Saving Chloe (En, Sp, Fr)

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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby moskys » Mon, 18Jan08 14:02

I'm really intrigued about Xara's role, considering she didn't tell the Angels that she knew Paul from her classes, considering she didn't tell them Chloe was YellowFever (which of course she knew, but that didn't stop her to put Chloe's life at risk at Miranda's hands during the bombing op) and also considering an interesting question already mentioned on this thread about her bringing back Morland to a world which now seems to be ruled by her enemies, who keep that portal open for Morland. Sure it's her duty and she may be released of her punishment even though Xara's side could be in no conditions to properly judge Morland for his crimes, but there's a complex story to be told in here.

EDIT - Ok, I've doing some maths. Considering that we know from 'Dream Master' that a second in the Xara-verse (?) equals to one day in the Elsa-verse, and that Morland has been in the Elsa-verse for about 30 years, it results that a merely 3 hours have passed in the Xara-verse since Morland escaped (that time-equivalence could not be literal, but well, we're just elucubrating here). So maybe it's not too late for Axis. But that also means that Xara's previous visit to the Elsa-verse was about just a couple of days ago in her universe. Time really flies back there

I've to say that you guys have created a great visual novel. I was a bit off (and bitter) when I first learned there wouldn't be any score in SC but now I see that was the best choice by far, considering all these things you had to explain about Elsa-verse and all the work it requires to give us a product like this in a fairly short time lapse. It's not a dating game, it never was, and I was kind of stupid for not seeing it.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Crane » Mon, 18Jan08 16:32

moskys wrote:
I'm really intrigued about Xara's role, considering she didn't tell the Angels that she knew Paul from her classes, considering she didn't tell them Chloe was YellowFever (which of course she knew, but that didn't stop her to put Chloe's life at risk at Miranda's hands during the bombing op) and also considering that interesting question mentioned on this thread about her bringing back Morland to a world which now seems to be ruled by her enemies, who keep that portal open for Morland. Sure it's her duty and she may be released of her punishment even though Xara's side could be in no conditions to properly judge Morland for his crimes, but there's a complex story to be told in here

I've to say that you guys have created a great visual novel. I was a bit off (and bitter) when I first learned there wouldn't be any score in SC but now I see that was the best choice by far, considering all these things you had to explain about Elsa-verse and all the work it requires to give us a product like this in a fairly short time lapse. It's not a dating game, it never was, and I was kind of stupid for not seeing it.

About Xara not telling Chloe was the YellowFever unless I miss something, Xara didn`t know who YellowFever was. Chloe giving her information in her dreams doesn`t mean Chloe revealed her identity. Xara not telling her friends she knew Paul... because she has feelings for him and hopes he`s not involved in this dangerous mission, or even might be a little jealous about Chloe. Xara returning in her realm to her enemies is pretty obvious it`s her mission to save her realm from them and bring them too to justice just as Mortland and Crow. It`s clear that those guys do`nt have a chance against Xara and her fighters without Morland`s help.
Or maybe i got it all wrong.


There is a hint about "people who can detect the dead" like the Finder detects the ones that are alive. Are there any plans about people with this power?
Also Takada Sisters are not anywhere to be seen when Chloe and Paul come outside. And they`re not chasing Charles.
Why Miranda couldn`t have Jess put Atlas to sleep in the first place? Was someone or something hampering her?
And does Charles have any other secret power? Atlas is defeating everyone pretty easy, and no one knows Xara has defeated Mortland and his lapdog.... and still he`s fleeing?
Will we have more stories to elaborate this scene?
And that Paul is a lucky bastard. He will have a young naughty wife for the rest of his life.

And i have to say, since i "choose" canon to be what really happened i feel sorry about Xara and even more about Serena.
Ofc Xara will still have her squad mates "to burn off nervous battle energy" and Serena will have fun with her future gfs but still... no "fraternization" for either of them.
Last edited by Crane on Mon, 18Jan08 17:46, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby danigonz » Mon, 18Jan08 16:39

Loved the game, but I'm not surprised becasue when Tlaero writes a game, the question is not wether it will be good or bad, but which grade of excellence will it achieve!

Honestly, I started to follow her first games with Phreaky for the porn's sake. I though they made really erotic games with the addition of a level of character developing higher than usual in this kind of games. Another high mark was the prose of Tlaero, which added a lot of nuances to the characters... and made the sex scenes even steamier. But with thos one, the authors have manager to really involve me in the story: I played because I wanted to know how the plot ended, not only for the sex.

Every game has gotten better and the graphics of Mortze adds a extra level of atmosphere and characterization (he's a master of facial expresions, a nice touch in a realm full of 3D renders that seems to be plastic dolls in the better cases).

Saving Chloe is an excelent ending for a compelling saga. I love that it redeems a really nice character: in earlier games, you knew things were going to get nasty when Chloe arrived. Her innocet look was the perfect mask for her evil actions. In this game, you get to know her inner drama, and a great villain like her suddenly becomes a tragic figure you want to be redeemed and succeful. I love that.

I also appreciate that the game has areally hign "replayabiity" level. I've only played three times so far, but in every attemp, I've seen differetn scenes. Now, I hope I can find that bonus scene! :-p

So, I heve no words, I liked it very much. I know this is the ending but this universe is broad enough for allowing more adventures. I know i'ts too early, but are you both planning to keep in thos world or are exploring a new plot in your future game (assuming there will be another one, of course)!
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby moskys » Mon, 18Jan08 19:19

Crane wrote:
moskys wrote:
I'm really intrigued about Xara's role, considering she didn't tell the Angels that she knew Paul from her classes, considering she didn't tell them Chloe was YellowFever (which of course she knew, but that didn't stop her to put Chloe's life at risk at Miranda's hands during the bombing op) and also considering that interesting question mentioned on this thread about her bringing back Morland to a world which now seems to be ruled by her enemies, who keep that portal open for Morland. Sure it's her duty and she may be released of her punishment even though Xara's side could be in no conditions to properly judge Morland for his crimes, but there's a complex story to be told in here

I've to say that you guys have created a great visual novel. I was a bit off (and bitter) when I first learned there wouldn't be any score in SC but now I see that was the best choice by far, considering all these things you had to explain about Elsa-verse and all the work it requires to give us a product like this in a fairly short time lapse. It's not a dating game, it never was, and I was kind of stupid for not seeing it.

About Xara not telling Chloe was the YellowFever unless I miss something, Xara didn`t know who YellowFever was. Chloe giving her information in her dreams doesn`t mean Chloe revealed her identity. Xara not telling her friends she knew Paul... because she has feelings for him and hopes he`s not involved in this dangerous mission, or even might be a little jealous about Chloe. Xara returning in her realm to her enemies is pretty obvious it`s her mission to save her realm from them and bring them too to justice just as Mortland and Crow. It`s clear that those guys do`nt have a chance against Xara and her fighters without Morland`s help.
Or maybe i got it all wrong.

But we know Chloe was working against her father since Miranda's incident, which cames before Elsa's asignment. So right before Chloe met Elsa, she was already reporting to Xara in their dreams. She was a mole back then, and when Elsa bans her, she begins to use the YellowFever mask. Ok, she contacted Xara just a couple of days before the riot happened and we can think she was silent until then, but if you're Xara and a new mole appears from thin air and share with you the same kind of info Chloe was sending you months before... well, you must be really blind to not see it. Especially after the bomb. In FM we know that Xara's plans were not to actually stopping the attack, but preventing Chloe from doing her job on it (plan A being seducing Marc, plan B being attacking/hurting Jessika in order to keep her away from the rally). If your mole only knows Chloe's asignments, that should mean something. For me it's not by chance that, when YellowFever tells her that she has lost Morland's confidence, Xara turns to find the actual Chloe - not because she was her former informant, but because she suspects or even know she's been her only informant all the time and now she's ready to join the group on a permanent basis. Also, Xara's phrasing when Chloe meets the Angels on the gym makes me think that she was after a voluntary confession from Chloe ("So you admit to being YellowFever?") that would have a deeper impact on the girls than if Xara just tell them so. Even if that means almost knocking Miranda out of the group.

And this is important too: you mention Miranda didn't came up with the idea of making Jess singing to stop Atlas. When Jess finally sings, Miranda even cover her ears although it's impossible for Jess to make her sleep. Jess notices it and says "You took a hit to the head. I could see that you were rattled." From FM we know that Miranda's pain is getting progresively worse. She was about to loose her mind when Lucas appeared in her life, and she's still on the edge. it's obvious to me that this is affecting her power (at the pizzeria Paul makes an even better plan than hers, or at least improves hers) and Xara knows that, and that's exactly why she decides to find Chloe and bring her to the group at this precise point. Chloe's actually the one she needs to stop Morland on a face to face battle, and Miranda's condition makes Xara think this could be her last chance. Xara might not know about Chloe's immunity, but at least she needs her because she certainly knows her father's way of thinking. I somehow came to the idea that what Xara sees in Chloe is a mid-term replacement for Miranda. Obviously Miranda's still important (without her, Angels can only catch Charles before Chloe runs away) but she would never be a proficient planner again until she gets some sleep done (again, this is one of the great little flaws on the entire script - any human being will certainly die after 10-12 days without sleeping, and Miranda is just a human with a power leaked in, not an strange creature from another realm).
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby pot » Mon, 18Jan08 19:41

I think that this is the best game you two have produced so far and, I can't believe i'm saying this but, at this point I think i'm more invested in the story of these games than anything.

For the next game I would really like to see a game focuses on Xara and the dimension on the other side of the portal. I think she has quickly become one of my favorite characters and I want to see more of her especially since it would be hard for her to return without it being 30 years later even though only 3 hours passed in her 'realm'

Something that I wish stays for future games are the fleshed out side stories. It actually feels like you are in control of the game and not on a railroad track. The extra work for it is defiantly worth it
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Crane » Mon, 18Jan08 20:12

moskys wrote:
But we know Chloe was working against her father since Miranda's incident, which cames before Elsa's asignment. So right before Chloe met Elsa, she was already reporting to Xara in their dreams. She was a mole back then, and when Elsa bans her, she begins to use the YellowFever mask. Ok, she contacted Xara just a couple of days before the riot happened and we can think she was silent until then, but if you're Xara and a new mole appears from thin air and share with you the same kind of info Chloe was sending you months before... well, you must be really blind to not see it. Especially after the bomb. In FM we know that Xara's plans were not to actually stopping the attack, but preventing Chloe from doing her job on it (plan A being seducing Marc, plan B being attacking/hurting Jessika in order to keep her away from the rally). If your mole only knows Chloe's asignments, that should mean something. For me it's not by chance that, when YellowFever tells her that she has lost Morland's confidence, Xara turns to find the actual Chloe - not because she was her former informant, but because she suspects or even know she's been her only informant all the time and now she's ready to join the group on a permanent basis. Also, Xara's phrasing when Chloe meets the Angels on the gym makes me think that she was after a voluntary confession from Chloe ("So you admit to being YellowFever?") that would have a deeper impact on the girls than if Xara just tell them so. Even if that means almost knocking Miranda out of the group.

And this is important too: you mention Miranda didn't came up with the idea of making Jess singing to stop Atlas. When Jess finally sings, Miranda even cover her ears although it's impossible for Jess to make her sleep. Jess notices it and says "You took a hit to the head. I could see that you were rattled." From FM we know that Miranda's pain is getting progresively worse. She was about to loose her mind when Lucas appeared in her life, and she's still on the edge. it's obvious to me that this is affecting her power (at the pizzeria Paul makes an even better plan than hers, or at least improves hers) and Xara knows that, and that's exactly why she decides to find Chloe and bring her to the group at this precise point. Chloe's actually the one she needs to stop Morland on a face to face battle, and Miranda's condition makes Xara think this could be her last chance. Xara might not know about Chloe's immunity, but at least she needs her because she certainly knows her father's way of thinking. I somehow came to the idea that what Xara sees in Chloe is a mid-term replacement for Miranda. Obviously Miranda's still important (without her, Angels can only catch Charles before Chloe runs away) but she would never be a proficient planner again until she gets some sleep done (again, this is one of the great little flaws on the entire script - any human being will certainly die after 10-12 days without sleeping, and Miranda is just a human with a power leaked in, not an strange creature from another realm).

Xara KNOWS that the person who gave her the informations in her dreams and YellowFever are the same person. Chloe makes that clear when talking to Angels in the gym. But Chloe has kept her identity secret since the beginning, even in Xara's dreams. And she explains why.

In a game where you can find Aliens, half-Aliens and a Stargate from which alien "powers" leak into our World... people not dying after 10-12 days without sleep... is a flaw? I think people just call it fantasy. :)

@ Tlaero
About the Takada Sisters i was wrong. It seems they are chasing Charles. So should we expect more developments?
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby JFR » Mon, 18Jan08 20:18

Crane wrote:@ Tlaero
About the Takada Sisters i was wrong. It seems they are chasing Charles. So should we expect more developments?

You actually see them in the background of the fight scene outside the chalet.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby tlaero » Mon, 18Jan08 20:21

A few things about Xara. All really spoilery.

Moskys, you said that you'd have to be really blind to not see... Xara is blind.

Also, she's a soldier, not a detective. There's ample evidence that she's out of her element with figuring out plans and leading civilians, etc. In the past, she's always been told where to go and what to destroy. She's really good at breaking things, but not very good at leading an insurrection.

Xara didn't know that Chloe was YellowFever. When Chloe started practicing with the copied page from the Dream Master book, she saw Xara's nightmare a few times before she revealed herself. And she saw her father in that nightmare. Chloe knew more about Xara than Xara knew about Chloe. She did a fair amount of planning before approaching Xara, and when she did, she stayed hidden and gave her name as YellowFever.

Morland runs a large organization. Yeah, we've only seen Crow, Charles, and Atlas, but he has a ton of other people working for him. It's completely possible that the mole could have been people other than Chloe.

Similarly, Xara didn't know that the teenage "Paul" whose dream she invaded with Elsa was the same one she teaches martial arts to. Even if Elsa made her able to see while in that dream (she did), Xara has never seen Paul in real life (because she's blind), so there's no way she could have even seen a resemblance.

Roughly a month passed in Xara's realm between when Morland left and Xara followed. The kingdom has lost its army and will fall, but they're not dead yet. Very little time has passed between when Xara left and when she returned. And while she is portalling into enemy territory, come on, it's Xara. They won't know what hit them.

Alas, Crane, she has no squadmates left. She's the last Royal Guard.

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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Crane » Mon, 18Jan08 20:35

tlaero wrote:A few things about Xara. All really spoilery.

Moskys, you said that you'd have to be really blind to not see... Xara is blind.

Also, she's a soldier, not a detective. There's ample evidence that she's out of her element with figuring out plans and leading civilians, etc. In the past, she's always been told where to go and what to destroy. She's really good at breaking things, but not very good at leading an insurrection.

Xara didn't know that Chloe was YellowFever. When Chloe started practicing with the copied page from the Dream Master book, she saw Xara's nightmare a few times before she revealed herself. And she saw her father in that nightmare. Chloe knew more about Xara than Xara knew about Chloe. She did a fair amount of planning before approaching Xara, and when she did, she stayed hidden and gave her name as YellowFever.

Morland runs a large organization. Yeah, we've only seen Crow, Charles, and Atlas, but he has a ton of other people working for him. It's completely possible that the mole could have been people other than Chloe.

Similarly, Xara didn't know that the teenage "Paul" whose dream she invaded with Elsa was the same one she teaches martial arts to. Even if Elsa made her able to see while in that dream (she did), Xara has never seen Paul in real life (because she's blind), so there's no way she could have even seen a resemblance.

Roughly a month passed in Xara's realm between when Morland left and Xara followed. The kingdom has lost its army and will fall, but they're not dead yet. Very little time has passed between when Xara left and when she returned. And while she is portalling into enemy territory, come on, it's Xara. They won't know what hit them.

Alas, Crane, she has no squadmates left. She's the last Royal Guard.


Yeah, i was pretty aware of that from the Royal Guard story but... she can start rebuild a new one, can`t she? ;)
And the silence about the other questions should i assume is "Let`s see" kind of answer? Or am i missing something here? :)

JFR wrote:
Crane wrote:@ Tlaero
About the Takada Sisters i was wrong. It seems they are chasing Charles. So should we expect more developments?

You actually see them in the background of the fight scene outside the chalet.

Yeah, but when i don`t know why it seemed to me there were just the motorcycles laying on the ground. It happens sometimes, you skip some details when you`re to focused on the story.
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby tlaero » Mon, 18Jan08 21:35

Crane, re your other questions. Anything is possible. (-:

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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby Crane » Mon, 18Jan08 21:44

tlaero wrote:Crane, re your other questions. Anything is possible. (-:


Got it Lady Xara.. i mean Lady Tlaero. ;)
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby MaxCarna » Tue, 18Jan09 03:11

Another stunning game

In the first attempt I got the Serena and Chloe ending. I could not help myself from looking the image folder content, there are breathtaking sequences. I will try then when I have more time.

Congratulations as always
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby crossy » Tue, 18Jan09 09:50

Tlaero and Mortze

After Miranda I wrote a wall of text with some tweaks/suggestions honestly just trying to be helpful. Looking back I regret doing so, as whilst you were very gracious and welcoming of feedback, it was not required. Your games are easily among the best out there, so honestly if you just keep doing what you do and don't change a thing I would be ecstatic. So this time I am going to do what I should have done last time.

Awesome freaking game! Truely amazing story only matched by equally amazing visuals.

I am going to miss the Elsaverse and its characters. For me Elsa was my favourite all the way through although the scene at the Dojo with almost made me question that - which is amazing to admit given:
there is a foursome with Miranda! Not to mention the bonus scene with all the lovely ladies!

I look forward to whatever comes next and the cameos from all our favourites. If you were ever going to do another game Xara would certainly have my vote too.

I really took the time to enjoy SC for what it is (and not compare it to the other games I know and enjoy) and it made the experience all the better. I did have to re-load a save point once or twice (ok quite a few times :P) because I got a bit click happy (wanting so badly to see what happened next that I stopped reading the text), but each time I did so I certainly didn't regret it. Tlaero I am envious (Thank you simpsons - of your writing skills, the characters all have such great depth and the storylines kept me hooked from start to finish. You truely do have a talent and I am extremely grateful that you choose to share it with all of us.

Again hats off to you both!

I am immensely thankful for what I have received so far and continue to look forward to whatever comes next (after you have had a well deserved break of course)!
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby BloodyMares » Tue, 18Jan09 11:30

I just had to do this.

Is it just me or was the similarity intentional, @Mortze?
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Re: Saving Chloe

Postby L1nk1980 » Tue, 18Jan09 11:50

BloodyMares wrote:I just had to do this.

Is it just me or was the similarity intentional, @Mortze?

nice one Bloody

now we know who don't ends on the throne, thanks for the spoiler Mortze :D
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