New browser Game - dark-scorn

Complete and totally free games (the author can request a non-obligatory financial contribution in thanks or to help him to create new game)

Re: New browser Game - dark-scorn

Postby gaming2009 » Sun, 09Sep06 20:34

Welcome to a world of love lust and agony, where you can try to make it to the top or die like a scared little trick down some back alley, you think you got what it takes to be the best? In this world is two things bread and stones, Pony up the bread and show others that you have the rest! what tools are required to survive? cunning and skill and allies perhapse whats waiting down a back alley is it hardship and pain or the top of the food chain, Well thats for you to find out if you dare! Come play in our nightmares!

Live Brothel for Donators

Many suggestions are invited from all since its a new game. Lots of features would be added very soon. The gamers can check out if they want.
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Location: Kochin

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