Re: Getting to Know Christine

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby Slipstone » Fri, 11Apr01 00:58

There are a lot of replies on this thread now - and I haven't read all of them, so forgive me if I repeat.

Great game! I never bothered with the 'easier' routes, so I spent some time breaking through the early stages. Really enjoyed this though as it was rather more of a logical challenge than some other games, although a bit more linear than I would like. The real issue for me was that the challenge was all based on the earlier levels and the later parts were rather a walkover...

One little thing I found out: If you earn 40 points or so, then open one of the HTML files, you can run the game from there and keep the points so you don't need to 'play' the game at all. Rather pointless, but a way out for whingers who bleat for help and walkthroughs.

Thanks Tlaero and Phreaky....more power to your elbows.

Looking forward to your next game...perhaps with Pusooy style girls???
have you tried
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby barcone21 » Fri, 11Apr01 02:16

This game was a masterpiece. You guys outdid yourselves! Thank you!!
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby tlaero » Fri, 11Apr01 04:51

SquallLion wrote :
oh! untill now, I figured you was the author of!

That's Chaotic. I wrote AdventureCreator specifically to get him to stop making his games browser-specific, but he chose not to use it. Then when Phreaky started writing these games and showed more willingness to change his way of doing things, we started working together.

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby tlaero » Fri, 11Apr01 04:54

I just wonder how much of Christine is autobiographical.

Almost none. I'm a writer, not a swinger. (-:

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby xravensfan » Fri, 11Apr01 06:22

awesome game. Actually like the model Christine more so then the others.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby tlaero » Fri, 11Apr01 08:15

Since it's a solitaire game, I'm not too worried about the various ways to cheat. You can change one character in one of the files and turn on debug mode. From there a player can do pretty much anything he wants. You can also just open the pictures directly and skip all the gameplay elements. Whatever players find enjoyable.

I'm still very happy with the relatively small number of requests for walkthroughs. And I'm enjoying the psycho-analysis of the game. As a writer, it's gratifying to see people that interested in the characters.

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby zarkon » Fri, 11Apr01 09:50

This is for tlaero:
First of all, my personal congratulations for the masterpiece you created.You are a very talented person. I'm waiting for your next work with anticipation.
Second, I have a question. You say something about changing a character and turning on debug mode. How do you do that? I'm completely useless in technical stuff. If it's not to much trouble, I'd deeply appreciate any help you can provide.
Anyway, I'm your dedicated fan.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby cowboyblob » Fri, 11Apr01 10:31

Tlaero, it's the literate, witty writing what makes this game stand out. Christine is a beautiful but complex character who's not like any other. Granted, she openly gives you the key to her heart, Honesty, but that's an improvement over some of your earlier offerings, who were kind of iffy with their feedback.

As an American firearms enthusiast, I was pleased so see some sexy but responsible gunny cheesecake.

I take exception to those who say Christine doesn't look exotic enough. She's beautiful. That said, I hope future games will embrace variety and diversity in female subjects. I got tired of plastic porn stars a long time ago and prefer my fantasy girls to be more real, be they well-turned out MILFs, nerdy girls with a Rubenesque figure, or slender Asians lucky to fill an A-Cup. Thanks for a great game!
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby phreaky » Fri, 11Apr01 17:56

Hey, I just played the game again from the beginning till the end, and even I enjoyed it :D
You know, from my own experience, I rarely enjoy something that I create myself
But like I said many times in here (an more personally to her), tlaero really makes christine 'alive'

I just hope that we can do at least the same with keeley in the next game
In the first two keeley games, I think we barely cover her character
We can still go deeper of course

Anyway back to christine, I just hope that many other games like this will be created
I would definbitely enjoy playibg them
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby ctunnel » Fri, 11Apr01 21:01

Anyway back to christine, I just hope that many other games like this will be created
I would definbitely enjoy playibg them

I mentioned in the Introductions thread that I may just use AdventureCreator to create a game for my comic story. There are a couple of more 'adult' scenes, to say the least, that could be added in to make it really fun to play. Of course, not being a 3-D person, it'd be more traditionally drawn.
I have a blog.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby sudhsaddicted » Fri, 11Apr01 23:00

By far the best dating game! Hooked totally. Some hidden treasures might've made it even more exciting! Great job!
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby zarkon » Sat, 11Apr02 00:53

phreaky, you are right into my mind about keeley. What character? There is no character at all! Not only in her case, but in every game before Christine. With Christine you really skyrocketed the genre. I hope you really plan to do what you say. A keeley game lke Cristine? Wow!!!
Anyway, some comments about your artwork.
I don't know in which of the previous games you were involved, but in this one? It's double-wow! I mean there were a lot of issues, but now you managed to correct every one of them. I played again trying to find things that needed improvenebt, but found nothing.
I'll just mention some I had in mind:
First of all, the kisses scenes. Previously they were somehow scary. A female face with no emotion trying to bite your nose! Now it's gone. Christine has a more realistic expression now(allthough, I prefere those scenes to include both characters, not just the girl's face, this time it was fine).
And one last think: My comments on the lesbian kiss between Christine and Vanessa. That's what I call a french kiss! With tongues and really horny expressions!
Overall, every time I play it it impresses me more: for the first ime, you put alive characters in these games. They are not static, they evolve! They really interact with each other and change. Compare the early Christine and Andrian with how they are becoming in the end.
I don't want to tire you any more. You and Tlaero form a real super team. Keep on!
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby tlaero » Sat, 11Apr02 06:04

ctunnel, I'm looking forward to your comic story. If you have any questions about how to use AdventureCreator or how to make the code work, I'll be happy to answer them. Best bet is to ask them in the AdventureCreator thread in the Projects forum.

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby theomen » Sat, 11Apr02 17:00

that's one of the best games i've ever played.
thank you!
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby Blackduck » Sun, 11Apr03 04:50

Coming soon to a University campus. Getting to Know Christine 201... a required course for your Bachelor of Psychology Degree.

I can only speculate, and go by what I have read. My internet went away 2 days before Daydreaming came out... and all I have is my phone which won't let me d/l files. I hope to find a computer that I can at least d/l to a flash drive, then I can join in on the fun as well.

Sounds like a good game though. Well done T & P.
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