FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

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FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

Postby tlaero » Sat, 18Feb17 02:19

I've decided to release FM: Alpha to the public. This is a short story that Mortze and I originally did as a perk for our patrons. If you played Finding Miranda, this gives some more information on what was happening in that food court scene with Xara, Miranda, and Lucas. It doesn't have any sex, and might not make sense if you haven't played FM, but it's here if you'd like to play it.

This was actually used as a teaser to hint at the titular character in the game that came after FM (before I announced that said game would be Saving Chloe). XCooler2 had this wonderful theory about me intentionally choosing the names of the characters in my games to follow a particular pattern he had noticed. He was completely wrong, but I got a kick out of his creativity and wrote this to make his theory correct. (-:

Oh, and FM: Alpha is important if you plan to play the upcoming Darkness Falls: Episode 1...

On that front, Mortze and I are progressing well on our Episodes. As all $1/month patrons know, we've finished the first episode of each of the games we're working on, and we're starting work on the second episodes.
On Thursday, March 1st, I'm going to release "Coming to Grips with Christine: Ep1" to $10/month patrons. I'll release it to the public roughly two weeks later.
Then, on April 1st, I'm going to release "Darkness Falls: Ep1" to $10/month patrons. It too will release to the public a few weeks after that.

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Re: FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

Postby Crane » Sat, 18Feb17 06:39

Just saw this.

Thank you, again, Lady Tlaero.
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Re: FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

Postby ShadyGroves » Mon, 18Feb19 11:43

Never thought that the food court scene needed to be explained.

Xara simply got involved with a domestic arguement incident that got out of hand into a violent scene. In the process she demonstrated what excellent bad ass fighter/warrior she is. With wisdom and nerves as cold as steel.

Still love the Elsa – verse with the prime characters so I'll take anything that contains it. :)
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Re: FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

Postby ShadyGroves » Mon, 18Feb19 12:21

Just played it.

Wow! That was a interesting twist to the story.

Me think'st the Darkness Falls game might have a few old story board characters in it most assuredly Charles. Maybe the second will be a shocking surprise. :)
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Re: FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

Postby Brocho » Mon, 18Feb19 15:23

Very interesting story. Thanks for releasing it to us. I'd love to see exactly what XCooler2's theory was. Any idea where I can see it?
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Re: FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

Postby JFR » Mon, 18Feb19 18:32

Brocho wrote:... I'd love to see exactly what XCooler2's theory was. Any idea where I can see it?

It is buried in the "Finding Miranda" thread, starting on about page 7.
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Re: FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

Postby tlaero » Mon, 18Feb19 18:39

It was after FM came out but before I announced SC. XCooler2 noticed that, up to that point, the name of the lady in a game started with the same letter as the name of the POV man in the previous game.
Jason from DwE -> Jessika from RfJ
Marc from RfJ -> Miranda from FM

He speculated that I was doing this on purpose (I wasn't. It was a coincidence.) And he speculated that since Lucas was the man in FM, that suggested that Lucile in the food court would be the female in the next game.

It was brilliant. Wrong, but brilliant. So I wrote FM: Alpha to both make it work and to tease the next game. Since the name of the POV character in FM: Alpha starts with "C" I figured that people would guess that Chloe would be the lady in the next game.

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Re: FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

Postby snake » Mon, 18Feb19 22:24

juste pour dire que vous faite des jeux excellent continue comme sa
et merci a marco6661 pour la traduction français qui grâce a lui j'ai pu apprécier l'histoire que vous raconter
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Re: FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

Postby xCooLer2 » Mon, 18Feb19 22:51

I was stuck in a big traffic jam ... so I was bored to death ... and then the alphabetical relation went to my mind.
Hope we'll find in DF that Lucille is ok ... such a "brilliant" idea and then the poor girl killed by Crow days later .... hope not

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Re: FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

Postby Marco6661 » Tue, 18Feb20 08:16

snake wrote:juste pour dire que vous faite des jeux excellent continue comme sa
et merci a marco6661 pour la traduction français qui grâce a lui j'ai pu apprécier l'histoire que vous raconter

Merci Snake, d'autant plus que depuis maintenant plus de deux ans que j'ai commencé à faire des traductions de jeux, principalement pour Tlaero & Mortze, tu es le premier francophone, à ma connaissance, à dire quelque chose de positif concernant ce genre de travail qui demande des heures d'écriture et de tests. J'en arrive à me demander si ça sert à quelque chose...
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Re: FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

Postby snake » Tue, 18Feb20 09:16

Marco6661 wrote:
snake wrote:juste pour dire que vous faite des jeux excellent continue comme sa
et merci a marco6661 pour la traduction français qui grâce a lui j'ai pu apprécier l'histoire que vous raconter

Merci Snake, d'autant plus que depuis maintenant plus de deux ans que j'ai commencé à faire des traductions de jeux, principalement pour Tlaero & Mortze, tu es le premier francophone, à ma connaissance, à dire quelque chose de positif concernant ce genre de travail qui demande des heures d'écriture et de tests. J'en arrive à me demander si ça sert à quelque chose...

Voici la preuve que se que tu fait sert beaucoup, je connaissez déjà leur jeux et j'y et joue mais se que je faisais c’était au pif.
Il y a 1 mois quand j'ai vu que les jeux avait était traduit en français j'ai sauter sur l'occasion pour tous les refaire et apprécier afin leur jeux
c'est pour sa que je me suis inscrit pour remercier les créateur et aussi les traducteur qui sans vous des personne comme moi qui ne comprend que leur langue maternelle
ne pourrai pas profiter des jeux sans vous les traducteur

et je tiens aussi a m’excuser car j écrit presque plus donc il y a presque aucune ponctuation
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Re: FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

Postby KeyChain » Wed, 18Feb21 18:29

I absolutely love how complex this story is. Nothing in this game happens out of random, and I always suspected there was some type of reason that food court incident occurred. Now we know. And more Sylvia is always a good thing. Changed jobs I see. [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] Good for her. Time to go back and play RfJ again. I need Sera, Sylvia and Jess in my life once again. It was almost an act of treason that Sera and Sylvia didn't appear in SC.
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Re: FM: Alpha (En, It, Sp)

Postby ShadyGroves » Thu, 18Feb22 05:11

I think Tlaero gave us a BIG clue as to what time period 'Darkness Falls' will be set.

Crow goes after the accountant. An off course that scene starts in Finding Miranda. So Darkness Falls to me sounds like its going to involve Crow going after the accountant.

An thus Darkness Falls will be taking place as behind the scenes sub plot between Finding Miranda and Saving Chloe.

Also there is a BIG clue as who was this woman Morland and Crow were manipulating to be the new Mayor.

She's no where to be seen in Saving Chloe but mentioned extensively.

I have a feeling. But I may be wrong.. The accountant and Mayor candidate will be central to 'Darkness Falls.' in some way.

As I've noticed Tlaero as writer hates to leave loose ends. :)
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