Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby Grotta » Fri, 17Sep29 01:03

Can't say I really like the graphics in this one. Not my taste at all.
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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby Nightshade09 » Fri, 17Sep29 01:45

When I originally played Finding Miranda.

(btw my introduction to the Elsa Universe was RfJ, DwE, FM)

I gave it a bad review on Play Force One.

For that I deeply apologize.

Because I was judging it against RfJ. Lets face it Elsa, Jessica, Miranda are well like different women. :) They can't all be the same! So they are all going to have a different feel in the game as well. And to compare them to the one before is well unfair.

Finding Miranda. The Realism is stunning. Facial body, setting totally realistic. You see a logical progression in the realism. You see evolution.

Jess still has a very cute rounded features. Early youth. (20 something) Miranda is clearly 30 something. An judging by Lucas's gray maybe in 40 something.

So its going to Feel, Look and Play Different.

Take those factors into account. Finding Miranda is HOT slizzling hot.

I'll always first love RfJ. That game goes right for the heart like Cubid's arrow with a laser pointer sight. And hits the mark very early on with Jess. You fall for the character instantly.

But as 40 something myself.

When your older Love comes on like a simmering pot of hot chocolate over a tea candle. And the stemmed cherries your going to dip into it. To share with your lover.
Its Slow Seductive, Refined Intelligence and Elegance and Tempting. Just like Finding Miranda.
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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby tlaero » Sun, 17Oct01 20:03

Finding Miranda is now up on NewGrounds. If anyone would like to help Mortze and I out by going there and ranking the submission, we'd appreciate it.

Below the game, on the left side, you should see something that says "Rate this Submission" with faces ranging from frowny to happy. Hopefully you'll click one of the happy faces.

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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby Brocho » Tue, 17Oct03 16:14

I've given a 5 to all 3 games. It's a shame that they don't have higher scores, but I think a lot of people on Newgrounds are after simple and cheap 'porn games' (a term I've noticed in a few of the reviews) so they're not likely to appreciate your wonderful storytelling and character development. It's good that most of the reviews are positive though, so the people there who do appreciate it take the time to let you know.
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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby tlaero » Wed, 17Oct04 01:38

Thank you, Brocho!

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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby Nightshade09 » Wed, 17Oct04 11:02

All three are high quality. I'm amazed that with all that hard work you two put into each of them that your giving them away free for download. Appreciate it. But amazed.

In fact they're so high quality story telling and art. I have no reservations recommending them on my authentic name Facebook account.

Couldn't say that about any other adult game out there.
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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby Nightshade09 » Wed, 17Oct04 11:23

I did notice a slight rendering inconsistency/blooper though. Being a super fan :)

When Marc arrives at Jess's apartment in RfJ and turns toward the bar.

The door to Jess's apartment building is in the middle of the wall with a light post and bike to the right side.

In FM when Lucus follows them back from the nightclub/concert and he's watching Marc and Jess at the front door going inside for the elevator scene. The Door to Jess's apartment is on the corner of the building. With a street to right. :) No wall

Second Layout of Jess's Apartment.

In RfJ. Jess's front door is a double door. Yet in the scenes within the apartment. Both double doors are wide open even during sex scenes. :)
And when the band members of Mayhem walk Marc into Sound Room. They walk him through the double doors of the front door! :P
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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby tlaero » Wed, 17Oct04 18:33

Re: Jess's apartment. You get off the elevator and go to the outer doors. Then you walk down a hallway, past a door to the sound room, to the living area of the apartment. The double doors that you see open during the sex scenes lead to the hallway and the sound room. You continue past them to the outer doors which lead to the elevator.

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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby Nightshade09 » Thu, 17Oct05 18:30

I suspected that but couldn't tell for certain. Makes sense. Thank you.

tlaero wrote:Re: Jess's apartment. You get off the elevator and go to the outer doors. Then you walk down a hallway, past a door to the sound room, to the living area of the apartment. The double doors that you see open during the sex scenes lead to the hallway and the sound room. You continue past them to the outer doors which lead to the elevator.

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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby tlaero » Sat, 17Oct28 22:30

I've posted an article about the upcoming sequel to Finding Miranda (called "Saving Chloe") on our Patreon site. It's free to read (you don't need to be a patron or sign up or anything to see it). If you want to discuss it, feel free to do so here. Patreon isn't very good at long form discussions.

Saving Chloe: Paths and Agency

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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby Nightshade09 » Sun, 17Oct29 06:03

tlaero wrote:I've posted an article about the upcoming sequel to Finding Miranda (called "Saving Chloe") on our Patreon site. It's free to read (you don't need to be a patron or sign up or anything to see it). If you want to discuss it, feel free to do so here. Patreon isn't very good at long form discussions.

Saving Chloe: Paths and Agency


There is an American Expression. If it Works Don't Fix it. Redemption of Jesskia is #1 on several game sites. A few years since it came out. That's your ultimate critic Guys! And the format you should stick too.

“ This feedback led me to try something different in "Redemption for Jessika." There, you were required to have a "well rounded" character that responded a variety of different ways over the course of the game, but you weren't required to give any particular answer at any point. “


This is what I loved, loved about RfJ

I simply played it as if I were Marc in any given situation in real life. An zoomed right through it getting all achievements and all scenes.

You had 3 choices/paths

Being a douchbag as SeraB would say
Being a gentlemen
Being something in between.

If I had to find fault it would be. Not giving Marc a chance to more.. how can I put this.. Be more a Rocker Guy to polar opposite to Jesskica's “Rocker Gal” personality. No matter the path you played Marc he was well a nerdy geek scoring with a hot girl. I think in real life a relationship such as that wouldn't last long. Unless their more compatible if that makes sense? Through out the game Marc comes across “star struck fan hitting it off with his idol” instead of actually into Her.

Still it as Fantastic Character Choice and Game.

There is an American Expression. If it Works Don't Fix it. Redemption of Jesskia is #1 on several game sites. A few years since it came out. That's your ultimate critic Guys!

It was TORTURE though LOL remaining a Gentlemen during that Scene in Sylvia's apartment with SeraB. Nearly impossible to stay Gentlemen.. I felt Marc's pain! LOL A great way though to keep the player in character or else blow the entire game. An the reward Jessika's address was far worth it! Even better then the bonus scene.

Onto the next one played Finding Miranda.

To be honest the way one had to set up backstory to Lucas in order to pick a path for the rest of the game. It totally distracted from story and game. It left you feeling the rest of the story was 'just a script' and 'artificial'. The outcome predetermined from the point you pick Lucas as womanizing extrovert or a widowed introvert.. It felt that well you were running a computer program after programming the variables. An all that was left was sitting back and letting it runs its per-determined course. And indeed the dialogue choice that followed were Either Or … Instead of in RfJ you really had to think about each and every choice you made of the three choices you had and calculate what potential outcome might be. If that makes sense?

It was only the second or third run through of Finding Miranda did you begin to feel a realistic vibe to the game and a connection to Miranda. As well as feel the beauty of the over all game.

Where as in RfJ it was there in the first run through. Even the Fade to Black Scene with Chloe which was short. Even if it was short and very dark, in dialogue with her you 'Felt Her' and for Her. Even at the end when you died. You found yourself saying over the shock. 'Damn it I want to go back and Save Chloe she's interesting!.'

Next Dreaming with Elsa.

I was a bit taken aback by the opening dialogue and choices with her. Again the dialogue was Either Or … even you approach her as some over sexed teenager or approach her as some sensitive geeky introvert. Either way your going to score with Elsa. An again left you feeling that the rest of the game was per-determined script/out come all you had to do was to press either or in the dialogue.
There were some spot in the game and where the dialogue choices you had to work with. I wouldn't dare say to a woman in real life without offending her in some way. Yet Elsa responds to the dialogue either way?? It left you wondering Who really is Elsa really?? A smart intelligent mysterious introvert discrete yet passionate woman? Or underneath it all a well just loose woman pretending to be.

That detracted from the story and the game and left you unable to form a more bond to beautiful Elsa. A bond that certainly there between Marc and Jessika.

Maybe I'm wrong but that's how it felt to me. Still the Story was saver of that game. And by half way into the game. Your waiting for each new paragraph with anticipation! But sadly there was not a 'bond' formed with Elsa's character.

ALL 3 though were Fantastic! Engrossing and certainly not a disappointment to play.
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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby Nightshade09 » Sun, 17Oct29 06:18

As many of your Patrons are saying on your message board there.

Story, story, story... That's what makes your games so wonderful Mortze & Tlaero

Don't over tweak your game and make it so complex that you destroy your beautiful and graphic story telling.

If you do they'll just become well Just another Flesh game. Forgettable after a few run throughs.

Elsa, Jesskia and Miranda stick in your mind and your heart for weeks even months. An leaves you with a sense of Wow. I'd love to explore every building and every apartment of the Elsa Universe.. If I could.

Not only is that great story telling .. That's special! It's also a great talent.
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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby L1nk1980 » Sun, 17Oct29 07:58

Nightshade09 wrote:As many of your Patrons are saying on your message board there.

Story, story, story... That's what makes your games so wonderful Mortze & Tlaero

Don't over tweak your game and make it so complex that you destroy your beautiful and graphic story telling.

If you do they'll just become well Just another Flesh game. Forgettable after a few run throughs.

Elsa, Jesskia and Miranda stick in your mind and your heart for weeks even months. An leaves you with a sense of Wow. I'd love to explore every building and every apartment of the Elsa Universe.. If I could.

Not only is that great story telling .. That's special! It's also a great talent.

its Tlaero story with the great renders of Mortze that you remember them. can't wait to play SC and see how it is
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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby Brocho » Sun, 17Oct29 13:14

I find the idea of different paths and endings interesting, but I'm glad you're mainly focusing on one canon path. As many have said, the best thing about these games is the storytelling, so giving the player too many options to take their own path is likely to detract from that. I'm certain that the game will be excellent regardless of what choices you have made though, and I'm even more excited to play it.
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Re: Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

Postby tlaero » Sun, 17Oct29 20:07

Well, it's still me writing the game, and I think "story" is the most important part of these games. So, even the shortest paths have a fair amount of story in them. It's just not as long and intricate as in the longer paths.

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