy, and that would be that. She was surprised when Sarah showed up in that outfit and she was definitely surprised when Sarah started kissing her on the couch.

The outfit and general baiting was absolutely fine, actually, but when Marc offered to leave the first time I kinda wanted to leave. I would have been horrendeously uncomfortable in that situation because that kind of... voyeurism? isn't me. And perhaps there could have been an option to leave ther that gave a large boost to Sarah. It's a minor quibble, no more, though - the game is excellent.

Further on Sylvia - I really thought that she was up for something like this if Sarah didn't hate Marc. I'm not sure why though, maybe I just read her weak protests as her own pseudo "damsel-in-distress" fantasy.

tlaero wrote:
nerio wrote:As an aside on this point, there were points that didn't really seem to affect anything, like "nice" versus "funny". I played through this excellent game a few times trying different responses (after playing it naturally) and I don't recall anything standing out as different. Were there differences? Aside from "lewd", of course.

There are failure points if you don't do the right mix of response types, but there are enough options that no particular decision matters. I was trying to find a balance between letting you play the character you wanted to play while still having there be a gameplay aspect to it.

Ah, interesting. I didn't hit any of them - clearly I'm not a complete ass!
tlaero wrote:I've totally got to work, "Go for the eyes, Boo. Go for the eyes!" in somewhere. (-:

I'll vote for that!
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby Arden » Tue, 16Mar08 14:44

Love all the games been playing since the first only real issue I ever have is that the men in them are not important at all in the dating cycle. As it has been said before its all about us being willing to do and say whatever makes her happy to move on, she can do and say anything if we say wait that is BS game over. I think imo what people are meaning when they say weak is that, it comes off as the men are dogs waiting on a treat from their master, you can kick the dog belittle the dog but as soon as you scratch its ears it jumps up tail wagging.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby tlaero » Thu, 16Mar10 07:20

We've been around and around on this, and, at this point, abstracts aren't giving me enough to work with. Please be specific. On which page would you like to say or do something different, and what, specifically, would you like to say or do?

Separately, RfJ just passed the 30,000 download mark. It's only been out for a little over a month. Very cool.

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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby Hoboy » Fri, 16Mar11 06:58

I will reiterate what I said a while ago - let the creators create. This is not a type of game that is male dominant - this is more written from a female perspective, and should be respected for that. Again - Christine and Jessika (as well as Keisha/Keeley) are among the top rated games on PlayForceOne. There is a reason - the Quality of what is written and the graphics. (Pandora has been really well received as well, Mortze). Almost all other sites offer Only male dom types of games, and it seems all asian sites are strictly that. We need a breath of fresh air, and a new perspective such as the games Lady Tlaero provides. If she moves them more to the mainstream, we are losing an important alternative to what all this type of "porn game" could become. There are plenty of other games that give the "meet the girl, compliment the girl, fuck the girl" type of experience. Personally, the writing and overall immersion in RFJ and their other games beats the heck out of most of those...a big fan, Tlaero and Mortze...

PS - when the right image hits me, Mortze, I'll change my avatar. But got to say - it's hard to beat Christine swallowing a banana...
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby muttdoggy » Fri, 16Mar11 10:38

I agree with Hoboy. I'm sure most of you have played other adult games. You have to admit that finding games with the western art style is the same as finding a needle in a field of haystacks. That means very rare. Now if you want "western" values in a game, you are pretty much screwed. That's why I tend to swim in the Lagoon and a few other sites (I can count them on one hand) that are the best resources I know of for "western" adult games. The vast majority of adult games out there are from Japan and most are steeped in Japanese values. Japan is very very male dominant culture so that explains the Japanese games featuring male domination. That's not counting the very popular but sick sub types I won't even mention on this forum.
I'll play a Tlaero/Mortze game even if the guy was a sissified sissy boy that makes Pauly Shore look very masculine. That's because I know a game by them has very good writing, great artistry, rips at your heart strings, and wonderfully has western artwork with western values. If you want to rant about needing more male domination, there's the glut of Japanese games out there so you can go and beat up small girls with big eyes. :lol:
Another point for you guys to consider.. more and more girls are playing video games and that includes porn. Yes there are millions of gals playing adult games or watching porn right this second and I'm sure they really appreciate games like this where they don't have to think "What? Another male dom game? I'm not gonna play to that so let's google lesbian porn!".
Back to the subject of the game.. For some reason I like Chloe. Don't know if it's her attitude or the tattoos or the red hair but she is awesome. So.. is there a Chloe game down the road? :D
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby jk103 » Fri, 16Mar11 20:36

muttdoggy wrote:I agree with Hoboy. I'm sure most of you have played other adult games. You have to admit that finding games with the western art style is the same as finding a needle in a field of haystacks. That means very rare. Now if you want "western" values in a game, you are pretty much screwed. That's why I tend to swim in the Lagoon and a few other sites (I can count them on one hand) that are the best resources I know of for "western" adult games. The vast majority of adult games out there are from Japan and most are steeped in Japanese values. Japan is very very male dominant culture so that explains the Japanese games featuring male domination. That's not counting the very popular but sick sub types I won't even mention on this forum.
I'll play a Tlaero/Mortze game even if the guy was a sissified sissy boy that makes Pauly Shore look very masculine. That's because I know a game by them has very good writing, great artistry, rips at your heart strings, and wonderfully has western artwork with western values. If you want to rant about needing more male domination, there's the glut of Japanese games out there so you can go and beat up small girls with big eyes. :lol:
Another point for you guys to consider.. more and more girls are playing video games and that includes porn. Yes there are millions of gals playing adult games or watching porn right this second and I'm sure they really appreciate games like this where they don't have to think "What? Another male dom game? I'm not gonna play to that so let's google lesbian porn!".
Back to the subject of the game.. For some reason I like Chloe. Don't know if it's her attitude or the tattoos or the red hair but she is awesome. So.. is there a Chloe game down the road? :D

I'm not sure you're necessarily correct about Japanese games. I know there's niche fetish stuff that's really gross, but from the more mainstream stuff I've seen lots have the same issue as RfJ, where the correct option is to always flatter the female lead, so the PC ends up being a bland, milquetoast cutout of a character. A male character doesn't have to be a domineering asshole to be a strong character.

As far as suggestions go, one possible solution is to get Marc involved in the main plot in a way that's more or less independent of his relationship with Jessika. Give him a chance to be involved on his own terms. For instance, what if Jessika's asshole ex-boyfriend was an old college buddy of Marc's? Highlight his and Jessika's different perspectives on the character, and force Marc to confront the possibility that maybe his old drinking buddy was actually a douchebag towards women and Marc let it happen. Let it cause conflict between Marc and Jessika, and let Marc learn and grow as that conflict gets resolved.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ)

Postby Marcelo MB » Thu, 16Mar17 14:15

Just finished the game and I have to's probably the best game in this category that I've played
Incredible characters, amazing storyline, all the subtle references to DwE and even an appearance from my favorite librarian
I'm realy looking forward to the next Tlaero and Mortze games!
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Re: Redemption for Jessika (now in French and Italian)

Postby tlaero » Sat, 16Mar19 20:18

I've just uploaded a new version of RfJ (link on the first page of this thread).

The game now contains 3 languages: English, French, and Italian. Special thanks to John Milton and Marco6661 for doing the Italian and French translations.

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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby jaime » Mon, 16Mar21 00:26

First, great game. Great graphics (particularly Jess's expressions), great story, great everything. Most of your games have been amazing, and this one stands out even in that rather select crowd. You should mentally add "but it was still a great game overall" to everything I say after this.

However, I do have some more actionable feedback. In no particular order:

The click and hold mechanic. First of all, I didn't think it added much. It honestly reminded me of a quick time event more than anything else, and that isn't a complimentary comparison. Second, it was introduced at the worst possible time. Jess is naked, and the player wants to be focusing on that. At this point, the game mechanics should be second nature so that they don't distract from the rest of the scene. Instead, the player has to read through a few paragraphs about how he will have to click and hold for the next couple of pages, and it should work on tablets, but you can skip the whole thing if you want, so on and so forth. That isn't what I want to be thinking about right there. If the mechanic was introduced at the beginning of the game, it could work. By the time you reached the final scene, it would be second nature, so it wouldn't be distracting. However, introducing it where you did didn't work for me, and I don't really see the point of including it in the first place. It feels like pointless complexity to me. Honestly, I don't think that minigames add very much to these sorts of games. You don't have the time or tools to produce a truly interesting minigame, and anything that isn't interesting in its own right doesn't add very much.

Interactivity. I definitely liked the "multiple correct dialog options" technique -- I gleefully leapt on every self-deprecating option I saw, but someone else might prefer the other options. It didn't have a ton of effect, but I definitely enjoyed it. However, there definitely were a few places where I felt like I was missing a dialog option. In mmons14.htm (Joe and Sylvia), I really wanted the option to just laugh at Joe. Something like "*laughs* If you say so, Joe. If you say so." As I saw it, Mark was in way too good of a mood for Joe to actually piss him off, so Marc would basically ignore any comment directed at him. I'd like to have that sort of line available even if that ended the scene before Sylvia flashes you (since Joe might shut up before pissing Sylvia off enough). Of course, at that point, you can add "flashed by Sylvia" as an achievement. Also, in jthur8.htm or so (when you see Charles with the bomb), I would have liked the option to not immediately try to run after Charles. It felt slightly out of character to me (Marc seemed more sensible than that), and I don't like being forced into trying something stupid. Also, I think that options in sex scenes are more valuable than the overall length of the scene. My favorite scene in RfJ was the blowjob scene, largely because the player does have some options there. It makes the player feel like he is more involved in the scene. I guess interactivity and the "point and click" mechanic have the same intended goal, but for me, interactivity works and the point and click mechanic didn't. Honestly, I'd accept shorter scenes if I got some options along the way (so a similar number of images, but a tree/dag instead of a single path).

Gameplay. Overall, it was a bit too easy. I liked that you could play through and see everything without having to micro-optimize to get every possible point. That definitely made the first playthrough better. However, I wish that there was some reason to micro-optimize every possible point. From a gameplay perspective, my favorite part was trying to get every possible lewd point while still passing the check in jmon18.htm. Of course, that doesn't actually do anything (by the time you get there, you've already missed the lewd path), but it was fun to try, and it would be nice to be rewarded for something like that. Perhaps add a "difficulty selection" back in. "Normal" is the current game, and "Perfect" requires you to get every possible point in order to progress through the various checks (so your "roleplaying options" would be more constrained). Completing the game on Perfect gives you an achievement (and so is necessary to unlock the bonus scene), but you don't get any additional scenes in the game itself. Also, more achievements would be nice in general. More hidden stuff, perhaps some funny failure endings, etc. There shouldn't be much content in these options (many people will miss this sort of stuff, after all), but providing something to dig for would be nice. Searching through the game files trying to find all of the hidden shit is one of my favorite parts of these sorts of games, and I generally didn't have to here.

Marc. Overall, I liked how he was portrayed. Sure, he wasn't amazingly assertive. However, why would he be assertive? Over the course of the game, he gets everything that he ever wanted (romantically speaking, at least) handed to him on a silver platter. He feels a bit slow at times, sure (see the some of the lewd options in the sylvia/sarah scene and a bunch of lines like the "you assume she's kidding" line in jmonf77.htm). That isn't really an issue, though. That said, some of his sex skills seemed slightly out of character. He's a sort of quiet, unassuming court clerk who clearly isn't that experienced with women (remember all of those times where he misread cues?), and yet he is apparently a big dicked sex god (judging from jess's and cynthia's reactions, at least). To an extent, I guess he is good at sex for the same reason that Jess is hot. No one wants to see mediocre sex, after all. That said, some interactivity here would have helped. Maybe let the player choose whether or not they want to go for the rim job. Let the player decide how exotic they think Marc would be. It might mean shortening the scene overall, but I think it would have been worthwhile. On a different note, I'm not sure why people are asking for Marc to have more hobbies. I'm sure that Marc was doing something fun while Sarah and Jess were at the zoo. However, his other interests aren't relevant to the story, so why include them? I care about Jess, not Marc's love of skateboarding or knitting or whatever the hell else he is interested in.

Overall, though, great game. Your take away from this post should be "wow, I did a good job" because you did.

Edit: if you write "Go for the eyes, Boo, go for the eyes" into a sex scene, I will love you forever. If saying that immediately ends the sex scene because everyone involved is laughing too hard, it would be even better.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika (RfJ) (now in French and Italian)

Postby tlaero » Mon, 16Mar21 01:16

Thank you for all the detailed feedback, Jaime. I'm glad you enjoyed the game.

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