Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby Dasati » Sat, 16Jun04 12:31

knight240991 wrote:I always get ending no. 8. Any help?

You can either buy a round in the Tavern or pay the guy whose stood next to Fick (forget his name) to reduce the number of enemies.
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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby knight240991 » Sat, 16Jun04 20:09

at first thanks for the help. u guys are awesome!

second I have trouble with this:
When I was "making out" with the priestess, there was the option to use some kind of jewel. Where can I get this? Is that the only way to make her fall in love with me?
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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby Dasati » Sun, 16Jun05 00:10

knight240991 wrote:at first thanks for the help. u guys are awesome!

second I have trouble with this:
When I was "making out" with the priestess, there was the option to use some kind of jewel. Where can I get this? Is that the only way to make her fall in love with me?

You need I think its 85 thieving and will find it inside the queen's chambers and yes only way to make priestess love you.
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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby knight240991 » Sun, 16Jun05 03:27

thanks again. hope you guys can help me one more time.

which dialogue option makes the priestess fall in love with? keep silent or tell her? and then, what do I need to do for the orgy?
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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby Dasati » Sun, 16Jun05 17:03

knight240991 wrote:thanks again. hope you guys can help me one more time.

which dialogue option makes the priestess fall in love with? keep silent or tell her? and then, what do I need to do for the orgy?

Not sure if keeping quiet makes her fall for you because I always clicked tell her the truth, I know telling her makes her fall for you.
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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby NickNKVD » Thu, 16Sep08 14:02

iksanabot wrote:Hey guys,
Thanks, yes, I've read some good ideas here and on the blog. I have lots of my own too, and so does Leo, so we won't be lacking material for the expansion. [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]

It could take me anywhere from only six weeks, to as long as four months to write the script though, and the the rendering, coding and play testing adds months as well, so please be prepared to wait.

I don't want to spoil any surprises, but I will say that there IS going to be a fourth girl. She was actually planned from the start of the script (and partly written) but the first script was taking so long to write and was already so large that I cut her out in the end. But now we will add her, and don't worry, her story is integral to the plot (I'm glad you guys appreciate that all the girls are central to one main plot - that was one of my primary goals for this game).

The fourth girl is a sorceress, and she is after power, any way that she can get it.

StT is my favorite LOP games. Any hope for the expansion?
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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby Dasati » Sun, 16Sep11 22:21

Lately its been all systems go with the much anticipated (and demanded) Living with Temptation 2. Once that launches on Tuesday we may get some info on whats coming up next soon after.
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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby iksanabot » Mon, 16Sep12 12:14

NickNKVD wrote:StT is my favorite LOP games. Any hope for the expansion?

Yes, I'm working on it, but it will still be quite a while because I'm not done the script, and when I finally do finish it, the images will take a while, and then the coding... So it's got a long ways to go, sorry. But it IS coming.
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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby NickNKVD » Mon, 16Sep12 15:42

iksanabot wrote:
NickNKVD wrote:StT is my favorite LOP games. Any hope for the expansion?

Yes, I'm working on it, but it will still be quite a while because I'm not done the script, and when I finally do finish it, the images will take a while, and then the coding... So it's got a long ways to go, sorry. But it IS coming.

Thank you for the reply [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
Great news!!! Take all time you need; quality requires it.
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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby ShadowPortalTeam » Tue, 16Sep27 14:43

I really appreciate medieval games, and this game got everything I need, this Queen just outstanding! [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby MickeyMouse1 » Thu, 17Jan05 21:25

I have given up trying to play this game. The time is too short, And no matter how I try to get the desired ending the game kills off the character. Almost as bad as Jacobs Recovery.
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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby iksanabot » Thu, 18Aug02 16:00

Hi everyone,
@MickeyMouse1 - sorry that I never saw this post, I would have tried to help you. The game is definitely a challenge - I just recently played through twice and failed to get one of the good endings both times, even though I'm the one who wrote it (I was focusing on seeing certain scenes that I wanted to develop further in the expansion). I hope you eventually managed to play this game well, but if not, I'm sure you can find good advice here, and I'll check back to see if you post specific questions.

To everyone who likes this game:
I just wanted to check in because I've been working on the STT expansion script, and I am really happy with the new scenes I've written. As I have said before, there is a new girl (a sorceress), but also, there are a bunch of new scenes with the original three girls. I've tried to integrate the lives of the original three girls even more so in this expansion, so they interact several times within the game, not just at the final masquerade. For example, the jealous queen can exact revenge on the the thief if you get caught trying to steal the magic sex mushrooms from the palace gardens...

It's been a lot of fun to write. I've tried to keep the same kind of humor in it, but also to add all the elements that people asked for. There's a new sex scene with the courtesan, new class-specific events that you can only do successfully in you maximize your class-specific stats early, new Easter eggs, and tons more sex, both of the romantic and of the filthy variety :crazy: .

I should finish the script by next week, but of course, after that it could be months or even more than a year before it's released. So, I guess it's not really great news for STT fans, but hopefully it's better news than no news.

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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby alteus » Sun, 19Feb03 18:20

Really good game, gave me a lot of inspiration. Maybe a bit too hard on time constraints though and requires a lot of replay which is a bit tedious.
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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby HeyChief » Mon, 19Feb04 05:26

Thank you for giving the latest update as I was getting worried that you had abandoned the game it is really fund and hard to play (also hard to pap)
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Re: Seducing the Throne (LoP Gold)

Postby PinkVendeta » Mon, 19Feb04 15:04

Good game, cleared it, but, well, it is old news compared to the many many other amazing games out there these days.
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