Dreaming with Elsa (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Complete and totally free games (the author can request a non-obligatory financial contribution in thanks or to help him to create new game)

Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Tue, 15Nov17 04:02

Dodag, if you're still having trouble, send me a PM and I'll walk you through it.

Diable, thank you for playing. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Regarding a DWE2, there's a reason I've really only ever done one true sequel to any of my games. Before I start any of these games I have to answer the question, "Why is it a challenge to have sex with this character?" That question is exceptionally hard to answer in a sequel where you've already had sex with her. You can go the "they broke up and are trying to get back together" route. Not bad, but that tends to end up being a game where the player just says, "I'm sorry" a lot. There's "they're trying to keep their love life interesting," like LwK. But I've already done that story. There's "he's tempted to leave her for another woman," but that's not considerably different than just doing a new game with different characters. I guess there's "You're trying to steal her away from him," ie new guy muscling in on Elsa, but that story doesn't really work for the characters I've written.

Alternately, you've got to come up with a different reason for the game to exist. If it's not about a challenge to get to a sex scene, what is it about? It could be a more visual novel style story without a challenge or payoff, but that's not the kind of thing I'm trying to write (nothing against those who do those).

I keep thinking about these things though. There was a lot of fan interest in a sequel to GtkC, and I had actually come up with a reasonable story for it, but things didn't pan out there. If I come up with something great for Elsa, I'll do it. But at the moment, I'm focused on moving forward with other characters who live in the same city. You'll see interactions with characters from DWE, and maybe even sex, but a full on DWE2 is not currently in plan.

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby dodag » Fri, 15Nov20 04:41

"tlaero"]Dodag, if you're still having trouble, send me a PM and I'll walk you through it.

Tlaero, I finally got it. I failed to check out her butt, (imagine that). Thanks again for a great game. Like everyone else, I'm waiting for the next one

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby Goldbahamut » Fri, 15Nov20 22:14

thanks for the game tlaero and mortze, incredible and amazing :) continue your good work :) :roi: [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby dryheave » Tue, 15Nov24 01:08

Tlaero, I do hope you'll reconsider doing a DWE 2. I'm also going to suggest something that may be sacrilage here, do a game without any sex in it, or at least little.

I think there is a lot of potential for a second story. Chloe is still out there and she knows the power in the book that Elsa posseses. Power that others also would covet and be willing to go to great lengths to get.

Maybe even do something different such as play as Chloe trying to play off someone else to get the book for her. With the risk that they end up with it and/or she winds up dead. If you want some sex scenes, Chloe is seducing powerful people to further her goals.

As I said, you painted a world with a LOT of potential there. Thanks for sharing it with us.
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Tue, 15Nov24 03:48

Thank you for the suggestions, dryheave.

Don't worry, though. You'll see more of Chloe regardless of whether or not we do a dwe2. (-:

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Thu, 15Dec03 18:09

Quick update on how things are going with Dreaming with Elsa.
In downloads, we're just about to cross 30,000. That's a really solid number given that it was released this year.
It's also back in the number one spot on PlayForceOne. I assumed it would quickly fall below GtkC, but it's holding on. That's pretty cool.

A few months ago I mentioned here that Mortze and I were going to start accepting donations to help us defray the cost of making these games. Some of you suggested that you'd rather become patrons. So, we've decided to put up a p a t r e o n page as well. The link is now on the start page of the download, as well as on the "support us" page on http://www.mortzeart.com/

If you want to go directly to our page on p a t r e o n, it's the main site \tora
That place didn't have the concept of "Tlaero and Mortze are" so we decided to call ourselves "Tora Productions."

As with the donate link, any money earned this way is split between Mortze and I. He also has his own donate and p a t r e o n for his solo career (which I wholeheartedly support).

I don't expect much in the way of patrons or donations right now. DwE has been out for a while and the initial excitement has passed. But, we're getting everything in place for our next game, which is going well.

Thanks for playing!

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby Super » Thu, 15Dec03 19:26

Well glad things are going well for you and good luck on your patreon :p nice name too

Though I want to make sure... We also have our own, but I haven't been able to see anything that goes on there because I am not the creator or patreon. I see Mortze is one of the patreons here, so basically would I need to donate 1 dollar a month to the patreon to see what's going on? Wold be kinda weird to pay myself so I wanted to know if you found another way.

Glad things are going well ayway
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Fri, 15Dec04 19:39

I think Mortze just became a patron to test it. We set up a joint email and both know the password, so either of us can sign in, view, and modify the page.

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby kertenkele » Thu, 15Dec24 15:05

Just wanted to say "thanks" for this nicely crafted game. Very realistic looking characters, nice animations (although I'm not a fan of animation in these type of games)... This game stands out among others. Thanks and keep up the good work...
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Sun, 16Feb21 04:53

As I said a few posts above, Mortze and I have a p a t r e o n site for our games. While the main point of being a patron is that you selflessly want to support the creation of the games we make, we're trying to do some things here and there to reward our supporters. That's kind of a challenge when you give your games away for free.

Don't worry. I intend to continue to keep our major games (DwE, RfJ, etc) free.

However, Mortze and I will also be doing a series of short stories that will only be available as perks for our "Partner" level ($10) patrons. The short stories will tend to be around 50 pictures/pages and will be more "stories" than "games." The stories will expand upon the world, but you shouldn't need to play them to understand or enjoy the main games. I understand that money is tight for a lot of people and am carefully trying to reward our supporters without requiring that you become one.

The first of these short stories will come out in March after the February pledges are collected. It's called "Dreaming with Elsa: Learning to Fly," and is an erotic tale. After, all, that's the genre we're in...

If you're a patron, I hope you enjoy it. If you're not a patron but have been thinking about becoming one, doing so before the end of February will give you access to the DwE:LtF.

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby EscapeEvade » Mon, 16Feb22 03:02

If we miss the boat on that, would there ever be the possibility of subsequent Patrons getting older stories (even if it's ponying up extra for them, so as to not completely prejudice those who have been Patrons longer)? I ask simply because like for everyone my resources are finite and I tend to do long-term subscriptions only for more "practical" things like trade journals and professional association memberships. [img]images/icones/icon11.gif[/img] For things like this, I tend to do short spats of paying out every now and then.
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Wed, 16Feb24 03:04

Yes. New "Partner" patrons will get access to older perks. I understand that many people can't afford to be $10 patrons forever and need to choose the amount of support they can give. Mortze and I appreciate any and all support people give us.

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Sat, 16Mar05 23:43

Dreaming with Elsa: Learning to Fly has been released to "Partner" and higher patrons ($10). I hope people enjoy it.

Also, while I'm here, a quick update on the main DwE. It's really close to reaching 40,000 direct downloads.

On PlayforceOne it's settling in at 3rd place with a rating of 89.85, between Getting to Know Christine (89.96) and Jordan 500: HCC (88.55). I'm not exactly sure how to interpret the "views" on that site. Is that the number of people who have played the game, or is the a new view for each page in the game they see?

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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby Arden » Sun, 16Mar06 05:15

Ok im a patron and did not recieve it
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Re: Dreaming with Elsa

Postby tlaero » Sun, 16Mar06 06:44

Hey Arden. If you private message me your patron name, I'll investigate.

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