Dignity One

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Dignity One

Postby dhans7776 » Thu, 15May21 18:31

There's probably a thread for this but I can't find it. Anyway, love the game but I've got to the place that's dark.
I've been clicking on everything and nothing happens.Help!

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Re: Dignity One

Postby Marduk99 » Thu, 15May21 19:03


You need to move the "light" around the screen until you see something move. The "thing" hides on different parts of the screen. When you have spotted him enough times the game will proceed.

On another note I was not too impressed with this game. Not Lops finest in my opinion. Might only be my tastes though. I am no fan of the huge fake boobs astethic.

Edit: Forgot to spoiler the hint
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Re: Dignity One

Postby dhans7776 » Thu, 15May21 20:09

Thanks for the hint. I agree with you about the fake titties though.
It's natural boobs for me even if they are small. [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]
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Re: Dignity One

Postby DroopyLoving » Thu, 15May21 20:28

Sorry LoP team, but i've got to agree. I'm quite disappointed in this. It looks good mostly, but it just feels a bit empty. It plays more like a Sex and Glory game too (particularly the Island game) I quite like the Sci-Fi setting, but I think it's a bit wasted.

Hope you return to (your usually excellent) form soon.
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Re: Dignity One

Postby chrispool » Thu, 15May21 21:42

I have to agree with the others : it's a big disappointment. Maybe the worst game they have produced.
I am not a fan a sci-fi theme in games so I didn't expect too much. And the several visuals presented during the last weeks had not impressed me. But after 4 months without a premium game, I wanted to give it a go. Big mistake ! This game is an exact copy of Johnny Bullet. They have made the same mistakes they made one year ago with Johnny B ! The game is very repetitive, boring to death, there's nothing interesting to do. And I think they forgot the most important thing : SEX ! The sex scenes are ridiculous : there are very few of them, they are short, straight, not interactive. If I play a LOP game, I want to see great sex scenes ! OK I want a story, I want a good gameplay, but the most important is the SEX ! The game here is almost empty of sex. It's very unbelievable... I really can't understand what happened. And I have to say that this time the graphics are not top at all. To sum up it's a desillusion. And I am a bit worried about the future...
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Re: Dignity One

Postby Akkin » Thu, 15May21 22:15

Empty sex? you go fort there. On all my parts, I could have sex with different variations on at least 9 girls. And some have two versions depending on your choice of discussion. This is not what I would call sex empty.

When to say it is the worst game of all lopgold ... um ... "Sisters" has even less sex and girls than "Dignity One", and in terms of duration "Dignity One" is significantly long.
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Re: Dignity One

Postby TeineWolf » Fri, 15May22 04:47

I've only had one run through so far, but I can see why the game is being received the way it is. Firstly it was a very ambitious undertaking.

Still, the resource management was the achilles heal. Most experienced players, will not move from one section, of the game to the next. Until they have the best toys, and have a butt load of cash in reserve. So when you get into the actual story, you can breeze right through it. And you feel gypped, because you spent so much of the game time. Gathering and trading. A quick fix, to something like this. Would to make higher end equipment, not available, until you are in the next section of the game. Then lower the costs, so the player gets the equipment faster, and then get into the story. The way to hint at the higher level toys, in the next section. Is mention them in the first section's store. As "Sold Out", or "Available At", etc, etc.

Basically a way to push the story forward, and keep it paced.
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Re: Dignity One

Postby icehaku » Fri, 15May22 08:04

Anyone know all the endings? I've got 4 so far.
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Re: Dignity One

Postby Akkin » Fri, 15May22 10:53

I do not agree on the fact that the game is difficult. It is actually very simple. the fights are based on a system of "combat point" + "point of the dice." Simply buy the weapon that has the most "point fighting" to win almost all the first battles. My strategy is to go on "Ed Merc" to go expensive crystals and fill the cargo thoroughly (80 crystals = $ 1600). Once I reached the $ 2,500, I take the weapon at this price.

Then, I start to have improved giving "two in combat."
This gives us a total of 10 in combat. So by rolling the die, our minimum is 11. This means that any enemy that has a maximum of 5 in combat, can not defeat us.
From there, you can take steps to make money safely in combat.
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Re: Dignity One

Postby bigmarcus » Fri, 15May22 14:39

Okey played it and it was nice
Loved the combat system the companion buttons work like skills with cool downs and it was great . Atributes like combat ading points to dice great system you have it figured out all you have to do know now is use it for a more polished product like a new rpg medieval themed game or another sci-fi or ading to the plot fillig the galaxy more cause theres no time limit so you want to explore space
Then the mining its a nice addition and i liked it But finding minimg operations is ok for grinding earning money building up(could use more upgradable things bigger ship more cargo space more accesory space maybe a diffrent looking interrior) 2 - space debris harder to find could have better revards or a specifick event or 2. The wreckede hardest to find but does not feel rewarding at all could have more events like leets say you find a space pirate camp a few battles and big rewards or specifik events ending in a sex scene or something
3.could been more battles more enemy types(at deep hole losing to the pirates could have been more interesting like them taking april while your knocked and as you wake up your mission is to find the slave pirate camp and rescue her((thaths where scaning on some planet and finding a ship wreck could be the slave camp)an aggresive planet with an arena you can enter the arena for a fee fight 3waves of enemy parties resulting in a(a new crew member ,an intem you can't purchase gun or armor and ofcourse a sex scene)also a few more planets would be great (alien girls?) and afcourse a few more crew members not only females but males also cause sometimes it fells like your the only male in the galaxy.
Thats just a few thongs i think you could add all in all a decent game something fresh and new i liked it and i still have a few undiscoverd endings so will be back on it
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Re: Dignity One

Postby nacho666 » Fri, 15May22 17:31

Very nice game, i have a question. Is there any playable threesome woth April & Zafira?
Oigo voces y no les gustas...

Sorry for my bad English, my level is basic.
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Re: Dignity One

Postby TeineWolf » Fri, 15May22 19:36

nacho666 wrote:Very nice game, i have a question. Is there any playable threesome woth April & Zafira?
Only had 3 run=throughs so far. I think there was a scene, but I can't remember. Remember if it was a scene within the game, or part of an ending. Will try to look for that.
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Re: Dignity One

Postby DarthMelkor » Fri, 15May22 20:26

I am conflicted on this one.

On one hand, I like the sci-fi aspect and the ambition. On other hand, I absolutely detest fake boobs and most of girls in this game seemingly sport fake ones.

Wish they had more natural looking women. Also, for April/Zafira/Lusty sex scenes, it's a one time event. We should have an option repeating them. Will be a welcome distraction among all the grinding a player has to do here.
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Re: Dignity One

Postby redle » Fri, 15May22 23:58

I'm long-winded with my short answers. This isn't a short one. Be forewarned.

The one selling point this game has is that it has plenty of flaws to go around. Players aren't forced to rant endlessly about a single over-discussed point. Each player can pick and choose their favorite pet peeve to complain about.

Sarcasm aside, the game does have some positives. There is a big-picture story with the end of the world in sight. I don't have any problems with a sci-fi setting, as it seems some people do, but either way it provided a means to give a more unique feel to the game (Rather than the standard, move room to room or building to building, the player moves planet to planet. It's still the same basic mechanic, but at least creates the feel of something a little different.) The game also brings in some resource management, giving it the possibility for some strategy.

That's pretty much where the positives end. Various features show promise, but none of them live up to potential or feel fully developed.
Here's the backstory... Aliens are coming. They'll kill us all. Move. Move fast. You've got an interstellar spaceship. Stay ahead of them and all will be grand. Oh, by the way, you're broke. You'll need to manage a little income along the way to keep the ship moving or they'll catch you in no time.

That's the setup. The thing is, while a ton of LOP games have a very strict timeline for no in-game purpose (eleanor, divided heart, camera business, college romance... the list goes on. You need to get me to fall in love with you in 30 days; need X amount of money in 60 days; etc. I understand, it's to make winning the game a challenge, and/or to make the game feel bigger by requiring numerous replays to get there.), finally there is a game with a strong story need for a timeline. What? This game is the first, play at your own pace game? Maybe I'll live, maybe die, but no rush? I'm not saying this game needs to have an arbitrary deadline added to it. I'm merely pointing out that the story sets up a very hurried/rushed environment and then drops the player into gameplay with no real direction of where to flee. Quickly the game downshifts into, take your time and do what you want. The story and gameplay just don't go together. (Not to mention I expected that once I went through the portal to other planets the first time that I would only be allowed to continue further away to another set. I never imagined that while in the course of fleeing for my life I would backtrack to where I began.)

Moving on to the main character, my take was one of him being a shipper and/or trader. Truthfully I don't think his typical job was stated at all. He seems like a fly by the seat of his pants type rogue (smuggler/shipper/trader/pirate as need may have it). Having a set cargo size and being given a mission to deliver cattle as a tutorial task led to this viewpoint. Having a shop as one of the few visitable locations on the planet which contained all kinds of random goods selling for drastically different prices (as well as some flagged as illicit) strengthened and seemingly validated this assumption.

So here I am, expecting to travel the galaxy buying goods cheaply on one planet and selling them on another where they were harder to obtain (which could have made for a fine resource manager, although would have required more than 2 shops). Or, possibly, hunting for people wanting things delivered (either elicit or not, with pay and danger shifting accordingly), taking contracts, and running shipments. Honestly, I'll admit that none of these thoughts makes much sense with the backstory, but neither does the tutorial delivering of the cattle (I'm about to die along with this whole planet... Hey, can you lend me a hand? My Ox hurt his leg, but I want to get my field plowed before the next rain. Next year's grain harvest is important to me [even though we both know this planet won't exist by then].).

I'll drop the rambling narrative. Imagine many of you reading have eyes starting to glaze over already.

1. Game income seems geared towards mining, but this doesn't fit well with the main character's story (not to mention if mining is the main grind, why was the 'tutorial' about a different way to make money?).
2. Scanner lists percentages for discovering things of value at a location. The percent does not change based on the player's location, although the results certainly do (a metal infused mining planet is much more likely to yield mineable ore than a heavily populated planet where every square inch is owned by someone, not to mention likelihood of finding a workable mine at a space station). The percentages should change to give a true representation of what the player might find.
3. Crash sites and floating debris seem to be more expensive to investigate, while they should be cheaper. (Digging and excavation is an added cost to mining which isn't needed for salvage. Entering and exiting the planet's gravity well is the biggest fuel requirement, and not needed for space debris. Truthfully I wouldn't care much which cost more or less, so long as the rewards were reasonably commensurate. See #4)
4. Not only are non-mining sites more expensive in the game, but their returns are also smaller than mining. They aren't worth the effort. (Not to mention a bit silly. Really, I searched a crashed spaceship and the only salvage I found worth keeping was 2 dildos? Seriously? The scrap-metal heap is certainly worth more than that just as raw metal, not to mention possible fuel siphon, navigation core, ship drive, etc. I realize it's a wreck. Much is damaged or old and outdated. Still seems we should be able to walk away with something at least equal to the fuel it took us to investigate it if we're at the point of grabbing 2 cans of corn.)
5. We're trying to flee the Swarm, yet the entire game plays out with us bouncing back and forth between exactly 2 locations. The initial tale is that we need a full fuel tank before we depart, yet we fill up our tank time and time again and continue to not flee.
6. The farmer claims the crash site to investigate is on Merc Red, yet he and it are actually on Solitude.
7. The first and second ship upgrades are Red Dwarf and Teal Thunder. No where is there any sort of explanation that these are mining droids. I bought the upgrades regardless, because that's what one does with upgrades, but it took a long time to come to any conclusion about what they were or how they helped. I still have no idea what the +50 and +80 crystals mean. If I found 10-30 crystals without an upgrade, the first upgrade certainly does not yield 60-80 (Maybe it's a percent increase. Although initially our ship starts with +30, so percent doesn't make sense either. Regardless, it's ambiguous at best. Also, the initial droids and the first upgrade are both titled Red Dwarf.)
8. Combat, we start with a damage rating of 0. I'm not sure how we ever hurt anyone doing exactly no damage. Obviously there is some hidden base damage, but I don't understand why it is hidden.
9. Not user-friendly at all to make us equip personal items. If I'm in a shop, buy a new gun, and run into an attacker on my way back to the ship, I expect to be shooting with my new gun. I don't expect to need to return to my ship, go to my cabin, go to my computer, inspect my file, find my new gun, and then say... Hey, use this. At a bare minimum we should be able to swap our personal equipment from inside the shop as well.
10. Most of the game was simply money gathering. There was no plot; no threat; no strategy. (Travel to mining planet, scan, mine, return to shop, sell, add fuel, repeat.) It quickly became tedious. Also, prices (for upgrades) went up faster than mining growth. So as the game went on, it just took more and more repeats to buy an upgrade (fine if there is other interesting things going on maybe, but really boring when this is all there is).
11. For some reason it cost a ton of fuel to idly drift over a planet and scan it repeatedly, but cost no fuel at all to travel from planet to planet, or even solar system to solar system (At least that means we didn't need to deal with arbitrarily finding ourselves adrift in space while out of fuel. We could always still travel anywhere we wanted. Not exactly realistic though).

(As the game plays, I feel like we should have been declared as a miner in the backstory. Income growth could have been accomplished by giving the ship upgrades for the cargo hold size. We could have burnt fuel to travel through space. Scanning and mining could have been free, but possibly with a "threat" cost. Maybe a specific found mine has 200 crystals in it and the player mines in 20 crystal increments [so I click the mine button 4 times to fill my hold]. With each click there is a chance of a pirate attack. Each scan 'click' also takes time and has a chance of attack. Maybe the longer we stay at one location the odds of being attacked keep increasing. Better droids mean each mining click grabs more crystals. As the ship is upgraded it looks like a richer target and increases likelihood of pirate attack or increases power of attacking pirates.) Note, this is as the game plays already, not as the plot goes.

Moving on from the plot resource gathering side of things, this is after all expected to be a "sexy" game.
12. The women were pretty much completely uninvolved in the gameplay. Some were kind of used to spawn a quest or as support during a fight, but for the most part they were meaningless bystanders.
13. When we did go out of our way to click on a girl, the only real interaction was a 'talk to' button. Clicking the button resulted in some chatter of no importance. If we eventually clicked that button enough times during the game, we eventually got one and only one chance to actually do something with them.
14. The sex scenes lacked any choice or control (with the girl that gave us the tutorial quest, she did have sex with us prior to being able to do the repeated 'talk to' actions. From what I recall though, we didn't even get to choose whether or not to have sex with her. If we wanted to claim faithfulness to our pilot, playing hard to get, or just not interested in her... too bad. First time I can think of being forced into sex with someone other than the main love interest in any game.). Once or twice we did get to choose what was said at some random point in the middle of a sex scene, but for the most part it felt linear and forced.
15. Gameplay gave the appearance of trying to build strong relationships with the girls and building their trust (even if accomplished in a very, very minimalist way). However, the relationships played out more as a love them and leave them, one night stand, variety.

All in all, the game just felt half-implemented and inconsistent in theme and practice. As a resource manager or strategy game, there just isn't much there. Normally I'd say that isn't a big deal. These games are played more for the women. So while the strategy in a game could make it truly epic, it can still manage to serve its purpose without it. In this game though, the women play a very minor role. The management/strategy, which is the core of this game, is completely decoupled from the reason people play it, the women.

In short, mining for income is a big grind with no payoff and no thought required to accomplish. Pursuing any woman is over at the first sign that the player's actually gotten somewhere with them.

The thing that seems to be the most thought out and interesting are how to end the game (do I put this on the planet or not, attack or not, etc... and the supposed implications of what happens next). The implications and twists to the plot they add at least add some interest to the overall story, but they do nothing to improve the game. They are mostly equivalent to playing the game the exact same way multiple times, but on the last day randomly clicking on button A or B or C... to be told how the future unfolds.
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Re: Dignity One

Postby jfrancois323 » Sat, 15May23 05:27

icehaku wrote:Anyone know all the endings? I've got 4 so far.

there's a total of 6 endings!!
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