Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby Venom » Thu, 15Dec03 11:31

redle wrote:
Venom wrote:working on the scene were the teacher comes home now and wants some wine and dance
given her some wine can't seem to get her dancing

Stop trying to be polite about it and just force her to dance ;)

I had some trouble with that one too. If I remember correctly, it was just... "dance with lisa". Most games of this nature are a combination of finding/taking/using objects and then conversation driven. I kept trying to come up with different ways of talking to her about dancing (which she completely ignores).

I was indeed try to conventional way, thanks for the answer.
Finished the game loved the build up and the images, sadly it's quite short but hey at least we had a game to play, and quite a good one ;)

I wonder if Dr. Realgood will expand on the game or just create a new one
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby rabbie » Thu, 15Dec03 13:23

JolllyTodger1 wrote:I was one of the beta testers for this game.

It annoys me that I missed the "ask lisa about problem" bug that has been spotted by another player.

But rest assured that Doc Realgood made a HUGE effort to clean up his game before releasing it.

He fixed at least 40 bugs and countless other errors before publishing.

I know from how much effort I put in to spotting problems that he put in FAAAR more effort into fixing them. I was only one of his testers.

He didn't just put it out there with no consideration. He was really committed to making it as good as he could, while sticking to his original vision, before putting it in your hand(s).

My personal opinion is that this game does have some issues - the quiz, mainly - but that the author has learned a LOT and that his next game will be so much better.

I wish this forum had some kind of "like" button.

But it doesn't, so I'll just say i agree, good post.
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby boyo111 » Thu, 15Dec03 19:05

I did notice a few other typos, no serious bugs, and as an American I appreciated the use of the Queen's English here.

The AIF test was the hardest part for me, I didn't play all the games so half the answers were not something I knew, but it was nice to see many of the games I enjoyed over the years get a place here.

It was a nice short romp, and the images were well done. I took that as the focus here as a sort of POC.

I will take the advice and not play it more than twice...saving that next one for later.
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby Dr Realgood » Thu, 15Dec03 21:45

Hi all, Dr Realgood here, I just popped on to say a huge thank you to you all.
All of your comments have been read and digested and I appreciate them all, good or bad they will all help me become a better author.
There is work to be done for sure on things like grammar, but I will get there.
I was all in favour, at one point, of just retouching the bugs in this game and moving on but, and there's always a but, it would seem that rather than just moving on to the next project, which was going to be called "Teacher's Pet Too." maybe I should just expand this one, every character in the game has a story to be told, and they were going to be told separately. I don't know how hard it would be to tell all the stories in one go, it would mean constantly changing character/gender. Maybe I will just right one story at a time, on the end of this one, and then just release it, so that every time you download you get the original story plus the next one added and so on and so on.
Anyway, thanks again, your comments, good or bad have been well and truly taken on board!
Last edited by Dr Realgood on Thu, 15Dec03 21:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby Skelaturi » Thu, 15Dec03 21:58

Dr Realgood wrote:Hi all, Dr Realgood here, I just popped on to say a huge thank you to you all.
All of your comments have been read and digested and I appreciate them all, good or bad they will all help me become a better author.
There is work to be done for sure on things like grammar, but I will get there.
I was all in favour, at one point, of just retouching the bugs in this game and moving on but, and there's always a but, it would seem that rather than just moving on to the next project, which was going to be called "Teacher's Pet Too." maybe I should just expand this one, every character in the game has a story to be told, and they were going to be told separately. I don't know how hard it would be to tell all the stories in one go, in would mean constantly changing character/gender. Maybe I will just right one story at a time, on the end of this one, and then just release it, so that every time you download you get the original story plus the next one added and so on and so on.
Anyway, thanks again, your comments, good or bad have been well and truly taken on board!

expanding as in new game or as in seeing if you can make the game bigger as in an expansion?
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby Dr Realgood » Thu, 15Dec03 22:01

Skelaturi wrote:
Dr Realgood wrote:Hi all, Dr Realgood here, I just popped on to say a huge thank you to you all.
All of your comments have been read and digested and I appreciate them all, good or bad they will all help me become a better author.
There is work to be done for sure on things like grammar, but I will get there.
I was all in favour, at one point, of just retouching the bugs in this game and moving on but, and there's always a but, it would seem that rather than just moving on to the next project, which was going to be called "Teacher's Pet Too." maybe I should just expand this one, every character in the game has a story to be told, and they were going to be told separately. I don't know how hard it would be to tell all the stories in one go, in would mean constantly changing character/gender. Maybe I will just right one story at a time, on the end of this one, and then just release it, so that every time you download you get the original story plus the next one added and so on and so on.
Anyway, thanks again, your comments, good or bad have been well and truly taken on board!

expanding as in new game or as in seeing if you can make the game bigger as in an expansion?

Making the game bigger.
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby Skelaturi » Thu, 15Dec03 22:06

Sounds good. Do you have something in mind already? Smaller less but more frequent content vs big expansion but will take a longer time.
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby Dr Realgood » Thu, 15Dec03 22:17

Skelaturi wrote:Sounds good. Do you have something in mind already? Smaller less but more frequent content vs big expansion but will take a longer time.

As mentioned, the next game was going to be called "Teacher's Pet Too." It was basically the same story, except it was told by Lisa, The other stories were to be.. Emma works part time at the local old peoples home, you have a date with Evie and Dave's football team has an end of season do coming up. (Involves Samantha also)
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby DroopyLoving » Fri, 15Dec04 00:48


Congratulations on the great first game Dr Realgood.
The images looked great, and the story was good.

My complaints are just echoes of what people have said before... That there were unresolved storylines started (Evie, being the one which stood out), the quiz at the beginning was really quite hard for no apparent pay off (I'm pretty sure there was no difference if you answered all the questions right to if you got the minimum needed to progress right, it would have been a nice touch to have a reward for getting 100%).

I also thought that there might be a beastiality angle to the game from the title (I'm glad there wasn't), I hope this isn't something which is featured in future games.

Anyway, congratulations again. Looking forward to your followup.
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby Dr Realgood » Fri, 15Dec04 02:02

DroopyLoving wrote:Hey,

Congratulations on the great first game Dr Realgood.
The images looked great, and the story was good.

My complaints are just echoes of what people have said before... That there were unresolved storylines started (Evie, being the one which stood out), the quiz at the beginning was really quite hard for no apparent pay off (I'm pretty sure there was no difference if you answered all the questions right to if you got the minimum needed to progress right, it would have been a nice touch to have a reward for getting 100%).

I also thought that there might be a beastiality angle to the game from the title (I'm glad there wasn't), I hope this isn't something which is featured in future games.

Anyway, congratulations again. Looking forward to your followup.

Bestiality and necrophilia do not appeal to me, it's like flogging a dead horse!!
Your right, 8 points got it all rather than a 100% bonus. I was so overwhelmed by the amount of programming that goes in to a single game that it didn't even dawn on me.
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby DoomScythe » Fri, 15Dec04 08:55

Hi there, can someone pm me a walkthrough? I think i'm missing a lot of things in the game. What do i need to do with the glass of wine? Thanks
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby thebroken » Fri, 15Dec04 13:11

This is probably a really stupid question but how do I play this? I downloaded it but I can't open it. Looks like I don't have the required program to play it?
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby Meushi » Fri, 15Dec04 13:18

thebroken wrote:This is probably a really stupid question but how do I play this?

You need to install the TADS 3 player kit in order to run this.
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby haxton » Fri, 15Dec04 14:04

Good graphics, this is the way I like them [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img] . The story is good but a bit disappointed with just 1 romantic path with lisa, but as you said it is open for further development so, looking forward to try your new games..
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Re: Teacher's pet by Dr Realgood

Postby Gio » Fri, 15Dec04 15:46

damn really good

the pics were awesome, more would not hurt :P

thank you :)
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