Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel Expanded walkthrough

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Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel Expanded walkthrough

Postby ExLibris » Sun, 10May16 03:47

This post contains spoilers! Read at your own risk!

Now includes Leilani ending! (14 May 2011)

The walkthrough is divided into two parts in order to limit repetition. All the things listed in the preparation section can be done without cutting off any of the endings. During the introduction you have a choice between gaining a point of influence (RACHfun) or having a drink (RACHdri). Generally it’s safer to pick the influence option, as drinking options are fairly obvious within the game.

I’ve said things like ‘Go to store’ rather than providing the exact commands to get there, mainly because I’m lazy.

Unlike previous Virtual Date games building up influence with Rachel or getting her drunk isn’t a major factor in most of the paths. If you’re curious, the paths where a certain level of either is required are listed below.

RACHfun = 3
Required for Rachel to suggest game at hotel
Required for Rachel to be willing to strip in competition
Required for Rachel to be willing to strip at the sex club (Leilani ending)

RACHfun = 2
Required for Rachel to be willing to go to leisure centre with Crystal and Erica

RACHdri = 3
Required for Rachel to suggest game at hotel

RACHdri = 2
Required for Rachel to flash the player after buying the Alex outfit

You can increase the number of drinks that Rachel has had during the introduction, or at the casino, restaurant or bar.

You can increase Rachel’s fun during the introduction, by winning at the casino (note that winning will not raise RACHfun above 2), buying something at the store, or by taking Crystal & Erica to the bar but not impressing them enough to go to the leisure centre. It also looks like preparing Kelly for the competition was supposed to increase RACHfun but it actually increases RACHinf.

(RACHfun +1)
“Hey. Nice outfit!”
"Step outside"
"Take in the view"
"Grab her ass"
(RACHdri +1)
“Hey. Nice outfit!”
"Go to the kitchen"
"Get a drink from the cupboard"

Go to strip club
"Talk to Leilani"
"Let them talk"
“Meet Leilani later”

Go to casino
"Book a room for the night"
"Book a room"
"Do something else"

(RACHfun +1; won’t raise RACHfun higher than 2)
"Go gambling"
“Just pick a number.”
(It doesn’t matter which number you pick, especially if you edit oneroll.html and comment out the line ‘arLinks[1] = "casloose.html";’)
"Kiss her during the excitement"
"Finish kissing"
"Collect winnings"

(RACHdri +1)
"Have a drink at the bar"
"Buy a vodka"
"Go somewhere else"

Go to bar (if you want the Leilani ending skip the following steps, and go straight to Leilani Ending at the bottom of this walkthrough)
(RACHdri +1)
“Let's get a drink.”
“Two beers.”
"Finish having drinks"

"Speak with Leilani"
"Talk with Leilani"
"Take the ticket"

(You can also dance, but that doesn’t affect anything)

<At this point you’ve done all the prep-work, and it’s time to decide which path you want to pursue>

Sophie Ending
Go to the bar
"Speak with Sophie"
“Err...hi, boss. I...don't seem to have any pot on me.”
“I...have a ticket to a strip club competition.”
"Give her the ticket information"
"Say goodbye to Sophie"

Go to strip club
“What about the competition here?”
“Hell, yes.”
"Speak with Sophie"
“I'd love to be your coach, boss”
"Pick an outfit"
"Pick what she's wearing"
"Pick an opponent"
"Pick Rachel"
"Go to the stage"
"Speak with Sophie"
“Lose the pants.”
"Speak with Rachel"
“People really need to see those breasts.”
"Speak with Sophie"
“Strip naked on stage.”
"Speak with Sophie"
“Concede defeat then fuck Rachel in the back room?”
"Let her choose"
"Walk into the dressing room"
(You should be able to manage things from here)

Kelly Ending
Go to restaurant
"Talk to the barmaid"
(For RACHdri +1 choose “Can we get some drinks?” here and then talk to the barmaid again, it’s not necessary for this path though)
“Are you OK. You seem distant.”
“Actually, I don't know if it's your thing, but I have this ticket to a competition at a strip club...”
“Apparently, you perform the best strip and win $5000.”
“Maybe we can help build your confidence.”
"Let Kelly finish work"
“We have a room at the casino. How about we go there?”
"Take her to work"
"Follow them to the room"
“You two should dance together.”
"Finish dancing"
“Have a seat.”
“I think you two should kiss.”
"Let them kiss"
"Let them kiss"
“Let Rachel touch your chest.”
"Let Rachel finish"
"Say goodbye to Kelly"
"Find something to do"
(This sequence increases RACHinf by 1; it may have been intended to increase RACHfun as RACHinf is not tested anywhere in the game)

Go to strip club
“What about the competition here?”
“Hell, yes.”
"Speak with Kelly"
“Sure, I'll coach you.”
"Pick Costume"
"Pick maid's outfit"
"Select opponent"
"Select Rachel"
"Go to the stage"
"Speak with Kelly"
“Do what you're comfortable with for now.”
"Speak with Kelly"
“Try to look naughty.”
"Speak with Kelly"
“Take your dress off.”
"Speak with Kelly"
“Flash your pussy. It's the only way to beat her.”
"Speak with Kelly"
“Slide a finger into your pussy.”
"Follow them to the dressing rooms"
(You should be able to manage things from here)

Rachel stripping
(You need to increase RACHfun to 3 for this path; the two options above (grabbing her ass & winning at the casino), plus buying any item from the store will do this)

Go to strip club
“What about the competition here?”
“Hell, yes.”
"Speak with Rachel"
“Let's do it!”
"Pick an outfit"
"Pick what she's wearing"
"Pick opponent"
"Pick stripper 1"
"Speak with Rachel"
“Strip all the way and look even hotter.”
"Speak to Rachel"
“Touch your pussy.”
"Speak with Rachel"
“Dare you to stick a finger up your ass.”
"Go back to the dressing room"
(You should be able to manage things from here)

Rachel hotel ending
(During the introduction choose the RACHfun +1 option; you will also need to win at the casino or take Crystal & Erica to the bar)

Go to store
"Buy the camera"

(Have a drink at the bar and the restaurant)

Go to the casino
"Book a room for the night"
"Go to the room"
"Go to the room"
(You can sit on the sofa and kiss Rachel, but it doesn’t have any effect)
"Go to the bedroom"
“I need to take a picture of you like that.”
"Finish taking picture"
“Are you OK with a more naughty photo?”
“Can I see a little more?”
"Listen to the rules"
“Let's play!”
"Go down the left corridor"
“Let's get a picture.”
"Watch her strip"
"Take the picture"
"Go somewhere else"
"Go down the right corridor"
"Use the elevator"
"Press the emergency stop"
"Watch her strip"
"Take the picture"
"Go somewhere else"
"Take the elevator down"
"Walk over to the corner"
“Let's chance it. Strip.”
"Watch her strip"
"Take the picture"
"Go somewhere else"
"Go down to the lobby"
"Go to the casino floor"
"Go to the bar"
"Go into the toilets"
“Let's chance it. Strip.”
"Watch her strip"
"Take the picture"
"Go somewhere else"
“Let's go back to the casino floor.”
“Let's go back to the lobby.”
"Go up to the elevators"
“Let's go back upstairs.”
"Take the elevator up"
"Go back up the corridor"
"Go back to the room"
"Follow her to the bedroom"
(You should be able to manage things from here)

Leisure centre ending

Go to store
"Buy scotch"

Go to leisure centre
"Speak with the employees"
"Let them talk"
“Sure. Let's go.”
"Speak with Rachel"
“I'll see what I can do.”
"Suggest getting some drinks"
"Buy cocktails"
"Collect drinks"
"Speak with Erica"
“I don't know if she's really my type.” or “It's the worst date I've ever had.”
“She's just really not my type.”
“I like redheads.”
"Rejoin the group"
“I don't know if she's really my type.” or “It's the worst date I've ever had.”
“She seems more interested in other women than me.”
“I'm just worried she'll run off with one of you two instead.”
"Rejoin the group"
"Speak with Crystal"
“I just wanted to talk.”
"Suggest having a seat"
"Have a seat"
"Move closer to her"
"Kiss her"
"Finish kissing"
“No complaints from me.”
“Finish talking”
“Why don't we do something else?”
“Maybe we could have some fun at the leisure centre.”
"Go to the leisure centre"
“How does this equipment work?”
"Pick Rachel"
“Maybe you should take it off.”
"Watch Rachel undress"
“Maybe Erica should try it.”
"Watch Erica undress"
"Finish watching"
“Can someone show me around?”
"Pick Crystal"
"Continue tour"
"Continue tour"
"Kiss her"
"Finish kissing"
"Finish kissing"
"Finish the tour"
“They have Jacuzzis here, right?”
"Strip naked"
"Get in the jacuzzi"
“I think I have a bottle of scotch in my pile of clothes.”
“You only get to drink if you're taking something off.”
"Watch Crystal undress Erica"
"Sit in the jacuzzi"
(You should be able to manage things from here)

Alex Ending

Go to store
"Buy outfit" (it’s the one on the right-hand side; if RACHdri is 2 or greater she will flash you when she puts it on)

Go to office
"Show her where you work"
"Let Alex work"
“Do you think we should invite her along?”
“We have a room booked at the casino. What about the bar there?”
“I bought an outfit for Rachel earlier. Would she mind if you borrowed it?”
"Take Alex to the Casino"
"Go to the room"
"Have a drink"
"Finish having drinks"
"Let Alex get changed"
"Let her change"
"Take her to the bar"
"Have a seat"
“Let's get some drinks.”
"Finish having drinks."
"Ask Rachel a question"
“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”
(NB. The below is what I believe to be the intended sequence of the conversation. Currently with v1.2 you only have to ask “Do you like your outfit?” and “Do you think Rachel's attractive?” before asking her to spend the night)
"Ask Alex a question"
“Do you like your outfit?”
"Ask something else"
"Ask Alex a question"
“Can I have a better look at your bra?”
"Finish looking"
"Ask Alex a question"
“Have you ever found a woman attractive?”
"Finish looking"
"Ask Alex a question"
“Do you think Rachel's attractive?”
"Ask something else"
"Ask Alex a question"
“Would you spend the night with us?”
"Go to the room"
"Use the bathroom"
"Sabotage the taps"
"Finish in the bathroom"
"Switch TV to music and dance"
“You might as well take them off. You can't just hang around wet.”
"Let her undress"
“Why doesn't Rachel show Alex how to really dance?”
"Watch her dance"
"Watch her dance"
“Your turn, Alex.”
“Just copy Rachel's moves. She was good.”
"Watch her dance"
"Watch her dance"
"Finish watching"
“Give me a lap dance.”
"Pick Rachel"
“Your turn, Alex.”
"Pull her in close"
"Kiss her breasts"
"Let them go"
(You should be able to manage things from here)

Leilani Ending
(You need to increase RACHfun to 3 for this path; the two options above (grabbing her ass & winning at the casino), plus buying any item from the store will do this)

Go to sex shop
Buy her something
Buy the double ended dildo

Go to bar
“Let's get a drink.”
“Two beers.”
"Finish having drinks"

"Speak with Leilani" (if you want the Leilani ending)
"Talk with Leilani"
"Hey, don't go! Maybe there's something else we can do?"
"Let's go to the club down the street."
Go to the club
"Nope. Sorry."
Suggest they make out
Let them kiss
Have a drink
Go dancing
Let them dance
Let them continue
"I guess we'd better do what she says."
Speak to Rachel
"Try dancing together."
Speak to Rachel
"Maybe you should take something off."
"I think Rachel needs to strip for the camera."
"I think you both need to go a bit further than that."
"OK, on my count of three, everyone strip naked."
Hand over the dildo
Let them play
(You should be able to manage things from here)
Last edited by ExLibris on Mon, 11Jun06 06:49, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby Rikwar » Sun, 10May16 12:21

This is an excellent walkthrough by 'ExLibris' just make sure your using Rachel version 1.1 , I wasn't at first which made getting Alex impossible 'file bugs etc'
On a personal note Thanks again ExLibris for the help this past week [img]smile/thumb.gif[/img]

**For a smoother gameplay of all VDG use Firefox **
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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby moonkee » Fri, 10May21 20:43

I LOVE this game!!!
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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby C-D-P » Wed, 10Aug04 22:44

Is there any way to get any of the VDG's to take the anal dildo?
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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby yopi » Thu, 10Sep09 22:43

ok all is cool but i still cant reach end with Leilani some help please :(
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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby Rikwar » Thu, 10Sep09 23:55

yopi wrote : ok all is cool but i still cant reach end with Leilani some help please :(

If your playing the free version theres no Leilani endings, only with the offsite version !
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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby Flabronco » Fri, 10Sep10 02:59

Thanks for the walk thru. Unfortunately, I still can't access the site. When will it be up again?
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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby Valdora » Fri, 10Sep10 09:09

WHERE can I play this game? The VDG blog says you can play at sex force one, but thats not true! the link sends you to a broken page! :(
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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby Rikwar » Fri, 10Sep10 13:40

Flabronco & Valdora check your private messages Image

No idea when Chaotic will have is new site up just check is blog once in awhile !
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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby Parallax » Fri, 10Sep10 14:22

love the game, but can´t play it either.
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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby Rikwar » Fri, 10Sep10 14:35

Parallax wrote : love the game, but can´t play it either.

Parallax check your private messages Image
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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby yopi » Sat, 10Sep11 21:26

ok i play offsite version :) can u help me to reach ending with them ?

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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby Copius Cain » Mon, 10Sep13 20:17

I can`t play it ... can someone give me another link where i can play the game ?! This link it`s ... broken.
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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby Rikwar » Mon, 10Sep13 21:19

Copius Cain wrote : I can`t play it ... can someone give me another link where i can play the game ?! This link it`s ... broken.

You can now get it on Chaotic's new website ;)
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Re: Warning spoilers! - Virtual Date Rachel walkthrough

Postby Copius Cain » Mon, 10Sep13 21:42

Thank`s ... I read about his problems with yahoo, but i didn`t find this new site anywhere :D
I`m looking after some walkthroughs ... i found only 1 ending :( [img]smile/couto.gif[/img]
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