Makatea Full Fr & English

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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby jfrancois323 » Fri, 12Aug10 02:57

how do we get Contract 3 ??

thank in advance !!
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby ghorgh » Fri, 12Aug10 12:00

Le contrat 3 s'obtient si tu as les 2 premiers ainsi qu'un autre objet et que tu parles avec à la bonne personne à l'aide du premier contrat ou de l'autre objet, je ne sais plus. Si tu me donnes la liste d'objet en ta possession, je te dirai si tu as l'objet en question.
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby lev » Fri, 12Aug10 13:09

Bonjour lecarlitos,

Voici quelques bugs que j'ai trouvés dans la version 1.6 en anglais (en grande partie :p ) (n'as-tu pas cette version en français ?)
- sur la plage nord, le lien "centre de l'île" conduit à la plage sud
- j'ai deux pseudo-objets dans mon inventaire (je ne sais plus à quel moment ils sont apparus), dont l'image est un petit carré noir : "Salon2" et un autre.
- si je rends visite à Tamara pendant la nuit du 2 au 3, quand je ressors il fait jour, et tout se passe comme si c'était la journée du 2. Si ensuite je vais dans la maison principale, j'y trouve Mirlande, à qui je peux demander de me reposer. Si j'accepte j'ai un message du type "script runtime error, view log..." (et peut-être ça passe au jour 3, je ne sais plus).
Il y a d'autres bugs du même genre (avec le même résultat : problème de date et message d'erreur) mais je n'ai plus les détails ; une fois j'ai pu refaire la photo alors que j'avais la photo déchirée...
Je pense qu'ils se produisent quand on va dans un endroit imprévu mais qui n'est pas condamné (cf l'exemple avec Tamara).

Sinon, une remarque sur les photos des personnages : certaines ne sont pas cohérentes, c'est-à-dire qu'elles semblent venir de filles différentes (p. ex. Orlane au début), notamment quand la taille de leur poitrine change nettement d'une photo à l'autre !

Maintenant, ne prends pas ces quelques remarques comme un avis négatif, globalement c'est un très bon jeu !

lecarlitos wrote:Makatea 2 is about to be released. Go on my website and don't forget : If you want a better game give me your opinion!

Je t'en supplie, dépose-le sur un autre site/d'autres sites que Rapidshare. Un téléchargement gratuit met presque une heure (30 ko/s !) ! L'installateur que j'ai obtenu ne marche pas (Win me dit qu'il est corrompu), mais à ce débit je n'ai pas encore pris le temps de réessayer.
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby lecarlitos » Fri, 12Aug10 19:25

Je suis en train de coder le numéro 2 donc je ne me souviens plus de tous les détails. Il faut que je regarde ta petite liste ;)

J'apprécie les critiques ça me permets d'améliorer le jeu.

Tu peux le trouver en français :

J'ai jamais vraiment eu de pb avec rapidshare (sauf en ce moment mais c'est dû à ma connexion). Ca ne me gène pas de le poster ailleurs (La version anglaise est aussi sur les newsgroup) Dis moi quel serveur serait meilleur?

Continue de me lister les bugs (avec un max de détails, c'est plus facile à chercher)

C'est vrai Orlane j'ai utilisé des photos de filles différentes (les autres non) mais c''est pas simple de trouver de trouver des photos pour chaque situation. De plus j'avais mal préparé ma librairie. Je pensais pas faire un jeu aussi complet. C'était mon 1er jeu!
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby lev » Mon, 12Aug13 10:42

lecarlitos wrote:Tu peux le trouver en français :

Le "1.3" semble indiquer que cette version est moins avancée que l'anglaise "1.6". :??:

J'ai jamais vraiment eu de pb avec rapidshare (sauf en ce moment mais c'est dû à ma connexion). Ca ne me gène pas de le poster ailleurs (La version anglaise est aussi sur les newsgroup) Dis moi quel serveur serait meilleur?

D'après ce qu'on trouve avec Google, ils ont bridé pour les utilisateurs anonymes depuis la fermeture de Megaupload.

Comme ça, je pense à Hotfile et Depositfiles.
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby kobalyengartorum » Sat, 12Aug18 21:16

Hello everyone, I was hoping somebody might be able to offer me some help with Makatea 2.

I'm playing the English version and I don't seem to be able to advance the plot any. I have saved Emma, her sister and the Interpol girl but now I just seem to be stuck in the same loop. All I do everyday is collect the money from the girls, try and bribe the soldiers and run the saloon. I can't get the soldier chick to do anything other than go to my place and let me ask her again what she is doing here and that if I can be her friend. Am I missing something here? Some of the game is still left in french and unfortunately I don't speak a bit of the language. I've found out that selling to many guns to the rebels turns into a bad end so I am avoiding them, is their something I should be doing other than just selling the guns? And is their any way to actually do anything with the captured girls if you go that route, all it ever did for me was end up at a game over screen.

Thanks for any advice anybody has to give!
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby lecarlitos » Sat, 12Sep15 11:06

Makatea shows lots of promise but I've found myself getting frustrated to the point of giving up.

Firstly the objectives within the game are not clear and for all the conversations it is possible to have with people, they tend to be very much the same and never changing. We have to persuade the guy with the boat to take us of the island and he wants us to find his missing girlfriend first - So far, so good.

Presumably there are a number of sub-goals to be achieved before finding the girl and getting the ride home but what they are seems to be a state secret. For example: Some of the characters name the same guy as being pretty close to this girl but he, like everyone else, denies knowing her well. The natural reaction would be to say "Don't give me that - everyone knows she was your favourite" or something like that, but the game doesn't allow it. Going back to speaking to the other people also doesn't allow you to ask them why they think he'd lie about it. I'm getting the impression the game must be played in a certain sequence but there are none of the usual verbal clues to indicate which thing needs to be done next so that you can move on to all those other things you've found that don't quite add up (the mysterious beads under the bed that you can't pick up, even after you've found what seems to be the necklace they came from, are just one example).

Locations seem only to be available at certain times - but you'd have to keep checking the clock to find out what the time is. Time-dependant incidents are always a contentious issue with gamers - but if you must include them you should at least make the player aware of the passage of time by including things like changes in the graphics to show the onset of evening, etc, or at least have an onscreen clock.

The dock keeps appearing as a location but attempting to go there gives an (untranslated) message that it's closed. I'm guessing you can't go there until you've reunited the captain with his girlfriend but, in that case, why show that exit before then?

I can't find anything else to do and the characters aren't providing any clues - The only location left to explore is the mountain but that just gets me killed.

The only "end of day" message I've seen implies that I have missed something but I don't know if that means that I am seeing that message because I really have missed something or if that is the only message there is for the "end of day". I am beginning to get the horrible suspicion there are goals in this game which must be obtained by a certain "Day" and for me that was the final straw that made me want to stop playing altogether.

No doubt there will be brighter (or luckier) people than me who will rave about this game - like I said, it shows great promise. To me the whole thing feels like a programming exercise where things have been included simply because the author wanted to see how a certain feature works. Nothing wrong with that - it needs to be done. I'd just rather it was presented as such and not as a "new game".

Quite a few of the captions haven't been translated. The English in some of the translations leaves a little to be desired too (referring to a person as "It" is not going to win you many friends). The colours and placement of text is on the haphazard side, to say the least. Surely the use of filled text boxes would resolve that issue easily enough?

I would like to be able to say that I am looking forward to the author's next attempt but it seems he (or she) has gone straight into charging for all the games following Makatea and this one hasn't given me the incentive to gamble on paying for more of the same.

Your review is very helpful. And I was expecting that in order to improve the game. I'll change dialogues and give that kind of opportunities.
About items : I thought there were already too many items in your inventory, that's why some of them just give you a description. Back to your exemple : Getting beads in your inventory is useless. You have found the necklace, and beads in different place. You can presume that Mirlande was involved.

The clock already gives you which day or time it is. I agree it's not clear. I'll change that. I changed graphics for night. I'll try for sunset...

Your right i shouldn't have showed the pier exit.

Actually, you are stuck, and I know that it can be frustrating. That's why after that, even if you forgot a clue or an item you can continue the game.
before going to the mountain (and get killed) use the binoculars to know who are there. (You can also do it later in the game.) Then take a picture and show it to Carl. Alizee didn't really get kidnapped.

The message saying that you might have miss some items or clues: Some items is to be used later in the game and you might not get it later.

Tell me where did you find untranslated message or English mistakes. I'll correct it.

Don't hesitate to go back to me for another review!
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby kessie8yl » Sun, 12Sep16 16:08

lecarlitos wrote:
Don't hesitate to go back to me for another review!

Not wishing to clog up Shark's message board I've sent a more substantive reply via inbox but I just want to say in public that I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and respond to it...
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby lecarlitos » Mon, 12Sep24 22:05

Here is a new release of Makatea. ... .setup.exe

You can have a direct download here : ... makatea1dl

Correction :
- Clock issues
- changing of days while entering Alizee's hut
- Add a new girl ! (The sister of Maya)
- French sentences (Hope I've translated all)

The main story is the same (And game play if you have read what kessie9yl said.) But for those who have already finished the game. Mirlande don't give you the contract of the island any more. You have to talk to Maya...
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby barthez » Thu, 12Sep27 01:42

I also stuck. I can get to the statue. I can leave the island on Carl's boat. I've got 3 contracts. How can I takeover the Orleana's boat? When I was there I couldn't do anything n then I was caught by her n she offered me everything for silence :)
I discovered how to get to horizon (used machete). I've got Meryl's photo. I haven't had a pleasure to meet Alizeee yet. I had sex with Maya's sister - Meryl but when it happened I lost her photo n contract no 3 so I load the game.
I've played 2.0 ver of the game.
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby lecarlitos » Fri, 12Sep28 19:38

To leave the island on the orlane's boat, you need the screwdriver (under the bed of Maya) and sabotage the diving equipment of Orlane.
You can meet alizee when you find the main treasure. (it depends what you've got this far)
You can get the contract from Meryl. Give the shell to her. And talk to Tamara.
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby barthez » Fri, 12Sep28 23:40

lecarlitos wrote:To leave the island on the orlane's boat, you need the screwdriver (under the bed of Maya) and sabotage the diving equipment of Orlane.
You can meet alizee when you find the main treasure. (it depends what you've got this far)
You can get the contract from Meryl. Give the shell to her. And talk to Tamara.

Thanks 4 help. I got contact from Meryl. I found treasure in the statue. But I can't meet with Alizee probably because I didn't do something in the past at the mine entrance. I couldn't do anything with mining tools and inside either. Any tips? Do I have to go back to finish the game?
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby lev » Mon, 12Oct22 13:44


J'ai testé Makatea 2 (démo). Deux remarques :
- comme je suis passé par Depositfiles, j'ai dû télécharger la version "en anglais". Mais il y a encore plein de français ! Je ne sais pas comment se programme le moteur de jeu que tu utilises, mais il faudrait que tu trouves un moyen de passer en revue tous les textes. Aussi (et comme dit par un autre au sujet de M.1), l'anglais est souvent très approximatif ;
- si j'ai bien compris, tu récupères les images sur le net. Les réutiliser pour toi, niveau légal, je sais pas si c'est terrible. Mais en plus maintenant tu vends la version complète du jeu, qui contient plus d'images que la démo. Donc c'est comme si tu vendais ces images... (A moins que tu aies l'autorisation des auteurs ?)

Pour ce qui est de l'histoire, je ne suis pas allé très loin. Mais si, comme le dit/demande un autre posteur, il faut effectivement "relever les compteurs" sans arrêt, ça va vite devenir lourd je trouve. Je préfère le style "enquête" au style "dating sim" qui a un côté répétitif lassant.

P.-S. : je peux donner un coup de main épisodique pour la traduction, envoie-moi un MP si tu veux.
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby lecarlitos » Thu, 13May16 19:43

J'ai fais une mise à jour de Makatea (En français) : J'ai corrigé des bugs et je vous ai rajouté une fille (ce qui change un peu la fin)

J'ai mis ça sur multiup comme ça vous aurez le choix.

Je m'occupe de la version anglaise.
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Re: Makatea Full Fr & English

Postby Dragonmaestro » Thu, 13Sep19 19:50

Je suis présentement en train de télécharger Makatea 1 & 2... Mais le lien de "On The Way To Makatea" ne fonctionne plus.
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