Himeros Haven - Completed (March 2019)

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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 18Mar05 10:09

Hiya Neon

There are some events that are time delayed for realism. Every time someone new has to arrive at the island as an example.
I have tried to avoid this happening too often, but it can be hard to completely work around as people do stuff in their own order at times.

I hope you don't get too many issues like this :)

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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby ptmg30 » Mon, 18Mar05 17:57

HimerosHavenChapter4v045 L:89158998810111186
Just have decode files in my display, am I at the end of the content?
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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby Seztworks » Tue, 18Mar06 02:19

Hiya Ptmg30

Chapter 4 has a very firm endpoint. You will know when you are done.
I will take a look at your number and give you a hint below as soon as I am close to my notes.
Decode files might be one of the things blocking you right now.

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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby ptmg30 » Tue, 18Mar06 19:20


How do I assign Gina to the bar, that is the only thing in my display.
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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby Seztworks » Tue, 18Mar06 19:28

It is a bit different.
You have to ask her to build in the evening in the staff area the day before you want her to work.

Also uploaded a fix for an issue reported by Drax. Trainer hurt event overlapping with pirate attack could block progress.
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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby Kukri » Fri, 18Mar09 22:25

hey, I found that
after being taken and put in cell, that I could navigate out of the cell and checked out the pirate island

Enjoying the game and storyline so far [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby Seztworks » Sat, 18Mar10 06:29

Hiya Kukri

I will have to look into that. Thanks for letting me know.
Edit: I have corrected this error in the next release, it is not gamebreaking so won't throw out an update unless more bugs show up in Chapter 4.

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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby Seztworks » Fri, 18Apr06 20:53

Hello all
Time for a mid-chapter public update.
A lot has happened since the last public release and I wanted to keep you all up to date. Chapter 5.5 has just started releasing to supporters and I am currently writing events for Chapter 6. The first supporter rewards have been added to the game in the form of events co-designed by me and the supporter. The first Vision Vote revolved around adding either an event chain with a returning character from Himeros Hotel or a preview of a character from Himeros Horizon (which is the spoiler free title of Game 3). The returning character won and made it into the 5.5 release.
The second Vision Vote is ongoing right now and is going to decide what kind of endings the trilogy will have. There was a choice between a Story mode, a Personal mode or a Gamer mode. At the time of writing the personal mode is in the lead and if it ends up winning will mean that the player will have access to certain endings based on the "golden" choices made during Haven and Horizon. Story mode would have all endings be open to every player and Gamer mode would add gameplay dependent failure endings to the last game as well (since I don't have to make sure you get to the next game in the series).
We are on track for the listed release schedule and the next public release Chapter 5 should land on these shores a couple of days into May.

I hope this was of interest to someone. Have a lovely weekend.

P.S. I am currently writing events that will fullfill a promise I made to a Mod on this forum a year ago :)
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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby Guntag » Mon, 18Apr09 21:07

Thanks again for the games !

I just finished my first real playthrough of Himeros Haven (chapter 4) and the story is really nice. However, I have a big issue with the game : there is really really really too few events (especially sexy events) compared to the grind time (unless somehow I missed most of them). I spent many weeks budget/building/sleeping without anything happening. So if you don't plan to add many events, I think you should cut down the grinding time (number of shifts) by a lot, like divide by 2.
Maybe it felt a long grind for me because everyday at every time I checked every location for an event and you can imagine how long it takes (finished at day 249). Even if you add many events at the end (and I hope you will) the current content feels too empty. It's not a problem of quality, it's great, but a problem of event per time spent (especially side events, because the main story is really well made).

TLDR : Good focus on the main story but not enough on side events + too much time spent grinding compared to the amount of events, in my opinion, of course.

An other concern is the resort itself :

It feels like you started with the idea of a resort + a lab, but maybe you felt that it required too much work, or it would be too similar to Himeros Hotel, but the resort part seems abandonned with only 2 real clients and little interactions with them. I can understand it's difficult to make events for Emily, but the amount of pictures available for Nikki is almost infinite. It wouldn't have to be long written events, but peeking (or exhibitionism, but it doesn't really seem to fit the character, unless she starts becoming one !) for example (I know there is a little already) is an easy way to add sexy content (many authors also use dreams to add early sexy content, but I don't like this kind of cheap trick, I prefer the "real deal"). The lab part on the other hand is well developped.

Other random thoughts :

I really like Hima, maybe a bit too human though. I like how you mix technology and mysticism in your story.
An other option to reduce the grind time vs event problem : have more areas NOT accessible (or at least not all the time, like how you restrict the restaurant in the morning at the begining). Some areas serve no real purpose (as "visitable" places ) and I spent a lot of time visiting them 3 times per day (bungallows 1, 2 and Omega + everything west of the docks).
It's great to see you are still using real celebrities (even if it's only 1 this time).
With everything happening to him, I find the main character a bit "too nice". Do you have plans to make his personnality evolve (maybe in the next game) ? I the game we have to make 2 choices (unless I missed some) : the order of arrival of the "clients" and the lab leader. I like to have choices (if they matter it's great but even if they don't really matter, it still feels like I'm taking part in the story). Do you have plans to provide us with more choices in your future game ?

Sorry, that probably sounds like a lot of criticism, but don't let it affect you because I really enjoy your games. I'm just pointing things that would let me enjoy them even more !
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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby thinman873 » Tue, 18Apr10 07:15

Seztworks wrote:Hello all

Himeros Haven is Part 2 of the Himeros Trilogy and is going to continue the story from Himeros Hotel. This time around it will once again be part dating sim adventure but replace the personal rpg with management and strategy elements. The scope is slightly bigger but there are a lot of changes to structure and gameplay to mix things up. General info about the trilogy can be found at http://Sezt.works.

Current public release Chapter 4 (v0.45):
Contains everything released so far.
Chapter 4: Enemy

Patchnotes of Chapter 4 content (full patchnotes in link above):
Version 0.45 - Chapter 4.0: Enemy
Scenes: 7
Events: 19
New construction added.
Tier 5 research added.
(Tier 6 mentioned, but not implemented.)
New repeatable income task. Evening.
Rewrote wait system. Your "private collection" in use.
Added character conversations to the Trainer.

Mugo missing affection increase. Handful of events unlocked.
Fixed a bug in the character invites.

Version 0.40 - Chapter 3.5
Scenes: 7 (1 split path scene)
Events: 18
Tier 4 research tasks implemented.
Added more research work tasks.
Added personal data conversations.
Added character conversations to the Guide.

Ivy/Huo affection bug. Huo moved back 2 steps on her path.
You might have to see those events again.
Assorted spelling corrections and minor bugs.

Gameplay notes:
Saves from Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 should work fine. Let me know if you have any issues.
All feedback, bugs or corrections is more then welcome.

Thanks for the interest and support so far.

What is the evening repeatble income?
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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby thinman873 » Tue, 18Apr10 07:35

Also, I haven't been able to get close to Huo? What should I do?
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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby Seztworks » Tue, 18Apr10 08:37

Hiya guys.
Let me start with Thinman873 questions and I will cover Guntag below.
@Thinman873: The evening income task is unlocked through gameplay. A bit later in the game.
Regarding your issue with Huo. I can help you, but I will need you L: number that you can find at the bottom of the game UI.

@Guntag: First off. Thanks for the very constructive feedback. Great stuff. Let me try to adress some of that below.
Lets start with the grind. That has been a worry of mine. My goal was to almost always have something for the player to do, other then just farm credits. I do understand that it can feel grindy and I will look into what I can do about that. Sadly events/scenes take a long time to implement 50ish events pr. chapter is not going to change that much. Good suggestion about blocking off places and I might do some of that. In Himeros Hotel I had a line of locations that could trigger events and that is a bit more spread out this time since there are a lot less timeslots to have to check.
About characters:
I would have loved to have more celebrity main characters, but it is very tricky to find enough good stuff to build a story around. I am working on adding some fixes to this. You will start to see oneshots added in later chapters with shorter event-chains that will bring in side characters. I won't spoil anything here, but I hope that helps a little. This will continue in game 3.
Nikki is a special case and a planned slow burn. Much more to come with her towards the later half of the game.

About the MC and choices:
I had played a lot of western adult games before starting to write this and one of the things I wanted to try was to make a main character that is slightly different. Many games have sleazy and corrupt alpha males. This is fine for a lot of settings like the very popular corruption, incest and rapey stuff. I wanted to make a normal young man, who is thrown into a very different life. He starts out somewhat innocent. Horny yes, but not that experienced. During Himeros Hotel is learning to cope with the setting and his new options in life. In Himeros Haven he has a lot more experience and is not afraid to try more stuff, like spying. This mirrors his climb up the social structure. What he will be in Himeros Horizon we will have to see. It might be the classic author insertion fantasy, but I wanted to make a normal helpful nice guy that wins over the girls one by one on the strenght of his character. He does change over time, but not as fast as many other MCs. I hope that makes sense.
Regarding choices. Just like in Himeros Hotel, most of the choices will be in the later half of the game. The current patron vote was about choices and I am about to start adding them a lot more frequently. I do take your point to add more player interaction to the story. I will take that into consideration.

I have noted every suggestion you have made and will give it a good hard think. Thanks again for the feedback and thanks for the kind words about the main story.


P.S. Grinding was never the intention. I have added a shift count correction to the chapter 6 release. It won't help you right now, but should help on future playthroughs and new players. I won't be doing an update of the earlier releases as this requires manual changes to 100+ variables and might cause savegame issues. My next developer update on my patron will go into details.
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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby Guntag » Tue, 18Apr10 17:44

Thanks for the insight, it's interesting to have your point of view. About the grind, reducing the amount of shifts is indeed the best option since it also reduces the amount of credits required. Blocking off places can be very tricky so late into the game, so I completely understand it might not be possible and I don't think it's worth introducing bugs/mistakes.

You're right about celebrities, don't introduce content based on poor material, what you have so far is of great quality.

I thought I read somewhere the amount of chapters planned for this game a while ago, but couldn't find it. Could you remind it to me please ?

The way I play games with successive releases like yours is that I wait for multiple updates before playing again, but I always start again from the beginning (Choices also make the replayability even better. For example, next time, I'll invite guests in a different order, sorry Nikki you won't be first, and choose a different lead for the lab). I know many players use their last save and play every release instead.
For this reason (and also because authors want the game to progress), I think authors focus on what happens next and don't revisit what has been already done. Is it something you thought about (changing or adding to early chapters) or discussed with your patrons IF it's something you might consider (no point in asking if you prefer to go forward) ? But maybe you already have, I can't tell since it's my first playthrough !

An other random question : Have you considered using a support other than Adrift for your next game ? Also congratulations for making a text based game without any "guess the verb" !
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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby thinman873 » Tue, 18Apr10 18:14

You are one of the few game programmers who answers queries promptly.
I eventually did progress with Huo, and have also found the evening income.
1. Huo and Mugo storyline
2. Bartending.

I hope I'm correct.
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Re: Himeros Haven - Chapter 4

Postby Seztworks » Tue, 18Apr10 18:18

Hiya again
There will be 9 chapters in Himeros Haven. So 6 months to go, if everything goes to plan.
I am planning to do a complete playthrough to see where things are lacking this month. This could lead to more content in the early game.
My main focus is on the content ahead since every event is feeding into something else and it can be tricky enough to keep that straight in my head :) I am always willing to improve older content if that is needed, just has to be a balance with getting the game out in a somewhat steady pace.

I have looked into many different platforms to work on and whatever comes after Himeros Horizon will likely be in either Renpy or Unity.
Adrift can be a buggy mess and is not always easy to work with, but it fit what I wanted to do with this trilogy. I could have done something similar in Unity, but that would have taken much more coding for the same result.
We had long talks on this forum during the first releases of Himeros Hotel about "guess the verb". I had stumbled into Adrift almost by accident and was not aware of the issues with it when I began. Making everything clear from a command standpoint was a major goal.

@Thinman That looks about right :)
The game has a small and dedicated group of gamers and I like to give direct support to whoever spends their time with the work in progress.
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