CIL: Art with Carla v1.6 (ES - EN - FR - IT)

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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby Ministry » Sat, 16May14 18:22

Is the "Tuesday"-bug the only thing you fixed in 1.5?
Or should i download 1.5?
sometimes my posts have been translated using the google translator...
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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby Arizona » Sat, 16May14 19:29

Ministry wrote:Is the "Tuesday"-bug the only thing you fixed in 1.5?
Or should i download 1.5?

Yes, it's the only bug fixed. Stupid copy&paste! [img]images/icones/icon16.gif[/img]
Sorry for my poor English.
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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.3 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby Regardie » Sun, 16May15 04:16

Arizona wrote:
Regardie wrote:Possible bugs in box.js some are style things, some don't reflect the speaker and dialog correctly in my view.

line 1749 and 1750 should be swapped
3207 should be player:carla
3354 should be player:carla
3602, 3603, 3604, 3608, 3611 should be player:think

Once again I have not really looked at the bad endings so the translations might be rougher there.

And he still gets her birthday wrong, I believe her when she says its Tuesday (martes), you know when the boyfriend calls, not Monday (lunes) as the PC (Player Character) says in box.js at line 1130

Yes! Thank you! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

I have fixed some of that (v1.4):

· The lines 1749-1750 seems ok, so I have not changed it.
· 3207: changed!
· 3354 should be player:player, so I have not changed it.
· All the lines from 3602-3611: fixed with the right players.

Also, I have fixed monday to tuesday to the birthday day in all translations.

The reason I thought 1749 and 1750 should be swapped was I thought the dialog flowed better that way. The same characters say the lines, but her reply to his statement seems better to me in the swapped position.

At this point, you might want to upload only changed files for bug fixes and let us replace them ourselves as the fixes are much smaller than the full upload. Or give us the option for both ways.
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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby john milton » Thu, 16May26 21:40

I just wanted to say that i loved your game, Arizona. You made up a great story and it was a pleasure to play it.
Thanks for sharing it, I hope we'll see more from you in the future!

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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby PinkVendeta » Fri, 16May27 00:31


I'm going to play both of your games and will drop a comment on them once done, thanks for sharing your work with us.
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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby Cochise » Sun, 16May29 03:08

I thought it was very good despite the fact that the real action only happens at the very end and there's a LOT of ways to mess up actually getting the ending.
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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby TheGreatJoeGargery » Sun, 16May29 18:27

Is it just me or does anyone else get the impression that Carla is playing the role of "oh, I'm so self conscious and insecure and I'm so inexperienced in sex and my boyfriend has been away for so long. I hope my impressionable student doesn't get the wrong idea and try to pursue me." Throughout the entire game I'm thinking "her boyfriend is in her home town and she's stringing along all her tutoring students for her own gratification".
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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby muttdoggy » Sun, 16May29 19:40

TheGreatJoeGargery wrote:Is it just me or does anyone else get the impression that Carla is playing the role of "oh, I'm so self conscious and insecure and I'm so inexperienced in sex and my boyfriend has been away for so long. I hope my impressionable student doesn't get the wrong idea and try to pursue me." Throughout the entire game I'm thinking "her boyfriend is in her home town and she's stringing along all her tutoring students for her own gratification".

I kinda thought that too. Many of us that are older than mid 20s or so (NOT most! I said MANY! Including some smart teenagers!) have figured out that both sexes can send terribly mixed messages. A girl will have specific feelings and thoughts so she believes that by behaving a certain way, she'll accomplish her goal. But it often gets horribly lost in mis-translation. Let's say she likes a younger guy and decides to set pre-defined boundaries to the relationship. Now she behaves in a way that she thinks will get her point across but due to her inexperience, she doesn't communicate clearly. As a result, the whole thing gets horribly botched and the guy falls for her which complicates things far beyond her original intentions.
I've seen this happen way too many times in real life. [img]images/icones/icon9.gif[/img] :crazy:
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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby mrlusty » Wed, 16Jun01 11:14

I really enjoyed this game! This is, of course, subject to personal preference, but I liked that you kinda keep guessing what's going to happen in the scenes along the way, and that there's a lot of anticipation involved. The chat delay didn't bother me at all, but then again I played this side by side with Google Translate, and also learned some Spanish in the process [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img] The graphics are very nice too. Great job!
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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby Arizona » Thu, 16Jun02 16:29

Thanks a lot to everyone for feedback and opinions, really appreciated!
Sorry for my poor English.
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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby jeff » Sat, 16Jun04 04:44

Is there a way to play this without downloading it because i dont have much room on pc
Last edited by jeff on Sun, 16Jun05 23:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby kus_hliny » Sun, 16Jun05 21:10

Hello Arizona, thanks for a great game! The story, and personality of Carla was so intriguing, that I tried again and again, even though the gameplay was a bit frustrating at times [well, "phone skip" had some issue I cannot reproduce now, so I had to wait through it repeatedly].

Arizona wrote:So, finally I had to remove a lot of little "advances" and situations over this months to resume the game, so I'm not really satisfaced with the first part, because in my opinion all information and situations are important. The point is... Should the game be a ton of text during 7 months and only has sexual content in the last weeks? I don´t think so. Maybe the problem... is that this story is not the best for a game.

Maybe it's just me, but the best visual novels and games with erotic theme are those with longer start, where you get to know all the protagonists really well [or at least you think you do ;)]. And you can also use this part for flirting, building tension, and showing small advances in the relationship and these are the most fun parts of each story - the erotic itself, may it be original and fun [In Carla's story, both is true in my opinion :)] can't be truly immersive, if the player/reader is not attached to the characters. It's not problem of this game, but might be kind of missed opportunity.

What strikes me as a negative of this game is "minefield gameplay". To have almost all choices either good, or game-ending bad is a bit rough to player, and even though we can save, and skip long already played passages, it is breaking the immersion. We players want to try and succeed based on our best knowledge of the characters, not because it is ninth replay, and we remember correct answers :). So maybe bind some score (for example love in this case?), which provides player with means to select wrong answer and still get away with it? In situation you select wrong answer, and Carla loves you enough, she ask if you really mean it [or something like that]. I don't mean "repeat until", but special branches with one to five lines. That would make something like one or two hundred lines more in the box.js, but the players would love it, in my opinion. You are probably too tired by this game to update it, but in case you would be interested, I can try to create some example :)

And here are two bugs I have encountered [version 1.5, Google Chrome, English translation]:
* On line 3125 is quite critical question, that gets skipped in the game [thus resulting in blind minefield gameplay :)], I guess it's result of omission of "player:player" on the options right after that. [After adding it, it does not skip anymore]
* Options on line 2608 both go to the same result, which is kind of strange, given how the conversation continues. And there is no bad end [not that I am complaining, but in the code, there is target for answering in wrong way]

But issues are just a small nitpicks - the game has a great story, and I am very glad I stumbled upon it. Once again thanks for it, and I am looking forward to your next game! :)
Last edited by kus_hliny on Sun, 16Jun05 23:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby letouriste44 » Sun, 16Jun05 22:17

thanks arizona for this second game, the first was cool, this one a bit longer but nice anyway [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby Regardie » Mon, 16Jun06 19:08

I have noticed two things about the phone skip feature that might be a little helpful. First, you must wait until a line has finished displaying before clicking the phone skip, otherwise bad things can happen like the game locking up. Second, the choice is not persistent, you need to select it every new phone conversation.

Pay attention to those two things and the feature works as it should as far as I can tell.
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Re: CIL: Art with Carla v1.5 (ES - EN - FR)

Postby kus_hliny » Mon, 16Jun06 19:58

Regardie wrote:I have noticed two things about the phone skip feature that might be a little helpful. First, you must wait until a line has finished displaying before clicking the phone skip, otherwise bad things can happen like the game locking up. Second, the choice is not persistent, you need to select it every new phone conversation.

Pay attention to those two things and the feature works as it should as far as I can tell.

Yes, the first issue is probably the thing I have experienced - lockup during multi-line phone monologue when only first line appeared.
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