TORI500 by leonizer

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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby leonizer » Sat, 10Aug07 02:13

Dear Lagooners,

Today LOP team would like to present our PREMIUM GAME called TORI500. I'm sure, you are familiar with Jordan 500 - our new game is a sequeal with a new main character, new story, new interactions and many other new features.


This ia a PREMIUM GAME with access paid by credit card but of course shark's lagoon forum users has granted unlimited free access for this game for a 7 days period (expires on 2010.08.15).

To face TORI500 issues and fight for her freedom visit her website:

click MEMBERS LOGIN and use following access data:

login: ilovesharks
password: 4forumusers

You got only 100 days to pay your unfair debt to Mafia Lord - how low are you ready to fall, how much are you ready to sacrifice?

I would appreciate your feedback concerning our game.

Special thanks to SHARKFAN for his support in language verification - I really appreciate that, thank you.

PS. I want to assure you that LOP team is not changing it's policy - we will continue to publish high quality games with access absolutely for free. Even right now we are working over a new project called "Rob the unfaithful" and "Venona Project Episode II".
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby cheese101 » Sat, 10Aug07 03:16

just started...first opinion is decent,but have to ask whats going on with the faces of c class customers...the construction worker looks ridiculous,i couldn't stop laughing...much like jordan 500 thouigh,a good game
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby bartux » Sat, 10Aug07 04:28

nice game but it's just a "copy" of jordan 500, nothing really new...

I wouldn't pay for this anyway :s
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby Ansys » Sat, 10Aug07 07:26

Good move to lose the car and make it mouse based, much more addictive that way and more fun.
"Special customer" events were also a welcome bonus.

I've completed it but do not want to go through all the stat building to see another ending so one of my suggestions will be to have a 'roadmap' system and after completing a game, let us continue from one of the branching points of the game.

You have got Ending #x
To see more endings, you can start from:
[Branch 1]
[Branch 2]

And we click one of those branches to carry on from there and we can make different choices whilst knowing we are definitely going to see something new AND avoid repetitive gameplay 5 times!

If you do not want to do that due to thinking "we like forcing people to paly all over again", then may I suggest a system where it says "Last time you have played, you have made THIS choice" so we can purposely try to find different endings without accidentally picking the same options.
Or even more robust, after for example 3 plays, it will say "you need to pick [this option] to see a new ending".

It took me a while to finish the game so I thought I'll return the favour via some feedback, hope it was helpful in some way. I am aware what I'm suggesting is hugely time consuming but I know if implemented, it will make me play the game to see the 5 endings instead of seeing one and then leaving it.

Thanks for the game, yes it was very similar to Jordan 500 but there was enough here to keep me interested.
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby Graen » Sat, 10Aug07 07:52

Thanks for making a sequel to one of your best games Leon!

[*]The Mafia Boss's head prolly needs to be a bit bigger to go with his body, right now it looks silly.
[*]Some of the Dialogue is a bit cheesy as well as misspelled. "As a girl L loved watching sunsets on the beach!" Can she just ask to watch the sunset, instead of saying it's a girly-girl thing?
[*]The intro is long, so skipping it is nice, but there is no way to get the bonus stats if you do. Would it be possible to assign some bonus stats if you skipped the intro?
[*]Tori's swimsuit, while hot, is unrealistically attached to her... unless it's painted on? :p
[*]A bug with the Jordan500 as well: When working with a customer you get the message, "This type of donation is very noble but also profitable when you are really short".
[*]The scrïpts aren't dependent on the day of the week. The DA seduction happened on Wednesday when the story said it was Saturday...
[*]Tori bought a gun before going to Acapulco? But it doesn't appear in your stats after the event. Where did it go? Why does it reappear, in an event, later in the game?
[*]Even after rejecting Corin's job offer, you still get the event for starting his first mission, although you never go on it. You also date him as well.
[*]The progress bar for jobs is divided every 20% but promotions only seem to come every 25%.
[*]Even if you never fuck anyone, you still go on "Special Customer Missions".
[*]After rejecting the club owner's offer, she still gives you a card to the club. Later you're still given the option to carry out her mission, that you rejected.
[*]One does not become a psychiatrist nor an EMT just by working at a hospital. The job tree should really be changed to something else, like administrative. Volunteer > Receptionist > eventually to something like Secretary to the Dean of Medicine or something similar. Keeping the Morale Bonus through the job chain would also be nice too.
[*]At one point Tori is called Cori :p
[*]I long for the day when I play one of your games and there isn't a single bald man in sight! :p
[*]During one of Corin's events you're given the option to help or "hurt" him. There is also a "Continue" button on that screen.
[*]You have to buy the club card to work at the gym.
[*]The various Job progress bars can exceed 100%

Things I liked:
[*]There is more story here!
[*]The new jobs are nice, but they don't have much of an impact on the story aside from helping you earn cash. Even then, they're not the best ways to earn money, which makes them feel impotent to the game.
[*]The graphics as always, are well done, even if you still like that damnable fade to black, for every button press. :p
[*]Normally I hate in-game advertising, but the PlayForceOne t-shirt was a nice touch. Same with the TV channel during a certain event.
[*]Hello Candi!

Things I would like to see changed:
Aside from the issues I posted earlier that I think should be fixed, I would like to see some more content added to the game.
[*]Bring back the achievements and new bonus items from Jordan500, as well as the stats & options screen to see your fucks and weapons you've purchased.
[*]Flesh out the story some more. You've given the player choices that break the game, such as rejecting Corin and the Club Owner's offer. Either create content for those choices, or end that particular storyline when the player makes those choices. For the record, I vote for more story options to open up.
[*]Make the "Special Customer Missions" dependent on Tori's reputation, and not just scrïpted to happen on certain days. That way if the player decides not to make her a whore, she'll never see those events.
[*]Same with the Club Owner's offer, don't let that event happen unless Tori has or is near 5,000 reputation. I realize that may require some more scrïpt work to make the Club Owner's story play out properly if Tori doesn't have enough reputation by the time the Club Owner would normally make her appearance.
[*]I'd actually like to see the Club Owner's story change in the end. If I've offed two other people, there is no reason why Tori shouldn't just shoot the Mafia boss herself.
[*]I like how purchasing the make-up kits unlocks more options for Tori's face. What I would like to see, is that as well as unlocking more options, it boosts the stats of all the options as well. So if you had the best make-up kit, even the "lowest" option would still give +5 to the Face stat.

I'm being a little harsher with my criticism here because you want this to be a premium game. Thus, I want to offer all the changes I would like to see if this was a pay to play game. As a sequel to Jordan500, this is certainly adequate, but for a premium game, I would definitely like to see more more more!
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby leonizer » Sat, 10Aug07 12:09

Thank you Graen for your comment. I've implemented most of the fixes which you recommended.
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby Graen » Sat, 10Aug07 13:37

Could you list the changes you made Leonizer?

I notice the following:
If something isn't a bug, please say so.
[*]Rejecting Corin, popped up the LoP site in a new window the first time I tried to select that option. After that I could reject him.
[*]You can't kill Corin after he's been stabbed anymore. Tori still dates him, after she rejects him.
[*]Could still kill Corin after rejecting the Club Owner's mission.
[*]"Special Customer Missions" don't seem to be working anymore.
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby Firefox » Sat, 10Aug07 17:00

First - great to have sequel to one of your best games. I somehow liked the background story of Jordan 500 more, but at Tori 500 the in game cutscene stories seems to be much better embedded into the game.

And i like your new make up menu - and the new dresses.

Two things I miss from Jordan 500 are a menu where you can look up your sex stats and the ability to get small bonuses through your decision in the cutscenes. (Like the tribal tattoo!)

And one last thing: I love the Fetish party mission. I think you should extend this event. When Tori and Elizabeth are leaving the club it would be nice to have an option "I would love to see you again" and one "Stay silent".
"Stay silent"" would end Tori's encounter with the fetish scene and "I would love..." could trigger a second (new) cutscene where Tori gets the chance to enter into this world - this could even result in a new (?) ending... :-) (Till now I have found ending 1, 2, 4 and 5!)

For me all "Special customer missions" work fine again! (Version 1.02!)
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby Ehlanna » Sat, 10Aug07 17:11

It's a nice take on the Jordan 500 game.

Quick thing I spotted on the opening page:
"You got 100 days ..."
That should really be, "You have 100 days ..."
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby Graen » Sat, 10Aug07 23:10

Firefox wrote : For me all "Special customer missions" work fine again! (Version 1.02!)
Cool! I last played 1.01.

[*]There doesn't seem to be a way to get Ending 3, since v1.02.
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby odin76 » Sun, 10Aug08 04:47

big thanks very nice
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby OchoCinco » Sun, 10Aug08 07:10

I really enjoyed the game, but nothing in it convinced me that paying for premium content would be worth it, since it was marginally better than Jordan 500 (not to say either are bad, because I thoroughly enjoyed both.)

If I'm to sign up, and keep my subscrïption, here are a few things I'd like to see:

Something to illustrate the sex when you're successful/unsuccessful with a client.
Nothing significant, but, if a client has a preference to anal, show Tori having anal sex on the success scene. If it's female, depict some sort of lesbian intercourse. Just a strip tease, show her provocatively posed for a man... Doesn't have to be extravagant, or even require an extra screen for it, just show it on the result page. Something like that to depict something going on in the story beside cut scenes would be nice.

Expand on other jobs.
Allow for a story line within them. If you want to explore working at the hospital, show her helping patients. Allow her to develop a relationship with a doctor there. Create clothes at the mall that allow for greater success at the job (a candy stripper outfit, scrubs, nurses outfit (regular and sexy)).

Same sort of thing with the gym, mall, and salon. Allow her to seduce guys she's massaging for extra money, and make it conditional on stats/rep... Allow "personal training sessions" at the gym. Have her own a specialty boutique in the mall for lingerie. Make it worthwhile to pursue those ends, financially and story wise. Even if they don't impact the overall story ending or result in a generic ending, the story will appear far less linear. It would also make replayability significantly better, because now I've got cut scenes from 4 different jobs to see and experience, even if the ending is the same.

Allow for passing on a customer without huge penalty.
I'd really like to be able to pass on certain customer (if they pose a significant threat, or I know I can't perform to their standard) and look for another customer for 5 points. That way, I have the opportunity to pass on a customer, but still be limited by not being able to keep hitting next until I find a favorable one.
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby Graen » Sun, 10Aug08 07:56

@OchoCinco: I'm very much interested in seeing some of your ideas added to the game. Especially regarding jobs, as that would provide an alternate story, for those who don't go down the whore route.

For the A, B & C Class Customers, having simple pictures of Tori having relations with them would be great. 2 pictures for each client, in each class, would be the max I think. (Hopefully relating to the customers' needs.) One for a successful encounter, and one for a failure. (Even if the only difference is as small as the expression on Tori's face.) Since each client seems to use the same pic as another client from a different class, making the pics more provocative going from C Class to A Class would be a nice touch.

Regarding jobs, the most obvious place to put in story events are for promotions. If Tori does what her boss wants her to do, she would get promoted, it might start off innocent enough at the entry level positions... but where it goes from there could be interesting, even if it was not necessarily erotic. ;)

Speaking of which... if Tori is a librarian, why isn't that one of her job choices? That too could have it's own unique storyline. Maybe even involving Corin trying to remind her of her obligation, or win her over.
OchoCinco wrote : Allow for passing on a customer without huge penalty.
I'd really like to be able to pass on certain customer (if they pose a significant threat, or I know I can't perform to their standard) and look for another customer for 5 points. That way, I have the opportunity to pass on a customer, but still be limited by not being able to keep hitting next until I find a favorable one.
That's a good idea, even if the rejection took away 10 points, a well rested Tori would have one more chance to meet two customers in one day.
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby cowboyblob » Sun, 10Aug08 09:01

Leonizer, why give the player a choice if you're just going to ignore it? I reject Corin at the begining and he comes right back. Corin rejects ME after I shoot my ex-boyfriend in Acapulco and Corin comes right back. At least he doesn't come back after I kill him.

[Ooops, I don't see Corin again until I kill him. ]

When you Flirt in the Extravaganca Club, it reads as "Pole Dance" on the next screen.

Something strange happened to the Risk statistic. It went from a percentage to at least a 4-digit number.
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Re: TORI500 by leonizer

Postby Son-of-Odin » Sun, 10Aug08 11:51

Hi leo, congrats to your new game. But as Ansys said, it would be much better if there would be some safe spot, so if you´re doing something wrong, you don´t have to start the whole game new.
Sorry for my bad english, but I think you´ll understand what I mean
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