Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

Complete and totally free games (the author can request a non-obligatory financial contribution in thanks or to help him to create new game)

Re: Saving Chloe

Postby 4nSpy » Thu, 18Jan11 03:24

tlaero wrote:Regarding "Hero." I'm going to give some explicit information because the first release had a bug that gave you an extra opportunity to miss "Hero." (That bug is fixed in the current download.)

Basically, you have to be walking with Chloe along the river and NOT talk about Serena.


Thank ya...That was all I needed and the Bonus was incredible. Thank you and Mortze for ANOTHER awesome game.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Dakutis » Thu, 18Jan11 08:14

Hi Tlaero and Mortze.
My opinion about the game:

In this game Tlaero made what I tryed to say and explain few years ago (it's hard to explain when you not very good in English like I), not liner gameplay. Now it's much more interesting to play game few times. Every time you can find different path of the game, and that path will be completely different (like path with Serena).
Ok next :) , very good and rich story line.
I am not a fan of fantazy stories but it's personal matter, so there is more my problem.
Now what about pictures, as someone already say: "Some of the pictures, are grainy". I fully agree with him. I understand that to render so many pictures it lasts a long time, but I thing better less pictures or animations but with better quality. And I talking only about rendering quality, not picture size. Size are good and a pictures made good with nice lighting and poses, but that grainy effect killing me, sorry. Like others would say, it's 2k18 now wtf. And one more thing, the size of the game, someone say that it can't be very big. You are serious? When games now weighs 50-100GB. I thing 1GB for this type of game it's very normal.
Sorry for my bad English but I tried :)
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby danigonz » Thu, 18Jan11 09:24

tlaero wrote:Hey Danigonz! It's good to hear from you. Long time no see. Your earlier message isn't pointless. The point of having hidden sexual aspects in the game is well taken. Thanks!


Thanks! The real live has kept me away from here, you know-- After being lost for a good amount of months, I entered last week, during Christmas holidays and, what a surprise: a new game from Tlaero and Mortze! I hope this year I can be more active here.

By the way, prior the message you answered, I wrote another one with my opinion about the whole game (page 6). Short version: I loved it ;-)
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby moskys » Thu, 18Jan11 11:44

I see some people think that some pictures look grainy because of their low rendering quality or image size, but I think in many of them this is just a result of a deliberate effect. The right spot Mortze wants us to look at doesn't look grainy at all, although maybe the 'background' do. In my profane opinion, it's more a matter of focus and lightning (sometimes even about the angle you're watching the screen) than a low quality issue
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby BloodyMares » Thu, 18Jan11 13:04

I went back to the game and wanted to create some saves at the start of each sex scene as I remembered it was your solution for "Free Play Mode". I don't know if you implemented that solution for Saving Chloe but I realized that all 9 slots were taken because I saved each time before making important decisions.

In theory I can export my save files and then create a separate 9-save file for sex scenes. However, since the exported file is named "SavingChloe_saves.txt" it can get really confusing remembering which exported file has what saves. Will I be able to import the saves later if I rename these files for my convenience? Instead of "SavingChloe_saves.txt" have something like "Choices.txt" or "Sex Scenes.txt".

I know you decided against the idea of "Free Play Mode" in any form and it's extra work but personally it would be really handy having in the future some sort of an in-game "Gallery" menu instead for replaying sex scenes that would unlock after you complete them once, the same way Achievements unlock.
Technical Stuff
I noticed in the exported file you have values for each achievement: "Serena=1:Second=1" etc which I assume how you keep track of the unlocked achievements for the bonus scene. Could it work for sex scenes as well? Like, have this line for example:
Code: Select all
"Gallery":"Serena_Work=1:Serena_Second=1:Three=1:Four=1:Chloe_Hotel=1:Chloe_Dream=1:Chloe_Canon=1 (you get the idea)"

Then in the Gallery menu when, say, Serena_Work=0 becomes Serena_Work=1 the clickable preview picture appears that would trigger that sex scene and after it's played through the game would return to the Gallery menu.

Basically it could function the same as an exported 9-save file but it would be much more convenient. What do you think? Would it be harder to implement than the Achievements?
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby ShadyGroves » Thu, 18Jan11 15:05

Some are asking 1 Gig for this game so that there are no grainy pics??

Well in that case posting these games to play sites such as new grounds or Play Force One would be impossible and reduce its ability to be recognized and name recognition.

Lets remember that M &T are struggling artists :) and not professional corporation. Want HD quality pics? Well sign up to their Patron page and make a donation so they can afford 1 gig file sharing space and band width.

The games are excellent for what they are Free.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby L1nk1980 » Thu, 18Jan11 15:10

ShadyGroves wrote:Some are asking 1 Gig for this game so that there are no grainy pics??

Well in that case posting these games to play sites such as new grounds or Play Force One would be impossible and reduce its ability to be recognized and name recognition.

Lets remember that M &T are struggling artists :) and not professional corporation. Want HD quality pics? Well sign up to their Patron page and make a donation so they can afford 1 gig file sharing space and band width.

The games are excellent for what they are Free.

If you look at the renders and the story I find them better then most games on the payment sites.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby danigonz » Thu, 18Jan11 16:31

Regarding the "granygate":

In my modest opinion, the pictures made by grand master Mortze are great as they are. In fact, it really amazes me that a game like this, with a huge amount of pics, it's zipped in only 143 MB!. I didn't feel annoyed anytime for any kind of grain or distorsion.

Yes, maybe there are games with brighter and clearer images, but, as far a I know, the figures in those cases usually look like dolls with no soul and lack the atmosphere and characterization present in Mortze's opus.

For me, the quality of the images is more than enough. And, above all: if ocasional grain is the price for those images full of facial expressions and vivid eyes, I think is worth paying it!

Good work, Mortze.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Mortze » Thu, 18Jan11 17:06

I can only say that a grainy image is an unfortunate but necessary result for anyone who:

1/ produces a 1700+ pics game in less than 8 months;
2/ works alone in mounting the setting, posing the characters, posing the lighting, instead of a studio with different artists each doing one task;
3/ has 2XGTX1080ti to render each picture, instead of a render farm;
4/ uses IRay instead of 3DLight as a render engine, for more realistic renders

I could change 1/ and 4/, and release a game each 3 years, or a game with less realistic (and beautiful in my opinion) pictures.
I could, but I don't want to. And I can't afford to change 2/ and 3/.

Since the games are free I release them as they are. :)
I encourage those who don't like grainy pictures to help me in solving 2/ and 3/ and we'll both be very happy. Other than that there's nothing I can do.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby ShadyGroves » Thu, 18Jan11 17:36

That's exactly my point. Your not going to get this good of a quality in graphics and story telling any where else.

DwE, RfJ,FM, SC are GOLD considering M & T are doing this all in their free time and practically giving it all away for free with only ask for donations.

An top it off they're Professional Quality.

Ok so there are minor flaws in the games. Such as the numerous of spelling mistakes I found in Saving Chloe. And other flaws people notice. Big Deal.. Not! The games and most of graphics are still Gold!

IF they were charging a price for these then yes the complaints would be valid.

L1nk1980 wrote:
ShadyGroves wrote:Some are asking 1 Gig for this game so that there are no grainy pics??

Well in that case posting these games to play sites such as new grounds or Play Force One would be impossible and reduce its ability to be recognized and name recognition.

Lets remember that M &T are struggling artists :) and not professional corporation. Want HD quality pics? Well sign up to their Patron page and make a donation so they can afford 1 gig file sharing space and band width.

The games are excellent for what they are Free.

If you look at the renders and the story I find them better then most games on the payment sites.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Mortze » Thu, 18Jan11 17:53

ShadyGroves wrote:DwE, RfJ,FM, SC are GOLD considering M & T are doing this all in their free time and practically giving it all away for free with only ask for donations.

Correction. I, Mortze, am not doing this in my free time. This is my current sole job. I can't imagine how long it would be to make so many pictures if it was my free-time activity. :)
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Dakutis » Thu, 18Jan11 19:36

Mortze - maybe you have any best quality rendered pictures from the game, I would like to see it.
And what I write it's only my opinion, I never worked with rendering images so I don't know how hard or how long is to do.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Mortze » Thu, 18Jan11 20:10

Dakutis wrote:Mortze - maybe you have any best quality rendered pictures from the game, I would like to see it.

What do you mean? The pictures in the game are the best quality I could make with the limitations I said. [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Dakutis » Thu, 18Jan11 20:23

Mortze wrote:
Dakutis wrote:Mortze - maybe you have any best quality rendered pictures from the game, I would like to see it.

What do you mean? The pictures in the game are the best quality I could make with the limitations I said. [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]

I thought the time is your biggest limit [img]images/icones/icon18.gif[/img]
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Mortze » Thu, 18Jan11 20:33

Dakutis wrote:I thought the time is your biggest limit

It's one of the limits. But I don't understand what you want me to do.
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