Dreaming with Elsa (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Sun, 15Jul05 19:51

anggus wrote:Will this other girl (first girl from the left) be in any next projects? She looks amazing!

Alas, no. That's the writer. She's spoken for... (-:

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Sun, 15Jul05 20:17

Thanks for the bug report, lagoonfish.

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby geometricowl » Sun, 15Jul05 22:33

My English is so poor that I'm not able to describe properly my feelings about the game.
Anyway ,in brief, the game is a little bit easier than the Christine/Keeley/Keisha saga , but the idea of dreamdating is awesome.
And the new author seems to be the equal of Phreaky.
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Mon, 15Jul06 00:31

I'm curious about the difficulty. Many of you have said that DwE is easier than the previous games. Can anyone speak to what makes it easier? Is it that you're used to my games and you know in general how things work? Is it that with 4 saves, a score, and a per section max score you can easily do a section over and over again until you get the max score? Is it that the percentage correct you need to be is lower than previous games? Something else?

Since I know how everything works, it's really difficult to figure out what's hard and what isn't. Any conversation on the subject would be helpful.

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby anggus » Mon, 15Jul06 00:50

tlaero wrote:
anggus wrote:Will this other girl (first girl from the left) be in any next projects? She looks amazing!

Alas, no. That's the writer. She's spoken for... (-:


Fair enough! [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

tlaero wrote:I'm curious about the difficulty. Many of you have said that DwE is easier than the previous games. Can anyone speak to what makes it easier? Is it that you're used to my games and you know in general how things work? Is it that with 4 saves, a score, and a per section max score you can easily do a section over and over again until you get the max score? Is it that the percentage correct you need to be is lower than previous games? Something else?

Since I know how everything works, it's really difficult to figure out what's hard and what isn't. Any conversation on the subject would be helpful.


I can't speak for others, but for me it seemed pretty easy insofar as if you knew which "route" you wanted, it was pretty intuitive what decisions to make. I don't think this was a bad thing as it had better flow than I've seen in previous similar games where the decisions seem to be a bit more arbitrary. One way to possibly make it more difficult in the future, if that's your goal, would probably be having more choices be dependent on where you click on the image versus dialogue options. Overall though, I think the lack of 'difficulty' is more a testament to the cohesive writing put into this!
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby narcissus » Mon, 15Jul06 00:55

tlaero wrote:I'm curious about the difficulty. Many of you have said that DwE is easier than the previous games. Can anyone speak to what makes it easier? Is it that you're used to my games and you know in general how things work? Is it that with 4 saves, a score, and a per section max score you can easily do a section over and over again until you get the max score? Is it that the percentage correct you need to be is lower than previous games? Something else?

Since I know how everything works, it's really difficult to figure out what's hard and what isn't. Any conversation on the subject would be helpful.


For me, once I failed and figured out you had to be "good or bad", the dialouge options were a bit too easy to figure out. That said, I absolutely love the game.
Amazing work from both of you. :)
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby Super » Mon, 15Jul06 01:05

I always knew which path was the romantic path and which one was the badboy path. There as always a Romantic option, a badboy option and a neutral option. You just choose which path you'll follow at the beginning and select all those answers

Kinda like Mass Effect'' paragon and renegade options. They originally meant for people to pick and choose which choices, and for the renegade and paragon end game decisions like convincing Saren to kill himself to be a bonus feature. However, when given the choice between two obvious separate paths, be it paragon and renegade or romantic and badboy, you gravitate toward one of those options and pick all choices in that category. Therefore, since almost all choices are on the bottom of the screen with almost color coded choices, it's easy to pick which choice you want for that game. Of course, early on I had problems with stuff that was on screen, but late game I founding had enough points to not really need them (mixed with my tendency to press tab on each screen in these games)

It's a great story, but the game choices are a bit too colored coded to be perfectly bonest

Then again, didn't get any achievements beyond difficulty and romantic, so that's probably where the challenge lies
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby Jiimbojones » Mon, 15Jul06 01:17

One play done and just popped in to say awesome work, as always.
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby ozguy » Mon, 15Jul06 01:20

I must say this is one of the most engaging adult games I have ever played. They story is great (though the b / w choices were a bit too obvious most of the time). The graphics were sensational. Can't wait to see more from the artist. Congratulations to both of you, you really made my weekend.
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby Köpi » Mon, 15Jul06 03:34

Hey Tlaero,

I don't think this game is easier. People got used to the gameplay so I think with a little experience and by using "Tab" its not difficult to find the right choices. Of course you could reduce the save slots, but this wouldn't make the game harder, it would just increase the time to beat it. And I prefer to don't play the beginning again and again and again... Another option would be to hide the score board, but I like to know the max. score in every part and how I'm doing.

I think you could improve the gameplay and difficulty a lot, if you would try harder to fool the players. Like in this game, when I din't get the point directly after my choice, but one click after. Maybe you could link two following choices, that the player has to choose multiple times right to get one point. Or another possibility could be, that you can get more points in general, if you proceed in the dialogue, for example:

Answer A (+2 Points) -> Answer A (0 Points), Answer B (-1 Points), Answer C (0 Points)
Answer B (-1 Points) -> doesn't matter
Answer C (+1 Points) -> Answer A (+2 Points), Answer B (-1 Points), Answer C (0 Points)

I hope you get my point, I think this would be a great way to raise the difficulty without worsen the gameplay.

In general, I think that the answers for the romantic and sexual way were a little obvious, but I still didn't get the confusing way right, but I didn't give it many trys.

Again, thank you for the awesome game. I hope you understood and like some of my ideas ;)
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby jipp » Mon, 15Jul06 03:40

tlaero wrote:I'm curious about the difficulty. Many of you have said that DwE is easier than the previous games. Can anyone speak to what makes it easier?

I've played through the game only once so far, but in my opinion it felt a bit easy because the dialogue was realistic for my chosen path (romantic). It was never too hard to figure out the best option from the alternatives. The points I initially missed came from stuff like failing to grab her hand etc... This combined with the ability to save the game made it pretty easy to get the max score.

Now, this isn't a bad thing in my opinion. I prefer it to be this way instead of having ridiculous conversation options where you have no idea why the character you're talking to reacted the way he/she did. And please, never take away the possibility to easily save/restore the game.
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby Sartain » Mon, 15Jul06 04:45

Köpi wrote:Hey Tlaero,

I don't think this game is easier. People got used to the gameplay so I think with a little experience and by using "Tab" its not difficult to find the right choices. Of course you could reduce the save slots, but this wouldn't make the game harder, it would just increase the time to beat it. And I prefer to don't play the beginning again and again and again... Another option would be to hide the score board, but I like to know the max. score in every part and how I'm doing.

I think you could improve the gameplay and difficulty a lot, if you would try harder to fool the players. Like in this game, when I din't get the point directly after my choice, but one click after. Maybe you could link two following choices, that the player has to choose multiple times right to get one point. Or another possibility could be, that you can get more points in general, if you proceed in the dialogue, for example:

Answer A (+2 Points) -> Answer A (0 Points), Answer B (-1 Points), Answer C (0 Points)
Answer B (-1 Points) -> doesn't matter
Answer C (+1 Points) -> Answer A (+2 Points), Answer B (-1 Points), Answer C (0 Points)

I hope you get my point, I think this would be a great way to raise the difficulty without worsen the gameplay.

In general, I think that the answers for the romantic and sexual way were a little obvious, but I still didn't get the confusing way right, but I didn't give it many trys.

Again, thank you for the awesome game. I hope you understood and like some of my ideas ;)

Personally, I think your suggestion is horrible. At least, it would certainly not be to my tastes. I guess I'm leaning towards "clicking for naked pics" school of playing [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby ltpika » Mon, 15Jul06 04:51

I actually thought it struck the perfect balance between difficulty for a game where the meat is the narrative.
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby TeineWolf » Mon, 15Jul06 05:56

tlaero wrote:I'm curious about the difficulty. Many of you have said that DwE is easier than the previous games. Can anyone speak to what makes it easier? Is it that you're used to my games and you know in general how things work? Is it that with 4 saves, a score, and a per section max score you can easily do a section over and over again until you get the max score? Is it that the percentage correct you need to be is lower than previous games? Something else?

Since I know how everything works, it's really difficult to figure out what's hard and what isn't. Any conversation on the subject would be helpful.


It;s the style of the writing. In CwK you could start to figure out, what to say for the good guy path, and the bad guy path. So you guess, if you want to be the good guy, you say the good things. I don''t know if this will make sense or not. But the character, making the decisions, might need a quirk that's different for each path. And that quirk might make the character say, or do, other things that are opposite to his seeming nature.

The nice character, wants to go to the beach.
The naughty character, wants to go the park.
The nice character, has a naughty fetish
The naughty character, has a tame fetish.

Don't get me wrong the writing is great. But the player of game, might become more challenged. If the character they are playing, isn't so linear.
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby sharksfan » Mon, 15Jul06 06:12

Another amazing game by Tlaero. Thank you so much to you and Mortze for an outstanding game. The visuals and storyline were immaculate. I can only home that you guys can produce many more of these games in the future! Congrats!! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]
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