medusa's curse | sexandglory - lopteam

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medusa's curse | sexandglory - lopteam

Postby Venom » Wed, 12Nov28 13:38

Introducing Medusa's curse an erotic interactive adult adventure game with rpg elements with 4 possible endings by the folks of lopteam


the game is available in two languages: english and german
and released on the sexandglory website
youtube clip with gameplay and spoilers available at

story line copied from lopteamblog
Years ago, you admired the beautiful Medusa from afar and fell in love with her.

Then, one day, through the maleficence of the Greek Gods Poseidon and Athena, Medusa and her sisters were cursed into monsters and forced to flee to parts unknown. You went years without hearing of them.

One day, you heard the king berating Perseus for not presenting him with a wedding gift and ordering him to slay Medusa; an obvious ploy to get him out of his hair.

But then you remembered that he was a demigod, one with the blood of a god inside him. If he beseeched his divine parent, he could gather the tools to kill Medusa.

You refused to let that happen.
Arming yourself, you ventured out to stop Perseus and break Medusa’s curse.

Prepare for a breathtaking mythological tale, filled with glorious goddesses and challenging monsters.
Cut your way through this monumental quest by slaying devious monsters, making new allies and sliding your cock into the most exquisite pussies this world ever had.

some mythical rants if you don't know Medusa's story
It's believed Athene cursed Medusa because she was cheated by her husband Poseidon who made love to Medusa (a local beauty) in a temple of Anthene (yeah greek gods are a cheating bunch). In revenge she cursed medusa to become one of the gorgones. Her hair was tranformed to snakes, hands of bronse, gold wings and snaketeeth and when you look her in her eyes you get petrified (bye-bye beaty). Her other 2 sisters are also gorgones but only medusa is mortal. Anyway Anthene was still furious and send out Persues to slay Medusa which he did with the help of Athene. Medusa was decapitated and her head was given to Anthene as a gift out of the blood of Medusa, Pegasus and the giant Chrysaor were born. Athene placed the the head on Medusa on her shield to petrify her enimies. Persues was worshipped as a god (heros) and recieved to Godly parents (Zeus, Danaë) to watch over him and so became a Demi-God (A god that is mortal the mainly walks on the face of the Earth)

feeling like a cheapskate and asking a trial account once again ( calling in a favor of the more then generous leonizer) ... well somebody has to do it :roi:
Last edited by Venom on Fri, 12Dec07 21:22, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: medua's curse

Postby espinetus » Wed, 12Nov28 14:41

about the game I don't know.

but sorry, Poseidon was no husband to Athene. Athene was a virgin (along with Vesta and Artemis, one of the three main virgin goddesses of ancient Greek mythology). Poseidon as a matter of fact is his uncle being Athene daughter of Zeus. Interfamily marriages, or even just intercourse, in Greek mythology are relatively rare (although Hades and Persephone are a famous example of uncle-niece relationship) and this is certainly not one of those cases.

The original myth of Medusa has no relation to Poseidon. She was just a sea monster, daughter of an archaic deity of the seas called Phorcys. The version involving Poseidon and Medusa being a beautiful maiden is a degeneration of the original story.
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Re: medua's curse

Postby Venom » Wed, 12Nov28 15:31

Oops my bad it a long time ago i studied the greek gods and mythology
but aren't poseidon and zeus brothers? Which makes Poseidon the uncle of Athena like you wrote

i must disagree about the interfamily marriages and intercourse eg. Hyperion and Theia (brother and sister) --> Helios --> Eos --> Selene

And if you take a closer look after the generation of Apollo, Athena, Hephaetus is even get worse with out of marriage children ( ... Greek_gods)

Did some googling and you are right about the dumbed down version that is related to poet Ovid (roman)
( ... _mythology)
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Re: medua's curse

Postby Agrippa » Wed, 12Nov28 16:08

I wouldn't call it a "dumbed version" per se. It's just the way that some myths are organically integrated into more important ones and have some literary elements added to them (first time I see someone call Ovid's works "dumbed down", boy, do I feel inadequate as a writer, right now). In this case, it is often theorized that Medusa was an aspect of Athena as a chthonic goddess (related to earth, the underworld and death) and Perseus, in this myth, would be a way in which the patriarchal gods conquered the matriarchal ones. Interestingly enough, when Perseus offers Medusa's head, she wears it on her shield, this being a way to reclaim her power as a tripartite goddess (wisdom, war and death), so, with all of this I was...

Completely getting sidetracked and geeking out over finding a discussion about mythology in this Forum. Back to the topic, seeing as this time I am not involved in the game at all, I can unashamedly recommend it to anyone with even an inkling of interest for the topic (the topic being a surprisingly well documented mythological game; an RPG better written than Titan Quest, and sex, sex and an extra helping of sex).

Back to the sidetracking, Venom is quite right about the incest, as the first generation of gods (the titans) were all sons and daughters of Gaia and Uranus (please, don't make the obvious joke) and most of the second generation (the ones whom we would call gods) also married relatives or just got some interbreeding outside of marriage. That being said, there was a strong taboo that specified that this behavior was not okay if you weren't a divine being, so that's something, at least.

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Re: medua's curse

Postby Venom » Wed, 12Nov28 17:22

Hah always fun to geek out about mythology it is interest of mine that i sadly don't have time enough for to refresh my memory of (it's +- 8 years ago that i was pretty knowledgeable about it). Ooh so much to do and so less time .... (choses choses) especially in a study/job with a very fast changing technology and information. However i prefer Nordic myth more.

Mmm it was mabey a bit harsh of me to call Ovid writing dumbed down mabey just a little watered down.
Especially when the romans begin taking over some greek gods and give them there own names. Probably he (Ovid) wanted to write down the myth that were told from mouth to mouth for centuries and you know how it goes it get changed, exaggerated, romanticized by the people them-self.

And way back to topic always nice that a game with historical settings get there facts right
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Re: medua's curse

Postby espinetus » Thu, 12Nov29 01:37

True, sorry Agrippa and Venom. I completely forgot about the first generation who indeed were having happy sex with each other. Hyperion and Theia, yes, and Cronus and Rhea, that one was rather obvious.
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Re: medua's curse

Postby rainman20 » Thu, 12Nov29 04:14

Lets also not forget that Zeus and Hera where also brother and sister
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Re: medua's curse

Postby Agrippa » Thu, 12Nov29 11:10

Ah, the old trick of turning yourself into a wounded little bird so that a woman will take pity on you and put you into her bosom. Always a classic maneuver at the night club.

This dating tip has been brought to you by Agrippa Corporation. Agrippa Corporation is not responsible for any undesired outcomes that following this advice may bring. Agrippa Corporation is not, and will never be, a "playa", "smooth operator", "PUA" or any other such expressions. Following a sex-game writer's dating advice may be hazardous to your health, independently of the success of your enterprise, and is in no way recommended, most of all when said advice implies shapeshifting and/or the recreational use of LSD. Also, PETA disapproves of this message. Mostly, the female members of PETA.

Also, while Norse mythology may be more epic, they are a bit lacking in the humor department. True, having Loki cross-dress Thor so that he may marry a giant chieftain was a stroke of genius, but seeing what they did to Loki after the gods finally got fed up with him... you just not treat a jester like that, even if he has tricked one of your sons into murdering another... huh, shutting up, now.


PS: Venom, would you mind editing the topic's tittle? The anal retentive in me is a bit jarred by the missed "s" :)
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Venom » Thu, 12Nov29 19:41

@Agrippa fixed the topic title, yeah I types a little bit to fast sometimes for my own good. It's indeed a fact that there is less humor in the nordic mythology but the story are a bit more epic a war cult based.
At least Loki could have said when the gods where fed up with him "what 'r u Odin?"

I also remember the story of the Giantess Skadi that had the right to chose a husband between the gods when they killed there father but she was only allowed to look at their feet she choses Njord.

Back to Greek mythology look up how Pelias love (a witch) handled his cruel Uncle (kinda ironic story with a sad ending )

And your disclaimer should be added to some games just for the lulz of it

yup but if you look at most mythological family trees there is quite a bit of incest and out of marriage children especially with the all powerful gods
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Franco » Fri, 12Nov30 02:44

Has anyone played this game who can give us a review?
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Agrippa » Fri, 12Nov30 15:23

Thanks, Venom, much appreciated :) About Skadi, it still makes my mind reel to know that, in someplace in this world, there once was a cult to a goddess of ice-skating and skiing. Next time the King of Spain breaks something while skiing, I am going to take it as blood tithe to the ancient gods and be happier about having a monarchy in the 21st century. Also, don't you mean Jason's lover? Medea was the one who convinced Pelias daughters to slaughter and quarter him, with the false promise of granting him eternal youth afterwards. Kinda puts Botox into perspective.

Franco, I beta-tested the game and really liked it, but, seeing as I am part LOP's staff, you may find my opinions slightly biased. In the blog post about the launch of Medusa's Curse you'll find a comments section with the opinions of one of the players and a link to a youtube trailer by I.L. (our co-developer in "Sex and Glory" games). Now, as for my (reiteratedly) biased review, I would say that the game offers some nice RPG mechanics in turn based battles with a bit of a twist (the chance to completely block your opponents attack and do a devastating follow-up) without too much grinding... unless, of course, you are going for the best ending or trying to unblock all of the upgrades, which are not necessary to advance the history but will certainly make your life a lot easier. The sex scenes are varied and very appealing from the graphical standpoint and, although the characters could be more developed if they had enough screentime, the overall story offers a nice insight into some oft overlooked characters of Classic mythology (there is a goddess of lazyness, now I know whom to worship, daily) and the girls certainly have quite diverse bedside manners. The game is more about the sex than anything else, but it shows enough RPG and classic adventure elements to be a quite unique product. Certainly, not everybody will like the perspective of bedding goddess, semi-goddess and supernaturally beautiful women after battling mythological monsters, but, for the rare people who do like this perspective (and seeing "God of War" sales, they are very few indeed), this game offers it all. Pity there isn't more of it, but, if Hollywood has taught us anything, is that things that sell well get sequels *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*.

Or reboots. Ugh.

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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Venom » Fri, 12Nov30 20:08

Yeah my mistake again. Was kinda confused because Pelias uncle Jason was kinda a cruel to him. So i thought that his lover killed his uncle in revenge. But your version is the correct one.

Btw any chance that we will get a trial account or will we have to fight Priapus for it? (just don't look up the wall painting of him that was found in Pompeji)
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Agrippa » Mon, 12Dec03 19:14

Fight Priapus?! On the one hand, it would be ridiculously easy to hit his weak point; on the other, there would be no way to avoid his weak point...

I haven't talked to Leo about a free trial, and the fact is that, right now, we are working on some pretty big things (longest script I have ever written for a game) for the LOP Gold site, so maybe there would be a preview of something in the future, but I cannot claim anything, one way or the other. Keep your fingers crossed!

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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Venom » Tue, 12Dec04 12:05

I wish you a lot of inspiration and success with writing the storyline for the LOP Gold Game
In the mean time i will keep my fingers crossed
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Re: medusa's curse (sexandglory - lopteam)

Postby Pedrolito » Wed, 12Dec05 07:16

have a hint for the end 3 and 4 ? i need help
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