To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Complete and totally free games (the author can request a non-obligatory financial contribution in thanks or to help him to create new game)

Should Dating games have sounds?

I really like the sounds in your previous games.
I'd prefer for there not to be sounds/I play with the speakers off.
I don't really care one way or the other.
Total votes : 171

Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby panther50 » Thu, 16Jan07 12:53

well, if its about games(sexually oriented ones or any other), i usually prefer to go without sound but momentarily like to play with sounds sometimes too(with headphones on [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img] )

if its a good story sound doesn't matter that much, but for the guys who like sounds in your games, i prefer adding sounds can be justified and will be liked by your fans. [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

And those who like to play without sounds can play the game with no sounds.

best of luck for your new game
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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby TheBrain » Fri, 16Jan08 22:17

Sounds can be okay if done right and fits the character. Don't like it if they are too sparse or badly ripped from porn movies. Loud porn moaning is definitely a turn off for me, even more so if the character is supposed to be shy.

Music I almost always turn off if the option is there, most of the time it is a short loop that gets annoying really quick.
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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby fatquack » Sat, 16Jan09 21:09

I prefer no sound, but if there is sound, please provide an option to switch it off.
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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby pipboy » Sun, 16Jan10 00:37

Anybody who doesn't like the sounds could turn the volume down. But someone who likes sounds can't create sounds if they don't exist in the game :) If it's not a time-consumer thing to implement for you, I'm a fan of you adding sounds. They were pretty succesful in Dreaming with Elsa , adding to the reality and only being at the necessary scenes.
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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby Super » Sun, 16Jan10 01:34

I usually just turn the sound on my computer off anyway

Even when I just watch regular porn.

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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby Jiimbojones » Sun, 16Jan10 03:37

I would say don't waste time on sounds as I have the speakers on mute 95% of the time, but I do enjoy them occasionally.

If they are there, please include a way to mute the sounds in the game in case so that it's possible to play the game while having audio playing in the background.

Can't wait either way.
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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby gustaveglans » Sun, 16Jan10 10:44

for me it's the same as for others here: sometimes I enjoy sound effects, but mostly I switch sound off - or listen to other stuff.

The reason is that most games use sound effects which are boring and annoying after some time of repetition. I remember one game though (can't recall the name) where the author had recorded erotic dialogue with some of his friends. As these girls and guys had really erotic voices this added something to the game.

So I think there is a wide field of improvement for sound effects on erotic games, but it is a complicated thing to do it right
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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby tlaero » Sun, 16Jan10 23:34

Thank you for all of the discussion and feedback on this. Pretty much from the start, the consistent message has been that "70% of my players wouldn't mind if I skipped doing sounds on my next game."

In actual fact, doing the sounds in these games is, by far, my least favorite task. Doing the art would be my least favorite part, but I've got Mortze for that. (-: So, I'm going to stop doing them. The next game will be silent.

That said, if I could offload the sounds to someone else, I'd consider adding them back in. If there is a woman, or a male/female couple, with a great erotic voice who wants to work for free to produce sounds for these games, PM me and we'll discuss it. Every once in a while I hear from people who play my games with their significant others. Maybe they'd like to be a part of the games. Let me know.

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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby Mortze » Sun, 16Jan10 23:38

tlaero wrote:That said, if I could offload the sounds to someone else, I'd consider adding them back in. If there is a woman, or a male/female couple, with a great erotic voice who wants to work for free to produce sounds for these games, PM me and we'll discuss it. Every once in a while I hear from people who play my games with their significant others. Maybe they'd like to be a part of the games. Let me know.

Whoo, great idea!!
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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby wildride » Mon, 16Jan11 16:10

Im among the majority, I can live without sound mostly, unless Im trying for immersion I play games with sound off. Usually with erotic games its off unless there is some very good spoken dialogue to go with it. Unfortunately its hard to obtain the level of audio to be of a benefit and bad audio is a real damper on it. IMO spoken dialogue is far more important than "ohh yes" which often sounds far better in my head with silence from my speakers than hearing someone faking it for a sex scene in a game.
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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby yahoo » Tue, 16Feb09 13:01

I have yet to see a Visual Novel where sound is used well and adds to the game. I turn off sound for that precise reason. Oh and that I haven't really seen it executed well.
From the technical side, it's a pain to code, especially in HTML and the game usually ends up with precisely what was mentioned -- a moan here or there, maybe some laughter, which comes out more creepy and annoying that genuinely realistic.
What I would imagine good sound would be is if it added actual immersion to the game and made sense in the game context. We learn a lot about the world around us from purely aural cues -- like howling in the window frames and tree leaves rustling outside my window tell me it's a windy day. Or the sound of dogs barking tells me somebody walked through the street. Or I hear a car stop by my house while I'm expecting a delivery. You catch my drift.
What would really be needed is a different approach to games. At the moment, it's show, don't tell, unless you can't show or unless it can be easily missed. What would be a better approach would be: show, play and don't tell.
Imagine a game that starts like this: all you get is a black screen and hear the alarm clock. Then you hear wind howling and simultaneously slowly open your eyes, realize what time it is (quick frame of the time, say it's 7 am), running off to the bathroom, just pressing the snooze button. At the same time, the player character is heard muttering: "Dammit, I'm almost late, I've got to be there at 8 o'clock." While in the bathroom, you wash quickly, run off to the kitchen and hear the alarm go off again. You again hear yourself muttering: "Crap, it's already ten past and it usually takes 40 minutes to drive there."
At the same time, the alarm is still going, you can hear the wind again (while in the bathroom, the sound was drowned out by the water running and then muffled by the towel), you catch a glimpse of the outside where it's grayish and the calendar still shows a Sunday (presumably the day before, clearly marked as being in January).
At that moment you realize that you have just 10 minutes to spare before having to leave. You get dressed quickly (game asks you to make a decision what to wear without telling you what the weather will be, you need to decide based on the cues that you got so far), grab the phone (no time to check the weather, no cheating ;-) ), put your shoes and coat on, (grab the umbrella?) and run to the car, start it (optionally: and hear it sputter and die, but let's suppose it doesn't).
You hear the motor running through the whole trip, the radio comes on and there you have another cue: what music does the character listen to which could later come back as: "I know she likes the same music that I do, so I ask her out to:...", and yes, why not, country & western could be one of the choices ;-)
That's where sound makes sense: adding ambiance and giving certain clues, but none of which are conveyed by other means. The obvious problem with this approach is that this makes the game impossible to play without sound or by the deaf, but if you add sound to the game, it can't just come in (semi-) random moments, it needs to be there all the time, whether it's the news on the radio, sound motor running, office hum, sounds of a restaurant or a concert -- it only makes sense if the sound is there all the time. If it appears once in a while, it doesn't work -- you can't provide clues through it (since many people will just turn it off and miss it), you can easily startle someone, and the novelty quickly wears off.
Last edited by yahoo on Mon, 16Mar21 12:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby Frank » Sun, 16Feb28 23:51

Sound can help immersion if done very well. Otherwise is hinders immersion.

Without sound there's nothing to interfere with immersion. In books (both illustrated and otherwise), where there is no sound, the story (and art) is king (and queen).
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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby yahoo » Tue, 16Mar01 16:44

I realized one more thing: In most Visual Novels (VNs or VN games), you need to click to advance. What happens to sound at that point? It usually cuts off, or gets looped. Unless it's background music, looping the whole sound loop completely breaks up immersion. If you introduce sound, you need to introduce film-like animation and artificially limit player choices for the story to flow.
Imagine what would happen if you watched a movie and you needed to hit play every couple of seconds. Or juggle disks -- think 15-second segments per Compact Disc (an old medium on which music, games and short or badly compressed movies were distributed before Internet, held ca. 700 MB on a plastic platter 12 cm in diameter). It doesn't work well with animation, it doesn't work well with sound. Oh, and it's also the reason why we all hate commercial breaks during movies.
Last edited by yahoo on Mon, 16Mar21 12:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby lath » Sun, 16Mar20 23:30

Sound is pointless. Too much work to set them up and not enough people to make use of them.
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Re: To sound, or not to sound, that is the question

Postby Stormy » Sun, 16Mar20 23:45

I prefer music. [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
different music depend on the scene ,the context and the mood of the characters. you can check Princess Trainer made by Akabur. It doesn't have a good plot ,but rest of the things are perfect.
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