Golden Age episode 1

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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby dueore » Sat, 17Mar11 20:26

Amazing Work!!! [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby Rexxx » Sat, 17Mar11 21:57

petar89 wrote:When we can expect next part ? Game is very good :)

The game is in hiatus, the same of her old game, dragon throne.
She is one of the authors that want to do the things her way, but at the same time, without contribuition haven't the time for continue.
Someone decides to give people what they ask for attract pledges, others want do the game how they thought even at the cost of less support.
Unfortunately nearly all of the latter end quitting their game and I doubt we will see other episodes of golden age (maybe only an episode 2 after some months) like we won't see the end of Dragon throne (that had also more support).
There are also author as Tlaero that release new games in any case.
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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby jipp » Sun, 17Mar12 05:03

Yeah, there's quite a big bunch of these RPG Maker games around nowadays. It seems to me that most of them never get finished, so I hesitate to invest any money or time (to play) into them. Also, almost all of these games contain elements (incest, rape etc) that aren't exactly turn ons for me.

Rexxx wrote:Someone decides to give people what they ask for attract pledges, others want do the game how they thought even at the cost of less support.

Personally, I'm not a fan authors taking suggestions from the donators... it immediately makes me suspicious of the quality of the game. Trust your vision, if the story is good, you will get support.

Rexxx wrote:There are also author as Tlaero that release new games in any case.

One of the (many) reasons why she's the best.
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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby Rexxx » Sun, 17Mar12 18:29

Rexxx wrote:Someone decides to give people what they ask for attract pledges, others want do the game how they thought even at the cost of less support.

Jipp wrote:Personally, I'm not a fan authors taking suggestions from the donators... it immediately makes me suspicious of the quality of the game. Trust your vision, if the story is good, you will get support.

It's not always so easy (no one know the true situation of one person and why she need money in part time job), but in her case the greater problem for her was that she said that if she thought that too little people were interested in her game she would have quit and in remaking her game he take off sex scene that she thought unneeded , the downside is that people wait much to donate if they think that the game will have too little sex and aren't sure the game will be finished.
If I remember his first game had attracted a bit of interest and at that time the quantity of rpg maker games was little than now (and I won't talk of the low quality of nearly all of them), so if she would have decided to follow requests and put more sex probably now she will be one of the author to do at least more than 1000$, here each one can decide if she did well to remain faithful of her idea or if she had to compromise for obtaining results and the possibility to write her story in the future.
This did me think to something that he had read on slam dunk, a manga in which the author that wanted to write a basket game had to put much college story at the beginning to attract fans, indeed in that manga the school part vanish after some volumes.
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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby tlaero » Sun, 17Mar12 18:58

This is a tough situation. After the somewhat luke-warm reaction to our most recent game, Mortze and I were kind of down. We see so many people with far fewer games, or games that are barely started, making considerably more than we do. He and I had a long discussion on what to do about it. So many of the high earners are doing taboo/fetish games about incest and rape, etc. Does that mean that we need to do the same? We actively considered it, but decided, for the moment, to try our current strategy first (higher engagement on Pat.reon). The fans are enjoying it, but it's not exactly bringing in new patrons the way (apparently) a taboo game would.

So, yeah, we're struggling a little. I understand what Natali is going through. Is it possible to be successful while making the games you want to make? The jury is definitely out on that.

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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby JFR » Sun, 17Mar12 19:31

tlaero wrote:... So, yeah, we're struggling a little. ... Tlaero

This - and a quick look at your P****on page - was the first that I realized that you are actually down in contributions since combining your and Mortze's pages into one. I wonder if that is indicative of you two previously having some patrons in common, who were contributing to both pages, but are only contributing once to the combined page. If that is the case, it would seem that the difference would primarily have to be made up with new contributors.

I honestly think Tora Productions games are among the best and, I thought, most popular in the AIF field. That doesn't seem to be translating into as much patronage as you deserve. I am a bit surprised by that.
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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby MalleckM » Sun, 17Mar12 20:01

No need to be that pesimistic. Now I have overtaken the game. And we will get back to it. At least Natali will provide the story. However, it will be some simplifications in the future. And some part in the first episode will be reworked (removed to be frankly, just to make a little more simple).

Forgot to add, a new artist has to be found to make more parallax maps. Old one is available anymore.
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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby MalleckM » Sun, 17Mar12 20:18

tlaero wrote:This is a tough situation. After the somewhat luke-warm reaction to our most recent game, Mortze and I were kind of down. We see so many people with far fewer games, or games that are barely started, making considerably more than we do. He and I had a long discussion on what to do about it. So many of the high earners are doing taboo/fetish games about incest and rape, etc. Does that mean that we need to do the same? We actively considered it, but decided, for the moment, to try our current strategy first (higher engagement on Pat.reon). The fans are enjoying it, but it's not exactly bringing in new patrons the way (apparently) a taboo game would.

So, yeah, we're struggling a little. I understand what Natali is going through. Is it possible to be successful while making the games you want to make? The jury is definitely out on that.


As you know I helped much in creation of first episode. We put much efforts and invested far more than it paid off at the end. Natali was really upset and decided to quite any kind of development. As you are saying many other developers makes more with far less amount of work if they find a right theme that attracts people. For now, it is just a reality of development. I don't think there is much to be done about it. AS for you Tlaero I think You will find a way that will work for you and Mortze.
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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby ut1stgear1 » Sun, 17Mar12 20:23

For me I have looked at supporting some games/creators but I am on a fixed income that some of the creators, for a part-time income, are making 2x or more than I do. So I support at the minimum level now. If all I wanted are sex scenes then there are plenty sites that offer that. I like to have some story also and feel the sex should fit into that story not try to fit a story into the sex scenes. At least with Patrons there are some very good games with stories to tell.

Concerning Golden Age I think is is one of the better games out there. Unfortunately Natalie decided to combine his page with Malleck so it has taken a back burner to two other games. Malleck took a poll so his new game took top honors when he now has Golden Age and his sequel to Road Trip, which he has already released an into version, are going to sit for awhile. When he finished Road Trip there was a flurry of scenes mostly aimed at getting sex for the main character.

Will interesting to see if his new game Sea Holiday, which I suspect will include taboo relationships, goes down that same path. Based on the screen shots it will probably go the route of more sex and less story. IMO.

My main point is I would have liked to see Natalie continue with Golden Age instead of giving it to another creator.

I see your post malleck so don't take this personal please. BTW I voted for your new game but almost for Golden Age and not the sequel.
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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby Depeche » Mon, 17Mar13 10:40

C'est une excellente question : doit-on faire les jeux que l'on souhaite faire, ou les jeux que les joueurs souhaitent ?

Si l'on se pose la question sous l'angle de l'apport financier des supporters, c'est terrible, car tous les développeurs sont en train de faire le même type de jeux d'inceste/domination/netorare...
Il y a actuellement en effet une majorité de supporters sur ce même type de jeux, avec de trop nombreux créateurs qui exploitent le filon.

De mon point de vue, on est sur des phénomènes de mode, les créateurs qui font de super jeux et qui les finissent sont noyés parmi ceux qui s'arrêtent à la bêta 0.5 en accumulant les cliché en prenant les joueurs pour des abrutis puis leurs supporteurs pour des vaches à lait avant de les abandonner à leur frustration.

On pourrait se dire que ça va se tasser au fil du temps et que les grands créateurs vont émerger.
Pas si sûr, car je pense que beaucoup de grands créateurs ont une mauvaise communication, ou en tous cas une communication non adaptée et/ou insuffisante.
Ce n'est plus le cas pour Malleck depuis quelques mois.
C'était le cas, excusez moi, pour Tlaero et Mortze, jusqu'à très récemment. Vous avez fait le bon choix en créant Tora production, à mon avis.

Que cherchent les joueurs ?
1- Un bon jeu qui les excite
2- Des nouvelles sur le prochain jeu ou le prochain update
3- Qu'on réponde à leurs demandes

1- Je pense qu'il faut que le créateur se fasse plaisir en créant SON jeu, qu'il fait partager. Sans plaisir de créer, il n'y a pas de bon jeu et çela se voit assez vite, notamment pour ceux qui utilisent des recettes, ou des situations vues dans tous les autres jeux, avec un copier coller de trames de scénarios éculés...

2-DarkCookie ( Summertime Saga) est pour moi un exemple de bonne communication qui se traduit par un apport important de supporters.
Sur son site il a mis en place une barre de progression qui doit considérablement limiter la sempiternelle question "quand arrive la suite ?"
Il permet aussi à chacun de suivre son travail, par une simple vidéo d'un des moments où il bosse sur le jeu. Pour lui c'est quotidien ou quasi quotidien.
Enfin, il actualise sa page Pa....n presque tous les jours aussi.
En temps consacré à la communication, je dirais que ça représente une demie-heure par jour.
Le résultat en terme de supporters est là.

3- Tenir compte, dans la mesure du possible, et si c'est compatible avec la trame générale, des desiderata des supporters, est compliqué
Il suffit de lire les posts et commentaires pour s'apercevoir que ce souvent les plus extrêmes qui communiquent le plus et avec le plus de véhémence.
Une manière possible de procéder est de mettre en place un ou plusieurs personnages secondaires voire très secondaires sur la base des idées données par les supporteurs, qui n'influent pas sur la trame principale mais permettent de montrer l'écoute du créateur.
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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby Rexxx » Tue, 17Mar14 00:11

MalleckM wrote:
tlaero wrote:This is a tough situation. After the somewhat luke-warm reaction to our most recent game, Mortze and I were kind of down. We see so many people with far fewer games, or games that are barely started, making considerably more than we do. He and I had a long discussion on what to do about it. So many of the high earners are doing taboo/fetish games about incest and rape, etc. Does that mean that we need to do the same? We actively considered it, but decided, for the moment, to try our current strategy first (higher engagement on Pat.reon). The fans are enjoying it, but it's not exactly bringing in new patrons the way (apparently) a taboo game would.

So, yeah, we're struggling a little. I understand what Natali is going through. Is it possible to be successful while making the games you want to make? The jury is definitely out on that.


As you know I helped much in creation of first episode. We put much efforts and invested far more than it paid off at the end. Natali was really upset and decided to quite any kind of development. As you are saying many other developers makes more with far less amount of work if they find a right theme that attracts people. For now, it is just a reality of development. I don't think there is much to be done about it. AS for you Tlaero I think You will find a way that will work for you and Mortze.

It's not that all the game that have fetish do much money (the quality of some game is too low), but it's true that is easier with some fetish, at the end many who pledge on Patr.eon want to see particular scenes otherwise they won't spend so much (more than an AAA game).
In some case is also important how you do something, I have been surprised that even if the majority of the game were bad I have played game with fetish like mind control or incest that I have liked, even rape (if it's not too violent, even if I try to be open minded in that case for me is impossible to follow the scene, I have to quit), so if we can discuss on quality maybe we have to be more open minded and decide that if you write on a fetish you are doing a cheap game (but I can understand that some can decide to not play them , for example I know one that won't ever play a a game if there is the possibility of a gay scene).
I have seen that also the quantity of sex is important, a simple story with many sex scenes attract more than a long story with few scenes.
For particular case, I know one person who pledged to Natali in her first game, because he liked her way of doing things her way, even if to me said that he was sure for her choices she would have needed too months before beginning to do more money and so he was sure she would have quit the game (in some way seem stupid pledge when you are sure that you won't see the game completed, but he see Patreon in a romantic way), he didn't pledge with the new game because he hates pirates, but even in this case he said that even if he wished the best for Natali (and that maybe one day she could end her first game that probably had an important place in the author hearth) he thought that, after quit the first game she would have needed too much months before fans begin to believe that she wouldn't quit even this game and so begin to pledge to her (I think that she had more patrons one year ago).
For Mortze and Tlaero I don't know what they can do to have some support, probably some will wait Pandora part 2 before decide, because even if I think that separate mortzeart and Tora was maybe was an error, Mortzeart had something that now is missing, feeling an author that don't work part time, but that is trying the Par. on experience because he wants to dedicate all his time, making this his work.
You could also make some poll (now there is a new function)for seeing from your fans what change they would like, the only thing don't be surprised if many could vote on more sex scenes, in all the polls in which there was this possibility I have always seen many votes on this possibility.
Anyway I hope all the good possible to Mortze, I think he has a great potential, he continue to improve and the face s of his character have so much personality, if I will begin to do more money he is one of the authors that I would pledge eyes shut.
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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby vkalvkal » Tue, 17Mar14 02:49

tlaero wrote:This is a tough situation. After the somewhat luke-warm reaction to our most recent game, Mortze and I were kind of down. We see so many people with far fewer games, or games that are barely started, making considerably more than we do. He and I had a long discussion on what to do about it. So many of the high earners are doing taboo/fetish games about incest and rape, etc. Does that mean that we need to do the same? We actively considered it, but decided, for the moment, to try our current strategy first (higher engagement on Pat.reon). The fans are enjoying it, but it's not exactly bringing in new patrons the way (apparently) a taboo game would.

So, yeah, we're struggling a little. I understand what Natali is going through. Is it possible to be successful while making the games you want to make? The jury is definitely out on that.


You know what the funny thing is? My favorite sex scene ever, from all your games, is the one with the cheating wife in Redemption for Jessika.

I really enjoy your writing and Mortze's art, but I don't play your games for the sex scenes, but for the story. The sex scene with the cheating wife is the only one that I really enjoy replaying just to see that particular scene. But that's just in terms of sex scene. As for the game in general, I prefer the other route.

I have to admit that I didn't know you guys were on P****** (I only follow this forum and another one and never saw anything pointing to your P****** page). I only support one page over there, that being P and P, the creators of Lily of the Valley (this game is focused on my favorite fetish: netorare; so you can see why I enjoyed your cheating wife scene, lol). I'll gladly support you guys, since I believe both you and Mortze do an amazing job in your games, so I'll try to find your page over there.
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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby JFR » Tue, 17Mar14 04:49

vkalvkal wrote:... I'll gladly support you guys, since I believe both you and Mortze do an amazing job in your games, so I'll try to find your page over there.

You will probably hear from tlaero or Mortze but I'll chime in. In looking for their page, you should use their corporate name - Tora Productions. Googling that and Pa**eon should bring it up.
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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby MalleckM » Tue, 17Mar14 22:47

ut1stgear1 wrote:For me I have looked at supporting some games/creators but I am on a fixed income that some of the creators, for a part-time income, are making 2x or more than I do. So I support at the minimum level now. If all I wanted are sex scenes then there are plenty sites that offer that. I like to have some story also and feel the sex should fit into that story not try to fit a story into the sex scenes. At least with Patrons there are some very good games with stories to tell.

Concerning Golden Age I think is is one of the better games out there. Unfortunately Natalie decided to combine his page with Malleck so it has taken a back burner to two other games. Malleck took a poll so his new game took top honors when he now has Golden Age and his sequel to Road Trip, which he has already released an into version, are going to sit for awhile. When he finished Road Trip there was a flurry of scenes mostly aimed at getting sex for the main character.

Will interesting to see if his new game Sea Holiday, which I suspect will include taboo relationships, goes down that same path. Based on the screen shots it will probably go the route of more sex and less story. IMO.

My main point is I would have liked to see Natalie continue with Golden Age instead of giving it to another creator.

I see your post malleck so don't take this personal please. BTW I voted for your new game but almost for Golden Age and not the sequel.

Golden Age is very story focused. So actually many creators could completed it if one to follow the script natali provided. The problem is that the script is very demandful and not easy to implement into life. For example some 3d ship explosions. Sables duels, many characters, etc. Taking into account how many people supported this game alone, I don't think it is possible to implement it. Idea was to remove all XXX scene and simple put the episode one on kickstarter. But she wasn't sure it will be successful. So we have what we have for now. And the poll on my p...n site doesn't show much popularity of that game.
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Re: Golden Age episode 1

Postby cwan222 » Wed, 17Mar15 00:06

Theres a bug when leaving the map with the inn. If you enter into town 1 tile too low, you get stuck on the roof of a house
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