Get Me Pregnant

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Re: Get Me Pregnant

Postby iksanabot » Sat, 16May28 21:36

tlaero wrote:Iksanabot, I think you should hold your head up high. Being able to get some story into a game where the pictures are already rendered is a win. And, most importantly, that you wanted to put the story into a short game like this is extremely telling. Most people would have just written some throwaway dialog and called it a day. I understand the disappointment of working hard on something only to have it not be received well though. The feedback is generally on par. Not very much happens in the game, and it's really short. But that doesn't change the fact that you're a great writer and did good work here.


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Re: Get Me Pregnant

Postby iksanabot » Sat, 16May28 21:48

PinkVendeta wrote:I played this game beginning to end, as always both general scene artwork and artwork on girls and guys was great, story was ok, but like others have said, when I started it, it felt like I began the game in the middle somewhere and before I knew it, the game was finished, very short.

The game consisted of 5 sex animations when I got it, plus a few one-off images. But when people say that there was no story, I get confused. I mean, did you just always skip the introduction? The story was about a woman obsessed with getting pregnant, and a man who had loved her since high school willing to do anything to finally have sex with her. I feel like the story was there, but obviously more people agree with you than with me. I take the "no story" criticism to mean there was no build up - something I think Joe said, and others said, and something I can look at now and say, ok, yeah, you are all right about that.

Anyway, whatever, I didn't pull it off, I get it.

Wait, that sounds like I feel sorry for myself. I don't. It was a learning experience, and Leo, and titans like Tlaero and other notables in the Shark community have been very supportive and I thank you all for that. And to those I've disappointed, I tell you I'm trying to learn from that as well and hopefully I will surpass your expectations next time. We'll see.
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Re: Get Me Pregnant

Postby icehaku » Sat, 16May28 22:00

I actually want to say I loved it. I was hoping for a 'happier' ending where the protagonist gets the girl but I loved the dual perspective. I wish we had dual perspective on something like LWT but obviously this is something that is easier to do on smaller games.
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Re: Get Me Pregnant

Postby TheGreatJoeGargery » Sat, 16May28 22:49

iksanabot wrote:But when people say that there was no story, I get confused. I mean, did you just always skip the introduction?

Actually I think you answered your own question right there. Anyone that says there was no story would be giving you unfair criticism. There was defiantly a story there. But there are players who will completely skip intros to games to immediately start playing. Some players have the philosophy of "I'm here to play the game and not watch it play itself" and will skip intros. For them the game starts when they are given control and can start making decisions. I'm not saying this is right or wrong and I'm defiantly not going to tell others how to enjoy the games they play but I need to note that this behavior does exist.

My only recommendation on this point is to avoid exposition dumps at the beginning of games and get the player playing the game as fast as possible. To be honest there are games way more guilty of just dropping narration on the players than this one so I feel bad bringing up this point for this game but c'est la vie. Movies have an unwritten rule of "show, don't tell". That means the movie makers should always be finding ways to show the audience what is happening and not telling them what happens. Games should have a similar unwritten rule of "play, don't show". This gets challenging in games such as this where the story is more important than the gameplay, where the line between this being a virtual novel and a game is kind of blurry.

At the same time players need to understand what they're playing. If it's a free game on playforceone then they should understand that there will be a certain economy in the game design and accept that. This is especially true in a game such as this where the game's writer takes the extra effort to implement an interesting design choice into the game (such as the duel perspective). You definitely got an incredible amount of mileage out of the limited resources you were working with. I don't think anyone can argue that.

Now I better stop before I start sounding like Brian Cox from Adaptation and begin yelling "...and God help you if you use voiceover in your work."
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Re: Get Me Pregnant

Postby PinkVendeta » Sat, 16May28 23:49

iksanabot wrote:
PinkVendeta wrote:I played this game beginning to end, as always both general scene artwork and artwork on girls and guys was great, story was ok, but like others have said, when I started it, it felt like I began the game in the middle somewhere and before I knew it, the game was finished, very short.

The game consisted of 5 sex animations when I got it, plus a few one-off images. But when people say that there was no story, I get confused. I mean, did you just always skip the introduction? The story was about a woman obsessed with getting pregnant, and a man who had loved her since high school willing to do anything to finally have sex with her. I feel like the story was there, but obviously more people agree with you than with me. I take the "no story" criticism to mean there was no build up - something I think Joe said, and others said, and something I can look at now and say, ok, yeah, you are all right about that.

Anyway, whatever, I didn't pull it off, I get it.

Wait, that sounds like I feel sorry for myself. I don't. It was a learning experience, and Leo, and titans like Tlaero and other notables in the Shark community have been very supportive and I thank you all for that. And to those I've disappointed, I tell you I'm trying to learn from that as well and hopefully I will surpass your expectations next time. We'll see.

See, I am one of those people who reads it all, intro/back story, always read it, I want to see how using words you set the mood for the game to come, so I read it all always.

I am not in any way blaming you, you were given a short game to write the story for and you did a good job on writing the story, but the game was in a major way, WAY to short, dont want to offend anyone from LOP, but I felt like the game was a stop gap thrown together as a freebie and popped out really fast and way to short.

Story was ok though, and for me the story carried the game and made up for the lack of play time for such a short game.
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Re: Get Me Pregnant

Postby saolo996 » Sun, 16May29 10:43

Sometimes all you need is to give a read to LopBlog... It helps to set your expectations on the right level.

Leo stated there it was an experiment for visuals, mechanic and story, and that it was a short game!

From LopBlog: "Today we’ve decided to experiment and we released a free short game. It’s format is different from our previous productions – both in terms of used visuals as well as game length and it’s mechanic."

I'm not one of the notables here, but I backed Iksanabot for his work, to me there was (and I wrote it) no reason to explain his work, it was quite obvious.
His writing made the game believable, without it you wouldn't even think you find yourself in the middle of something, you'd probably think about a nonsense game!

Just read what they tell us about games on their blog.
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Re: Get Me Pregnant

Postby TheGreatJoeGargery » Sun, 16May29 15:17

I think the general consensus is that there was nothing wrong with the writing and there is some debate on the length of the game being an issue. What I would like to hear about is the duel perspective that appeared in the game (which also received no complaints) and if there are any plans to use that idea, or a revision of that idea, in future games of greater length. I think that opens up potential new ways of the player to interact with the story.

I'm seeing how this mechanic could be used in a game like Hot Wife Story 2 for example. There are two scenes during that game (which was also quite short for a paid game) where it may have benefited to switch perspective during the game. The first is when the wife flirts with the bouncer to gain entry to the dance club. You could have had the option of switching to the female character at that point and controlling her during that scene or watching as the husband. The second would be when your wife and the wife of the other couple go to the bathroom together, where you could choose to stay as the husband or switch to the wife's perspective. Of course in the final sex scene you could have also had the option to switch perspective to the character you wanted to experience the sex scene with.

What would be interesting is if the game was designed with the ability to play both characters but at the start of the game you have the option of either choosing to be able to switch characters when you want or lock yourself into a single character. If you lock yourself into a character then the game will pick the options that a player would normally get to pick for the main character you aren't playing which would alter the game experience for the player. This could be done randomly or a personality could be assigned to the non played main character at the start of the game, either by the player or by the game. What I find exciting about this is that if the player doesn't know what selections the other character will make then the game will play different each time.
Last edited by TheGreatJoeGargery on Sun, 16May29 16:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Get Me Pregnant

Postby PinkVendeta » Sun, 16May29 16:15

saolo996 wrote:Sometimes all you need is to give a read to LopBlog... It helps to set your expectations on the right level.

Leo stated there it was an experiment for visuals, mechanic and story, and that it was a short game!

From LopBlog: "Today we’ve decided to experiment and we released a free short game. It’s format is different from our previous productions – both in terms of used visuals as well as game length and it’s mechanic."

I'm not one of the notables here, but I backed Iksanabot for his work, to me there was (and I wrote it) no reason to explain his work, it was quite obvious.
His writing made the game believable, without it you wouldn't even think you find yourself in the middle of something, you'd probably think about a nonsense game!

Just read what they tell us about games on their blog.

Well I didnt read their blog, never do, so good call by me in my review :lol:
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Re: Get Me Pregnant

Postby saolo996 » Sun, 16May29 16:46

PinkVendeta wrote:Well I didnt read their blog, never do, so good call by me in my review :lol:

So it's a proof iksanabot really did a great job!
Just in case he needed another one :)
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Re: Get Me Pregnant

Postby iksanabot » Sun, 16May29 19:17

Ok look, I'm embarrassed about my behavior here. I ashamed that I started this thread just basically to whine that GMP didn't get rated highly, and to give excuses about it. I've been acting like a spoiled diva. I appreciate everyone's kind words about this, but please stop. I don't want to be encouraged to behave this way. I'm not going to post in this thread again.
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Re: Get Me Pregnant

Postby TheGreatJoeGargery » Sun, 16May29 22:07

iksanabot wrote:Ok look, I'm embarrassed about my behavior here. I ashamed that I started this thread just basically to whine that GMP didn't get rated highly, and to give excuses about it. I've been acting like a spoiled diva. I appreciate everyone's kind words about this, but please stop. I don't want to be encouraged to behave this way. I'm not going to post in this thread again.

Ok, but on a more practical note I really hope you consider duel perspective when making future games. Don't try to shoehorn it in, but if you have a good idea for a story and feel it could be told better with duel perspective, don't shy away from it. If you can take that away from this thread then this has all been worthwhile.

On a more personal note, don't worry about feeling like a Diva or ranting. The creative process is hard work and draining. Sometimes you need to vent and get something off your chest. So far my experiences on this board have been positive and a lot of people here seem supportive. We all enjoy your work and want to see more stuff from you and if we need to give you a little support from time to time then I have no issue with that.
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Re: Get Me Pregnant

Postby PinkVendeta » Mon, 16May30 00:56

iksanabot wrote:Ok look, I'm embarrassed about my behavior here. I ashamed that I started this thread just basically to whine that GMP didn't get rated highly, and to give excuses about it. I've been acting like a spoiled diva. I appreciate everyone's kind words about this, but please stop. I don't want to be encouraged to behave this way. I'm not going to post in this thread again.

See, I already liked You before, but now I like You even more :lol:

A talented writer like You steps up and owns his diva and drama queen behavior, I liked your story, rest of the game I could have passed on, your story carried the game.

Last post from me also in here, Moving on :D
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