My never ending project

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Re: My never ending project

Postby bartux » Thu, 16Jan21 22:35

quite a lot of images you've rendered.

with what have you done this ? Daz ?

Hope to see something coming out of this
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Re: My never ending project

Postby Taylor Strutt » Thu, 16Jan21 22:44

bartux wrote:heyquite a lot of images you've rendered.with what have you done this ? Daz ?Hope to see something coming out of this

Yep I use an older version of Daz (Daz3.6 I think). I keep it pretty basic and just use the default setting and default lights for most things.
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Re: My never ending project

Postby Greyelf » Thu, 16Jan21 23:13

@Taylor Strutt: The link in the first post is missing the letter h at the start. *smile*
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Re: My never ending project

Postby Taylor Strutt » Thu, 16Jan21 23:39

Greyelf wrote:@Taylor Strutt: The link in the first post is missing the letter h at the start. *smile*

You are correct! I fixed it. Sorry about that.
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Re: My never ending project

Postby hughx » Fri, 16Jan22 07:59

I was going to suggest you make the images Creative Commons or something similar. 85% of the Rags developers use porn actress photo shoots as their image content (illegally or some legally). So why not see what others can do with the raw images without your input? Just a thought.

I know you said the project is dead and I completely respect that. Editing your own work is something most are awful at. This is why editors exist. Professionals hire book editors, image editors, film and video editors. If you didn't want every image to go to waste, take on a story editor and develop as you wish. Let s/he make the hard decisions.

Either way, thanks for sharing your experience with the community and the lovely images. It's a good reminder that sylakone2, sportd and all the great game creators who do this in what little spare time there is deserve our support.
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Re: My never ending project

Postby muttdoggy » Fri, 16Jan22 09:15

I agree with the replies on here. You seem to have written an outline of a story as well as created some very good art. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img] Why not ask someone one here to build the game for you? There's a few talented coders on here that can do adrift, tads, rags, adventure creator, or even HTML. Here's a suggestion - pick a favorite 2 out of those like say Adventure Creator or HTML and ask for a collaboration on it. If I knew how to code a game in one of those engines, I'd offer to do it for free to get our names out there. Like they're saying.. please don't abandon your own work. I suggest a collaborative effort or u can hand them over to someone to make a game for you and in either case you're going to be credited as the artist and that can be a source of pride. You can still accomplish that goal you had back then.

PS...I'd download a game like that in a heartbeat and so would many others. [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Re: My never ending project

Postby xviii » Fri, 16Jan22 09:54

Everything you've done looks amazing. The renders, the characters, the scenes/room pics, the UI, the writing. All top notch stuff and I'd love to play the game. It would be great if you can find a programmer to get it together, if not then maybe starting a new, small project after a break would boost your confidence? You already have the characters, just think up a simple scenario with a few(!) of them or different versions of them (hair style, colour, dress style, name etc) and keep it simple. Say something like working at an office and having a secretary, colleague and client you can pursue over 1 working week. Focus on one or try for a chance at a threesome by balancing and using some wit and cunning. I guess that is still pretty complex, so hey, have a game where you can only pursue one girl but have another tempt you that never really goes anywhere, acting more as a 'failure bait'... to make up a term. :p
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Re: My never ending project

Postby Taylor Strutt » Sat, 16Jan23 05:34

I am super excited that people enjoy what I have shared so far. I really do appreciate all the input.

I have considered many of those ideas already and have been trying to find the right way to proceed with my vision. Like I have said before I have other sections/scenes in various stages of completion, but now realize the sheer number of hours it would take to complete. Also, I am a bit of a perfectionist and some of the earliest scenes I created are not as good or are inconsistent.

An example of this is as I worked with the characters I realized that Taylor and Jena’s facial morphs limited the number of expressions they could make well (and made many expressions look cheesy and fake), so I tweaked their morphs. It greatly improved what they can do and they look very similar to their early versions, but not exact. Now the trouble is, do I go back through and try to fix older scenes to update them (a terribly labor intensive and low enjoyment task), completely rebuild the scenes in question (same basic problem as above though in some ways easier), or just leave them alone (and live with inferior work).

And that is one of the simpler problems.

Those are just some of the many reasons I need to step away from this project in its current state and work on something else.

And don’t worry I will share some more parts of this project, just know I am also hold back some really fun parts for some other ideas.
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Re: My never ending project

Postby Taylor Strutt » Sat, 16Jan23 05:39

Speaking of new ideas. Does any one character jump out as one people would like to see more from?
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Re: My never ending project

Postby Shepard » Sat, 16Jan23 08:51

Taylor Strutt wrote:Speaking of new ideas. Does any one character jump out as one people would like to see more from?

Well... April, Hannah and Celeste, are the ones who caught my eye. Jena is nice, also!
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Re: My never ending project

Postby tlaero » Mon, 16Jan25 20:58

Wow, Taylor. I just looked at your images. They're very nice. Do you realize that the first Keeley game had 215 images in it, and most of the backgrounds were stock footage? What you've shown here is over 600 images with rendered backgrounds. You're off to a seriously good start.

Your ambition is getting in your way, though. Don't try to make the most expansive game ever on your first try. Make something short and enjoyable, learn from it, and then use that learning to make something a bit longer and a bit more enjoyable. Learn from those experiences, and the feedback you'd get from people who play your finished games, and use all of that to make your next game.

People loved my "Getting to know Christine," but it was my 3rd (kind of my 4th if you include the Amy thing I did) game. I couldn't have done GtkC without the experience and confidence I got from those previous efforts. People seemed to like Dreaming with Elsa even more, but it was seventh. And now, 5 years and 7 games later, I'm finally able to do a game with 1360 pages and 1560 images. I definitely couldn't have done Redemption for Jessika without all the experience I've built releasing and getting feedback on the previous games.

Aside from one amazing counterpoint (BEW), the "start slow and build up" approach is how most people do almost everything. I highly recommend it.

Alternately, here's something to consider. Over the years, I've seen a number of people come here and say "I'd like to make a game, but I don't have the artistic skill. Can someone do the art for me?" I'll bet there are 5 people reading the lagoon right now who would kill to have you do art for their game. Look at the "Corrupting the Priestess" thread in Sexy Games. I haven't tried the game yet, but pyorgara says in the first page that he was working with an artist and she had to stop. Play his game, see if you like it, and if you do, send him a PM suggesting you do the art for his next one. Similarly, before he found Syl, Super was in the same boat. And, though I'm drawing a blank on the names, I can think of many other people who have come looking for an artist.

Maybe your path to success is similar to Mortze's. Do the art for a writer/programmer, learn from the experience, and then branch out into your own games on the side. Or maybe you should approach Wolfschadowe and do some of the rendering for BEW. He'd love to get images more quickly.

All these suggestions limit your creative control on the process, but that's okay. Work on subsets of games, experience the process of finishing, shipping, and taking feedback on them, and build your skills toward making your own ones.

Whether or not you ever make this game, I hope you continue to work in this space. Keep at it.

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Re: My never ending project

Postby Super » Mon, 16Jan25 22:22

Yeah, I know I wouldn't be able to make anything without Sy. Of course you have the skill to do stuff yourself but you don't need to. Or maybe you can anyway, mortze is working with tlAero while proving he can make top tier games all on his own with Pandora. And Sy is working on his own project in addition to our collab

Of course, you don't need to. Your existing work is excellent so I can't wait to see what you have to come up with either way
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Re: My never ending project

Postby jaldred3 » Mon, 16Jan25 22:44

Some fantastic images in there. I'd love to see you perhaps do some smaller virtual date games like the sort Chaotic makes.

Tlaero also makes some good points.
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Re: My never ending project

Postby Mortze » Tue, 16Jan26 19:11

Hey Taylor,

What sad news you give us here. I just saw your pics and I must say they are pretty good! For someone who started from scratch at 3d modeling you're on a damn good path. I just want to ask you one thing:

Is 3d modeling something you really love to do?

If your answer is yes, then don't give up.

I can see myself in you in a lot of things. For example, when I started thinking about Pandora I had tons and tons of ideas of what may happen to the crew and all, but suddenly realized that you gotta start cautiously.
I took a prudent approach and divided all my ideas for the game in chapters. I decided that the first chapter should be played/seen by Kean's perspective. It will go from point A (the start) to point B (ending of Part II). That will be the 1st chapter. Of course, I would loved to also give the other character's perspective on what they are doing while Kean is doing his things. A lot is happening in the same time line. But would you imagine how difficult for me it would be trying to put all that info in the first 2 games? No, so you compromise. You tell part of the story, pieces by pieces.

Also, I divided the first chapter in 2 parts to see the people's reaction to the whole project. Since it is supposed to be big I didn't wanted to spend years doing it and face poor acceptance by the public. I'm sure that would devastate me.

So my advice to you is to make small steps. Imagine this gaming environment like a mined field. Player's diversity in tastes and criteria are the mines you want to avoid.

I liked your game, and your girls, so I'd ask you to reconsider and rethink how you'd tell us your story.
You got lots of characters! That's good but that's hard too. See my example. Kean isn't the hero. Neither is Maggie. The whole crew have their contribute to the story. The professor, the captain, everybody. And it's not because Kean doesn't talk to many of them that in future games we won't see them and see their side.

Introduce all your characters alright, but have the player interact mostly only with a few of them in the first game, like the girlfriend and on or 2 more coworkers. Finish that game and the next one, reuse the girlfriend (if she is important to the plot) and introduce another 1 or 2 new characters.
Separate your timeline accoding to your plot. May be by days or hours. Maybe the first game will be set during a morning. The next game will be the afternoon. Or monday and thrusday like Wolfschadow does with Brad's Erotic Week.

My point is, you got immersed in so many ideas and projects, in a big herculean game that you started to think what is the point. Apparently, your point is to give us games. Maybe make a living out of it. If so, you gotta give us something. Even if it is little. Make a small 500 pics max game and release it to us. I'm sure people will love it and you will be encouraged by it to make the next one.

Give us your art, man. It looks really cool and promizing!


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Re: My never ending project

Postby iksanabot » Tue, 16Jan26 21:28

Man, great images Strutt!
How long did it take you to make all these images?

What part of you got tired of this, the graphic artist, or the script writer, or the coder?
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