My never ending project

Games in project or under development. The posts and games in this section can not ask for money.

Re: My never ending project

Postby TopCat » Wed, 16Jan27 00:31

After the high-profile replies you've got, my opinion is a bit light-weighted, but I'd still like to give it.

I think you have amazing talent, great taste in models (all the girls in your renders are hot), and plenty of dedication and attention to detail, considering the amount of poses and renders you made for each girl - and it's a lot of girls. Great games I've played boast no more than two. You have material for like four small games here.

The smart thing to do (yeah, like I would know, but anyway) wouldn't be scrapping the project altogether, that would be a waste. Sometimes the greatest achievers aren't experts at everything, but they excel at one thing: Getting surrounded by people that excel at the things you need. So what you urgently need is to collaborate with someone. A good writer would be my first guess. A solid and attractive storyline is what makes games good, hot scenes are just the cherry on the cake.

But for christ sake, don't throw this away. Get it done.
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Re: My never ending project

Postby Taylor Strutt » Wed, 16Jan27 01:46

Thank you everyone for your kind words and advice! I do not take it lightly. In many ways this kept ballooning on me till it got to the bursting point. Recognizing that, accepting that, and trying to figure out how to proceed have taken a lot of time and thought. But I think I finally have an idea. It maybe even crazier than my original concept, but I like it.

I was amazed when I first posted the pregame images that within 24 hours Kexter was able to turn around and create an html file that allowed people to click through the pregame in a way very similar to my original vision. Because of this I posted second link with a section from the middle of the game and told him to see what he could do with it. This, along with everyone's posts and messages on here, got my wheels spinning. Since then I have went back and have been refining that group of pictures, filling in gaps, working to create a stand alone set that still works within the basic environment of the pregame (same characters, same setting...).


When I get this group of pictures and a couple other small details all finished up I am going to create a new post and link. This new post will be for wannabe game creators. Take the pregame, take these pictures, take the basic rundown of how I see this section playing out, add your own personal take... And make a game! Anyone, everyone! Wanna make a game with Tlaero's adventure creator? Great! Want to try your hand at adrift? Go for it! Want to make a Tads game? Excellent! Let's see what people can do! I don't care if one game or ten get made from my post. I just like the idea that people who may have skills in programing can try their hands at making games. Be creative and share your work!

Maybe this idea is terrible, will fall flat, and nothing will ever come of it and that is okay. I will have released my art and people can enjoy it as just that. But maybe it is the spark people need to start making their own games. The more I thought about it there several story lines that only need some tweaking to be stand alone games within the basic environment laid out in the pregame. The great part is, if I go this way, I can keep doing what I enjoy. I get to keep developing the story of the characters I created and making renders, but hopefully it also allows others to try making games themselves.

All I ask is if someone does make a game. 1 it remain free to play. 2 you share a copy with me.

Last edited by Taylor Strutt on Wed, 16Jan27 03:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My never ending project

Postby fleet » Wed, 16Jan27 02:41

I think you have a wonderful idea, and I hope those who are inclined to make a game do so using what you provide. [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Re: My never ending project

Postby Squeeky » Wed, 16Jan27 07:31

I downloaded your images and read (not completely) the profiles of the persona of whom you would present. (I didn't realise that kexter was in the background of that download - it in itself provides a framework within which you could work).
I did feel that, given some thought, and may be some consultation/collaboration, that you might redraft the storyline that you never revealed to us, and cull your efforts back to something worthy of yourself.

That said, and I'll not condemn you to follow your said thoughts above, but might you please consider, give us a preamble of a few themes that you envisage, maybe we don't need the "profiles", or less intense. Sure, an intro to the character is fine, but so lengthy? Yes, in part, but some of those features might be revealed as the game proceeds.

While giving that some consideration, if you really feel that you are not a story writer, per se, consider inviting someone to join you as the story writer (you negotiate with that person how the story is to develop, or you provide imagery for a writer, much as I understand is the tlareo-Mortze partnership).

Please, reconsider your options, at this point you are a great artist, you have stories to tell, but .... do you only want to offer pics for "All sexy girls", collaborate with a storyteller, or be an illustrator for a storyteller?

It is after all your call.
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Re: My never ending project

Postby haxton » Wed, 16Jan27 13:13

great images [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: My never ending project

Postby TheGreatJoeGargery » Sun, 16May15 21:52

If I were you I'd start asking around for people who need artists. Help them out with the projects they're working on and perhaps in the future they can help you out with yours. Or who knows, you could end up collaborating with someone who's idea is similar but slightly different than yours and you could end up making a game even better than the one you envisioned.

Just keep on making art though. Those pictures are amazing.
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