Date Story Ideas

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Re: Date Story Ideas

Postby Squeeky » Wed, 10Oct20 14:58

While we have considered some early date scenarios, who will be the partners?

Addressing that question may well lead to what transpires:
- a single dad collecting his child from a learn to swim class meets the unattached instructor
- at a local art exhibition she is encouraged to join the class in which you are enrolled
- at a:
produce display
floral art/cooking/other competition
the two of you win first and second place.
Each of you have a skill admired (not necessarily coveted) by the other
- from miles apart, your corporate business empire has transferred both of you into the same office within 24 hours

I think Norse Graphics is somewhat suggestive of this proposition but I think this might be placed just before. While writing this I see his comment, and his comment would actually fit within this period of introduction.
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Re: Date Story Ideas

Postby tlaero » Thu, 10Oct21 08:47

I love the suggestions Norse Graphics and Squeeky. It's great that you're thinking about the characters themselves rather than "random male meets random female and convinces her to have sex with him."

When Phreaky and I decided to collaborate on the Keeley game, the first thing we did was discuss both her background story and the players'. The second thing we did was discuss all the different non-sex things they'd do on their dates. We didn't start planning out the sex scenes until much later.

Keeley has been well received, I believe in part, due to this upfront work. I encourage any dating game developers to similarly think through the story before diving into the game.

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Re: Date Story Ideas

Postby Norse Graphics » Thu, 10Oct21 16:16

Thanks, it is always easier to make a game by breaking it up into smaller pieces. Another example of a piece is a tour through the amusement park. You can take a roller coaster (thrill), or shooting gallery (impress) or even the teacups (nausea) to have some success/failure-options depending on the characteristics or mood of the female.

Other options within this set would be:
-Radio cars (fun)
-Lottery (gamble)
-House of Scares (another option for thrill)
-Or even just a stroll holding hands while watching some of the other people (families with kids, couples), to set the romantic mood.

If anybody else has some suggestion within this set (or other sets for that matter), I'm very interested in hearing your suggestions.
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Re: Date Story Ideas

Postby Tjommi » Fri, 10Oct22 03:32

I have shamelessly stolen various ideas from other great writers into themes I would like to see more of in form of the date simulator engine thingy you got going here.

1. You are the passenger in a woman, your mandate is that you are her concience. Basicly you can choose between beeing the angel on her shoulder or the devil on the other shoulder. Guide her through various events and watch the woman do well or watch her crash and burn when you advice and try to convince her to act either good or bad.

2. Two words that give the recipee for absurd entertaining: Japanese gameshow. They got pretty much every theme there is covered. The story is about an surrealistic gameshow where female participants have to do various stuff that put them into compromising positions and situations. How far will the contestants go to win the game?

3. You are in a dimension with nothing but schrimps.

4. You are a vampire that need to seduce women in order to eat.
Here you are the hunter. You live in a world of darkness. Do you hunt at nightclubs, or do you choose more secluded locations where there are less chances that you can get seen? You need to deal with issues like that pesky sunlight and ennoying vampire hunters.

5. Desperate housewifes - You are the neighbourhood stud that constantly get called to various housewifes in the neighbourhood to do various tasks. They off course only have one thing on their mind, and you have to juggle between giving them what they want, actually doing the work they pay you for and not getting caught by husbands/kids/neighbours etc. etc.
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Re: Date Story Ideas

Postby Squeeky » Fri, 10Oct22 04:11

Let's look not forget that there are two sides to a mirror.

Let us not forget that women can be very much on the 'prowl', maybe not always as brazen as men in their approach but still very much the huntress.

What might prevent a girl-on-the-town from achieving a successful night; too giggly, a bit pushy? What signals does she need to give to make her attractive and not appear "cheap"?
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Re: Date Story Ideas

Postby Norse Graphics » Fri, 10Oct22 08:46

Squeeky wrote : Let's look not forget that there are two sides to a mirror.

Let us not forget that women can be very much on the 'prowl', maybe not always as brazen as men in their approach but still very much the huntress.

What might prevent a girl-on-the-town from achieving a successful night; too giggly, a bit pushy? What signals does she need to give to make her attractive and not appear "cheap"?

That's a difficult one. There are many signals that convey the message, but I think body language is the most important.
-Eye contact?
-What to wear?

This is very important.

And lastly, how can she make the male think he's on the prowl not realizing he's the "target", different combinations for different effects.

I think the way for her to not appear "cheap" is to dress with what is called "class". That means, no cheap jewelry and not a lot of it either (should not be enormous), a suit that fits her, but isn't too revealing. Maybe hair that is set up into a fashionable way, at least not straggly, or "puffy", or that 60's hippy hairdo. Wearing high heals, not sandals. Not a lot of makeup, and it should be "natural" if you know what I mean.

And she shouldn't be pushy, but use eyecontact to "draw in" the male. And a smile, of course. Bodylanguage - study "True Lies" to see how not to appear as demonstrated by Jamie Lee Curtis when Arnie sits in the chair and she is on a "mission". It's painful to watch, but then you know she's just a housewife with no experience in such things.

How about her positioning? Standing or sitting? When sitting, cross her legs, or not? Usually females cross their legs, while males don't. Use this appropriately, when she becomes more interested, uncross the legs and allow her to move towards the target. If he's in front of her, she should either rise and sit besides him, or lean forward with interest in her face. If they sits besides each other, she should move closer and allow his arm around her.

And touching is very important, that's the main cue. When females are very interested, they touch. But don't let her grab the guy by the balls, allow one hand to stroke his shoulder/upper arm/neck.

Should I go on? I think you get the idea.
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Re: Date Story Ideas

Postby Squeeky » Sun, 10Oct24 12:03

That is an interesting dialogue.

When I posed the concept I had few ideas as to what might be the allurement, the spell of attraction - "Come into my parlour," said the spider to the fly!

With staged ideas from about, the woman's "attributes" increase/decrease according to situation presented by our writer. Maybe that theme of always increasing the allurement needs to present to just before she knows that she is about to achieve her "chosen" goal.

Maybe the "chosen" goal has been fulfilled the "woman" is advised that she may have had more thrills had she elected to be a little more adventurous; I'll not try to define any of that but it does allow for different endings.
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Re: Date Story Ideas

Postby TheBrain » Sun, 10Oct24 23:15

Squeeky wrote :
What might prevent a girl-on-the-town from achieving a successful night; too giggly, a bit pushy? What signals does she need to give to make her attractive and not appear "cheap"?

Define "succesful night"... :p I think that pretty much any woman can go into a bar and find a guy who'll have sex with her (except maybe the terribly ugly/fat ones). Now given in these games we don't want to be looking at ugly girls, this poses somewhat of a problem as we'd be playing a reasonably attractive woman. Then the real question becomes about what type of man is she trying to pull: he has to pose a challenge. I don't think you can define most of the signals without knowing the target man. For example, a busy rich businessman might not mind a dumb/trashy girl, but she would have to be able to convince him to choose her and not his job. On the other hand with some upper class guy it could be all about appearances and behaving properly (at least when others are around :P).

Still I think fully controlling a girl in games like this is a big problem, adding a whole set of new problems to the problems of making a "guy on a date"-game. For one I don't think any of the games existing now really defined the protaganist, apart from being a guy that wants to have sex. Character development like this would be vital for a "girl on a date"-game.
But this might fit better with idea 1. that Tjommi posted, playing the conscience of a girl. With that premise you could impose a set of standards, meaning that you cannot make the girl do something outrageous that she wouldn't have done otherwise (i.e. she won't jump on the bum in the alley, and assuming the entity in her conscience is aware of that, options like these don't have to be available to the player).

Anyway, all of this would mean having to develop characters to a level that really hasn't been done before, even the girls so far are fairly 1-dimensional.
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Re: Date Story Ideas

Postby Norse Graphics » Thu, 10Oct28 19:48

I take it that we'd need the input of a woman when it comes to games were the player plays the female protagonist (hero). Or read lots of paperbacks with such themes. I, for one, am not a mind-reader, so any input is appreciated.

Good post, TheBrain.
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Re: Date Story Ideas

Postby phreaky » Fri, 10Oct29 07:42

Reading all this makes me want to say something

Actually a while ago I tried to make a game with a female as the one we playes (or aprotagonist as you say it)
And we act as the concience or brain of that female

But I found it ver hard to make the story going, well maybe the main reason is that I'm not a female, and its really difficult to portray what's going in her mind
I also have tlaero see my work I progress, but so far because we are focusing on another keeley game, that project was temporarily forgotten

It really is a different ballgame I think, and the challenge is bigger

We could just make the game as it is, but it won't be too realistic as the girl would think like a guy, and that's not too interesting :D

I could use more inputs on this player-as-the-female-game topic
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Re: Date Story Ideas

Postby Squeeky » Fri, 10Oct29 08:48

There are many dangers in changing mind in mid-stream.

If you like the presentations above by all means shae with tlaero for future use but don't attempt what might distort something that you know is already fine.
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Re: Date Story Ideas

Postby TheBrain » Fri, 10Oct29 16:45

phreaky wrote : I could use more inputs on this player-as-the-female-game topic

Maybe turn your thinking around? What if you started out from the perspective of the guy, given that he's supposed to be a challenge. Think of the reason why he wouldn't want to have sex straight away.
Ideally this would be something about the girl, what she is doing or saying that would put him off. Because then the challenge of the game becomes about her conscience (the player) steering away from that behaviour. It could even be that the player's input never has direct effect on what is happening or being said, rather that it's more like you're having a conversation in her head.

Another option I could see working is that there's something about the situation that's conflicting. For example, what if the girl is at a party with a lot of the guys friends but they don't approve of her (she cheated on one of his friends or something?). Now the guy may like her, but he's not going to act on it himself because of his friends. It could be even better if he was actually ashamed of being seen talking to the girl, depending on whether his friends are close or not he could act very differently. The eventual challenge being to get him to talk to you, admit he likes you and probably go somewhere else for the "finale" (maybe there you could turn it around, with the girl not being sure whether she wants to have sex right away).

Of course, as for what the girl is actually thinking, I think the key is just to be a little creative (even if it's from a guy's perspective). I doubt there's many girls around here, even less so ones that are inclined to help you.
Still, there are loads of romantic comedies based around the fact of a girl not being able to get the guy she wants, so it's not impossible.
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Re: Date Story Ideas

Postby rossmat8 » Sat, 10Oct30 23:44

What about a game where you're in an office and you have until the end of the day to get one of three girls. If you do everything right it would be possible to get all three, but if choose the wrong path the girls could find out about each other and you end up not getting any of them. Also there could be possible scenarios that end up threesomes.
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