Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby tlaero » Sat, 16Dec17 04:08

crossy wrote:2) Use the click on the image feature with a purpose. For me clicking the screen should only be used when you are doing an action in which the player is interacting with the screen, touching something, kissing, etc. If the player has something to say it should be in the bottom buttons. Where it gets tricky is the narration and "voice in head" ones.
- Turn off the alarm and get up, hold her hand, kiss, etc. (Action == screen click)
- Get ready for work // Continue, Nod??, (Narration == ??)
- You know what could happen (Voice in head == I think these should be buttons down bottom but italicise them or something like Wolf does in BEW)
- "Yeah, but there are two executives in it. I want to make a good impression." (Character talking == buttons)

This is an interesting suggestion. We agree on picture clicks being "do something" and bottom buttons being "say something." The question is what to do with "Continue" and "Voice in your head."

I guess the three choices are
1) Overload the screen click (that's what I've done so far).
2) Overload the bottom button.
3) Introduce another mechanic (like a top button or something).

I don't really like #3, because more buttons means less screen real estate for pictures. I'm not really apposed to 2, though. It was pretty arbitrary that I chose 1 over 2. I could use the convention that things in (parenthesis) aren't said. Or I could start putting quotes around what you say. I'll think about it.

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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby tlaero » Sat, 16Dec17 04:10

moskys wrote:Not sure if there's a reason for this but I notice something a little weird

<Embarrassed> I totally screwed that up. Good catch, Moskys.

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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby tlaero » Sat, 16Dec17 08:09

Jardel, I've got this story arc planned out. I know how many games there will be and who are the characters in each. And I've planned out the major scenes. Nothing is happening by accident. For instance, when I was writing RfJ, I knew what was happening at El Cuerpo as described in both games. I haven't planned out every single detail, mind you. For instance, I didn't work out precisely what the weekend dates would be in FM until I started making the game, but the major plot points are planned.

LIE, thank you for the extensive and reasoned feedback. The game you want to play is "Brad's Erotic Week" by Wolfschadowe. It's not the game I want to make though.

Piritiov, my favorite scene in any of my games is in RfJ when Jess sings at the end. Her singing for Marc while Sarah watches was a close second. Prior to this game, my favorite Mortze picture was the look on Sarah's face in that scene. However, he's outdone himself now. My new favorite Mortze image of all time is in FM:
The close up with Chloe and Miranda when Miranda is thinking about killing her. The look on Miranda's face is OMG perfect.

Caravaggio, I've never had Tortellini Napolitana. Mortze told me what to call it. So, in this case at least, it's more likely to be a Portuguese take on your cuisine than an American one... (-:

Svoben, it's a serious challenge to word things in such a way that it's extremely clear which of the phrases is for which. It can be subtle, and even I sometimes make a mistake here and there when playing my own game. A few things.
1) Fewer choices means less gameplay. I don't think that's the right solution.
2) With a save and restore button right on the screen there, it's pretty easy to save it just before making a choice that's not clear.
3) Because this is subtle and easy to get "wrong," I tuned the requirements to allow you to make a good number of mistakes and still see the sex scenes. Also, to avoid frustration, I didn't do a "get the max score" achievement in this game.

Just Wow.
Talk about unintended consequences. No, the alphabetic relationship was not something I consciously did. I'm super impressed that you came up with it, though, and I love your Lucile theory. No, that is not my intent for the next game, although the suggestion is so cool that I'm half considering doing a game just to make it happen. (Don't worry Mortze, only half considering. :-) Realistically, doing a full game for this would be crazy, but I'm going to see what I can come up with. Maybe there's a short story in there somewhere that I can use to bridge (alphabetically, at least) to the next game.

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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby tlaero » Sat, 16Dec17 08:32

Regarding "Timid" and "Aggressive."

I'm not 100% happy with those words. Originally I called it "Introverted" and "Extroverted." But those were wrong too. It's hard to sum up the situation in a single word, and I hoped the narrative would make it clear where the words couldn't. But some of the feedback suggests that the narrative didn't make it clear enough.

I'll spoiler this, though it's not really much of a spoiler at this point.
No matter what character traits you choose in Lucas, he's neither "timid" nor "aggressive" about sex. He was married. He's had sex before--really good sex even. The "timid" or "aggressive" refers to the way he's distancing himself emotionally from other women so that he doesn't get hurt again. He's not timid about sex. He's timid about falling for someone, so he isn't dating anyone. Not having sex is just a byproduct of not dating. By the end of the first date with Miranda, though, he's decided to take a chance and open himself up to being hurt again. At that point, of course he had sex with her at the first opportunity.

This isn't a game about convincing the reluctant woman to have sex with you. That game is Dreaming with Elsa. This is a game about two sexually experienced adults who are highly attracted to each other. Some of the feedback sounds like you guys want me to keep making DwE over and over again. I'd prefer to tell stories about a variety of different kinds of situations and people.

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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby crossy » Sat, 16Dec17 12:37

tlaero wrote:This isn't a game about convincing the reluctant woman to have sex with you. That game is Dreaming with Elsa. This is a game about two sexually experienced adults who are highly attracted to each other. Some of the feedback sounds like you guys want me to keep making DwE over and over again. I'd prefer to tell stories about a variety of different kinds of situations and people.[/spoiler]


I can't speak for the others but that wasn't my intention/suggestion. For me it was more about Lucas being the reluctant one (when in Timid mode). Even with the backstory which I did get (mainly from the way in which he talked to / interacted with his ex/deceased wife). I guess the main thing I was looking for was more differentiation between the two / multiple paths.
Yes he may have been a sex god in the past, but he has been abstaining, path 1 shows him bringing that side of him back out. Path two he remains the sex god but has forgotten how to love, Miranda gives him something to love again. I think you achieved this in the game text but not as much in the game play (but listen to me trying to make a A+ game better, A+ is pretty freaking good! And seriously what would I know :D)

I am left with two main thoughts.
1) If you were to keep making DwE over and over again I wouldn't complain I love that game :) hehe
2) Ultimately you (and Mortze too) are the awesome ones with oodles of talent. Always do what you guys like / what feels right to you. Don't feel pressured to build your games by committee (but I am pretty sure you guys know this already). Because lets face it, I and a bloody lot of other people are going to love it!
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby Maurice » Sat, 16Dec17 13:33

tlaero wrote:XCooler2,
Just Wow.
Talk about unintended consequences. No, the alphabetic relationship was not something I consciously did. I'm super impressed that you came up with it, though, and I love your Lucile theory. No, that is not my intent for the next game, although the suggestion is so cool that I'm half considering doing a game just to make it happen. (Don't worry Mortze, only half considering. :-) Realistically, doing a full game for this would be crazy, but I'm going to see what I can come up with. Maybe there's a short story in there somewhere that I can use to bridge (alphabetically, at least) to the next game.


Or... ...this one anomaly of a lack of alphabetic relationship could serve as a clue for another easter egg in the Elsaverse...

I'm mentioning the following because I don't know if Tlaera checks private messages sent to her here on the lagoon.

As a form of thank you I sent Tlaera a PM with the thoughts I had whilst playing the game for the first time.
I hope this will provide some additional insight in what goes through one of her players mind. Especially in addition to the more common conclusions based off what went through one of her players mind during and after the game (commonly referred to as feedback).

Thanks for the game. I am looking forward to delving deeper in the Elsaverse.
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby montybet » Sat, 16Dec17 16:04

Great work Tlaero and Mortze [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] .
Idk if you have already answer this, sorry, but there are a lot of comments:
After knowing Chloe was the mole something came to my mind... is everything being planned by Xara?
I mean, did she directed Chloe to stole Elsa's book and, when failed, contacted and alied with Elsa?
We already know she directed the riots at Jessika's concert to reinforce Chloe's cover I think, where she able to harm Jessika just because of that?
And did she betray Chloe in, whatever they planned to do at El Cuerpo to acomplish... whatever she's up to?
EDIT: and the one behind the bomb in RfJ ending, was Chloe's father... or Xara, to convince Miranda to join?
I mean, she might have good intentions, but damn, she's ruthless.
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby Dasati » Sat, 16Dec17 17:32

montybet wrote:Great work Tlaero and Mortze [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] .
Idk if you have already answer this, sorry, but there are a lot of comments:
After knowing Chloe was the mole something came to my mind... is everything being planned by Xara?
I mean, did she directed Chloe to stole Elsa's book and, when failed, contacted and alied with Elsa?
We already know she directed the riots at Jessika's concert to reinforce Chloe's cover I think, where she able to harm Jessika just because of that?
And did she betray Chloe in, whatever they planned to do at El Cuerpo to acomplish... whatever she's up to?
EDIT: and the one behind the bomb in RfJ ending, was Chloe's father... or Xara, to convince Miranda to join?
I mean, she might have good intentions, but damn, she's ruthless.

I think you've gotten a bit mixed up.

The way I understand it, Chloe's father is the big bad, he's the one who instructed Chloe to steal the book, he's the one who got Charles (who i'm assuming is his son/Chloe's brother based on dialogue in the bonus scene for FM) to mess with Jessika and start the riot, then instructed Chloe to keep Marc away from Jessika. Xara used to work for him until she realised how evil and ruthless he was, so she now opposes him. She got Miranda's help to stop Chloe from harming/interfering with Marc and Jessika and it's clear from the end credits scene in all three game's that Xara has recruited Elsa, Jessika and Miranda to help her oppose him. In short as it stands Xara = good, Chloe's dad = bad.

If I've misunderstood anything above someone feel free to correct me.
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby JFR » Sat, 16Dec17 18:40

Dasati wrote:... If I've misunderstood anything above someone feel free to correct me.

I was going to write virtually the same response to montybet. Since you did, I don't need to write it so I'll just say that I agree with your assessment completely. [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby FedoraMan » Sat, 16Dec17 18:44

Tlaero and Mortze, excellent work both. Another very enjoyable game, and it was a lot of fun to start to see the plots coming together and the more explicit tie-ins with DwE and RfJ. Honestly, I'd probably be just as intrigued reading a straight-up visual novel about the world and story you two are creating, sexytimes or no! I'm excited to see where it goes; I'm always looking for new inspiration/things to blatantly steal for the tabletop RPG games I run. :p

I don't know how you two collaborate on character designs, so I'll continue to credit this to both of you. This is mainly a matter of personal taste, but I really appreciated a female character with some realistic pubic hair. It's not that it's a particular fetish of mine, but I don't think I'd realized just how ubiquitous it was for female characters to either be completely shaven or have unrealistically precise landing strips that look like they've been trimmed with a laser. I particularly appreciated the fact that Miranda was clearly sexually experienced - it seems like untrimmed pubic hair has become visual shorthand for "sexually inexperienced", and I always enjoy seeing subversions of cliché.

Keep up the great work, both, and I'm very much looking forward to Pandora part II!
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby montybet » Sat, 16Dec17 19:35

Dasati wrote:
montybet wrote:Great work Tlaero and Mortze [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img] .
Idk if you have already answer this, sorry, but there are a lot of comments:
After knowing Chloe was the mole something came to my mind... is everything being planned by Xara?
I mean, did she directed Chloe to stole Elsa's book and, when failed, contacted and alied with Elsa?
We already know she directed the riots at Jessika's concert to reinforce Chloe's cover I think, where she able to harm Jessika just because of that?
And did she betray Chloe in, whatever they planned to do at El Cuerpo to acomplish... whatever she's up to?
EDIT: and the one behind the bomb in RfJ ending, was Chloe's father... or Xara, to convince Miranda to join?
I mean, she might have good intentions, but damn, she's ruthless.

I think you've gotten a bit mixed up.

The way I understand it, Chloe's father is the big bad, he's the one who instructed Chloe to steal the book, he's the one who got Charles (who i'm assuming is his son/Chloe's brother based on dialogue in the bonus scene for FM) to mess with Jessika and start the riot, then instructed Chloe to keep Marc away from Jessika. Xara used to work for him until she realised how evil and ruthless he was, so she now opposes him. She got Miranda's help to stop Chloe from harming/interfering with Marc and Jessika and it's clear from the end credits scene in all three game's that Xara has recruited Elsa, Jessika and Miranda to help her oppose him. In short as it stands Xara = good, Chloe's dad = bad.

If I've misunderstood anything above someone feel free to correct me.

Perhaps I misread the bonus scene, but...
as I understood it, Chloe contacted Xara to tell her she could not be her mole anymore, as his father stopped trusting her.
In other words, some questionable things might have been planed by Xara, to keep Chloe's cover as her mole and to make things happen, althoug Chloe's dad means evil, and Xara has good intentions, she might have risked many characters well being.
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby JFR » Sat, 16Dec17 20:27

montybet wrote:... Perhaps I misread the bonus scene, but...
as I understood it, Chloe contacted Xara to tell her she could not be her mole anymore, as his father stopped trusting her.
In other words, some questionable things might have been planed by Xara, to keep Chloe's cover as her mole and to make things happen, althoug Chloe's dad means evil, and Xara has good intentions, she might have risked many characters well being.

Again, I don't think you are seeing it the same way we are. Perhaps you haven't seen either the bonus scenes or the Royal Guard short story but I don't think Chloe decided she cannot be Xara's mole any longer because Xara was doing anything bad. I think Chloe was Xara's source of information inside Morland's organization but cannot do that anymore because he has found out about her. She has been badly injured by him or his assassin and managed to get away alive but is in hiding. He no longer trusts her and may be looking to kill her if she is found.

Tlaero may not appreciate this comparison but I see a strong parallel in these stories to the "Star Wars" universe. Morland is equivalent to the Chancellor of the Republic and in the beginning has the loyalty of the security forces (his army) and the elite Jedi (his Royal Guard.) He turned evil and seized power, leaving his Republic security forces (his army) to die and betrayed the Jedi (the Royal Guard,) all of whom were killed except a few Jedi Masters (Xara, the last Royal Guard, who was blinded by his evil assassin.) Now, the Rebellion has the last Jedi, Luke and the untrained Leia, to fight against the Chancellor who has made himself Emperor. In this story, the last Royal Guard (Xara) is organizing some rebels to help her fight against the evil Emperor (Morland) in an effort to undo the evil he has done.

With all that, I see Xara as the "good guy" trying to fight against the "bad guy" Morland. Chloe was working for Morland but had a change of heart and has been passing information to Xara anonymously. She is now on the run and cannot help Xara any longer. I don't see Xara as being "bad" except that she worked for Morland before she was betrayed. She didn't know he was evil until too late.

In "Royal Guard," Elsa lists out a bunch of scenarios in which she saw dreams of Xara being betrayed by Morland and Crow. Most are adventurous stories but one is where she is a corporate lawyer and he is the CEO. I suspect that is close to reality. Xara was betrayed, saw that he is really evil and that she had been duped into working for him. Now she is working against him in a effort to atone and correct her previous mistakes.

Just my humble opinion. :D
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby pipboy » Sat, 16Dec17 21:37

This is another masterpiece done by you, Tlaero and Mortze.. Even if there were no sex scenes and eroticism at all, I would still play it because of the story. I played in only one time because it was a tiring day for me today but definetely will play next days to discover all possibilities. The writing is amazing, plot is very interesting and and I enjoyed it a lot, and those graphics.. Mortze you really are a great artist in Daz3D, the colors, angles, expressions, positions.. I find everything perfect about this game. The universe got me into it a lot too, I can't wait for the sequels if there will be any. Thank you two for this beautiful game!
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby robr » Sat, 16Dec17 23:31

I am really enjoying this game. The only problem I am having is saving the achievements. I've played thru the game once and found 3 achievements and they were showing on the achievement "scoreboard". It was late, so I turned my computer off and went to bed. Today, when I was able to find time to play the game again, I found out that my 3 achievements were no longer shown on the "scoreboard". What did I do wrong or what didn't I do to save these achievements? I didn't have any problems with saving the achievements while playing DwE or RfJ. I hope I don't have to try to get all 12 achievements in 1 sitting because I really don't have the time to do that. Thank you for any help you can give me.
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby JFR » Sat, 16Dec17 23:38

robr wrote:I am really enjoying this game. The only problem I am having is saving the achievements. I've played thru the game once and found 3 achievements and they were showing on the achievement "scoreboard". It was late, so I turned my computer off and went to bed. Today, when I was able to find time to play the game again, I found out that my 3 achievements were no longer shown on the "scoreboard". What did I do wrong or what didn't I do to save these achievements? I didn't have any problems with saving the achievements while playing DwE or RfJ. I hope I don't have to try to get all 12 achievements in 1 sitting because I really don't have the time to do that. Thank you for any help you can give me.

Just a guess but when you said you turned off your computer, did you actually close the game first or just shut down with the game still open?

My experience has been that achievements are always "saved" by the game and should still be there when starting the game up on another day. You do not have to earn all of the achievements in one go.

I suspect they are saved to the master data file when the game is closed but am not certain. If that is not it, I'll have to defer to tlaero, who programmed the game. She comes on here frequently.
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