Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby Fascination » Sun, 17Apr02 20:05

Thanks :)

Though let me be clear, I'm not advocating for bestiality, incest, or anything, but if someone does it and it's as consensual as possible, I don't see why I should oppose it. You can find videos on Youtube where dogs hump people (completely sfw), it's often brushed off/laughed at because most people aren't into it, so they are more likely to find it either funny or weird.

Regarding rape, to be honest I've seen (on internet) quite a bit of women/men that are into fantasy of it - and fantasy is possible to control. Some even play it out with the help of their spouses, with help of safe words, I'd guess, but I'd bet that most if saw something like that happening in real life to someone, they'd do their utmost to stop it. I know I've played some adult games that border on that, and in the fantasy and context I'm okay with it to a point, but in real life I'm repulsed by it completely.

There's plethora of fetishes people are into, to some other such as cheating - I've recently saw a board where women and men bragged openly how they screwed other men/women outside or marriage, and some of them had children by other men (assuming it's true, because internet), and even other fetishes such as hotwifing/cuckolding where both partners are into it, or even further where women enjoy and encourage their husbands to engage with other women, to bring them home/screw them/etc, which they find enjoyable for various reasons.

But most of such things are a bit 'out there', and most of it seems to be just a fantasy. People are sexual beings and at the same time into the most vanilla, and weirdest things, and fantasy - whether it's games/porn/stories helps sate their desires.

With your last point @Mortze, I absolutely agree, I don't think anyone should be forced into it, or for that matter abused, and everything should be done to make sure it doesn't happen. There are various articles (as well those opposing it) as to why pornography is good, even for relationship, especially if both partners watch it.

Regarding some of the fetishes above, it's estimated that 1-3% of children are concieved outside of marriage/relationship, and that's only those that either didn't take adequate protection, or didn't care enough if they get pregnant or not - so the cheating percentage is probably higher, for men too. However, I think a) fantasies about it, especially so many in porn, etc and b) communities, might help and reduce that, in a way, that's my theory only, though, because they might see there are others, and find willing partners who are into it. I'm not sure how accurate that is, but I think future will show.

As for games, one of the more famous (though it's more interactive fiction) that I know of is Fenoxo, who seems to be quite popular - around 5000 patreons currently, which comes down to 26.000$ a month lol. But I think with that, and incest as well - though he doesn't deal with incest as far I've seen, but mostly monsterish type of characters, imps, demons, futas, etc, the writing is quite important. The better writing is, more people will be interested. That's in part why I like Shark's games, because the writing and interactions are good, so even when it goes into things I don't normally enjoy, I still play them and try to find things I do enjoy.

My last point on the previous post is a bit out there, but one I've seen mirrored before, and while obviously animals can't really compare to humans, I think we also forget that we are animals too. There are animals that do - and try - to cross-breed, and even on Youtube you can find dogs trying to hump cats lol. Or for that matter, cats humping dogs which is mildly hilarious.

But it all comes down to: if no one is harmed, what is the issue?
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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby Sarchx » Sun, 17Apr02 22:03

Fascination wrote:But it all comes down to: if no one is harmed, what is the issue?

My thoughts exactly.

The problem with that though is, who determines if someone is harmed, and how do you define harmed ?
Even with consending adults, you'll find some shrink claiming that something is harmfull to someone.

As for the whole animal thing - I read somewhere, that the only other animal, apart from humans, who has sex for other purposes than breeding, is dolphins. (Good luck with that!)
So, to me that's off limits. Regardless if they are physically harmed by it or not.
The same goes with kids.
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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby PinkVendeta » Sun, 17Apr02 23:00

Sarchx wrote:
Fascination wrote:But it all comes down to: if no one is harmed, what is the issue?

My thoughts exactly.

The problem with that though is, who determines if someone is harmed, and how do you define harmed ?
Even with consending adults, you'll find some shrink claiming that something is harmfull to someone.

As for the whole animal thing - I read somewhere, that the only other animal, apart from humans, who has sex for other purposes than breeding, is dolphins. (Good luck with that!)
So, to me that's off limits. Regardless if they are physically harmed by it or not.
The same goes with kids.

Fully agree with You.
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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby Crane » Sun, 17Apr02 23:25

So all can be summerized in: Everything is allowed till no one is hurt!
We all agree on that.

And i said: If the incest is consensual what about other family members? What if they are hurt emotionally or psychologically?
Life is not a porn movie. In real life actions DO have consenquences.
About zoophilia i think people are animals but supposedly do have a little more common sense than other animals. So..

By the way. Dog humping is not all sexual, it is dominating instinct. Even female dogs do the humpings. Which means if a dog humps you, he/she is not saying "i want to have sex with you". It`s more like "Come here buddy, let`s see who`s the boss here...but no strange ideas ok?".
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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby PinkVendeta » Sun, 17Apr02 23:35

True even wolves do it also, a pack leader humps others in the pack, in a non sexual way to say: I am Alpha, I do what I want, when I want and to who I want.
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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby Skelaturi » Sun, 17Apr02 23:47

My uncle had a farm and on that farm he had dogs of course; that dog humped legs for dominance; still nothing weird. However they also had duck. That duck was a orphan and raised by said dog and yes your guessing it right.
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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby Fascination » Mon, 17Apr03 02:25

Sarchx wrote:
Fascination wrote:But it all comes down to: if no one is harmed, what is the issue?

The problem with that though is, who determines if someone is harmed, and how do you define harmed ?
Even with consending adults, you'll find some shrink claiming that something is harmfull to someone.

As for the whole animal thing - I read somewhere, that the only other animal, apart from humans, who has sex for other purposes than breeding, is dolphins. (Good luck with that!)
So, to me that's off limits. Regardless if they are physically harmed by it or not.

Crane wrote:And i said: If the incest is consensual what about other family members? What if they are hurt emotionally or psychologically?
Life is not a porn movie. In real life actions DO have consenquences.
About zoophilia i think people are animals but supposedly do have a little more common sense than other animals. So..

By the way. Dog humping is not all sexual, it is dominating instinct. Even female dogs do the humpings. Which means if a dog humps you, he/she is not saying "i want to have sex with you". It`s more like "Come here buddy, let`s see who`s the boss here...but no strange ideas ok?".

No one said there aren't possible issues. I'm responding to both because somewhat similar points. Yes, obviously, actions have consequences, and some people can be scarred emotionally/physiologically, but assuming they are a person that's old enough to know whether something is right or not for them, and they consent, what is the issue? Or should we shield people of any and all possible harm; people can be scarred emotionally/physiologically in any and all relationships (short of perhaps with animals? dunno), whether it's through actual abuse, or behaviour of the partner, lying, etc. It's not as if it doesn't happen, it's not as if cheating isn't so common that some people take months if not years before they can trust another person. So I don't think that's a very good argument against it.

Obviously, humans are smarter. But again, I don't really see anything wrong with it. I can see potential for abuse, and when it comes to men/female animals it's harder, but eh.

As for cross-breeds: http://www.boredpanda.com/strange-hybri ... lly-exist/

As for sex being an activity beyond breeding, "It is often assumed that animals do not have sex for pleasure, or alternatively that humans, pigs (and perhaps dolphins and one or two species of primate) are the only species that do. This is sometimes stated as "animals mate only for reproduction". This view is considered a misconception by some scholars. Jonathan Balcombe argues that the prevalence of non-reproductive sexual behaviour in certain species suggests that sexual stimulation is pleasurable. He also points to the presence of the clitoris in some female mammals, and evidence for female orgasm in primates. On the other hand, it is impossible to know the subjective feelings of animals, and the notion that non-human animals experience emotions similar to humans is a contentious subject."

"Even though the evolution-related purpose of mating can be said to be reproduction, it is not actually the creating of offspring which originally causes them to mate. It is probable that they mate because they are motivated for the actual copulation, and because this is connected with a positive experience. It is therefore reasonable to assume that there is some form of pleasure or satisfaction connected with the act. This assumption is confirmed by the behaviour of males, who in the case of many species are prepared to work to get access to female animals, especially if the female animal is in oestrus, and males who for breeding purposes are used to having sperm collected become very eager, when the equipment they associate with the collection is taken out."

Etc, you can find sources on wikipedia, and most of it for/against comes down as to how a person reads it. Such as, "There’s no reason why an animal should seek sex unless they enjoy it. It is often proposed that an inherent “drive to reproduce” explains nonhuman sexual activity, but that is not an alternative here: if animals possess an instinct to reproduce, it needs to function somehow – and pleasure is a fairly basic motivator. The hypothesis that all sexually reproducing species experience sexual pleasure is, in itself, quite reasonable – as would be the hypothesis that animals find eating pleasurable."

And even, "The most instructive example may come from a study of two captive male brown bears published earlier this year in the journal Zoo Biology. Over the course of six years, researchers amassed 116 hours of behavioural observations, which included 28 acts of oral sex between the two bears, who lived together in an enclosure at a sanctuary in Croatia."

The thing is, a) we don't know enough (nor understand enough) to draw completely accurate conclusions (imo), and b) it's still being researched.

As for dogs, certainly, no one disputes they do it for other reasons too; but quite a lot of times it's pretty clear why they are doing it.

If the potential for abuse, or some sort of emotional/physiological scarring was high, I'd agree it wouldn't be okay. Kind of like I think, for example, that children shouldn't be allowed to take hormones just because they feel like they are trans, because they aren't old enough to make a such decision that would probably impact the rest of their lives. And so on. But when it comes to bestiality/zoophilia for example, most people that I've read writing about it seem to treat the animals better than most of people that own animals as pets. Now that I think about it, if animals can feel pleasure - and orgasm from sex - isn't it better than someone is actually willing to partake in it with them, rather than animals that never get to have sex? Or get neutered, etc. Isn't it actually more humane than neutering them?
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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby Greyelf » Tue, 17Apr04 00:16

Crane wrote:... what about other family members? What if they are hurt emotionally or psychologically? .... In real life actions DO have consequences.

All interactions/relationships between two (or more) people can result in other people (outsiders) being upset/hurt in some way, this is why that potential should not be the only thing taken into consideration when deciding to proceed with said interaction/relationship or not. This is true weither that interaction/relationship is personal related, business related or even sexual.
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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby Rastifan » Tue, 17Apr04 01:16

Was asked on DA if I promoted incest since I did so much Elsanna. I looked at his gallery and saw beheading, gutting and violence.
I asked if he promoted violence and murder with those poses. "Of course not" he said. "Well there is your answer". He got it.
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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby Skelaturi » Tue, 17Apr04 16:16

Rastifan wrote:Was asked on DA if I promoted incest since I did so much Elsanna. I looked at his gallery and saw beheading, gutting and violence.
I asked if he promoted violence and murder with those poses. "Of course not" he said. "Well there is your answer". He got it.

This is a solid answer. Love you Rastifan.
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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby Mortze » Tue, 17Apr04 16:21

Rastifan wrote:Was asked on DA if I promoted incest since I did so much Elsanna. I looked at his gallery and saw beheading, gutting and violence.
I asked if he promoted violence and murder with those poses. "Of course not" he said. "Well there is your answer". He got it.

Where's the Elsanna incest? I demand proof.
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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby Rastifan » Wed, 17Apr05 05:01

Skelaturi wrote:This is a solid answer. Love you Rastifan.

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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby Rastifan » Wed, 17Apr05 05:02

Mortze wrote:Where's the Elsanna incest? I demand proof.

In my DA folder. Knock your self out :D http://rastifan.deviantart.com/gallery/ ... ipulations
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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby Crane » Thu, 17Apr06 13:03

Rastifan wrote:
Mortze wrote:Where's the Elsanna incest? I demand proof.

In my DA folder. Knock your self out :D http://rastifan.deviantart.com/gallery/ ... ipulations

I`ve seen some of your work. It`s really very good. Irish Anna is the best. IMO you should do games not just pictures.
And i totally agree with your rule: no minors. The worst thing in the industry (not only adult but also mainstream industry) is underage or underage-looking sexualized characters.
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Re: Why so much incest in gaming/porn?

Postby Sarchx » Thu, 17Apr06 15:27

Crane wrote:And i totally agree with your rule: no minors. The worst thing in the industry (not only adult but also mainstream industry) is underage or underage-looking sexualized characters.

So, here's the next question. What/When is underage ?
I think all countries and cultures have their own rules - specifying this.
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