Gameplay Tests

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Re: Gameplay Tests

Postby tlaero » Sun, 12Jan08 22:20

Well, it's certainly not a result of your machine having too little power! Nice box, ttant.

I'm playing with canvas, but I haven't made a decision on it yet. Using canvas itself is quite doable. Changing AdventureCreator in a way that makes canvas approachable to non-programmers is much more difficult. If I was making a platformer, I'd use canvas in a heartbeat. And I spent some time thinking about what kind of game I'd make with the capabilities canvas provides. But I kept coming back to liking the Keeley style game better. So I sat down and thought about what I'd do to improve the Keeley style game, and this is what I've come up with.

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Re: Gameplay Tests

Postby ttant » Mon, 12Jan09 19:24

One thing that can be terrific is to got a real 3D environment (like in the last link i send in my previous post), but it required a 3D world that you cannot easy generate.
Nevertheless, it might be interessting to get just a room using this system (like a shop where you can buy stuff for your date).
But you will need a lot of time if you go on that direction (with more room/places).
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Re: Gameplay Tests

Postby tlaero » Tue, 12Jan10 02:57

That kind of 3D is out of reach for a while. The typical scene we're rendering takes multiple seconds on a fast PC. It would bring a laptop or a tablet/phone to it's knees. We'd need to drastically reduce the quality of the models to do full 3D. That said, yeah, I'm looking forward to that day. I've spent time playing with XNA and models and it'll be a fun time. But not in web graphics for a while.

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Re: Gameplay Tests

Postby Gannish » Tue, 12Jan10 05:25

I wanted to make my first post something that could help Tlaero in her quest to make a better game! (Besides a donation but I haven't seen that option yet ...)

I totally agree with the better immersion the user has without the cursor visible.

With the cursor visible, I know that I are attempting to find the proper box to click ad that I probably need to search through the entire scene to find all the choices.

With the cursor hidden behind the scene and with the model 'attached' to the cursor, I feel as if my control of the model is determining my actions. I would assert that I would like to see the model controlled in non-action scenes in order to move around. Imagine having Keeley offset to the left or right of the screen and when you move the mouse right, you make her move slightly to the right and the mouse-over 'Go to break-room' appears. You move the mouse up and she takes a step forward with the mouse-over 'Go to accounting' appears, and so-on.

It is a shame about the sound with Firefox. I'll just use Chrome to view the games that have sound then until they fix that or MP3 doesn't have to be used.

I was able to complete the tests were able to be completed with much trouble. I had to repeat two of them as they didn't seem to go back to a reset condition. Those were the 'fast' and 'slow' tests. I purposely went too slow or too fast and could not pass the test by going slower or faster.

Overall, I enjoyed new method and found it better to the original methods.
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Re: Gameplay Tests

Postby tlaero » Wed, 12Jan11 06:58

Hey Gannish, thanks for joining in.

The reset condition is a little hard to figure out without the mouse. The "in" time is counted from when you cross the threshold between the first and second frame of the animation until you reach the last frame. The out time is when you cross the threshhold of the last frame and the pentultimate frame until the first frame. So you need to move through the entire range of the animation to do the times correctly.

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Re: Gameplay Tests

Postby luke » Wed, 12Jan11 13:35

Here are the results of my tests with "old" configuration (all under Win XP Pro SP3) When test OK, it's not mentioned

With Firefox V3.6.3
Test 4:
All the dialogue appears, even if i move the mouse very slowly
Test 5:
Images moves if mouse moves horizontally or vertically, but texts only change when moves in diagonal
Results depend on mouse position: if i make fast from the upper left corner to the lower right corner, she complains, but even if if i went slow after that, she still complains (cannot find how to continue)
But if you make fast in the lower left corner (about 1/3 of height and width from the corner) or in the upper right corner, she didn't complain
This test is very hard, because i had a lot of difficulties to repeat different sequences
Test 6:
Complain if i do it too fast or too slowly, but function if i reverse the moves (move down slowly and move up quickly)
Test 7:
Complain if too fast. Dialog ends with 5 mmmmm, hadn't a "click to continue" (even if it work). Each time, the cursor reappears outside on the left of the pic. Test ok ?

With IE 7
For each test : on first attempt, as soon as i began moving the mouse, images scroll very quickly and "freeze" (no more animation when i moved the mouse). Had to click to continue, then restart the test and it works
Test 4: Idem Firefox
Test 5: Idem Firefox
Test 6: Not able to repeat the sequences
Test 7: Had once a 6 mmmm, but cannot repeat it
Test 8 No sound...

Sorry for my bad English.
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Re: Gameplay Tests

Postby tlaero » Thu, 12Jan12 06:08

Thanks Luke!

In FF3 and IE7, did the old-stlye gameplay work? In other words, you were able to click on the right spots to get the tests started and you were able to click on the dialog options at the bottom ("Goto test 4" etc)?

Aside from the animations and things, if Life With Keeley had been made with these files, it seems like it would have worked, correct?

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Re: Gameplay Tests

Postby luke » Thu, 12Jan12 14:15

tlaero wrote:In FF3 and IE7, did the old-stlye gameplay work? In other words, you were able to click on the right spots to get the tests started and you were able to click on the dialog options at the bottom ("Goto test 4" etc)?

tlaero wrote:Aside from the animations and things, if Life With Keeley had been made with these files, it seems like it would have worked, correct?

I think so.

Glad i can help you
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Re: Gameplay Tests

Postby tlaero » Tue, 12Jan17 01:40

It's a huge help, Luke, thanks. My plan is to use this version of Adventure Creator for stuff even if I don't use the controllable animation. I changed enough that I was worried I might have broken old browsers. I'm relieved to hear that I didn't.

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Re: Gameplay Tests

Postby sinthoras » Sat, 12Jan21 14:02

Just a very short notice (as I think the games will not be made for this):
All the tests are not working on my mobile brwosers for Android, that is:
- Dolphin Browser HD
- Firefox Mobile
- Skyfire
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