You found a 3d sexy girl on the net… Maybe you created one yourself … Or then you have an idea for a new pictures series… Be nice, make take advantage off it everybody…

Re: MILLY 36

Postby LRM » Wed, 11Jun15 00:15

I have growled at a pilot fish or two but Shark forbade I turn any to fertilizer... You have no such restriction ;) . If memory serves you were better at it than am I.
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Re: MILLY 36

Postby rkshooter » Wed, 11Jun15 03:35


Well I wanted to say thanks to you. When I first came to the lagoon I got here not knowing one thing about 3d computer generating characters. It was you Shark
that took the time to respond to my little email-PM that started this whole adventure. You looked at my first renders in 3dmax and provide direction to learn.
While I have not yet reached a my goals, you always encourage the lagooners and for that you should be honored so for me you will always be SHARK but I consider you
KING NEPTUNE RULER OF THE SEAS, ok Lagoons, Sky, Earth, maybe air since we are always holding our breaths for your next game.

WE ARE NOT WORTHY .....................................BUT DAM THANKFUL.......................
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Re: MILLY 36

Postby chasingdays » Wed, 11Jun15 09:34

rk..I may be new to the forums here but i have been a fan of yours for awhile now. it frustrates me to see someone so displeased with your work. i personally love it. some users seem to want you to be very predictable with your stories but what i think makes yours stand out is the fact that they are the opposite of that. very unpredictable. i love not knowing what will happen next and it keeps me coming back for more! i can re-read your milly series over and over and it never gets old. Thank you very much for the large amount of time you spend on these stories to satisfy so many others. i look forward to milly 39!
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Re: MILLY 36

Postby lishyloo » Mon, 11Jun20 13:32

chasingdays wrote:i love not knowing what will happen next and it keeps me coming back for more! i can re-read your milly series over and over and it never gets old.

i totaly agree with you, i cant wait for millie 39, either. rkshooter you are great. hows your hand? healing well i hope?
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Re: MILLY 36

Postby Xyzzy987 » Fri, 11Jun24 23:30

I've been following this thread, but stayed out of the discussion. It's been quiet for a few days, but I kept coming back and rereading the thread over again. It's obviously been bugging me, so I've got to say something. I hope I don't stir it all up again, at least not too much.

It doesn't upset me that someone disagrees with or doesn't like someone else's work. After all, this is totally subjective, and everyone is entitled to an opinion. It also doesn't upset me that that person expresses their opinion. Being from the US, free speech is a basic tenet of our laws and society and has been for close to 240 years. Many other countries follow the same policy. So everyone gets to say what they want. What does bother me is when someone seems to prefer to simply insult, rather than to offer something constructive.

To RKShooter (with apologies to L. Frank Baum): Pay no attention to those two behind the curtain! After they posted their messages, the rest of the community rushed to your defense. So by my count, you have hundreds of fans, and only two detractors. By the way, I personally love your stories and your artwork. There have been a couple of times when I wondered how you were going to resolve things, but you have not disappointed me. I eagerly await the next edition of whichever story you care to share with us.

And to spikerush: this was your first post to the lagoon. I truly hope it is not your last, but hopefully you've realized by now that the tone you took does not sit well with others who swim here. You certainly have the right to disagree, and to express your opinion, but you must do so constructively. You must offer something to the discussion.

spikerush wrote:I agree with Barnes...

But apparently not enough to care to spell Branes name correctly.

I just do not like any of the decisions you've been making at all. Here is my list of dislikes:

1.) Milly's hair keeps getting shorter. Her hair now looks like a boy's, which is not at all sexy. Will she be bald in another couple of issues?

Okay, so you don't like short hair. This is strictly a matter of personal preference.

2.) The whole "I'm saving myself for Ben!" was alright, but then you had him sleeping with everyone, getting Milly's sister pregnant (really?!?!?!?), and now she's just gonna suck/fuck everyone and anyone? Characters are supposed to EVOLVE, not completely go back on everything they believe.

As others have pointed out, Milly has not been as promiscuous as you seem to think. It's Ben who has been a dog, and it's going to be interesting to see the resolution of the coming conflict between all the characters, especially Ben, Milly, and Susan.

3.) The evil mad scientist plot (injecting Milly's clit with something, drugging and dragging off Ben) is stupid and cheesy.

Maybe you would benefit by remembering that this is really a fantasy. A comic book. Are all the mad scientist plots in all the superhero comics stupid and cheesy, too?

4.) The English is horrible. Can you not find someone who can write English well to clean it up for you?

You could volunteer to help with this...but no, that's not your nature, is it? And the english here is significantly better than elsewhere, like or MnF.

5.) Now that I think on it, the entire plot of Milly going away to "learn to better please Ben" is retarded. No female on the face of the planet would be so stupid as to think "Oh, I'm giving head and sleeping with everyone else for Ben's sake!" That is so far removed from logic and reality it would just never happen. Maybe if Milly was addicted to meth or crack she'd think that way.

Now that you think on it? You mean you weren't thinking when you were writing earlier? And if you read the story carefully enough, you might remember that Milly initially left for a photoshoot, and was "offered training" only when she arrived at her destination, and was essentially a captive from that time. The rest of your point has already been addressed.

6.) Pretty much all the characters are idiots. And way too far fetched. You can tell you just took them all way too far without enough thought behind them all. Ben "loves" Milly, Milly "loves" Ben, but they both are sexual with everyone but each other? When I'm in love I don't even think about anyone else that way, at least, when I'm in love the way you try to portray them as being in love. But all the rest of the characters are poorly written as well.

Now you're just trying to be mean without offering anything in return. For example, if I said that you were a mindless boob, it wouldn't mean anything to you. You would immediately reject my comment without a second thought. That's how the author should react to your comment here. Remember, this is all just fantasy. It's not real. Don't try to project the way you think onto the way these characters are written.

In sum up, you should take a clue from the person who did that 4 part "Photoshoot" series. No stupid convoluted twisting plot, no excessive plot and dialog, just enough to keep interest in them enough to be turned on by the situation.

I'm sorry, but I thought Photoshoot was full of convoluted plot twists. I still liked it, though.

Oh, yeah... And the girl didn't chop off all her hair and make it look horrible. And he didn't spend 30 some issues building up a sex scene between two of the characters just for it to never happen!

You already said you didn't like short hair. And I guess you don't like epic serials, either.

If you want my real opinion...

You mean the above wasn't your real opinion?

You should do a total reboot of the series where Milly keeps the sexy long hair she had in the beginning, DOESN'T go off to "whore school", and she and Ben actually hook up with each other instead of saying they love each other and fucking everything else that moves. If you need to inject new characters and situations into the mix, either make side stories, or have Milly and Ben get into a lot of 3 ways.

As others have said, we eagerly await your version of the saga. If you can't handle the artwork, why not write the story and offer to collaborate with any of the other artists who frequent the lagoon?

... Personally, I won't be reading any future issues, if any even happen.

I'm sure most of the lagooners here are happy to hear that. Again, you are welcome to express your opinion, but there's a constructive way to accomplish that. Save the vitriolic diatribe.
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Re: MILLY 36

Postby Greebo » Sat, 11Jun25 00:51

Xyzzy987 wrote:I've been following this thread, but stayed out of the discussion. It's been quiet for a few days, but I kept coming back and rereading the thread over again. It's obviously been bugging me, so I've got to say something. I hope I don't stir it all up again, at least not too much.

Well said Xyzzy987!
4.) The English is horrible. Can you not find someone who can write English well to clean it up for you?

Actually I can write English well, and I knew that rkshooter has slight problems with grammar and spelling, the artwork being more his forte. So about a year and a half ago, unlike you, I offered to assist and correct obvious minor mistakes for him, and that is what I have been doing ever since. Because Milly is his story, I wouldn't dream of doing a major rewrite but I do clean up those minor errors and make improvement suggestions where they seem to make sense while trying to be sensitive to what he is trying to do.

Under the circumstances maybe you should blame me as much as RKS for the '"horrible English" you detect in the most recent episodes, and while you're at it, how about showing an example of your own work so I can critique it for you?

I would echo Xyzzy987 - if you think you can do better, do it yourself! As for me, I'll keep helping RKS as long as he wants me to.
Oh, yeah... And the girl didn't chop off all her hair and make it look horrible. And he didn't spend 30 some issues building up a sex scene between two of the characters just for it to never happen!

Others may be at odds with me, but although I wasn't too sure at first about Milly's short hair I eventually came to believe it was an improvement. In part this was because there seemed to be something not quite right about her early long hair - something about the hairstyle model RKS was using at the time seemed to allow her skull outline to make itself visible through the hairstyle.

As for spending "30 some issues building up a sex scene between two of the characters just for it to never happen!" - I would suggest that this has become somewhat of a running joke throughout the story. Maybe their love will be requited in the end - who knows apart from Ben, Milly and RKS?
Last edited by Greebo on Sat, 11Jun25 10:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Squeeky » Sat, 11Jun25 02:30

It is interesting to see, from time to time, that variously many of those who provide for our entertain have been supported in the past, and some currently by our members in more that verbal praise and similar good-will. [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Postby Billistic » Sat, 11Jun25 02:37

I love this story and the way it is playing out. The art work is outstanding ( I wish I was able to understand computers enough to try it myself ).
Thankyou for ALL the effort that is put into this. I look forward to further episodes. Until then, I will continue to appreciate the previous storyline.
Well done!!! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Postby Dcyberjf323 » Sun, 11Jun26 04:59

what happen with the series, it seems to be on a dead end ??

it a good series, hoping to see the next episode coming !! :D
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Postby fosdick » Mon, 11Aug15 21:03

I agree with a few of the posters. Yes! it is a fantasy story, However, Milly has gone on way to long and has gotten a little overboard. Some people out there do have fantasies of having Sex slaves do there bidding. But with all of the Brutality of women in the real world, maybe We shouldn't advertise the mere act of BDSM and make it OK.
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Postby Vastroerror » Sun, 12May27 06:21

I think some of you guys are a bit over the top on this. We come to games and stories to escape reality. If this idea of "monkey see" will make "monkey do" then we shouldn't have video games with violence, we shouldn't watch movies that contain violence, and we should all just read Dr. Seuss all day. I think it is responsible to ensure an age limit on access, and not show anything that is clearly violent. Nothing of the kind has happenned in Milly.

That said, Milly has gotten a bit weird, but I loooove Milly. It would be a shame for people to start throttling back their work because a few people can't handle some pictures.
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Postby poisson » Sun, 12May27 13:34

Vastroerror wrote:We come to games and stories to escape reality. If this idea of "monkey see" will make "monkey do" then we shouldn't have video games with violence, we shouldn't watch movies that contain violence, and we should all just read Dr. Seuss all day. I think it is responsible to ensure an age limit on access, and not show anything that is clearly violent.

Well said, bro. That's exactly how i feel. [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
If you don't like it, don't look at it. Maybe some of us enjoy that stuff, so don't spoil it for us.
I think the "Enter or Leave" at the beginning is good enough to limit under age access so, the older people ARE mature enough to know the nature of the material posted here and the kids (who have got here by their own choice and who are complaining) can kiss my hairy backside.
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Postby jfrancois323 » Tue, 12May29 05:17

Milly is a so nice person, so if she need a vacation to be better, so Milly take it & come back well !!! :p

So Milly Master, just let us know when Milly will be feeling right !! :roi:
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Postby shark » Mon, 12Jun04 18:07

Milly 40 is online...... Many thanks RKShooter !!!
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Postby Greebo » Mon, 12Jun04 19:12

Nice one RKS! I didn't see that one coming, but I hope my little tale helped with an idea or two. [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img] The end is a bit of a cliffhanger though!
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