Himeros Haven - Completed (March 2019)

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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Demo v0.10

Postby Seztworks » Fri, 16Dec16 16:01

Hello all

I have added a link to the demo to the top post.
Please read the gameplay notes before jumping in.

Have a nice weekend

P.S. Please spam me with any issues you find.
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Demo v0.10

Postby Kydenn » Sat, 16Dec17 04:31

Was extremely excited to see that the demo was out and couldn't wait for my first taste of the new game! I really like the new cast of characters so far!

I played through the demo and here are some of the issues I came across:

- There is a spelling error in the first scene in the restaurant. When you are speaking to Scruffy the line:

He smiles.
“Morgan has thought me a thing or two about food and I don’t mind. It reminds me of her.”

Thought should be taught

- After you finish construction of the mansion Scruffy says you can move in. However whenever you sleep it still says you are in the bungalow.

- If you complete construction of the dock, marina, or warehouse and see the new scene it will play again whenever you revisit the dock, marina, or warehouse locations.

- There is a glitch that suddenly causes the construction projects to give money each shift instead of costing money.

- Every time the scene at the marina occurs (after completing construction) the first scene with Huo at Sun Beach will also reoccur.

- The Task List continues to say to meet Scruffy at the restaurant in the afternoon even after completing that task.

Hopefully this is of some help. I look forward to the next update. [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Demo v0.10

Postby Seztworks » Sat, 16Dec17 07:46

Great stuff Kydenn

Very nice feedback. I will go over those at once.
Some of them are fixed but at least a couple needs another go :)

A bunch of the errors are all linked. The repeats of construction done events resets some progress. I must have been really tired to let those stay that way. Will be working as intended for the next release.

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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Demo v0.11

Postby Seztworks » Sat, 16Dec17 08:38

I have uploaded a fix for the work project bug.
The minor changes will wait for the next chapter release, but that was too annoying to ignore.

The save from the Demo will not work on the 0.15 release. Too many needed changes and corrections.
Read my post on the support page for more info.

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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Demo v0.11

Postby Seztworks » Mon, 16Dec26 16:31

Developer Update - "XXXmas" Edition

Hello all
Having survived the first part of the holiday break, it is time to brace for the upcoming headache and throw out the last update of the year.

Progress is very solid on the 0.15 release and a last minute addition is bringing it all together and adding some needed content. It mirrors one of the first non-work tasks in Part 1 and will answer some questions that might be out there about the lore and the world.
That is not what I am going to talk about today, but I would rather focus on the meat of the matter. The naked bodies that also are part of the Himeros experience :)
There will be a bunch of "scenes", as in the first game, each linked to the progression with each main character. This will be the backbone of the erotic content and since there will be slightly more main characters this time around there are a lot of these in the pipeline. Part 1 also had minor stuff like the "internet" and the voyeur content in your room. In the spirit of the holiday I want to give a little extra this time around.
My plan is to expand on those side events in different ways. The "hole in the wall" will be replaced by a slightly more advanced system of repeatable voyeur events that unlock over time. These will take advantage of the players knowledge of the new characters and their rutines.
Since the player already had found everything of value on the internet in the first game, there was no reason to repeat that experience. (at least everything that is within the fetish list of this particular series :)). This "learning" task will be replaced with a series of oneshot (get it...) events that should be more about fun and might not have that much to do with the main story.

I hope this tease can carry you over into the new year and the next release.
Have a safe transition into 2017.
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Demo v0.11

Postby Seztworks » Wed, 17Jan04 00:49

Hello all

Wanted to make a quick status update.
Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 1 has been released to my supporters and in a couple of weeks it can replace the buggy demo for a public release. The first players have completed it and there are not a of lot issues so far. I am pretty happy with the amount of content and it contains a solid base to build the next chapter on. As we move into the first days of 2017, I will start work on Chapter 2 while waiting for any feedback for needed fixes for Chapter 1.
Right now I am not sure what the goal is for the next chapter, but I am sure it will become clear as I get further into development. From a percentage standpoint it would be around 25-30% with Chapter 1 being around 15% of the final content.
One thing is certain. I am not going to be bored in 2017.

Have a nice day all
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 1

Postby Seztworks » Sat, 17Jan14 17:06

Hello all

Added public Chapter 1 link to the front page.
Reminder that saves do not work from the Demo release. Please start a new game.

Any feedback is more then welcome.

Have a nice weekend
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 1

Postby jerenyg » Sun, 17Jan15 13:29

When I work with Alex on the budget. I can work every morning, and I have every morning the same text. I not understand if it's a bug, or if I need to work on it a certain number of time until it's finish.
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 1

Postby Seztworks » Sun, 17Jan15 14:43


It is the same text every time for now. It is a minor repeatable task. As long as it is listed in the task list it is important for unlocks after that point it is only to fill that time slot and earn a slight credit boost.
The repeated text is used in construction projects as well and will most likely be used in every repeatable task with a lot of uses.
In later chapters there might be changes to the budget task to show the progress you have unlocked.

Thanks for the feedback
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 1

Postby totmas » Sun, 17Jan15 16:19

hi! first tell you that i am enjoying the game so far. good work!

maybe that's the stupidiest question ever but, i can't find where the dock is...
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 1

Postby Seztworks » Sun, 17Jan15 16:58


Good to hear you like it.

It is not a stupid question. Some directions on the map are Up or Down. In the case of the Dock it is (d)own from the Helipad.
It should say so in the description for the Helipad, but it can be missed.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 1

Postby yyc » Tue, 17Jan17 13:57

amazing part 2 of one atthe best games i ever played, congratulations and keep going
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 1

Postby Seztworks » Tue, 17Jan17 16:33

Thanks for the kind words.
I am glad to hear that you liked it so far.
I better get back to typing in some more events then :)
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 1

Postby nezumi69 » Tue, 17Jan17 23:13

Went the Nikki path and...

she asked me about the buggy. Asked Alex, she said check with Ivy. Next day I had the cash for it (1500 EC), so I typed in buy buggy (I know I got that correct since it autocompleted buggy into the command), and it said it ordered it. I didn't notice until the next day, when I got the Monday rollover of new EC, that I was still at 'order buggy' in the task list, so I ordered it again (terminal was now not in the list but should have been). Took another 1500 EC hit, and order buggy from Ivy is STILL in the task list.

Waited a couple days, and neither the buggy nor the terminal delivered.
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Re: Himeros Trilogy - Part 2 - Chapter 1

Postby Seztworks » Tue, 17Jan17 23:38

Hiya nezumi69

I will look into that at once. Thanks for the feedback.

Edit: Just checked the code. There is a minor bug in buying that item.
Buying the buggy does indeed buy the terminal instead.
Luckily those two items are not that important in Chapter 1 and the buggy is not implemented in any case.

Uploaded v. 0.15a to the forum link on the frontpage.
Fixes the issue with the two items. You might need to rebuy the item to see an effect. Spoiler below if you had the same issue as Nezumi69.
If you have bought the buggy before the fix it will still count as having bought the terminal. Just so you are not surprised that the terminal shows up some days later :)

Thanks again for the feedback
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