Brad's Erotic Week (BEW) - S01, E07 (2017-12-04)

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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby Wolfschadowe » Tue, 15Mar24 22:53

Henrik wrote:this is the best-written game i've seen come along in aif since the early days of goblinboy, ariane, or some of tlaero and phreaky's stuff.

it's fantastic.
Thank you Henrik. I really appreciate the complement and the feedback. I'm glad that you are enjoying the game.

I'm just making the game that I would want to play. Hopefully, a few others will like it too.

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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby redle » Tue, 15Mar24 23:51

Totally agree with the others. I enjoyed the bar-only demo a while back and the strip club addition adds some nuance to our main character's life leading up to this point (his seeming desire for human contact and companionship, while at the same time not ready, willing, or able to commit; relationships at arm's distance if you will).

As for suggestions, because I can't abide not finding fault with something ;), it would be nice to see the achievements grouped (by evening's starting location or something). The names and descriptions do a pretty good job of tipping off the area where achievements are likely found (at least after you've become familiar with the areas). Will only become more complex to scan through the achievements and mentally summarize where to best hunt next as the game grows. Always nice when a game handles the organization of such things for us.
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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby flying_circus » Wed, 15Mar25 01:53

This is he best sexy game I've seen since The Tesliss Equation, Meteor, and ArianeB !! The drawing is excelent, and the scenario is more than excellent. The result is awesome. Congratulations and respect !
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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby Wolfschadowe » Wed, 15Mar25 02:19

redle wrote:Totally agree with the others. I enjoyed the bar-only demo a while back and the strip club addition adds some nuance to our main character's life leading up to this point (his seeming desire for human contact and companionship, while at the same time not ready, willing, or able to commit; relationships at arm's distance if you will).
Ha! The zen of BEW. I'm glad you are enjoying the game redle! We will learn more about why Brad is this way as early as day 2, on some storypaths, and by mid-day 4 on all the others.

redle wrote:As for suggestions, because I can't abide not finding fault with something ;), it would be nice to see the achievements grouped (by evening's starting location or something).
I love suggestions. Never fear for speaking out, although if you have something concrete, use the in-game bug report feature and instead of selecting "Bug" from the issues drop-down, select "Idea." The Achievement display is kind of a work in progress. It's cosmetic only, meaning that it just displays the status. We can monkey around with it a bit over time without anyone losing their achievements. Currently it will group by day. So When Thursday achievements become available, a new "Thursday" tab will automagically appear. Grouping by scene within the day tabs, or other groupings we considered ended up not working out very well, but we're open to ideas!

flying_circus wrote:BRAVO !!
This is he best sexy game I've seen since The Tesliss Equation, Meteor, and ArianeB !! The drawing is excelent, and the scenario is more than excellent. The result is awesome. Congratulations and respect !
Thank you for playing, and thank you for the compliments flying_cirucus! I'm glad you are enjoying the game.

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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby thawk2048 » Wed, 15Mar25 03:16

I lurk here, and rarely if ever post. But you've drawn me out of the shadows to congratulate you on a job well-done. Personally, I'd prefer more content per release than what was in this first premiere (I'd rather get a lot at once and wait longer between "episodes" than get a smaller amount more periodically), but that's really my only complaint. This is the best I've seen in a while.
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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby Wolfschadowe » Wed, 15Mar25 05:20

thawk2048 wrote:I lurk here, and rarely if ever post. But you've drawn me out of the shadows to congratulate you on a job well-done. Personally, I'd prefer more content per release than what was in this first premiere (I'd rather get a lot at once and wait longer between "episodes" than get a smaller amount more periodically), but that's really my only complaint. This is the best I've seen in a while.
Thanks for stepping out of the shadows to share your thoughts thawk2048! I'm glad you're enjoying the game.

Just as a reminder to everyone. Episodes 1 & 2 have nearly 900 pages of content, and just over 30,000 words of text. There are several alternate branches and story-lines with different outcomes that will significantly affect later content. I put that out there not as a defense or rebuttal to anyone commenting that they'd like to see larger releases, (I wish I had time to put out larger releases faster too [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] ) but instead intend it as a hint that there may be more there than initially appears. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby ares » Wed, 15Mar25 08:47

Really fantastic. Most of the virtues of the game have been praised already but just to repeat a few:

1.- I don't think the writing is specially good. However, the realism of the situations, the fact that the characters are believable and that when the sex comes, you really think that those two persons can be attracted to each other really makes the game stand out above most others, if not all.

2.- The sexual scenes themselves are extremely elaborated and here, it CERTAINLY stands about all other games I've played. The anticipation is so well crafted that it really manages to arouse the player, or at least this player, as opposed to most other games out there.

3.- Finally, I love the hints at the deeper underlying story, the sense of mystery and the unanswered questions.

Unfortunately, I must say, I cheated extensively. I guess I don't have the time to become frustrated. I must say in my defense that the game is REALLY HARD for the completionist. In the new open section - the Strip Bar - there are several moments where the option that leads to the Perfect Natalie final scene is NOT OBVIOUS. As a matter of fact, other options are sometimes better if you are not absolutely certain you can hit the Perfect Ending! (I loved that) And of course, one must choose ALL the right options to see that ending, that's why it's "Perfect". Now don't get me wrong, I like very much that the game is hard for the completionist. I think that's how games should be. However, is is hard to be a completionist without time to complete, hence I cheated.

The terrible part of cheating is that I saw some bits of story that I should not have seen. And now I feel bad because I would really had liked to be surprised by those and now I won't be. So to the other people playing out there, if you don't want to ruin for yourself the story that is to come in the next episodes (and it looks really nice) DO NOT CHEAT.

(One thing to consider may be to give people playing in Hard an idea about how well they made it into the Perfect Goal. I'm not sure how to do it, the game mght be so complex that there is no good way other than showing the scores with each girl along with the score you should achieve. On the other hand, since people going after the Perfect route, must choose the best path in several branches - not just the right path, sometimes there are more than one right paths but only one is the best - well, they might end up playing a lot of games.)

Bottom line, save A LOT. At least, at every branch in which you feel that there might be more than one good option.


1.- File n1club019.htm has links to files n1club20.htm and n1club20a.htm. Notice that is there is a '0' missing, it should be n1club020.htm and so on. Those links are broken

2.- I might be wrong about this one but I think it is possible to arrive at the Private Lap Dance with Natalie and have her referring to you licking her during her strip dance even if YOU didn't lick her. I believe it happened to me in my first playthrough.

Finally, I'll spoil below a walkthrough for the Natalie Perfect ending. I don't recommend reading through it, at least not before exploring the game substantally becasue there are MANY interesting pieces that you won't have access following this walkthrough. Still, if you feel you are stuck for too long, you can use this as a reference

Go grab a beer
...How did you end up waitressing?
But you are one of the senior dancers...
Probably the same tip...
Sure, I can do that
<Watch the bartender>
<Is he licking his lips?>
He didnt just watched...
Take it from a guy...
I know the looks...
Not really, ...
Crap, well, I can still fantasize
Oh, come on...
You've got a deal
<Look closer>
He was about to grab your hips...
Yeah way! Look...
So, you'll put in a good word for me?
So, if I hit that spot...
There's the catch...
Thanks Candy. (Go sit at THE STAGE...)

<Look into her eyes>
<Softly drag your money...>
<Break the routine...>
<Gently drag your fingertips...>
<At this angle...>
<Help Natalie>
<Grab his arm...>
<Take him to the ground>
<Is that the girl from the coffee shop?>
<Comfort Natalie>
Sorry, that was my fault...
<Hold her tight...>
<Go sit at your usual spot...>

That seems to bother you
You still seem to care about her
Wow, now you've blown...
What makes you think it's me?
Candy mentioned you might be able to help
(Lie) Azumi was thanking me...
We both think you are the sexiest girl here
I don't mind. I need to use the men's room anyway (She doesn't really like this, she would have liked to stay. But you guess she'll get over it)
We have plenty of time...

<Check to uh...> :)
Don't worry about it...
(Smile mischievously)...
How many clogs did he clear?... :)

<You see cum running down her leg...>
Just being with you is special (Notice that if you have not followed this walkthrough, the other option may be better)
That was a great duo...
Why so angry? You have to admit...
Damn the rules...

<Kiss her between the breasts>
Keep talking to me like that...
<Pull her back to lay against you>
<Nuzzle the area Azumi showed you>
<Kiss the base of her jaw>
<Lick down her jaw>
<Moment of truth...>
No, I want you to kiss me (She's threatened by this, you press on)
I know you are into girls...
Of course I do!...
<Suck on her offered breast>
<Gently drag your fingers...>
You don't need to...
<Pull her down for a kiss>
<Hold back and drag...>
<Grab her ass>
<Break he kiss...> (Congrats, you just made it to Natalie Perfect. That was the final test)
<See if you can buy some time...> (...and enjoy,... just don't give too fast into temptation, there are good and bad paths in what follows)
Last edited by ares on Thu, 15Mar26 08:19, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby kexter » Wed, 15Mar25 12:03

Thanks for the kind words, and for reporting the broken links. I'll look into the other issue as well.
ares wrote:Bottom line, save A LOT. At least, at every branch in which you feel that there might be more than one good option.

Just keep in mind that there is a hard cap at 1000 saves so don't goo too overboard. And there is an even lower number of saves possible for players using IE (at around 50-80 before it will start dropping older saves). If you want to save more, you can keep different sets of saves by exporting/importing them in the Options menu.

redle wrote:(...) it would be nice to see the achievements grouped (by evening's starting location or something). (...) Will only become more complex to scan through the achievements and mentally summarize where to best hunt next as the game grows.

You can blame me for this, Wolfschadowe actually wanted them grouped by scene per day; I drew the line at grouping them by day. It think that strikes as not-too-much-but-make-the-player-work-for-it.

Super wrote:I love the presentation/achievements list

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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby Wolfschadowe » Wed, 15Mar25 18:45

Thanks for all your kind words ares! I'm glad you're enjoying the game!

ares wrote: I must say in my defense that the game is REALLY HARD for the completionist. In the new open section - the Strip Bar - there are several moments where the option that leads to the Perfect Natalie final scene is NOT OBVIOUS. As a matter of fact, other options are sometimes better if you are not absolutely certain you can hit the Perfect Ending! (I loved that)
Yeah, the elite paths, (each girl has two, and there are a few combo elite paths as well) are designed to be hard. Natalie perfect is one of those. The options that lead to the Natalie Perfect scene may not be obvious, but they should made SENSE, especially for someone who has become familiar with the events of the scene through several playthoughts across different paths, and has a solid understanding of the characters. By solid understanding of the characters, I don't mean that they've memorized stats like in some of those other games where you regurgitate things like their breast size. I mean actually understand their motivations, challenges, and in some cases, maybe know the characters better than they know themselves.

I will say, that for the first 5 or 6 episodes, there may not be quite enough information yet available to fully understand the elite paths as we may not have enough information about the characters yet. Ares made it though the Strip Club on the Natalie Perfect path (which is an elite path) but the question is to stay on that path through the next 6 game days! <insert evil laugh here> That's why I call them "elite" endings. They require a deep understanding of the characters motivations, overall story, and game story to successfully complete. They are for those that want to immerse themselves in the game universe and story. There are two types of elite endings. Perfect and Corruption. The Corruption paths are actually the hardest in the game. One misstep on a Perfect path, and you'll simply drop to a Main path. On the corruption paths, there are a couple of chances to "escape" the path, but after those chances are gone, one misstep and you will end your chances for any relationship with that character. Sometimes, people don't like change, or there is a lot of resistance to it. The corruption paths require a deep understanding of the characters innermost desires that they either don't know themselves, or that they are trying to suppress, and the point is to pull them forward, creating a change in their fundamental nature. In this context, corruption isn't intended as a negative aspect, but rather as a change driver.

The elite endings are the same "quality" as the standard endings. The main difference is that the elite endings are as much about the journey to achieve them as the ending themselves.

My advice for anyone trying to naturally achieve the elite spoiler

1. Don't try too hard until at least episode 4 or 5. Leave some surprises for yourself

2. Don't speed click through sections until you know you fully understand every nuance of what the characters are saying. Even then, occasionally take a slow leisurely pace through the game to re-read everything. Your understanding of what the characters are saying may change as you know them better, giving you new insights.

3. Never quick-load after a mistake. Always play through to the credits. Every branch of the story has a purpose. Sometimes that purpose is to provide you with more information and understanding of the world and women. Many times you will get some information that doesn't help you on your current path, but gives better understanding for other paths.

4. Links appear based on your relationship. Just because you've seen a page a hundred times before, or a woman said no to something a hundred times before that doesn't mean you actually know the path. For example, if the max relationship at point is 100, one link may be present at 60, and two at 80, and three at 100. This is key for elite paths.

5. Just like in life, there is rarely a "Dude, not enough points, game over!" Just like in life, there are opportunities for redemption. Sometimes the characters will make an emotional decision in the moment that they regret later after some thought. That can work either to your advantage, or against you, depending on the circumstances.

I also made sure that there were several standard paths that also came to good endings. Some players may actually enjoy the standard endings more than the elite ones. Each woman also has a default ending. By default, I mean the "you barely made it" type that is very forgiving. Call it an easy ending. These are a little more mediocre than the standard endings.

As for having time to play enough to find the elite endings? Well, hopefully I made BEW with a solid enough quality and replay-ability that you can set it aside for a few weeks, and come back to it like an old friend. Even when Season 2, Episode 12 drops, starting a new game will still start you on the street outside the coffee shop on Wednesday morning. And maybe, just maybe, as you play through the strip club scene for the n'th time, you will come across something new... BEW is about the journey. It's not about the endings. Also, there are currently only 2 actual endings available, and both are in the office in the morning. The rest are..."to be continued." [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

Finally, this is a good place for a shout-out to the playtesters who kept me honest on my characterization and story continuity! A deep thanks to all of you!

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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby Jerkins » Wed, 15Mar25 19:28

I'll join the chorus in congratulating you on an excellent game so far. It is very promising, but with the amount of content you have planned I am honestly a bit worried that you will burn out. Then again, should the worst happen we will still have a good (if incomplete) game.

As for technical issues, I had the same problem in Firefox as some other people - my cookie setting is Ask me every time. Switching to Always accepted seemed to solve the problem, but I elected to play it in IE instead since I always forget to change the setting back.
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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby iksanabot » Wed, 15Mar25 20:46

Wow, Wolfschadowe, Kexter, fantastic work!

The complexity of this game is astounding, I love it.

Thanks for sharing this, looking forward to more,
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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby ares » Wed, 15Mar25 21:54

Wolfschadowe wrote:Yeah, the elite paths, (each girl has two, and there are a few combo elite paths as well) are designed to be hard. Natalie perfect is one of those. The options that lead to the Natalie Perfect scene may not be obvious, but they should made SENSE, especially for someone who has become familiar with the events of the scene through several playthoughts across different paths, and has a solid understanding of the characters. By solid understanding of the characters, I don't mean that they've memorized stats like in some of those other games where you regurgitate things like their breast size. I mean actually understand their motivations, challenges, and in some cases, maybe know the characters better than they know themselves.

I'd say that you have managed this already to a very good extent. And that is another very strong point of the game. When I said the paths were not obvious what I meant is that ocasionally there are other possibilities that seem to make more sense naively. For instance, some possibilities may ellicit a more positive immediate reaction from the character than the "elite" ones (I mentioned a couple of these in the walkthrough). But once the Perfect path is completed I do think that it is clear, or at least plausible, even now, to understand why that option that seemed not-so-good actually worked better in the end.

This requirement of long term planning is a big beauty of this game.

Finally, have you considered setting up a Patreon account, just like BBBen has? I think that of all the possibilites for donation, Patreon is the simpler one and it would guarantee a monthly influx. It seems evident that you enjoy what you are doing, but it also takes a load of time and I'm sure some of us would be happy to contribute.
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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby redle » Wed, 15Mar25 22:40

kexter wrote:
redle wrote:(...) it would be nice to see the achievements grouped (by evening's starting location or something). (...) Will only become more complex to scan through the achievements and mentally summarize where to best hunt next as the game grows.

You can blame me for this, Wolfschadowe actually wanted them grouped by scene per day; I drew the line at grouping them by day. It think that strikes as not-too-much-but-make-the-player-work-for-it.

My thoughts go more like this...
To a new player the achievements don't have much meaning, other than to hint that there is a lot of content. Any grouping or not doesn't mean much.

To a player whose played a little bit, the achievements start to be understandable. At this point though they tend to just tell the player, "Wow, I've barely scratched the surface so far." Few start actively hunting specific achievements at this point (other than I'm sure some are already going for "perfect" solutions at this point, but once again grouping of achievements is fairly irrelevant).

Then finally we get to the fairly experienced player (one who's played through the game quite a few times and is actually achievement hunting or wondering what content was missed). By this stage reading the achievement titles and descriptions are generally enough to pretty accurately place exactly the scenario required to unlock them (not which set of choices will achieve it, but what goal one is trying to reach). This is all great. The thing is, I can read through 20 locked achievements and mentally tick off "bar, club, club, office, bar, bar, bar, ..." The sorting isn't really a puzzle (once again, a good thing), but it isn't free either (and can only be done mentally, and is required to be done again and again and again). At this point I decide which path I'll take in hunting. Once I decide, okay, going to play "club" some more, I want to scan through only the list of relevant achievements. I can identify which ones are relevant, but I must continually scan through all the irrelevant ones as well.

Is just my opinion. I just feel like organization of the achievements would take away busy-work that I need to do repeatedly. If this were a reference document I used at home/school/work, it's the type of thing I would stop and reorganize once rather than mentally organize every single day. Of course in this instance the document isn't mine to reorganize. Once again, it's only a minor gripe. Just trying to clarify that the work-for-it must be done again and again every time we go to the achievements rather than solving and moving on.
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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby kexter » Wed, 15Mar25 23:44

I appreciate your input, and I see your point. Let's get back to this after a few more episodes are out - you'll see why.
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Re: Brad's Erotic Week - Season 1, Episodes 1 & 2 (2015-03-2

Postby Wolfschadowe » Thu, 15Mar26 06:37

Jerkins wrote:I'll join the chorus in congratulating you on an excellent game so far.--snip--

As for technical issues, I had the same problem in Firefox as some other people.
Thank you for the feedback Jerkins!

Looks like we'll have something in place to handle the Firefox issue for elevated security with the next episode.

redle wrote:My thoughts go more like this...
I really appreciate all the time and thought that you put into this. It's always good to hear the feedback and get a different view on things. I'm sure the Achievements reporting will evolve over time and get better.

iksanabot wrote:Wow, Wolfschadowe, Kexter, fantastic work!

The complexity of this game is astounding, I love it.
Thank you iksanabot! I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far!

ares wrote:I'd say that you have managed this already to a very good extent. --snip--

Finally, have you considered setting up a Patreon account, just like BBBen has? I think that of all the possibilites for donation, Patreon is the simpler one and it would guarantee a monthly influx. It seems evident that you enjoy what you are doing, but it also takes a load of time and I'm sure some of us would be happy to contribute.
Thanks ares. All of it is great feedback.

Also, thanks for the heads-up on Patreon. I've never heard of it, but took a quick look before responding. I'm not in it for the money, that's why the game is free, but I certainly won't turn down an offer to buy me a beer for my efforts, hence the in-game donate link. If I do go with Patreon, it would likely be by release rather than monthly for those who want to voluntarily sponsor my efforts, however BEW will always be free.

On that topic, A big thank you to those of you who used the donate link! I'm absolutely honored by it.

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