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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Sun, 19Aug25 00:56

People need to watch this, amazing, worth a watch.

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Re: General Chat

Postby Joe.Pizza » Tue, 19Sep17 05:24

PinkVendeta wrote:
Ivlia wrote:
PinkVendeta wrote:This was both an amazing watch and also shocking to be honest.

I think, the reality was more shocking. And film is superb! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

When You know from this series the shear level of stupid people in full control of the plant and the endless errors they caused which was the cause of this shocking event, it is all shocking, beginning, middle and end.

I remember when Chernobyl happened. At first, the Soviets made it seemed like it was a minor incident. It became more apparent it was more than that when doctors from outside the USSR were needed to perform Bone Marrow Transplants. The procedure at the time was relatively new and risky for the patient. GVH (rejection) was basically a death sentence.
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Re: General Chat

Postby LRM » Tue, 19Sep17 07:50

Joe.Pizza wrote:
PinkVendeta wrote:
Ivlia wrote:
PinkVendeta wrote:This was both an amazing watch and also shocking to be honest.

I think, the reality was more shocking. And film is superb! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

When You know from this series the shear level of stupid people in full control of the plant and the endless errors they caused which was the cause of this shocking event, it is all shocking, beginning, middle and end.

I remember when Chernobyl happened. At first, the Soviets made it seemed like it was a minor incident. It became more apparent it was more than that when doctors from outside the USSR were needed to perform Bone Marrow Transplants. The procedure at the time was relatively new and risky for the patient. GVH (rejection) was basically a death sentence.

Not all of them resided in Russia... We lived on the economy in Kyllburg, Germany when it happened (1 of only 2 American families living in the entire village). We got German TV and in the wee small hours of the night AFRTS (Armed Forces Radio and Television Service). Both of my children stood outside while awaiting the school bus to Bitburg AFB (I was stationed at Spangdahlem). German television aired the Chernobyl event 3 days before AFRTS did. I was not a happy camper! The other foolish occurrence was food... The commissary immediately removed all local beef from the shelves and imported British beef for all Americans in Germany. That was during the mad cow scare in England. In the early part of my life I had donated over 120 pints (15 gallons) of blood. I haven't been allowed to donate in over 22 years. Odds are good I never will again.
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Sat, 19Sep21 00:34

See the problems in both Chernobyl - Ukraine and in Fukushima - Japan were reaction times to both disasters.

Both plants would have done endless reaction drills, using all types of specs aka, eartquakes, tsunami, tornado`s, hurricane`s, terror attacks, to total failure and how to contain it fully, but, yet, both plants failed so badly when it came to reacting and containing both massive failures at each of the plants.

Also the staff at both sites were extremely badly trained and thus the reaction times to act and contain both went into days and both plants released huge clouds of radiation into both the air over Japan and Ukraine thus poisoning the land, air, streams, rivers, lakes and seas around both countries.

But those same clouds went into the atmosphere and thus into the jet streams which are relatively narrow bands of strong wind in the upper levels of the atmosphere, the winds blow from west to east in jet streams but the flow often shifts to the north and south, which in turn took those radioactive dust clouds world wide.

It was not bad enough that most of the land in Japan and most of the land in the Ukraine could not be used safely again for 1000s of years, but, a lot of land, air, sea, lakes, rivers and streams world wide are poisoned now also and it will take a very long time if ever for it to be removed.

The excuse for using fossil fuels aka, wood, coal, oil, gas and modern fuels aka Atomic and Nuclear to power the planet have not held water since Nicola Tesla disproved them all and proved how harmful they actually are to the planet, but he also proved new safer greener ways to power the planet, but science means nothing in the face of money, greed, power and lies, and thus, our planet for the most part while in the hands of those who want wood, coal, oil, gas and modern fuels aka Atomic and Nuclear to only be used, they already know this spells doom for the planet.

Yet, one has to wonder, when Portugal, ran for 4 full days countrywide on renewable energy alone back in 2016 aka wind, water and solar, that must have sent a mild scare to the elite oil, coal, gas, atomic and nuclear barons that this is what needs doing to save the world and it can be done world wide without any need what so ever for ever using oil, coal, gas, atomic and nuclear again.

It is a really simple case in reality of: You either care about the entire planet as a whole, every living being on it, the tree`s, plants, fresh water, salt waters, animals, mammals, fish and so on, land, air, right down to the planet saving Bumble Bee, or, You care about nothing but the $$$s going in to your bank account, all of these things both harm and destroy the planet: wood, oil, coal, gas, atomic and nuclear, always have, always will, forever.

Change now like Portugal proved could easily be done, or the next extinction level event on planet earth will be humanity being gone entirely, forever, is this really the road the power hungry, greedy elites want to go down?, because all BS aside, it ends REALLY BADLY for everyone including them :lol:
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Re: General Chat

Postby LRM » Sat, 19Sep21 04:00

My lady is a an environmental scientist. You sound like you think much like she does.
I think the human race is doomed regardless. The world population doubles every ten years(?). Already food is becoming hard to find in third world countries. We habitually over harvest the oceans and that food source is on the verge of collapse. Insects can become a source of food for awhile but we will outstrip their ability to feed us soon enough too (can you say soylent green). I foresee WW3 over food and potable water probably during my grandsons time on the planet. A breathable atmosphere will soon be the least of our worries.
IMO If we suddenly stopped all pollution, the shear numbers of the human race will soon overwhelm the planet's ability to support us...
Nuclear waste from our power plants and the upcoming war will endanger what ever replaces us as the dominant species...
We won't be remembered fondly.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greebo » Sat, 19Sep21 12:24

LRM wrote:The world population doubles every ten years(?).

Actually Lou, I think you'll find it's every sixty or seventy years at the moment, given a bit of prediction leeway,(see "World Population Increase" in wikipedia), but it's still almost as serious as the appalling climate change scenario we are witnessing right now whilst Trump pooh poohs it as "Fake news!" Maybe there's still time to do something about the population growth and reduce greenhouse gases like methane at the same time by drastically reducing beef and intensively farmed chicken and pig production and consumption,and following Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" or "Soylent Green" commencing with Trump, Boris Johnson and their ilk rather than the infants of the poor that Swift satirised about.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Hey Chief » Sat, 19Sep21 19:31

Greebo and Lou of course, great posts and topics, as they both strike a chord with me, as earthier can be the cause of the nest "great war. As a "Fearless Leaders" will state we other reasons to further their agenda and pockets, as they would never have to place their selves and family/friends on danger.
okay enough of my soap box for today. Hey Chief
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Re: General Chat

Postby LRM » Sat, 19Sep21 21:30

Blame Hey Chief (Thanks);
My original rant overlooked the nuclear waste created by our current war machines. Nuclear reactors on ships are every bit as much a threat as are power plants. Neither add to the carbon in the atmosphere, but the toxic waste they create may well out last our sun.
In 1968 I almost became (I tried to become) a contributing member to radioactive waste. The good Lord, in his infinite wisdom, created me with a shortfall that negated my attempt. Thank you Jesus!
@ Greebo;
Want to provide for your children and grandchildren (IMO)? Find, use, and teach, them how to utilize heritage seeds. NEVER use anything Monsanto or anyone else has engineered for the benefit of mankind (that's spelled corporate profit!). Good luck purchasing anything today that does not contain this crap, animal or vegetable.
That is unfortunately no safeguard from the guy with the gun, knife, club, etc; who will benefit from your foresight with no effort on his!

Time I climb off my soapbox. Perhaps I've reached a few today,,, but all too few.
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Re: General Chat

Postby Greebo » Sat, 19Sep21 22:29

Up until now the UK has been quite good at quelling the Big Pharma approach to growing food -- apart from the lobbying and activities of some of the Big Farmers (Geddit! Geddit! Oh, suit yourselves!) But heaven only knows what will happen if crazed Brexiters get control of our Food Standards laws and enable the dark side of food production and import. I'll still be looking for the "good stuff" in the supermarkets but the question is how available will it be if Brexit goes through and we no longer have 27 other countries backing us up? :(
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Re: General Chat

Postby LRM » Sat, 19Sep21 23:04

I think Monsanto was the first here (hog corn), to create a sterile grain for feed to animals only... I think it was less than 2 years before it was found in everything that contains corn products.
And why does my government allow ANY seed provider to sell a sterile product?
But then my current President is supposed to be the people's advocate (isn't he)? How do you spell fat chance??? He couldn't possibly be more pro business, to the extent that joe average citizen is suffering (the 1 percenters love him)!
And heaven help us if he gets tossed out, the number two people's advocate never read the constitution as it applies to the separation of church and state!
I can see my government so far up my ass I'll have to send a, pardon me, to my congressperson every time I fart!
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Re: General Chat

Postby shark » Sat, 19Sep21 23:42

Human is crazy. He worships an invisible God and destroys a visible nature,
unaware that the Nature he destroys is the God he worships.
- Hubert Reeves (French Canadian astrophysicist and popularizer of science).
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Re: General Chat

Postby Joe.Pizza » Tue, 19Sep24 05:59

LRM wrote:I think Monsanto was the first here (hog corn), to create a sterile grain for feed to animals only... I think it was less than 2 years before it was found in everything that contains corn products.
And why does my government allow ANY seed provider to sell a sterile product?
But then my current President is supposed to be the people's advocate (isn't he)? How do you spell fat chance??? He couldn't possibly be more pro business, to the extent that joe average citizen is suffering (the 1 percenters love him)!
And heaven help us if he gets tossed out, the number two people's advocate never read the constitution as it applies to the separation of church and state!
I can see my government so far up my ass I'll have to send a, pardon me, to my congressperson every time I fart!
(assumes lotus position) Ohm, Ohm, Ohm

Um Lou,

The "hog corn" (actually called Starlink) was approved by the FDA in May 1998 under the Clinton administration. The government has been monitoring the corn supply since 2001 first started under George W Bush administration. This was well before the current occupant took office. In matter of fact, he was a well loved member of the Democratic Party from 2001-2009, Party members had no problem hob-nobbing with him then and accepting his political contribution. Heck Senator Spartacus was personally endorsed by Trump.

My point? Politics is dirty game. No one playing the game is clean. Each wallowing in his or her pool of slime.
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Re: General Chat

Postby LRM » Tue, 19Sep24 18:54

Joe.Pizza wrote:My point? Politics is dirty game. No one playing the game is clean. Each wallowing in his or her pool of slime.

We're in agreement that Government stinks no matter which party has the majority.
I personally think anything man messes with, be it animal, vegetable, or mineral, is bad for the environment/species/planet/universe. I think all GMOs should be against the law!

I'd love to see my current President jailed; but please allow him to finish his term first. I firmly believe the number two man is even more dangerous than the one currently occupying the position, although for a different reason. I think given some time the Donald will be awarded "The Worst President Ever" distinction. And hopefully no one will ever come close to threatening that position again, regardless of party affiliation. It will be some time if ever before the USA is held with the same regard as it was before the Donald was awarded the election.
On a slightly different note, it's time the popular vote elects our president. When someone that supposedly votes my states wishes (electoral college) can go rogue, without penalty, it's time for a change!!! It might also be time the people (not their representative) have the ability to remove members from the Supreme Court.
Stows soapbox once again.
I was a child living in the mid-west when hog corn was introduced. I was surrounded by farmers fields at that time.
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Tue, 19Sep24 19:44

LRM wrote:My lady is a an environmental scientist. You sound like you think much like she does.
I think the human race is doomed regardless. The world population doubles every ten years(?). Already food is becoming hard to find in third world countries. We habitually over harvest the oceans and that food source is on the verge of collapse. Insects can become a source of food for awhile but we will outstrip their ability to feed us soon enough too (can you say soylent green). I foresee WW3 over food and potable water probably during my grandsons time on the planet. A breathable atmosphere will soon be the least of our worries.
IMO If we suddenly stopped all pollution, the shear numbers of the human race will soon overwhelm the planet's ability to support us...
Nuclear waste from our power plants and the upcoming war will endanger what ever replaces us as the dominant species...
We won't be remembered fondly.

I makes me happy to hear that your Lady is an environmental scientist, I have always thought like this Lou, we are meant to learn from those who came before us and not be doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again, humanity for the most part learned this, those in power and the elites just simply do not care at all, it is all about the money, greed, power for them and nothing else, including our planet dying, means anything to them.
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Re: General Chat

Postby PinkVendeta » Tue, 19Sep24 20:06

Greebo wrote:
LRM wrote:The world population doubles every ten years(?).

Actually Lou, I think you'll find it's every sixty or seventy years at the moment, given a bit of prediction leeway,(see "World Population Increase" in wikipedia), but it's still almost as serious as the appalling climate change scenario we are witnessing right now whilst Trump pooh poohs it as "Fake news!" Maybe there's still time to do something about the population growth and reduce greenhouse gases like methane at the same time by drastically reducing beef and intensively farmed chicken and pig production and consumption,and following Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" or "Soylent Green" commencing with Trump, Boris Johnson and their ilk rather than the infants of the poor that Swift satirised about.

I do love a good chat with You and Lou and JP and everyone else, but, You seriously need to stop with all the Trump BS that You constantly vent out, now it is Boris as well :lol: , Trump cannot be blammed for everything wrong in todays world Gerry, so seriously, stop.

China uses more coal per second, per minute, per hour, per day, per week, per month and per year than all other coal producing nations combined, skies over China are a constant fog of pollution and China does not give a flying f*ck about the Paris climate accord, and that is the straight up truth, yet China has more electric busses than most other nations do in use, 431,000 on China`s roads in use :lol:

China pollute REALLY badly on one hand, dont care what rest of world thinks, yet have 431k in electric busses on the roads, seriously, You could not write this as a plan of action and hope that people worldwide would not bust a gut laughing.

Now on to blaming everything constantly like You do on Trump, lets get You off that high horse You are sitting on Gerry.

A man named Paul Harvey gave this speech in 1964 and it was broadcast by radio across America in 1965, every single thing he predicted in this 54 year old speech has come to pass and is our world today, and Trump had nothing to do with making any of it happen, that falls to those who came before Trump.

"If I were The Devil" By Paul Harvey

Always learn from history and never be doomed to ignore it and repeat it.
Last edited by PinkVendeta on Tue, 19Sep24 20:33, edited 3 times in total.
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