X Story Player

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Re: X Story Player

Postby Danos1975 » Fri, 13Sep20 03:28

tlaero wrote:Muze, if you're sending feedback, here's what I suggest for a control scheme.

Movement is done with the arrow keys (as well as AWSD).
Mouse always looks around, but there's an unobtrusive reticle at the center of the screen.
Left clicking the mouse performs a context-sensitive action at the reticle. (Unbutton a button if you're pointing at one. Pick up something if you're pointing at something to pick up. Use item if you have something in your hand. Etc.)

That would make it easy to control and move around. It'll also get rid of the frustrating "now you're looking, now you're interacting" toggle.


This is great advice from Tlaero. The game seems really interesting and the art is great, love the clothing stripping, but the controls are really wonky. I am considering backing you on offbeatr if you change the controls. Are you planning to revamp the controls with new episodes? Also, your POV is way too low. Low POV can make people sick to their stomach and it looks strange once you realize notice. Its like your wearing blinders. But if you increase the POV to a normal amount you get a weird floating dick disconnected from the bottom of the screen.
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Re: X Story Player

Postby ExtraStiffy » Wed, 13Oct23 00:00

Okay... After having inadvertently posted something about this elsewhere (like I said, I tried a search but didn't see it come up), AND after having struggled my way through the demo AND paid for the full version....

The artwork is outstanding, but when you really get down to brass tacks, ALL of the girls are just variations on a theme. You can see it in their faces. Given that it's still in it's early stages, I'm hopeful that there will be more development, because as it stands now, it is somewhat lacking.

I would like to see:
- more interaction between the girls and the PC,
- more additional interaction of OTHER girls AND the PC,
- more 'logic/learning' between the PC and the girl(s); i.e. they 'learn' from whatever you type, and adapt accordingly, instead of only 'reacting' to preset keywords,
- less of the ceiling, and more of the 'good stuff' that's supposedly occurring right beneath our noses,
- more girls,
- the ability to intermix the girls from one locale to another, i.e. Jenna goes to the chamber, and Latisha goes to the pool,
- more/better interface; i.e. a hand that appears and allows you to stroke/pinch/pull/tweak, or a tongue that allows you to lick, and less of the "C" & "V" tweaking to get the position, 'just right' - when the PC goes into "that" mode, his plane should automatically line up to what is being approached.
- get rid of the spacial barrier that precludes access to 'the good stuff.' I get having the need to have barriers in the storyline, but once you've gotten past that, those barriers should be gone.
- clean up the dialog - I know, it's minor, but Damn it all... Punctuation is the difference between "feeling your nuts," and "feeling you're nuts," or "Let's eat Grandma," and "Let's eat, Grandma." In this day and age of smart-phone technology, we have devices that are programmed by someone on the other side of the world to have better mastery of our own language than the end-user does.
- the ability, maybe in a downloadable version, for end-user programming of the keyboard.

Anyone else have anything to add to this list?
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Re: X Story Player

Postby ttant » Wed, 13Oct23 17:43

ExtraStiffy wrote:I would like to see

Post your feedback on theit forums too, they probably don't read this thread. ;)
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Re: X Story Player

Postby StudioPantisniff » Mon, 14Apr14 23:31

The physics of the clothing is neatly done. This game deserves more attention!
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