Dating Game elements

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Re: Dating Game elements

Postby Norse Graphics » Tue, 11Feb22 14:46

As the subject lines says, what I am looking for are the elements that makes up a complete dating game.

When I began playing these games, it was purely for enjoyment. Most of them focused on "visual style", for lack of beter terms. And the ourney towards 3D graphics began. Some use Poser, others - like the owner and creator of this forum - uses Anim8tor. For me, I use DAZ Studio. So, the focus was pretty much on how to create realistic shadows, skins of the characters, what props and scenery to employ.

Then I began and I soon met a brick wall,the story itself. Left to my imagination, I soon found out that I was destined to walk the same track as anybody else had done before me. And I really didn't want that, JADT (Just Another Dating Game)!!

So this is why I post this very elemental part of the dating game. What elements consists a successful dating game? I read that Ariane had thoughts about lack of romance in the dating game. Obviously there are things we can easily think of, like:

5.Walk on the beach
7.Hot Tubbing
8.Moon gazing
9.Truth or Dare
10.Amusement park
11.Photo session
12.Drive to 'a place'
13.Bedroom activities

And so on.

Those things I listed up came from Ariane's dating game. And I think I've had these thoughts before, which I also have expressed. What I am looking for aren't primarily the places (which can vary immensely), but the steps forming the game itself.

So, the game starts out thus:


Then what? Either:

A) Dining


B) Dancing

Maybe dancing should be confined to later in the date? You see my confusion, right? So here's where you, the read comes in. What logical steps should one take.
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Re: Dating Game elements

Postby Greebo » Tue, 11Feb22 18:36

Surely there are other options for the early stages of a first date? As well as dining and dancing, there are going to movies, sports matches, wrestling, theatre, ballet, concerts (classical, pop, jazz, country and western etc.), museums, art exhibitions, night club entertainment of various sorts, sight seeing - what sort of dates have you had, first or otherwise?

Personally I've covered quite a few of those in the past, although a nice dinner and some romantic dancing can create the atmosphere for more interesting later 'events'.
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Re: Dating Game elements

Postby Craban » Tue, 11Feb22 23:53

I can only agree with Greebo and I was in a similar situation seeking for a game theme.
I tried to get away from the usual dating game situations which are covered too often and thought about what would be fun to do. Later I dropped the idea of dating totally and used an idea of one of the bigger adult video companies. That's how I came to the Money Talks theme.
Thinking about what you personally or a character you control (through a fictitious story) would do to get a date and later 'events' ;) is a good way. Otherwise you risk to copy what has been done before. Why not leave the mainstream route and create something like a casting event or build a story around a day-to-day event where your main character stumbles into an adventure? The latter can fire up the players' phantasies as the story may happen to themselves.
There are lots of adult stories and some are really good which implies you may have to read a dozen before you find something suitable.
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Re: Dating Game elements

Postby moikkeli » Wed, 11Feb23 19:10

Heres my two cents (please forgive me if I start to ramble)

From my "vast" experience of women, not all are ready for some "extra" activity after the first date (especially if the people don't know each other from before). So with this in mind, one possibility is to build the relationship up from the ground. This would then imply that we would need to have several dates which could lead to some "special grown-up time".

Another thing that I (maybe its just me) think is worth considering is, is the female character a 1) girl (lets say up to 25) or if she is a 2) woman (25 and up). Depending on the age of the woman, she is looking for different things (one-night stand vs. long-term relationship). Granted, some women are wilder then others but...

These are just two thoughts from the top of my head.
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Re: Dating Game elements

Postby Craban » Wed, 11Feb23 22:19

That's true, moikkeli, and a realistic game would be much longer before something may happen. On the other hand we're still talking about sex games and fiction. I doubt that a very realistic approach would be fun. In the end we're seeking for games to escape reality, don't we? Not that this is the only motivation but I think it's a key factor for adult games.
On the other hand a good game for me has to trigger my phantasy. If it's too fictitious this trigger fails. Maybe it's just me but I like something between strict realism and fiction.
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Re: Dating Game elements

Postby marlb0r0 » Wed, 11Feb23 22:56

Here's my share on what I've experienced after playing quite a few dating or 'sexy' games...
I hate the fact that most of the games are like answer this, do this, wear this and I'd be in the girl's pants...
If I wanted this, I'd watch a porno, cause almost all of them hav this...

Hav you guys played MASQ? I really enjoyed it, though yes it doesn't hav that much 'sexiness' in it, but still its a great game....

I'd suggest that prolong the game a little, like over a course of a week or something like that... For example SD3 was a wonderful experience...

I don't play adult games just to jerk off, if I'd want that, I'd just google a pretty face and watch her doing all kinds of nasty things... The reason why I play an adult game is cause its more interactive and triggers my fantasy.... But then again, it could only be me...
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Re: Dating Game elements

Postby ILSWriter » Wed, 11Feb23 23:01

Another aspect of writing a story illustrated with 3d characters is the author's library of backgrounds, clothes and props. The professionals like Shark can make their own. In my case, I have no idea how to do that so my stories are restricted to those that can use the clothes and backgrounds I can buy from places like DAZ Studio. An example of my restriction is showing characters in a movie theater. I have never seen a theater background. In addition any place that requires a crowd becomes a computer memory problem. I have been working on a scene with eight people. I can either have them fully clothed and no background or naked in a hotel room.

So what this boils down to is when a 3d story author considers a new story he/she must keep several things in mind that are involved only in the illustrating of the story not in the plot. A book auther will never run out of paper but I quickly run out of buildings, rooms, clothes, hair, facial expressions, beer bottles, etc. etc. Of course, I can and I do use the same ones over and over.

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Re: Dating Game elements

Postby marlb0r0 » Wed, 11Feb23 23:26

ILSWriter, I happen to be a scrïptwriter... Perhaps I can write you a sleazy story... lol!
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Re: Dating Game elements

Postby ILSWriter » Fri, 11Feb25 02:38

I had to Google to find out because I had no idea what a scrïptwriter is.

scrïptwriters are skilled writers who prepare scrïpts for commercials, soap operas, comedies, and dramas that appear on television, in films, and on stage.

So thanks marlb0r0 if I ever need a sleazy story I will certainly think of you. BTW what do the zeros in your screenname stand for?

My apologies to Norse Graphics for being so far off your topic.
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Re: Dating Game elements

Postby drakpower » Mon, 11Feb28 10:00

I think the small steps (and victories) that lead to the much larger prize are the necessary elements to a successful dating game. I tend to like this flow (from Virtual Date with Keeley):

1. Meeting the girl for the first time (introduction, setting the expectation for the rest of the game)

2. Spending time with her, could take a couple of days (learning her likes and dislikes. Could be small text hints, visual aides,etc)

3. Letting her know you're interested and winning her heart, also could take a couple of days (dating, could also be mixed in with point 2)

4. Ending, all your hard work pays off...or not

Little side bits could be thrown in too for reward or the carrot on the stick effect.
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