Wholesome game experiences

Complete and totally free games (the author can request a non-obligatory financial contribution in thanks or to help him to create new game)

Wholesome game experiences

Postby Crookest » Tue, 17Aug22 12:22

Good day everyone,

this last week I've had a lot of free time on my hands and I've been scouring this site and some other (unnamed) adult forums for adult games and I've ran across a recurring problem.
A lot of the games I've downloaded have been either incomprehensible or broken.

I was wondering if all you lurkers around here have some suggestions for me.
I'll try to keep the first post updated with any links that are allowed and relevant, so perhaps this could become some kind of small wholesome game collection.

I'm not saying a game has to be completed before you can suggest it, but I would like it to at least have more than 30 minutes of content.

(I'm trying to keep these rules in mind : http://the-new-lagoon.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2433)

I'll start with listing my favorite games:

The Last Sovereign
This game is not very visually pleasing, but this RPG has over 30 hours of content (for me, could be less for you) and it is a very satisfying experience. I'm not going to say too much about the content of this game so I don't spoil it but I highly encourage you to play it

Last Man
This is a fun game with real life images and a lot of playtime, it is poorly written though but it's mostly comprehensible. This game is about being the only man left on earth and the chaos that ensues. (it's been a while since I played through this and I see this is frequently updated so this information might not be up to date)

This list is very short right now but I'm mostly asking for suggestions. If this thread gets buried somewhere that's fine as well I'm just looking for some more lengthy games)
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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby saolo996 » Tue, 17Aug22 14:07

Hi Crookest,

I'm going to suggest you to play all Lady Tlaero games, they're amazingly written, have a story behind them and will provide you both challenging and good times.
As well as Mortze's Pandora.

I don't know what kind of games you like, but to stay on this type you can play Chaotic games too, last one is Leanna, released just some days ago.

Fleet visual novels are amazing too.

It depends by you and your attitude on different type of games.

Last advice is to have a tour on Leo's playforceone , there's plenty of his free to play games and links to his premium.

Have fun!
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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby TheBrain » Tue, 17Aug22 19:21

If you don't mind text-based adventures (but with graphics), you should try Goblinboy's games:
- School Dreams 3
- Meteor
- The Tesliss Equation
- Gift of Phallius 3

Also very good are bbben's games:
- Super Pervert Action: Crisis
- Pervert Action: Future
- Pervert Action: Legacy

It might take some getting used to the text-based interface, but that's literally tens of hours of high quality content right there.

If you like a bit more traditional date games, try Somethings in the Air, the sequel to Date Ariane.
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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby kessie8dn » Wed, 17Aug23 15:20

Check out Edensin's "The Survival of John Smith".. it's a fun game which, like Last Man, continues to be grow.

It is available as a free download but you're going to have to google and look around for it as I feel any link I posted here would attract censure from the mods.
If a mod reads this and happens to know of an acceptable link I trust they will post it as a comment.

Another name worth browsing is Selectacorp... Most of their games are similar but they are a pretty good way to pass some time and there are usually numerous ways to achieve the objectives, so you can revisit and try a different approach and see how that effects the outcome.
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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby Tao Dude » Wed, 17Aug23 17:09

There are lots of good games linked to from here. Here are some that I like:

Brad's Erotic Week by Wolfschadowe - probably my favourite from an intellectual challenge standpoint, epic in scale and the characterisations are pretty good. Visuals are improving but were not bad to start with. nd Episode 7 is just around the corner.

Anything by Tlaero/Mortze/Phreaky - Gameplay and characterisations on a par with BEW, and Mortze's art is peerless.

Anything by fleet

Most of the games published on Virtual Dates - free and paid for - there are one or two dodgy ones, but none are a complete waste of time.

Arnii's stuff is good

Last Man is not badly written: the gameplay and storyline are pretty good, it's just that the creator is Russian and English is not his first language, so the grammar is a bit off sometimes.

Urban Voyeur by cesar is also good, but you will need to go to the PartyOn (Patr3o0n) website for that.
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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby RobNorthman » Fri, 17Aug25 12:54

Part of the problem is that some of the new game devs rake in more than $20.000 a month thanks to a certain unmentionable website that starts with a P. This of course has created a huge wave of creators wanting in on this niche market while the getting is good. Which is why on forums less regulated than sharks, you see at least one new "game" concept or idea posted every day, usually russian copycats with google translated text and flipped assets. Most of these are no more than attempted easy cash grabs, and the creators behind them have no idea how much effort goes in to making a proper game, so they never get past the basic idea stage. But every once in a while, something good comes along.

There are some quality games already mentioned in this thread so I'll skip those and add some more.

over at http://the-vdates.com/ you have The Gym and The Physio games, very similar to the other vdate games mentioned here.

Games that can be found at the P site or other adult forums.

Summertime Saga by Darkcookie - Incomplete but with lots of content, updated regularly.
Big Brother by Dark Silver - Personally not a fan of the themes in this one, but hours worth of content and well crafted with great graphics. updated regularly
Abandoned: A tale of forgotten lives by Kerni - Incomplete but with lots of content, updated regularly.
Dating my Daughter by MrDots - Incomplete but with lots of content, updated regularly.
Ethan's Legacy by VengeanceXXX - 3 full episodes and 3 side stories released but sadly he went on indefinite hiatus a few weeks ago so I'm not sure when or if ever, the story gets completed.
MILF's Villa by ICSTOR - Incomplete but with lots of content, updated regularly. As well as several other games, some complete, some still in development.
Farmer's Dreams by MuseX - Still pretty early in development, but looks very promising.
Dreaming of Dana by Ptolemy - Incomplete but with lots of content, updated regularly.
Gates: the opening by Dede Kusto - Incomplete but with lots of content, updated regularly.

Also very early in development is Wild Life by AdeptusSteve, there's only a Tech demo at the moment but it's being made in Unreal engine so were talking very realistic looking graphics with 'lips' that grip and sweat droplets leaving trails down the skin. Looks very promising, if they can deliver what they promise.
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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby DroopyLoving » Sat, 17Aug26 19:50

I really like chatoics games, my favourites being Lisette and Tara 2.

There's also a lot to be said for the lesson of passion games. They're not all classics, but the original LwT is excellent and there's plenty of others to love.
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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby kessie8dn » Sun, 17Sep10 17:12

RobNorthman wrote:Part of the problem is that some of the new game devs rake in more than $20.000 a month thanks to a certain unmentionable website that starts with a P. This of course has created a huge wave of creators wanting in on this niche market while the getting is good. Which is why on forums less regulated than sharks, you see at least one new "game" concept or idea posted every day, usually russian copycats with google translated text and flipped assets. Most of these are no more than attempted easy cash grabs, and the creators behind them have no idea how much effort goes in to making a proper game, so they never get past the basic idea stage. But every once in a while, something good comes along.

There are some quality games already mentioned in this thread so I'll skip those and add some more.

over at http://the-vdates.com/ you have The Gym and The Physio games, very similar to the other vdate games mentioned here.

Games that can be found at the P site or other adult forums.

Summertime Saga by Darkcookie - Incomplete but with lots of content, updated regularly.
Big Brother by Dark Silver - Personally not a fan of the themes in this one, but hours worth of content and well crafted with great graphics. updated regularly
Abandoned: A tale of forgotten lives by Kerni - Incomplete but with lots of content, updated regularly.
Dating my Daughter by MrDots - Incomplete but with lots of content, updated regularly.
Ethan's Legacy by VengeanceXXX - 3 full episodes and 3 side stories released but sadly he went on indefinite hiatus a few weeks ago so I'm not sure when or if ever, the story gets completed.
MILF's Villa by ICSTOR - Incomplete but with lots of content, updated regularly. As well as several other games, some complete, some still in development.
Farmer's Dreams by MuseX - Still pretty early in development, but looks very promising.
Dreaming of Dana by Ptolemy - Incomplete but with lots of content, updated regularly.
Gates: the opening by Dede Kusto - Incomplete but with lots of content, updated regularly.

Also very early in development is Wild Life by AdeptusSteve, there's only a Tech demo at the moment but it's being made in Unreal engine so were talking very realistic looking graphics with 'lips' that grip and sweat droplets leaving trails down the skin. Looks very promising, if they can deliver what they promise.

Thanks for these - I managed to find all of them on "the site that cannot be named". A couple didn't run properly (Abandoned, being one) but, hey, they're free so I'm not grumbling.
I have to say the apparent fixation with ic can get a bit tiresome and makes you wonder about the mental state of some of the authors. What's wrong with plain old "boy meets girl then shags her mum and her sister" kind of story we all know and love? If you can ignore those elements, however, some of these are extremely well written and the graphics are often excellent. If only one of them would actually finish a game though... *sigh*
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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby tlaero » Sun, 17Sep10 18:31

kessie8dn wrote:If only one of them would actually finish a game though... *sigh*

Yeah, imagine how it feels to be someone who consistently finishes her games and still brings in less than the people who have posted a single unfinished concept...

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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby kessie8dn » Sun, 17Sep10 20:03

tlaero wrote:
kessie8dn wrote:If only one of them would actually finish a game though... *sigh*

Yeah, imagine how it feels to be someone who consistently finishes her games and still brings in less than the people who have posted a single unfinished concept...


Don't fret - I've never paid for any game from "the site that cannot be named" but I've signed up to LoP numerous times, so that should put you ahead on that count :)

As for that other place, I'm happy enough to play the "lag behind" versions so I never pay a penny to the authors. I really don't see the point in paying just to get 0.02 versions further than I can get for nothing and I can't imagine many people do.

From an author's point of view I'd say there are too many of them there, clamouring for attention. Anyone who can patronise all of them must have too much money than is good for them but there can only be a very small number of people with the required cash/dumbness ratio to do that. Of course a number will choose to patronise one author or another, which is fine. The same as there are probably people who maintain a monthly subscription to Shark and LoP, so are paying even when no new product is released. On that other site they're still getting an unfinished game and are no better off than me when it comes to the other authors. It seems very poor value for money to my mind. I'm pretty sure I've said before that most of these small games wouldn't retail for more than around $10 if they were sold in a store, up against the likes of Football Manager, GTA, etc, and I think I'm being generous there. So what does that make version 0.02.7 worth?

I don't mind subscribing to Shark and LoP from time to time. Going by things I read in various posts here, I'm pretty sure I'm in the majority among lagooners on that too, but I now even refuse to pay for a certain other site which has sneakily changed its terms to "monthly ongoing" instead of a one-off 30 day membership.
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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby Rexxx » Tue, 17Sep12 20:02

Some authors are more suitable to attract people in this site, in some way that amount of Tora makes isn't too little considering that doesn't try to compromise (or misleading the people there that you are compromising), who pays want to think to be a backer and and want to believe to be important in the choices, the upside I think that people that follow Tora are very faithful.
Naturally I think that the amount that Tora makes doesn't portray the amount of "work" that Tlaero and Mortze dedicate, but it's only my opinion.
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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby tlaero » Wed, 17Sep13 01:47

Just to be clear, Pat.reon and direct donations are the only way we get any revenue. None of the sites that host our games pay us, regardless of whether you subscribe to them or not.

I understand the rationale that someone wouldn't want to or isn't able to pay for erotic games. We give them away for free for a reason. But there are real monetary costs with making these games (completely ignoring all the time and effort). And, there is a level of revenue where the time, effort, and expense isn't sustainable. So, while it's fine to say, "I'm never going to pay an author for her efforts," you probably shouldn't belittle the people who do. Those people are the ones making it possible for you to play the games for free.

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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby JFR » Wed, 17Sep13 02:49

kessie8dn wrote:...
Don't fret - I've never paid for any game from "the site that cannot be named" but I've signed up to LoP numerous times, so that should put you ahead on that count :) ...

That seems an odd way to go about it but to each his own. I do exactly the opposite. By using the "P site" to support Tora Productions, Wolfschadowe, DeDe Kusto and a few selected others, I know that the developers who do great work are being supported in that work. I have never paid to play on the sites you mentioned. By supporting the creators I like directly, I know my donations are going directly to them. I can't know that for the subscription sites. I like that the quality games I support directly are always free to play but I am aware they are not free to make. The only way I can see for them to maintain that "business model" is to support them with donations, either single pay or monthly support. I want them to keep producing quality games. They can't do that forever unless those of us who love their work and can afford to contribute for the "free games," do so.

I know that my monthly support for selected creators totals much more than a monthly fee at one of the for-pay sites and also more than a game would cost if it weren't free, but I also know that I am only supporting work I want to support. If I were paying a subscription site, I might be paying for games I like but I'd also be paying for some I don't. I prefer my way. ;)
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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby Crane » Wed, 17Sep13 03:31

Well free market is a bitch. :p
I mean yeah, without the donor`s financial support there would be no games and we all should be grateful for that. But then you look at pseudo-developers who lure the people with a few renders and a long list of fetishes to attract as many donors as they can and then disappear or even worse, they continue making those terribly horrible games. :p

Jokes apart, good products are rare and you find them only on some quiet and lost spot and almost never on the high-lighted spots. This is true not only for the games but almost every product.
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Re: Wholesome game experiences

Postby kessie8dn » Wed, 17Sep13 12:15

I have to say I agree with Crane.. I feel I know what I'm going to get with the likes of Shark and LoP (with one major exception in their case). I have subscribed to Last Man in the past but I'm becoming more reticent about doing so. It hardly seems a good return for the little extra game play and I see even they are now working on another game before Last Man is completed.

I take the point about fans wanting to support their favourite authors but, as I said before, the retail value of these games if sold alongside the GTA's would be nowhere near the amount you're paying for them - with no certainty that the game will ever be completed before the author gets bored and moves on to something he/she finds more interesting. In some cases they seem only slightly removed from the story of the "South Sea Bubble" where someone placed a newspaper ad asking for investors to subscribe to a project so secret that "nobody should be allowed to know what it is".

I wouldn't buy a car the patreon way - Even Tesla didn't use the approach of "Thanks for the donation, it's not finished yet but we've sorted out which cloth we'll be using for the seats". The closest comparison I can think of is Richard Branson's space tourism project, which is always going to be ready "in 18 months time" and has been for about 10 years or so now.

Still, you pay's your money, you makes your choice, as they say..
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