Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition (En, Sp, Fr)

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Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition (En, Sp, Fr)

Postby tlaero » Sun, 18Jan14 04:39

I hope you'll excuse this indulgence, but in the immortal words of the J. Geils Band, "Now hold on, this song has a little introduction to it."

In early 2009 I was wandering around the internet and stumbled across a "Sex Game." It was one of those ones that were basically an animation with two buttons--"faster" and "slower"--and, if you let it run long enough, a "cum" button was added. I was ... intrigued and went searching for more. I eventually found a few of Shark's games, and that led me here. (Well, the previous incarnation of here, at least.)

Now, the internet isn't a very friendly place, especially to women, and I often pretend to be male on internet forums. In the profile, I click the "male" button and call myself "Mike" or "Tim" etc. At the time, the lagoon had a few female members, and, thankfully, they were being treated respectfully. That made me interested in participating here, but I was still a bit nervous. So, while I didn't overtly pretend to be male, I obfuscated my gender. I left the gender option blank and intentionally chose a name that ended in "o" since many people associate that with male names. Then, while posting, I never referred to my gender one way or the other.

So, we talked about various games, and it was fun. Then one day someone posted a link to "Date Ariane." Mind. Blown. Ariane showed me what these games can be. Though she credits Japanese visual novels as her inspiration, it's my opinion that she created the genre that I participate in. She influenced others as well, including Chaotic. I devoured his early games, though was frustrated that they didn't work on my browser. (I used to fix the code myself so that I could play them.)

Partially to encourage Chaotic to write games that I didn't have to fix, and partially to encourage others to write ArianeB-style games for me to play, I created a tool called "Adventure Creator." The intent was to make it so that non-programmers could write these games and, thus, have more for me to play.

I saw some success in this endeavor, as a guy named "Phreaky" started using Adventure Creator to make his own games. I was happy, but also disappointed with a few of the trends I was seeing. All of the early games that were inspired by Date Ariane followed the plot, "Meet a girl for the first time, get her drunk, and you can have sex with her." I was a little uncomfortable with the message that was sending.

If you see something you don't like, you can complain about it, or you can lead by example. I chose to do the latter. So, I approached Phreaky and asked him if I could rewrite his "Date Amy" game. He agreed, and I gave it a shot. The first thing I learned was that these games are a lot harder to write than they seem to be. The second thing I learned was that there were a ton of things I could change in Adventure Creator to make game creation easier.

And then I screwed up.

At this point I was a heavy poster on the lagoon but had never done anything to confirm or deny my gender. I'm pretty sure that everyone thought I was male. But, when I tackled rewriting Phreaky's game, I skipped a scene and had one of the characters say something like, "Tlaero didn't implement this scene because she thought it was too much work."

Phreaky noticed the "she" there and asked me point blank if I was female. Obfuscation was one thing, but I didn't want to outright lie. So, I "came out" as it were.

Anyway, I offered to do an actual collaboration with Phreaky. I took over the writing and programming of his next game, "Virtual Date with Keeley" and then did all of the writing and programming of the games after that. We started doing games where you had multiple dates before sex, and you didn't need alcohol to do it.

When it came time to do our third game (I later joined the first two into a single one called "Meeting Keeley"), I wanted to change another common aspect of these games. At that point, the entire plot in all of them, mine included, was, "Meet a woman and convince her to have sex with you. The end." I wanted to write an erotic game that had more "story" than that.

In March of 2011, I released "Getting to Know Christine" with Phreaky. This was my first attempt at writing an erotic game with an actual story. And it did remarkably well. The GtkC thread on the lagoon has 365 posts, and it's still the second highest rated game on Play Force One.

We're coming up on the 7th anniversary of Getting to Know Christine, but, unlike the other games I wrote with Phreaky, I never updated its code or rereleased it. That original version doesn't have save games, and I'm pretty sure the download version doesn't even work on Chrome. So, today I'm releasing the "Anniversary Edition" of GtkC. It's the same game you played originally, with the same pictures, but it has all the modern conveniences of my current games, with a menu, multiple saves, and the ability to export and import them.

To test this version, I played through it for the first time since I released it. I was surprised to see some things that I've used in later games. Like, remember in RfJ where after Jess kisses you, she says you could have squeezed her rear? Apparently, I unwittingly lifted that from my own game. I was also surprised at how obnoxiously hard it was. The first time I played it, I failed. (-:

Anyway, thank you for indulging me in this walk down memory lane. And thank you for playing my games over the years. I've replaced the original version of GtkC on mediafire with the updated one. Here's the link.

Edit: I've updated the link with a Spanish translation by Moskys and Sirio.
Edit2: I've updated the link with a French translation by Marco6661.

Last edited by tlaero on Sat, 18Feb17 02:36, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby LRM » Sun, 18Jan14 07:18

Thank you Milady.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby L1nk1980 » Sun, 18Jan14 09:32

it's still my favourite game
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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby Rikwar » Sun, 18Jan14 10:04

Thank you for letting us know about Getting to Know Tlaero [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby BloodyMares » Sun, 18Jan14 10:29

Wow. It's weird and unsettling that in these modern years someone would feel cautious to "come out" as a woman, moreso on the internet.

Thank you for this gift, tlaero. I have so many memories associated with this game. Still remember that intense car ride scene. I was hooked to your games since then.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby Crane » Sun, 18Jan14 10:50

tlaero wrote:And then I screwed up.

Are you saying you wish you wouldn't have to "come out" and still countinue being "gender obfuscated"?

GtkC is the second rated game in PF1 but Christine as a character, is one of a kind.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby ShadyGroves » Sun, 18Jan14 10:54


As a man that's been on the net since 1994 when it was still just black and white text. That's ran a dozen on-line Erotic Story boards in that time too. I know how difficult it is for women to express their version of Adult Erotic Romance on the net. Basically your swamped with perv messages filling up your private messages and creeps.

Thank you for braving the 'Wilds of Adult Games' and adding your voice and vision to the genre. Your works are truly a breath of fresh air, revolutionary, interesting, engrossing true classy Erotic story telling at its finest.

And most of all you've turned the female characters of these games. Into real woman an human like with individual personalities deserving all the respect and dignity real woman should be treated. Where as before they were just objects.

So thank you for coming out of the closet sort of speak. And saying. This is how Adult Gaming should be done.

Perhaps, just perhaps it will change the attitudes of those playing them. Change their attitudes in regards how they treat real life women out there in the real world.

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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby Dakutis » Sun, 18Jan14 11:10

It was first sex game I played, and it's my favorite game too. GtkC inspired me to create my game and Tlaero helped me to do that.
Tlaero - thank you for all.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby Brocho » Sun, 18Jan14 14:15

My first experience of these games was also Ariane, which I came across in a discussion on a general gaming site. After that, I wanted to find more, and came across your Keeley games. I don't remember whether I found them here or came across this site some time afterwards, but it was definitely those games which kept me coming here all those years ago, originally as a lurker until I signed up last year. Ever since then, it's always been an exciting event whenever you release a new game. I played through the whole Keeley-verse again a few months ago, and GtkC did stand out for the reasons you mentioned, but I always thought the checkpoint system worked well enough. It's nice to have the option of saves though, so thanks for taking the time to update it.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby pot » Sun, 18Jan14 19:17

I actually replayed this game not too long ago since it was my introduction to games in this genre.Glad to see it updated.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby Brocho » Sun, 18Jan14 23:49

That really interesting backstory, very little of which I knew about, explains why you use the name Tlaero, even though you've said that you prefer the name Tlaera. I've wondered about that, but never thought to ask.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby EscapeEvade » Mon, 18Jan15 01:33

Things you don't see everyday on a sexy games forum: a reference to the J. Geils Band.
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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby tlaero » Mon, 18Jan15 02:42

EscapeEvade wrote:Things you don't see everyday on a sexy games forum: a reference to the J. Geils Band.

Ain't supposed to be sad
'Though you might feel it that way
It's a song about desperation
(Every now and again we do get desperate)

And this is a song about L. O. V. E.
And if you abuse it you're gonna lose it
And if you lose it you're gonna abuse it
And if you abuse it you ain't gonna be able to choose it
'Cause you ain't gonna have it further on down the line
Things ain't gonna be so fine
You're gonna be sitting there on your little machine
Tryin' to look and keep it clean
You're gonna be playing bingo all night all alone
That's why you're sittin' there by the telephone
And you know that she ain't going to call you!

So you put on the TV
And you're watching Johnny Carson
Segway'in right into the Tomorrow Show
But that don't got the go
So you turn it off and turn on the radio
The radio don't seem to get the click
So you say "Hey man, I can't lickity split"
You start to open up a little book
And there's something there you got ta overlook
And ya say "Baby!
"You know that somethin' is on my mind!"
You say, "Baby, there's somethin' on my mind!"
I know that you're home
And I know you ain't all alone!

So you start walking over to her house
You get over to her house
You walk over to her door
You start pounding on the door
You say, "Open up the door, bitch,
"This is wubba gooba with the green teeth
"And let me in!"

Well she opens up the door
And then you just kind walk over to her and say "Baby."
You look up way up at her green mascara and you say "Oh my darlin'
"You know, her and me was at the party as friends
"Do not believe what they say
"That's only gossip that they're tellin' you down the wisecracker line."
You say, "Darlin'!
"Take your big curls and just squeeze 'em down Retumba..."
What's the name of that chick with the long hair?

I say, "Hey Repunzle"
"Hey Reputa"
Reputa the puta?
"Hey Reputa the puta,
"Plimy down your hair
"And let me climb up the ladder of your love.
"Because this is what wubba gooba's saying to ya."

"Love comes once
"And when it comes
"You got ta grab it fast
"'Cause sometimes the love you grab ain't gonna last
"And I believe I musta!
"Yun know I think I musta
"You know baby I think I musta
"I think I musta
"I musta got lost!"


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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby iksanabot » Mon, 18Jan15 06:39

I love getting to know Christine. I want to say it's my favorite adult game of all time, but you've been kicking ass ever since then as well. I always liked Christine as a character and that game had great teasing and debauchery. Of course, now that you include paths tangential to the canon paths, there is great debauchery to be found around every corner. I haven't gotten all the achievements on SC yet, but "four" was fucking awesome and I think the bonus scene is going to knock me right out.

But this is about Christine. Congratulations, and cheers to two spectacular women.

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Re: Getting to Know Christine Anniversary Edition

Postby MaxCarna » Tue, 18Jan16 05:29


Congratulations for the game and for share your history.

It seems that Dating Ariane unleashed the magic in the world :) The decision tree associated with variables, created a very envolving game. It is hard to find a game that is match for Dating Ariane even on these days.

I don't remember when I tripped on a japanese game called Robozou, but I remember that it took me to Playforceone that lead to your games. The deepness of the story was the strongest point, unique perspectives, I even suggested to my girlfriend to play with Life with Keeley. It was completely respectful to girls, without compromise the erotic level. Different games correlated was also something great, like this one Live with Keeley putting us on the other "part" from Virtual Date with Keeley.

Just fulfilling my path, I started to pay attention on the person behind the game after Dreaming with Elsa showed up and you wrote somewhere that you have started to work with other artist. This leaded me to Mortze blog, where is "About me" make me start to think that making games wasn't that far way. After exchanging some messages with Mortze he brought me to the Lagoon.

Many thanks to you two, I always hope for your success.
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