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Re: The Lunatics Are Taking Over The Asylum!

Postby Xyzzy987 » Wed, 16Jun29 19:28

Mimailia wrote:Funny! Quite honestly, the only reason I know what "Hobi" is, is because as we were unloading, a guy walks up and says "Woah, nice Hobi." You would have thought the guy called his mother a whore. His boat was a Nacra 5.8, and (in his mind?) was better than a hobi.

Kind of difficult to confuse a Hobie Cat with a Nacra if you look at the two boats. Maybe the guy just thought all racing catamarans are Hobies. Like how I call all facial tissues kleenex. Although, the Hobie 18 looks a lot more like a Nacra than the 16.

I've never been on a Nacra, but they are very cool looking boats. And my hat's off to you, Mimailia, for getting out on the trapeze rig your first time out. Scary as hell, but a huge adrenaline rush.
Mimailia wrote:He also learned to sail on Chesapeake Bay (Baltimore area) Xyzzy987.


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Re: General Chat

Postby Greebo » Thu, 16Jun30 14:43

Rikwar wrote:Theres a petiton for a re-do for those who belong to the U.K, the first time I ckecked there was over one million that signed up, as of today theres more than 4 million, I'm thinking quite a few fucked up not thinking before voting [img]smile/eek.gif[/img]

I know, I signed when it was at around 500,000 but I wouldn't be surprised if the government manages to weasel out of a proper parliamentary debate despite the fact that 4,000,000 signatures is about 8.5% of the total electorate -- an astounding number for such petitions, in fact over twice as many as any previous parliamentary petition! So far the Petitions Committee has had this to say:

"The Committee has decided to defer its decision on this petition until the Government Digital Service has done all it can to verify the signatures on the petition. We have already had to remove 77,000 fraudulent signatures. The Committee wishes to make clear that, although it may choose to schedule a debate on this petition in due course, it only has the power to schedule debates in Westminster Hall – the second debating chamber of the House of Commons. Debates in Westminster Hall do not have the power to change the law, and could not trigger a second referendum."

I don't know for sure, but I suspect that our beloved Prime Minister, David Cameron, devised the stupid referendum to inflate his own ego, thinking that there would be an easy win for the Remain side, just as he connived with LibDem leader, Nick Clegg, five years ago to hold a referendum to shut down voters desires for proportional representation by offering a PR system that no one in their right mind would want -- it worked that time to foul up the will of the people, but this time the Brexit campaign popped his ego balloon, so now he's decided to throw all of his toys out of the pram and resign whilst insisting that a straight majority for "Leave" is sufficient, even in the face of the actual majority being puny.

I've looked at The European Referendum Act 2015 and nowhere have I found any reference either to it being intended to be decisive, or any stipulation that a simple majority was to be a decider. Other important issues have legislated voting requirements that are much more stringent -- for example, a Trade Union can not call a strike without 40% of the full membership voting for it, and calling for an immediate General Election requires the votes of over 2/3rds of all MPs.

The actual Leave vote was 37.44% of the total electorate -- not enough to allow a strike and definitely not enough to trigger a General Election. Add to that the fact that the Brexit campaigners have since admitted to not meaning the creative "facts" that they headlined during the hustings means that all our voting slips would be better employed making toilet tissue!
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Re: General Chat

Postby muttdoggy » Fri, 16Jul01 01:10

Wasnt there a lot of searches of "what is the eu?" and "what is brexit?" AFTER the brexit vote? Why can't they do that BEFORE voting? :??:
Reminds me of some Americans who like to sit on a well-worn couch wearing stained shirts and holding a beer in one hand while screaming in agreement at everything they see on Fox News or whatever Donald Trump says. If you try telling them what's really going on, you'll get a nasty reply along with fried chicken splatter. Funny thing is, when other news outlets are cautioning against certain things they like to do or believe, they go on rant about "stupid libtards", "killary", and "obummer". Trying to help them make up their own minds is like hitting a rock with a glass hammer. It isn't going to work. AT ALL. [img]images/icones/icon9.gif[/img]
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Re: General Chat

Postby Rikwar » Fri, 16Jul01 11:15

As the European Union prepares to put a squeeze on the U.K. and everyone else tries to wade through a Brexit's ultimate consequences, there is the looming possibility that it may not happen at all.

The referendum was not legally binding, and no EU member state can force the U.K. to initiate Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty — the critical first step to formally initiate the divorce.

Once notice of Article 50 is given, there's a two-year window to negotiate the terms of the U.K.'s exit.

I don't what the future holds Greebo but I do hope that the U.K's Committee gets there senses back !
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Sun, 16Jul03 05:19

Well done to the people in the UK, for giving the elite snobs in Brussels the bird.

I mean none of those in Brussels were elected into their roles and are therefor they are answerable to no one at all, therefor they do not care one bit about the UK only to look at it as a cash cow to make them richer.

They have the nerve then to tell the UK supreme court what it can and cannot do, and they do the same to every other country in the EU also, right down to dictating to each country what they will do and wont do and how they will treat their respective peoples, who the f*ck do these rich twats think they are?.

All the scare tactics used in the campaign failed and now with the exit having happened the UK gets to actually enforce its own laws again and UK company's get back everything they lost to the EU.

The ball of exits is beginning to roll now, sooner the better more countries in Europe get out of the EU the better.

Well done UK, we had the Arab Spring, now we have the UK spring, going to be fun to watch the EU topple, it wont be missed at all.
Last edited by PinkVendeta on Sun, 16Jul03 19:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Mortze » Sun, 16Jul03 11:40

“May it be a light to you in dark places when all other lights go out.” Galadriel
I can’t stand still and watch people express their opinion without seriously and consciouncly thinking them first. The thought that the UK won liberty is utterly wrong. How can someone say that the UK lost any rights to the EU? How can someone say that the UK has now total control on immigration and it is best for their economy and how can the Brexit situation be compared to the Arab Spring?

Let me enlight those who think that way that:

1/ The UK freely decided to adhere to the CEE (former EU) in 1973. The consequences of such entry, to the UK knowledge, would be a limitation to economic rights mostly. The UK has always had the freedom to adhere or not to more limitations to its rights. That’s why nobody opposed to its refusal to adopt the Euro and to be part of the Schengen Area. Any limitation to further rights was, in consequence, always with the agreement of the UK (or its representatives). If anyone is responsible for misleading Britain citizens it should be their own politicians and parliament representatives, not the “rich snobs” in Brussels. Lastly, those “rich snobs” in Brussels don’t take any pleasure in making Britain citizens miserable. As per European principle, any restrictive law to a country’s sovereignty is to be applied to any EU member, with no exception. Those decisions are made by either the European parliament or the European Council, the “rich snobs” as mentioned, and I guarantee that there are Britain representatives amongst that elite.

2/ It’s been proven that the argumentation by right-wing Brexit defenders to be flawed, if not erroneous. The UK receives more money from the EU than what it gives to Europe. The closing of the borders will imply great expenses for access to the European market for the UK. The UK needs services and goods that it doesn’t have, from Europe. The inverse isn’t true, the UK doesn’t have any monopoly on any services or goods in need for Europe. Closing the borders will limit the entry of immigration to the UK, but Brexit will imply that any UK citizen in Europe will automatically be called an immigrant and has to meet any non-EU immigrant obligations, either workers or abroad students; meaning there will be a massive return of UK citizens to the UK. The jobs free by immigrants will be filled by returning UK citizens.

3/ The Arab Spring was, in its more pure essence, a movement against dictatorship. Of course, the reality is that the revolts movements were motivated by right-wing, or extremist if you prefer, influences. Dictatorship in Lybia and Irak was wrong, of course, but Khadafi and Sadam did control any extremism movements. With them removed, the extremists got lose and we have seen a huge increased of bigotry, hate, and violence, that fueled terrorists groups and self-proclaimed nations. The Arab Spring has nothing to do with Brexit.
But we have seen the same motivations inspire Brexit; bigotry, hate, ignorance. The main argumentations of Brexit defenders are “Out with immigrants” instead of other more acceptable reasons.

4/ Let me remind you that Schuman European project was one motivated by peace. Out of the ashes from WWII came the idea of unifying European countries instead of separating them, with what motivates war in the first place; money. So the CEE was born with the Benelux and was quickly engrossed by new adherents such as France, Italy, West Germany, etc. Europe was a powder keg since forever, but the CEE, and the UE after a few years, erased any idea of European war ground. We have assisted to the birth of a European citizenship idea, which bore fruits. The fundamental rights and civil liberties that are the bastion of the UE are shared by all its members. UK is more akin to Germany or Greece regarding those rights and liberties than with the EUA.
I’m not saying the peace agreement will be weakened by UK’s exit. Like I said, there is more that binds us together than what separates us. But as I mentioned, it will weaken UK, not fortify it.
Pope Francis said we should build bridges, not walls. Indeed, we should stand together, stand united. UK doesn’t have more immigration problem than the other EU countries. It has less, conditioned by its geographical reality. France has more, Germany has more, Belgium, Italy. But those countries deal with it. More or less humanly, they deal with it, without putting the fault on the EU. It’s a reality every country must accept. Instead of hate and bigotry, we should be humbled and honored that someone considers your country and culture as a place to get a better life for himself and its family. It tells you that your country and your culture are admired and cherished. Of course there are people that abuses your hospitality, but aren’t there Britains, French, Germans, Americans, Chinese, whatever, that abuse everything and everyone too? Isn’t the financial system that hinters us all also the responsibility of some Britain citizens?

The point is, negative opinions, like hate, bigotry, ignorance, are a sign of weakness to anyone who speaks them. The strong of mind and the cultivated tend to think positively and embrace the difference. United we stay strong.

So please, do think before you talk your mind. I’m not against any expression of opinion. I’m against uninformed opinion. Uninformed by laziness. Internet, or just a library, are at your reach. Get informed. And speak your mind.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Xyzzy987 » Wed, 16Jul06 20:40

PinkVendeta wrote:Well done to the people in the UK, for giving the elite snobs in Brussels the bird.

I mean none of those in Brussels were elected into their roles and are therefor they are answerable to no one at all, therefor they do not care one bit about the UK only to look at it as a cash cow to make them richer.

They have the nerve then to tell the UK supreme court what it can and cannot do, and they do the same to every other country in the EU also, right down to dictating to each country what they will do and wont do and how they will treat their respective peoples, who the f*ck do these rich twats think they are?.

All the scare tactics used in the campaign failed and now with the exit having happened the UK gets to actually enforce its own laws again and UK company's get back everything they lost to the EU.

The ball of exits is beginning to roll now, sooner the better more countries in Europe get out of the EU the better.

Well done UK, we had the Arab Spring, now we have the UK spring, going to be fun to watch the EU topple, it wont be missed at all.


What I am going to say here is in no way intended to put you down or belittle you. I believe that we all learn by understanding the facts and listening to dissenting opinion. As I have said earlier, I don't know a great deal about the EU and how it works, so I genuinely want to hear and read more. I also love the energy and passion you bring to the lagoon. We need more of that here. And, while I think that much of what Mortze said in his post has merit, I think he was perhaps a bit heavy-handed in his dealing with your post. Just my own opinion.

That being said, I have some questions. And please, if anyone reading this sees that I've made a misstatement, feel free to correct me.

When you said "none of those in Brussels were elected" to their positions, my first thought was, then how does one become a leader in the EU? So I did a little research. And I mean very little. I spend about an hour or so, starting with Google, which led me to Wikipedia, the EU website, and one or two others.

For anyone who doesn't know (including me until recently), the European Parliament (the governing body of the EU) is made up of 751 Members, called Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) NO damned shortcuts without explanation!!! . The MEPs are the representatives from the various EU member countries, and they are elected in their own country, by whatever means the member country deems appropriate. So this says to me that if an EU member country decided to elect its MEPs according to who has the prettiest pet dog, then it's their right to do that. The MEPs then elect the executive branch of the EU. There is also the European Council, which is made up of the heads of state of all of the member countries, like the Prime Minister of the UK, the president of France, the Chancellor of Germany, and so on. These people are, presumably, all elected to their posts within their respective countries as well. So on the face of it, your first statement appears to be false. All of the "elite snobs" in Brussels are indeed elected. And because of that, it makes me question the rest of your post.

You said the EU "have the nerve then to tell the UK supreme court what it can and cannot do, and they do the same to every other country in the EU also, right down to dictating to each country what they will do and wont do and how they will treat their respective peoples". Can you cite a specific case where this has happened? A case where the EU has dictated law, or invalidated a law, in a member country?

As I understand it, there is a relationship between the UK Supreme Court and both the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). The ECtHR rules on violations of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). I know, the acronyms are getting a bit confusing. And I work in the computer industry! The ECHR is accepted by each member country. I don't think you were trying to say that there should be no recourse for human rights violations.

The CJEU is concerned with application and interpretation of EU law, in cooperation with the national judiciary of each member country, such as the UK Supreme Court (UKSC). The UKSC and the CJEU websites both state that this is mostly related to trade, and mostly encompasses requests for preliminary rulings from the CJEU when there is a case before the UKSC involving EU law. When a question about EU law comes up in a case like this, the UKSC can request an interpretation of the EU law from the CJEU before the UKSC renders its decision. The UKSC site states, though, that when the CJEU issues its ruling, there is no legal obligation for the UK to change or repeal its related law. The UKSC can also send rulings back to the CJEU for further consideration. The UKSC website cites a few cases where this has happened, and in some cases the CJEU has revised its interpretation of the appropriate EU law.

So what specific laws have the UK been prevented from enforcing due to its membership in the EU? And what, specifically, have UK companies lost to the EU that they are now presumably going to get back? And which other EU member countries have begun proceedings to leave to EU?

Again, Hannah, I am not trying to berate or belittle you. I am merely asking what facts you have to back up your statements.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Blue » Thu, 16Jul07 16:17

Today is hevy rainy.
But I have good mood and I'm waiting for tomorrow.
The fact that tomorrow my son Will be 6 years old. Today I spent the whole day preparing - bought sweets for his friends, agreed with a kindergarten teacher ... and build his new bike !!!


This proved to be quite difficult. Instruction was text only - no images. But I did it. At the second attempt.


I have an idea - wake up early and roll-assembled bike to the center of the room.
So when my son woke up the first thing he sees is a new bike!

And how as you pleases your loved ones birthday?
May be i can take any ideas for my situation?

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Re: General Chat

Postby muttdoggy » Thu, 16Jul07 23:38

I surprised my girlfriend on her birthday. She thought we were visiting my mom to drop off some breadsticks I'd baked for my mom. I told her to leave the breadsticks alone since she tried stealing them as I was packing it so I told her I had plans for her later on. We get to my mom's and after we got inside, she saw her favorite pizza on the counter next to some supplies for her hobbies and we all yelled "happy birthday!" as I gave her a breadstick. She started munching on it and was floating around the place with a smile on her face. :lol:
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Re: General Chat

Postby Mortze » Fri, 16Jul08 18:17


That's the kind of reaction and expression that I was aiming at with my post. Heavy-handed or not, people should be responsible for what they say.

And you did a good example. You didn't know much about a subject and before expressing your opinion you did your research. And you're asking for other people to support their expression with facts, instead of pure speculation or simple demagogy.

I'm no one to dictate how a British should walk his path, in or out the UE. Their conuntry, their lifes.
You demonstrated that anyone can listen to anyone's opinion and then go look for facts and information to back or dispel those opinions and make a sound conclusion for yourself. Either you back UK exit or not isn't important for me. The important is that you made a responsible choice. And you can only make a responsible choice if you know what you do.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Xyzzy987 » Sat, 16Jul09 00:32

Mortze wrote:Xyzzy987,

That's the kind of reaction and expression that I was aiming at with my post. Heavy-handed or not, people should be responsible for what they say.

And you did a good example. You didn't know much about a subject and before expressing your opinion you did your research. And you're asking for other people to support their expression with facts, instead of pure speculation or simple demagogy.

I'm no one to dictate how a British should walk his path, in or out the UE. Their conuntry, their lifes.
You demonstrated that anyone can listen to anyone's opinion and then go look for facts and information to back or dispel those opinions and make a sound conclusion for yourself. Either you back UK exit or not isn't important for me. The important is that you made a responsible choice. And you can only make a responsible choice if you know what you do.

Thank you Mortze. I appreciate your comments, and I believe we are in agreement here.
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Re: General Chat

Postby muttdoggy » Sat, 16Jul09 03:21

A friend recently visited and one thing I was told was stuff that was regurgitated off some "expert" on YouTube. Of all the places in the world to learn from, YouTube has got to be on the very bottom of the list!!! Anyways, I responded by asking "how do you know this as fact?". She proceeded to show me the page and then gesture at it like saying "there's your proof!" I carefully read the page and listened to the inane drivel claiming pot is now being sold in canada. Opened another tab... typed in Snopes. Navigated to where it debunked the claim that Tim Hortons was going to sell marijuana... [img]images/icones/icon18.gif[/img]
I said "It's best to check out any information you see and hear like I've asked you to do. My point is simple.. if you have an opinion or a fact to tell, be prepared to back it up!"
Had to edit to clarify the issue. I think it's strange that people jump to conclusions and then preach like they know it all. They use social media and conduct themselves as if they are the prophet of god. Many of their salivating viewers don't even check out the message and then they viciously attack those who post rebuttals. [img]images/icones/icon12.gif[/img]
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greyelf » Sat, 16Jul09 11:29

muttdoggy wrote:YouTube has got to be on the very bottom of the list!!!

I personally would place Facebook and Twitter equally last with YouTube on the list! *smile*
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Re: General Chat

Postby Xyzzy987 » Sat, 16Jul09 21:21

muttdoggy wrote:... typed in Snopes. Navigated to where it debunked the claim that Tim Hortons was going to sell marijuana...

I cannot count the number of times I have said to people "Snopes is your friend!"
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Re: General Chat

Postby Blue » Sun, 16Jul10 08:03

muttdoggy wrote:I surprised my girlfriend on her birthday. She thought we were visiting my mom to drop off some breadsticks I'd baked for my mom. I told her to leave the breadsticks alone since she tried stealing them as I was packing it so I told her I had plans for her later on. We get to my mom's and after we got inside, she saw her favorite pizza on the counter next to some supplies for her hobbies and we all yelled "happy birthday!" as I gave her a breadstick. She started munching on it and was floating around the place with a smile on her face. :lol:

That's funny)
Сool to see this moment of shock and surprise turns into joy and delight on the face of loved ones)

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