Re: Getting to Know Christine

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby MARYNOM » Fri, 11Mar25 20:57

doh it's only 5 in club XD
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby Salamandastron » Fri, 11Mar25 23:57

I'll chime in with the general praise of this game. A very refreshing take on the dating game genre.

Sometimes it can feel a bit 'on rails', though. There are a lot of sections where the player does a lot of major actions simply because there's nothing else to do.

Also, the whole nervous protagonist thing can get frustrating after a while. At first, it's important to use it to establish the relationship between the player and Christine, but a good while into the game, it sometimes feels out of sync with what the player is actually thinking/feeling.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby t_jobe » Sat, 11Mar26 00:43

Great game, definitely your best so far. I was impressed that you improved the quality of the game play and expanded the variety of the genre in the same game.

I'll be looking forward to what you come up with next.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby ExLibris » Sat, 11Mar26 01:05

Also, the whole nervous protagonist thing can get frustrating after a while. At first, it's important to use it to establish the relationship between the player and Christine, but a good while into the game, it sometimes feels out of sync with what the player is actually thinking/feeling.

I think that's one of my main criticisms of the game. Adrian is not particularly deeply characterised but everything he does is 'in character' and reflects his low self-esteem and growing infatuation with Christine. That's why we never see him in any other context besides dating Christine. Unfortunately that doesn't create a character that most players would want to be, and there's no way to alter the course of his actions. Even getting the secret ending requires plenty of kowtowing to Christine's desires, and ultimately his independence turns out to be an illusion. All of which increases the distance between player and protagonist. Most AIF uses an anonymous protagonist for precisely the reason that it increases the identification between player and PC, but it doesn't work when the game requires the PC to do things that the player wouldn't.

Related to that is the fact that Adrian never felt like the main character of the game to me. Christine completely overshadowed him. She shoots guns, drives a Ferrari and beats up the guy who beats up Adrian (which establishes Adrian's position in the pecking order early on). She does everything better than the PC, or anyone else. She even one ups Patty by deep throating her well-endowed boyfriend (which Patty can't do). The game ends with Christine as the centre of attention and the PC as just a supporting character.

I realise it would have meant telling a very different story, but I would have enjoyed the game more if Adrian had a more active role, and Christine was someone he had to win (rather than pay for by acceding to her dares and demands).

Overall it's still the most enjoyable game I've played this year, just not as enjoyable as it perhaps could have been.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby thebang » Sat, 11Mar26 02:55

I got through on hard mode all the way to the beach foursome. then i was trying to get the "bonus ending", managed that after ages of trying different combinations.Then discovered unlike previous games this one is easy to cheat on.

I only post this in case you didnt know and wanted to change that.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby vkalvkal » Sat, 11Mar26 04:16

I'm embarassed to ask this but, how do I get the points?
I tried it on easy, medium and hard modes, didn't get any bad reactions from Christine and in the end of the first date I didn't manage to get any points. It was still saying "Your current score is 0". I didn't get any points in my whole playthrough.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby GD » Sat, 11Mar26 05:08

So far this is a pretty great game, but I've managed to get myself stuck at the shooting range. Even with the in-car fondling I can only get up to 49 points, and can't seem to get any more points once the characters actually enter the shooting range.

Any help? I'll take it through PM if the thread is avoiding spoilers.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby ExLibris » Sat, 11Mar26 05:23

vkalvkal wrote : I'm embarassed to ask this but, how do I get the points?
I tried it on easy, medium and hard modes, didn't get any bad reactions from Christine and in the end of the first date I didn't manage to get any points. It was still saying "Your current score is 0". I didn't get any points in my whole playthrough.

What browser are you using? I've used Firefox 4 and IE 9 without any problems, but I seem to remember someone having trouble with Chrome.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby vkalvkal » Sat, 11Mar26 06:18

Seems like the problem really was with Chrome.
Tried with Firefox 4 and managed to get the points. Thanks ExLibris.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby tlaero » Sat, 11Mar26 06:55

I'm taking the feedback to heart and will reflect on it. I think the problem is that you folks are trying to play a game I didn't write. You want to be Adrian and have him act like you. I wanted to tell a story about a character that wasn't you.

If we're constrained to making the viewpoint character be the player himself, then we're limited to a really narrow band of hero stories. I dig those, I really do. When I'm not here I'm playing Dragon Age and Mass Effect and Halo, etc. But I don't want to be limited on only telling those sorts of stories.

Maybe the problem is the first person viewpoint. Maybe if I'm going to tell a story about characters the player doesn't want to associate with himself, we should do 3rd person images and I should go out of my way to never say "you," etc.

I'll think about it.

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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby slicebrau » Sat, 11Mar26 06:58

This is my first post and I felt compelled to write in. This is the best game I've played since a Late Night at the Office (still hoping for a sequel, please/ por favor/ sil vous plait)

Anyway, This game has it all. With all due respect to Chaos, I was getting a little tired of the MNF series where it was ok to choose the wrong path/answer. There should be a penalty. AND THANK YOU FOR THE ABILITY TO GO BACK TO THE LAST COMPLETED LEVEL. When you have a limited time to play, it helps a lot. Christine was gorgeous and the fact that she was teasing you was so hot. The first time you saw her fully naked, I thought for sure she'd be a he. [img]images/icones/icon18.gif[/img] Then I remembered it wasn't April Fool's Day yet.

Great job to everyone involved.

Also, Merci Sharky for introducing me to the wonderful mixing of my 2 favorite things-sex and video games. It all started when I stumbled across Virtual Blow Job. Keep up the good work.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby Arnulf » Sat, 11Mar26 07:42

Hi, Tlaero, I think, this game needs some space for the dialogues, to be understood. In my third run, I first understood, that Christine is a very SINGLE-minded girl, and if you do her the favour, thinking, how she does, you can reach a good process in the game. But it isn't easy to give up your own thinkings as a player, thatv will be the challenge of this game. But anyway, it is well made, and I have my pleasure therewith! Thanks!
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby ExLibris » Sat, 11Mar26 07:50

tlaero wrote : I'm taking the feedback to heart and will reflect on it. I think the problem is that you folks are trying to play a game I didn't write. You want to be Adrian and have him act like you. I wanted to tell a story about a character that wasn't you.

If we're constrained to making the viewpoint character be the player himself, then we're limited to a really narrow band of hero stories. I dig those, I really do. When I'm not here I'm playing Dragon Age and Mass Effect and Halo, etc. But I don't want to be limited on only telling those sorts of stories.

Maybe the problem is the first person viewpoint. Maybe if I'm going to tell a story about characters the player doesn't want to associate with himself, we should do 3rd person images and I should go out of my way to never say "you," etc.

I'll think about it.


I wonder if the problem here isn't simply that stories aren't games.

To quote Greg Costikyan:

"Stories are inherently linear. However much characters may agonize over the decisions they make, they make them the same way every time we reread the story, and the outcome is always the same. Indeed, this is a strength; the author chose precisely those characters, those events, those decisions, and that outcome, because it made for the strongest story. If the characters did something else, the story wouldn't be as interesting.

"Games are inherently non-linear. They depend on decision making. Decisions have to pose real, plausible alternatives, or they aren't real decisions... To the degree that you make a game more like a story -- more linear, fewer real options -- you make it less like a game."

The intent to tell a particular story is admirable, especially since it's so different from the male fantasy fodder common to adult games. But I think it's come at the price of making the player less involved in the game.

If your intent is to tell a story rather than make a game I definitely agree it would be a good idea to make the game third person. Establishing distance between player and protagonist means less identification between the two and hopefully less frustration when the protagonist behaves in accordance with the author's desires rather than the player's.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby phreaky » Sat, 11Mar26 08:32

Hmmm, reading more and more I think I understand more the gaps between our style of this game and some of the opinions here (exlibris mainly)

I think christine is more like an interactive story rather than a usual virtual date game
In this story, the plot is actually rather predefined, thus it's quite linear also
In a game like vd with keeley for example, player gets more control of james, and the options are definitely wider and some may suit player's preferences, thus more involvement from the player pov

I remember also when playing chaotic's sarah, I don't feel connected at all with her. And that's maybe because I feel I'm not involved at all with her.

I think christine is another style, I also remember when discussing with tlaero, some of my suggestions are turned down (no offense, tlaero :D) because it doesn't match adrians character
That is ME wanting to do things to christine based on my thinking and my character.

Well, I guess tlaero is right, if this game is third-person, I think it would be better because then it's really about adrian and christine, much like sharks or pusooy games where a player can actually control everyone (no first person pov)
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Re: Getting to Know Christine

Postby VRaptorX » Sat, 11Mar26 08:41

quick question....can I lose points during the sex? I just noticed she said she likes it when she swallows. Am I going to lose points if I creampie her?
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