Redemption for Jessika (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby Skelaturi » Sat, 16Jan23 19:43

Mortze wrote:
tlaero wrote:I may be a bear, but I haven't been ... er ... poked? That sounds dirty.

That gives me an idea to render. :roi:

How soon we can see that ^^
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby tlaero » Sun, 16Jan24 02:58

Okay, I think I'm done. I just wrote the final two pages. I also went through the game's "best" path (took 3 hours...), fixed up any bugs I could find, spell checked, etc.

The game has ended up with over 1300 pages and over 1500 images. In the old days, these games had more pages than images. Mortze works too hard for that to happen.

To put that into perspective. "Virtual Date With Keeley" had 215 images total. In RfJ, the bonus sex scene alone has 116...

I'm trying to decide whether to let it "bake" for a few more days or release it to our Patrons tonight.

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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby Taylor Strutt » Sun, 16Jan24 04:19

tlaero wrote:I'm trying to decide whether to let it "bake" for a few more days or release it to our Patrons

I am excited to see it either way. Myself I would let it sit for at least one day, since I tend to think up something in the middle of the night I missed or that needs adjusting. Just don't keep us waiting too long.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby TheFerry » Sun, 16Jan24 13:53

Oh yeah, I can't wait. Your games have never dissappointed me!
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby Dasati » Sun, 16Jan24 14:33

Torn on that one, on the one hand I want to play it as soon as possible, but on the other its usually wisest to give it a little time to make sure no unexpected problems crop up.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby tlaero » Mon, 16Jan25 01:48

I just sent mail to our patrons and posted a message on the "site that must not be named." I've released Redemption for Jessika to our patrons. They'll get it for at least a week, so I'll release it to the public no sooner than Sunday January 31st. Games usually release on Tuesdays, so I may make people wait until February 2nd. We'll see how I feel. (-:

I've gone through the game a ton of times in the last few days. I'm pretty confident that there are no broken links or actual bugs in it. I'm less confident about minor typos and things. It's over 1300 pages long, and my eyes have started glazing over when I play it. But the occasional missed comma does not a game ruin. I hope everyone enjoys it.

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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby Dasati » Mon, 16Jan25 17:18

Had a brief play this morning and must say so far I like what I'm seeing, good job! Will play more tonight.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby tlaero » Mon, 16Jan25 21:12

I organized the files in Redemption for Jessika to make it easier to do translations into other languages. We'll be able to just duplicate the 2 meg of text files while reusing the 113 meg of images. (-:

If anyone would like to translate RfJ to another language, please send me a PM. Unlike in the past, I'll make any translations part of the official download. Beware, though, that this is a huge task. There are around 1360 pages in the game.

Also, if anyone wants to translate DwE, I'll reorganize that in a similar way.

If anyone is considering this, please stop by the Adventure Creator feature discussion thread in the workshop of creators forum viewtopic.php?f=30&t=3679 and tell me what kind of features I should add to AC to make that work easier.

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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby klamfyr » Mon, 16Jan25 21:54

I'm looking so much forward to this game. Dreaming with Elsa was mindblowing graphic-wise, but also had a great story and sexy characters. The Sons of Anarchy-style picture on the first page is damn hot.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby botc76 » Tue, 16Jan26 00:52

Really excited for this. I've loved all your games so far.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby jaldred3 » Tue, 16Jan26 02:29

Another incredible game. I'm sure I still have lots to discover but really enjoyed my first play through. Nice work both of you. :)
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby tlaero » Tue, 16Jan26 06:03

Thanks Jaldred!

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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby sylakone2 » Tue, 16Jan26 07:33

Hey guys

I really enjoyed Redemption of Jessica.
I have managed to do the Good path in my first play through. I have not been able to get anyway with the Lewd Path.

It is as usual very well done congrats both of you.
Excellent writing and story telling Tlaero and very well done on the Graphics Mortze.

Keep up the good work.
Cheers Sy
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby Dasati » Tue, 16Jan26 11:02

Completed my first play through, awesome game.

Just in case. Some of the story elements e.g. the bomb, were more serious than I'm used to in an erotic game but I found that to be a refreshing change. It was great to go to the book store and see Elsa again and be introduced to Miranda, it's nice to be reminded the games set in a connected world and not just stand alone. Would I be right in assuming we'll see more of the villain (minds gone blank on his name) we never did find out anything about his motivation and the story makes clear he's a nasty piece of work. It would be a shame if he was just a throwaway villain. Excellent work from Mortze, Jessica is gorgeous, particularly her hair, I've yet to see a characters hair done so well in an erotic game, however you do it the results are amazing. Managed to get 6 of 10 achievements on my first run through, I know how to get a 7th and have an inkling bout 8th and 9th we shall see.

Definitely your best game to date in my opinion Tlaero, and Mortze's work continues to impress.
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Re: Redemption for Jessika

Postby Arden » Tue, 16Jan26 15:22

One thing would love to see in games is a name for the heroine of the game, gonna be weird for me since my sisters name is Jessica.
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