Life With Keeley

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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby cpt_hook » Thu, 11Dec08 04:51

In an effort to relieve the tensions both within the thread and within my skull, I feel compelled to pilot-fish-like-ly scream, "How can we get the bonus?!?!?!"

Seriously, though, got the first dream and hard end and 33/35, but not sure when/where/how to find the bonus dream. Any time I tried going to bed after the first dream, it would go right into the end sequence.

Also, it was fun to see all the previous games tied together, and particularly fun to have both Sandy and Jess back (though I would have liked a Jess bonus scene like Sandy's). Thais was a welcome addition as well.

Thanks for the great game!
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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby Willis J » Thu, 11Dec08 05:15

Tlaero and Phreaky, you've made an excellent game which is sexy and entertaining, and in doing so, evolved the genre which we adore while staying true to your characters. While I enjoy meet and fucks and chaotic's games too, yours stand apart because you take the time to develop your characters, who advance the story and therefore the sex based on the player's ability to act as that character, not the other way around like many of the others do. Have you ever knocked on a stranger's door and been balls-deep five minutes later based on how you answered some trivia questions? Me neither, but most have experience trying to hit on the new girl in accounting, or the relationship with someone you love that's getting sexually stale. It's a more mature approach, which some of your audience wants, and others find a hassle to get through on their nut. Not everyone will appreciate your work appropriately, which is unfortunately the artist's destiny, but take heart in your creation, and the innovation that it represents, while the rest of us work on our manners.
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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby SYH » Thu, 11Dec08 06:16

I just spent the past two hours playing this game. :D I should've gone to bed long ago, but I couldn't leave this game unfinished.

Thank you Tlaero & phreaky for keeping me up past my bedtime. It was a blast to see the whole gang tied together--and Thais is one feisty addition! It was also good to see Christine mellowing out with Adrian.
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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby ExLibris » Thu, 11Dec08 06:23

phreaky wrote:@tlaero, I echo your sentiments

at least we did have fun making it, right ? :D

maybe a game with a horny guy who aims to score at every girls are more likeable anyway, but at least we did try to make something different here
if most people don't really like it, well life still goes on :)

I personally think keeley story is so real, and could've happened to any married girl out there, that's why I like the story

One of the things I like the most about Life With Keeley is that it is original, that it took the path less travelled by having a believable female protagonist. Unfortunately, when doing something original you have to accept that not everyone is going to like it.
Last edited by ExLibris on Thu, 11Dec08 09:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby Hoboy » Thu, 11Dec08 09:26

And please, Tlearo and Phreaky, keep doing what you enjoy and like most about this and don't let a few comments get you in a negative space. I have really enjoyed and savored your work over the last year or two, and would hate to see your collaboration contributions end prematurely. I have only just started playing with this so have nothing to add to the nitpicking, but from what I've seen so far think it is up to if not exceeding your standards. Which means - thank you. Keep up the good work. Between the writing and the artwork there is not much to challenge the experience...
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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby Mimailia » Thu, 11Dec08 11:50

Tlearo and Phreaky, I am one of the 1600. Started to say thanks yesterday, and got side tracked (sorry). I have not even had a look at Keely yet. Your other games, IMHO, were so good that I don't want to rush into this one. My son got Skyrim the day it was released, and six days later was ready for a new game - because he had already finished it.

I will savor Keely slowly and completely, and by the time I finish it maybe your new game will be close to finished. I know it will be good because I see it in your posts, that you enjoy making games. This translates to a fun and enjoyable experience for me. Used to see the same thing with Chaotic, but shortly he disappeared from here, started wanting paid, and his games went (again IMHO) downhill. (I've actually only played the first 2 or 3.)

The discussions about Chrome should be seen as a positive. Chromer's (or is it Chromite's) wouldn't care if they thought your game wasn't good.

Keep enjoying what you do,

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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby lorlor » Thu, 11Dec08 12:49

Could anyone tell me where to find Christine? I think, I didn't mess up with Adrian, since meeting Christine was suggested afterwards though nothing to do in that picture, then no hint where to find her...

As for the game, it's great, the female perspective surely does well to a lot of cheap-porn polluted guys... though for the gameplay, I think there is a weakness with the storyline, since as one episode has ended, it doesn't provide you with a lot of ideas how to proceed, literally, what probably to click in which room.

But, more important, where to find Christine?
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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby Agrippa » Thu, 11Dec08 13:59

Hello Tlaero and Phreaky,

I am usually a lurker in here (hey, first post, that's quite a clue), but after reading the past few posts and playing this extraordinary game, I felt... Well, a couple of things, which is why I am posting.

The amount of work you both have poured into this piece is staggering. I usually copywrite for Leonizer (that development hell Graen commented? Yep, all my fault) and know how difficult it can be to bring to life a character, to make them have a unique personality that shows through their actions, their words, their personal quirks... and that's on games where there usually are two main characters and a bunch of faceless extras. But that's a challenge for any kind of writer, what really stands out about this work is that, far from falling into the metaphorical rut that anyone writing erotica can face (how many different ways can you write *grunt* and *pant* before you are sickened by looking at the screen? and, by the way, the rut Keeley faced in her marriage is an exceptionally good metaphor for this syndrome) you strived to make each interaction unique, to make any scene add something to the characterization instead of having said characterization be a means to and end. Regarding that, the way Phreaky handled facial expressions was so good that I didn't even notice it: in other words, I did not feel I was looking at a 3d model and took the time to see how it was done, instead, I was looking at a character, and, of course, said character was expressive and conveyed emotions through body language. Outstanding.

I know none of you want pandering, but, as creators (and unpaid ones, at that), it's obvious that you'd want feedback. A download count can be a huge ego boost, just as a good numerical score here and there or a couple "I laughed at that line", but feedback, real feedback, it's what allows one to grow in their craft, so I will try to provide it, not because you asked for it (which, in fact, you didn't) but because you deserve it. So, let me catch my breath, stop rambling and start analyzing.

- Technical issues: As Tlaero pointed out, the technical side of the game is amazing. There were no bugs at all in a game far bigger than most posted nowadays (taking aside visual novels and other professional products with a full time paid staff). Although there wasn't any gameplay innovations in the genre, the addition of a saving mechanic was incredibly useful and added a lot to the experience (or, better said, saved me a lot of hair pulling and teeth grinding). The only complain I have in this matter is the "hunt the pixel" part of the game, which was especially frustrating when there only was one option in the screen, yet it was hidden (although, of course, that was necessary foreshadowing to look for secret options), but that's also a matter of personal taste and I am sure I would have been more frustrated incessantly clicking through screen after screen.

- Graphics: As I already said, they are top notch. The animations are an incredible bonus more so because they feel natural, with a realistic motion, and match both the scene and the characters. I was the little touches here and there that did it for me, like the image of Keeley and James laughing on the floor after their failed attempt at porn acrobatics, which was heartwarming and perfectly conveyed what had just happened, yet it was only one of many such instances.

- Characters: I really liked the way little tidbits about the characters’ lives appeared here and there. I must say I was not a fan of Christine (the game was great, it was the main couple and their borderline abusive relationship that bothered me), but after the further insight offered into their characters in this game, I really warmed up to them. The way the characters spoke, and even the way they moved, was perfectly consistent through the piece and efforts were made to make some of them behave distinctly different form others (the love shop vendor comes to mind), and my only complaint would come from the nearly Gary Stu characteristics of James (his only faults are his obliviousness to Keeley’s plight and watching porn from time to time, asides from that, he was the perfect husband- which makes him a little bland). Lastly, no one ever sacrificed their character for the sake of the plot (or the sex) which is more than I can say for many things I have written. Bravo.

- Plot: The plot may have been the weak point of the story… But wasn’t. Let me explain: although there was not much of a conflict (Keeley versus sexual routine was the underlying theme, but there wasn’t much tension in the way it was portrayed) the game was… Well, it was nice. There was no need for drama, no need for a griping story that captured the hearts of the audience. The tale was a heartwarming and simple one, that of a woman looking for new ways to express her love for her husband. That was it, and the game is all the better for it (in this case, obviously).

- Scenes: If the overall plot is a bit of a non-issue, the individual scenes that it strings together are an entirely different matter. Each one of them was lovingly crafted, every single one added something new (especially loved how some of them were referenced in the final act), and even though there was plenty of sexiness to throw around, I especially liked the different aftermaths, when Keeley commented what happened with her friends and advisors.

- Eroticism: This. Was. Hot. Most games don’t explore a loving relationship or one based on trust, and, when they do, they just show it from the starting “everything is wonderful when you are around” position. Showing an established couple having sex, knowing each other’s kinks and quirks, experimenting and building over a solid foundation… In all fairness, this shouldn’t have been as hot as it was

- POV: Alright, I never expected to like the sex scenes because of the pov character, as I usually dislike female points of view in sex, but found that the way you switched it around managed to convey every single bit of eroticism for both genders, and that’s quite an achievement. It needed to be said.

- Writing: It’s difficult to write dialogue. It’s very difficult to write a dialogue that matches an image without detracting from it, contradicting it or being redundant AND having and adecuate length. And it is HARD as a hell-forged diamond to make the dialogue of people who are having sex realistic, interesting and exciting. The touches of humor here and there really added up to the heartwarming nature of the game, while showing a playful and witty side of the characters and easing me into the experience. Even things a bit tongue in cheek (the lampshade about the mall not being very well designed) made me smile and took me out of my point-hunting frame of mind.

Overall, an incredible effort and a memorable experience. Thank you.
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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby phreaky » Thu, 11Dec08 15:40

Guys, thanks for the feedback

@agrippa especially, wow that was really some insights!
Really appreciate what you pointed out, I am sure tlaero feel the same
Thanks a lot for the deep analysis of each aspect of the game. You really know what you're talking about (and since you also make games, surely you also know how hard it is) :)

Anyway, we (tlaero and I) sometimes really go into details to match between eachh scene, pose, expression and dialogs so tthat everything goes into places. That's really the fun of making this game.

For example, when tlaero said she needs christine to be cunning while persuading keeley to do some naughty things, we really want her expression to be like that, even without her needing to say anything in the dialog

I must say that personally I am very glad someone notices those kind of things :D
We know that this game is far from perfect, but we surely invest a lot of effort to make it as realistic as possible, so it's a bonus when someone, especially other game writer gives a positive feedback.
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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby rabbie » Thu, 11Dec08 16:02

Dont understand tlaero's outburst really, its only just been posted - people are still working there way through it. and i did acknowledge the work put into it then tried to help someone get it working [img]images/icones/icon12.gif[/img] as for thing i think done really well is the graphics, keeley (and Christine actually) is the best looking girl in any of the games ive played off this site - really great job there.
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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby bd2021 » Thu, 11Dec08 16:13

lorlor wrote:Could anyone tell me where to find Christine? I think, I didn't mess up with Adrian, since meeting Christine was suggested afterwards though nothing to do in that picture, then no hint where to find her...

There is actually a hint in your dialogue with Adrain, but if you missed it:
She's in the dojo at the mall. That I believe is if you enter the shopping center the top left corner of the game client.
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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby danigonz » Thu, 11Dec08 18:20

Dear Tlearo and Phreaky,

I've played a few more times this incredible game and, frankly, can't understand some of the dry feedback you're reciving. In my modest opinion, yours are the best graphic erotic games here. They are complex, which is a encouragement factor to give them many tries, but at the same time they are not impossible to reach. And in the graphic aspect, they are really good: you can't find so many hot bebes per game!

Maybe Lonizer games have the same graphic quality, but they are really simple in comparation. And maybe Puusoy games have better graphics, but in my opinon, they are soooo boring and have a poor playability level (and abuse of the same kind of teenager design). So, yours have the best balance of design, graphics and play factor. (People complain about animations, but I don't think they are a main aspect to consider: if there were no animation at all, only graphics, the games will be still very cool).

I still have to find a lot of its secrets, but it's a very funny quest. I like the non-linear design of it, because you can wander for all the scenes without being totally lost. Maybe I'd love to see a couple of visible cumshots, but it's not a critic, simply is a problem of mine and my fetishes- I'm more a Christine fan than a Keeley in this case ;-)-

By the other hand, it shows really erotic situations (the blow under the desk, the cinema), and even the more traditional ones, like the schoolgirl streptease, are presented in a really fresh and erotic way.

There's something I can't understand: why didn't you use any kind of logo or watermark in the images? I say so because all we know the recent problems of piracy you have suffered, and including them wouldn't have affected the game (Leonizer uses a logo, for example).

Thnks for the good work

(Excuse my for any possible grammar or spelling error, I'm Spanish)
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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby 232323 » Thu, 11Dec08 20:05

Not sure what anybody is complaining about, I thought it was great. I've still got a little more playing to do in order to conquer the 35/35, but still...

I certainly haven't found a MFF threesome yet, which, if I can be honest, is pretty much what we're all looking for here based on my perception of the male mind. I feel like the fantasy aspect of having a threeway with two hotties with big tits far outweighs the fantasy of having post-marital relations with the same girl again and again, but maybe that's just me.

I've played all of your games, and I'll honestly say (hear me out now...) that this is a major step backwards from Christine, which doesn't really say much because that game was so far above anything that's ever been made in this genre that it would be unfair to expect you, or anyone, to ever come up with anything that good ever again. Having said that, this game was still really, really good, and is probably the 2nd best erotic game that the internet has seen to this date, in terms of production value, graphics, original story, not having random typos on every page, size, etc. Basically everything that's wrong with the VDG series at this point is right with the Keeley/Christine stuff.

about an acre of space
The good VDG stuff
The bad vdg stuff

I think that's about fair.

Congrats gentlemen.
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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby LRM » Thu, 11Dec08 20:17

tlaero wrote:I'm going to be absent from the lagoon for a while. I'm pretty frustrated with this thread, so I'm going to step back and cool off.

Phreaky and I have been working on "Life With Keeley" for almost a year. I personally logged over 200 hours on it, all nights and weekends. I'm pretty sure Phreaky did even more. We don't ask for any sort of payment for our efforts other than possibly some appreciation. But there's been scant little of that despite the game's 1600 downloads. So far, the majority of this thread has been about the inadequacies of Chrome and Linux. Of the parts that actually talk about the game, only one person has told me what he likes about it (thanks danigonz). Most of the rest have been "It's good, but nit pick, nit pick, nit pick." Or, my favorite, "It's not exactly the kind of game I like, so hurry up and make me another one."

If I was new to the lagoon, had never played a Phreaky and Tlaero game before, and read this thread, I wouldn't even bother to download "Life With Keeley."

You all complained bitterly about the bugs in Chaotic's recent game, but when we delivered a game with 800 html files and no bugs, no one cared. You complained about how all of the women in the photographer had the same personality, but when I delivered a game with five characters with distinct personalities, no one noticed. You were too busy telling me I ruined your experience with my spelling of "Ut oh" to enjoy learning more about Keeley's and Keisha's history, or Christine's and Adrian's relationship. How many sexy games do you play where the characters even have histories? And the sex scenes? My god. The average Chaotic sex scene is 3 hastily-made two-frame animations. Even Leo's games, which are some of the best around, tend to have less than 10 images per sex scene. Phreaky killed himself making like 40 images for the final scene in this game. Heck, the non-reward gameplay sex scenes are on par with the reward scenes in most games. But no one has paid any attention to them. That strip tease, with Phreaky's expert control of Keeley's facial expressions? I've never seen anything that hot in any sexy game I've ever played anywhere. The closest thing we've gotten to a comment on it is a complaint that if you click through it quickly you might miss a bonus point intended only for completionists.
I don't need fawning praise. And I do like discussions on what can make a game better. But if all I'm going to get is an occasional throw away, "It's technically good but" followed by a list of gripes, then I should have spent the majority of my free time over the last year doing something else.


I haven't played yet. The criticism is partly your fault (Ohm, Ohm). All your previous collaborations have produced truly exceptional work. The 2 of you have set the bar for your games very high. Here it seems you deviated from previous offerings and I think some are struggling with an oxygen starved brain. I (and likely countless others) appreciate your efforts. You Tlaero have earned my respect just for the help you provide to anyone that asks. Please allow some time for players to get comfortable with your effort, the different format, and I'm certain once again feedback will be positive.
My thanks to both of you.

PS Count the number of pilot fishes this effort has created. Very good!
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Re: Life With Keeley

Postby Greebo » Thu, 11Dec08 20:40

232323 wrote:Not sure what anybody is complaining about, I thought it was great. I've still got a little more playing to do in order to conquer the 35/35, but still...

I certainly haven't found a MFF threesome yet, which, if I can be honest, is pretty much what we're all looking for here based on my perception of the male mind. I feel like the fantasy aspect of having a threeway with two hotties with big tits far outweighs the fantasy of having post-marital relations with the same girl again and again, but maybe that's just me.

I've played all of your games, and I'll honestly say (hear me out now...) that this is a major step backwards from Christine, which doesn't really say much because that game was so far above anything that's ever been made in this genre that it would be unfair to expect you, or anyone, to ever come up with anything that good ever again. Having said that, this game was still really, really good, and is probably the 2nd best erotic game that the internet has seen to this date, in terms of production value, graphics, original story, not having random typos on every page, size, etc. Basically everything that's wrong with the VDG series at this point is right with the Keeley/Christine stuff.

about an acre of space
The good VDG stuff
The bad vdg stuff

I think that's about fair.

You really haven't read this thread, have you? Tlaero has some cause to despair when there are people like you so off the wavelength regarding this game. This isn't a game for those whose brains are in their bollocks and only think of themselves as a 'macho' man taking on a couple of big titted slappers in a threesome.

Your "Congrats gentlemen" makes it clear that you don't even understand that Phreaky and Tlaero are a male and female team, let alone that the idea of this game was to represent a more realistic game with better regard to the female view of things. Never mind Tlaero -- I despair! :sarcastic:

(By the way, I suspect most males aren't really up to coping with one woman, let alone two -- the ones that say they are are almost certainly boasting or deluded! [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img] )
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