Finding Miranda (En, Sp, Fr, It, Ge)

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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby Amirne Mallar » Thu, 16Dec15 09:07

I was going to wait to Christmas out of respect before commenting the game. On the spoiler-free things, I loved (hated) the new system that avoids using numbered webpages. Now you can't easily skip to bonus content if not a programmer.

About the inverse Bechdel issue: totally false. I concede the ' I have only eyes for Miranda' meeting scene is somewhat forced, more so if a womanizer. Maybe there can be more places were men are not discussing women. But there are. In THIS kind of game. Case rested.

About Miranda superpower, I think it is in fact realistic that she SEEMS a master in almost anything. In fact, her not doing so well skating made me feel she was faking it for Lucas benefit.

Miranda does not master anything. She sees a sword. By length and composition, she assumes its weight. She would find obvious that if not gripping it firmly, the vibration of a successful parry would hurt her hand. Not knowing fencing, and not being experienced or accustomed to such weight, she would conclude she would do better deflecting than parrying. Studying her opponent stances she could understand the reason after each one, and the ones more effective for her. She may even win her first ever sword fight. The same way Muad'dib knows how to properly adjust his stillsuit.

Having extra hours to practice helps, but in fact she does not even need those to SEEM to know almost anything.

Another example: she may have not known anything about programming, but looking at code would make her understand the principles of the language being used, then read again to understand what the code does, notice the inconsistency and then extrapolate the same syntax she has already seen to make a pseudo-program or even a real program to show the inconsistency.
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby xCooLer2 » Thu, 16Dec15 11:12

tlaero wrote:Speculation on upcoming games

I'm enjoying the speculation you folks are doing. By all means keep it up. I certainly know what the next Tora game will be, and Mortze knows too, but we're not sharing. (-:


Ok, so one more post about this:

1) I think the scene in the food court is a little bit strange .... will not be surprised to see it in next games from different angle
2) My guess is that next male character is going to be called "Ken" or something like this

And finally:
When I read that the bonus scene was NOT going to contain sex my mind went to "Royal guard" and it's lack of sex.

I thought it was a sign of author being uncomfortable with sex in the story she wants to told.
I thought more and more she was going to told us a sort of sci-fi novel that more and more has nothing to do with eroting game world
I thought we will need to put our hopes in Mortze that will always find a way to insert sex scenes in the novel [img]images/icones/icon15.gif[/img]

Then ... yesterday evening I unlocked the bonus scene ....

Ah ...
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby Jack_Smythe » Thu, 16Dec15 12:05

Hats off to the latest installment of your universe!

Tlaero - I think this installment's game play shows a more matured (as in growth) style of game design. The elements you added to the game accomplished both the freedom and replayability by allowing the player to uncover more and more gems throughout their play. The Stan Lee style cameos you threw in were a great Easter Egg! The story was well written, felt natural and flushed out. I also believe there was far more plot development in this game between erotic moments that helped bring the characters to life more which I enjoyed. I loved the fact you got to choose the character's background which adds a role play element to the game as well as creating another point where the player is required to replay in order to discover the whole story.

Mortze - Your visuals were stunning! I cherished the extra time you took with IRay to render those images and I have to say that the game was really enhanced by not only the more life-like rendered quality but your posing and expressions of the models used. Everything felt right and natural to the scene. There is more to art than just putting a model in a scene and rendering it. There is also the ability to translate the emotion and energy in a story and bring it out in a visual way within a scene through posing and facial expression, much like a director and their actors. There were some great nuanced poses in the visuals that lent themselves to the story being told rather than detracted from them. I remember Tlaero stating one of the reasons she liked Elsa so much was that she wasn't the typical V4 with huge breasts and you impressed her with facial expressions and you continue to uphold that in each game you make or collaborate in (Gates Opening as well). In all those regards, you did brilliantly!

You two as a team are a force to be reckoned with! I cannot wait to see Pandora 2 when it comes out!

Lastly, I'm only placing this here in case you guys are looking for feedback. The only suggestion or comment I have is that even though this is an erotic game, it seemed almost everyone was too still amazingly attractive, and the models were maybe not as "average" as they could have been. Don't get me wrong, Miranda and Elsa are super hot to look at, but I almost feel like because of the great story and how well the characters were written, that they could be less physically stunning and possibly become even more attractive, if that makes sense.
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Re: Finding Miranda

Postby Jack_Smythe » Thu, 16Dec15 12:28

tlaero wrote:Finding Miranda on file sharing sites

This tears me up. I'm going to give away the game for free in 11 days. But despite the fact that I spent the majority of my free time for the better part of a year making this game, people have so little respect for me that they've already uploaded it to multiple sites. Make no mistake. This does NOT help me. It makes my life worse. What happens if someone finds a bug and I fix it? What happens when I release the Italian and French versions? How do I track how FM is doing compared to DwE and RfJ? How do I know that the pirate versions haven't been modified?

I know the "information should be free" people exist. Those people can rot in hell. It is not unreasonable for me to ask people to keep their privileged early copies to themselves for fourteen bloody days.

Let me be very clear about this. People uploading my stuff against my wishes is the action that is going to make me stop making stuff.


Unfortunately, pirating and file sharing have been going on since the days of BBS and 300 baud modems. I think though you may find a silver lining in that pirates/file sharers usually (a vast majority of the time) only put forth effort to pirate/post games and files that are WORTH the time and effort to post! That being said, from another point of view, the game you and Mortze created is one worthy of being pirated, much like a gold laden Spanish treasure galleon on the high seas! [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]

Second, I've read a number of comments about the lack of build up before seeing Miranda naked. I didn't get this so much when I played through. I think you made it pretty clear that she's been highly attracted to and has wanted Lucas for quite awhile now, so when she gets the chance to be with him, she wouldn't necessarily hesitate too long and that is believable. Besides, the way she is as a person would have helped her decide whether he would be a problem or not, relationship wise.

I actually found your choices in erotic progression refreshing over some of the vastly overused photo shoots people have tended to rely on. I'm surprised the Lagoon isn't full of amateur photographers hoping to score yet! Maybe it is... [img]images/icones/icon14.gif[/img] Tellin' ya, if there is one thing that has been swiped from ArianeB it is the erotic photo shoot scene. It's kind of like seeing the same plots mechanisms over and over again in average Hollywood movies. So, I thank you for not relying on a photo shoot to get a woman's or man's clothes off! [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img] :)
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby SimonO » Thu, 16Dec15 14:54

Thank you Tlaero and Mortze.

Tlaero, I have been playing your games for a few years and your work just gets better and better. You have this fantastic gift for story-telling that pulls me in, shakes me up and leaves me wanting more. I am a fan of the more emotional side of a story and you just execute it so well. I have really loved the latest trilogy and am looking forward to the next stage.

Mortze, your art is the best in this genre. Realism, emotion and beauty collide. And you capture Tlaero's words so well in your art. Simply beautiful.

As to this game? Miranda's gifts, the story progression, Lucas's personality . .all believable (as a science fiction-esque story could be) and very engaging. My favorite character has always been Elsa (Simon has a soft spot for the nerd girl . . . ) but Miranda and Jess are right up there too.

I personally really appreciate the crazy amounts of time, effort and creative juices you have poured into your work. This wasn't a weekend thing. . something you do between recycling and grabbing some groceries. This was a a labor of love that required sacrifice on both of your parts.

I even created this account after being a lurker for years just to write this. :) Thank you very much for sharing your fantasies with us.

Now back to playing a second run-through . . .
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby Chaotic_VDG » Thu, 16Dec15 15:59

A few people responding to to my comments on Miranda being 'too amazing', so I just want to clarify my stance a little.

It's not that it makes no sense, - given the history of the character it arguably does. It's not that I feel she is necessarily amazing at everything she does either (for things like the painting, basketball or motorbike repair, we don't spend enough time seeing her doing it to know). It's more that's she's 'amazing' just by having an unnecessary and forced amount of character traits in in order to make her more interesting.

She's like the kid at school who joins every single club they can because they think it will make them more popular, but instead everyone just thinks they're annoying and trying too hard. I just feel like by giving her too many character traits, hobbies and interests,
you've actually made her a little less interesting, rather than more interesting (disclaimer - yes, I was indeed that kid at school).

Also, just so people don't focus too much on my two negative points, I just want to reiterate that I still enjoyed the game. :)

A few extra questions :

- Was the original intention to have more animations for the ending? I found it a little odd that there weren't any, but made the assumption that you many have changed them to still images as a compromise to get it released before Christmas. Am I right?
- I'm curious who's the butt person on the team. It seems to be a running joke now that the players all stare at other characters butt's whenever they can. :)
- Is your other running joke about the burlap sack int his one too? I can't remember seeing it, but I may have missed it.
- Have you considered doing a evaluation on this? I did one for Betsy listing which parts of the game I feel worked and which ones didn't and found it helped me get a little perspective on my work.
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Re: Finding Miranda

Postby Sarchx » Thu, 16Dec15 17:10

tlaero wrote:Finding Miranda on file sharing sites

This tears me up. I'm going to give away the game for free in 11 days. But despite the fact that I spent the majority of my free time for the better part of a year making this game, people have so little respect for me that they've already uploaded it to multiple sites. Make no mistake. This does NOT help me. It makes my life worse. What happens if someone finds a bug and I fix it? What happens when I release the Italian and French versions? How do I track how FM is doing compared to DwE and RfJ? How do I know that the pirate versions haven't been modified?

I know the "information should be free" people exist. Those people can rot in hell. It is not unreasonable for me to ask people to keep their privileged early copies to themselves for fourteen bloody days.

Let me be very clear about this. People uploading my stuff against my wishes is the action that is going to make me stop making stuff.


While I agree with you, that it's ridiculos, I think you should have expected it to happen.
Even if you gave the game away for free from day 1, I think you'd still find it on file sharing sites, because it's easy to do and has no consequences to the person doing it.

Take it as a compliment, because there is really nothing else to do about it.
The "Information should be free" argument can't be applied because it would be exactly that, within a couple of weeks.
I think it's the "get likes" people instead.

I know you probably weren't really looking for solutions, but were venting your frustrations - nevertheless:
My suggestion would be (and I have no idea if it's are even feasible):
Use Mortze's model of having it run online - but add a password (maybe username/password) and mail/message it to the p.atreons (Update it daily, if you get more logins than you have p.atreons). That would atleast make it more difficult to share for a while. Then release it publicly as a file, when the privileged time is over, and remove the "play online version".
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby GingkoBiloba » Thu, 16Dec15 17:11

I completed the game 2 times and in both of them i didn't saw any sex scene which was rather disappointing, scrubbing on player's face that he needs a certain amount of points to see the sex scenes and skipping forward sounded to me like a dirty trick to avoid creating more sub-branches to the story.
Since i didn't found the overall story that appealing i won't be playing it a 3rd time. Playing an adult game all the way to the end without seeing sex would be like going to watch a horror movie and not having any scare at all.
Anyway it's a free game and i truly recognize a lot of effort was put into making this game, and i appreciate that, but for me unfortunately was a disappointment.
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby neon » Thu, 16Dec15 17:33

So I have to be honest, this is probably my least favorite game in your series so far (not to say I disliked it or anything, just thought DwE and RFJ were better).

My main issues:

I tend to agree with Chaotic's appraisal of Miranda's character--I think she is too "amazing" at too many different things, and even if I take your point about why that is (that she had so much free time due to not sleeping), I still think this isn't a particularly interesting primary character trait compared to Elsa/Jessica. Overall, I think Miranda was my biggest issue with the story due to characterization for this reason and for other decisions made with her that connect to this core identity. I liked the player character (sorry, can't remember his name right now) and I do think he's the best one you've done so far, I was very interested to learn a bit more about the overarching plot and have some more pieces link together, and I'm definitely interested in where it goes next. I do think the overall plot was kind of messy though, and I preferred the build-up of the other games more as this one quickly got into the sexual content, but that is not necessarily a fault, just personal preference. Although I do feel, given how sexual openness was a part of Jessica's identity, that it was weird that we got sexually involved with Miranda faster.

Although that kind of leads into my next issue: the need to do 4 playthroughs. I wasn't a really big fan of the branching at the beginning that was done in DwE, so doubling the amount of branching here was definitely not something I really liked (haven't done all 4 yet, so haven't seen bonus scene yet), especially when I assume the overarching plot is overall mostly linear just like in DwE, with the main changes being which of the 4 dates you choose and which choices are give points for your personality type. I would have just preferred the effort put into these variations were instead put into making the game kind of a single (mostly) linear story; I'd rather have one playthrough with 4 dates than 4 playthroughs with 1 date.

I'll definitely get around to finishing all of them eventually but given that I wasn't as big of a fan of this game overall, I'm in no rush to play through the game a few more times right now. I'm also assuming (based on the mention that the bonus scene has no sexual content) that it's some other story element that kind of builds on the ending and leads into the next game that is locked behind the achievements, which I'm not really a fan of either, assuming that's true.
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby Amirne Mallar » Thu, 16Dec15 18:02

GingkoBiloba, Elsaverse games require a minimum of role-playing, as you should know already if played DwE and RfJ before as strongly suggested at the start of the game. The trick to get points is to stay in character. If you choose a certain scenario, don't play the other.

I found the story quite satisfying, hot and of replay value. Miranda is all about no nonsense, direct approach. I even laughed my ass off in this scene:
"Do you expect me to talk?".

You found awkward to laugh in a porn game? I found it strange, but nice. Nobody says sex is about seriousness. I even enjoyed Mortze being escorted, Hefner style, by two halves of the same Chloe. Stormtroopers are sexy, you know?

Expanding what I said about Miranda earlier, I have no issues with her getting naked fast. The challenge in this game is not a girl already infatuated with you as much as being worth of that faith while redeeming yourself and exploring all possible sex scenarios. She may feel as a mix between Christine and Keisha, but is neither. Certainly not as psycho as Christine, not as highly qualified as Keisha and deeper than both.

Also, I concur with Chaotic in observation but not in conclusion that she is trying hard. To be human. Any kind of. She is constantly roleplaying, she even misguides Mark to make him believe she has awesome supernatural prescient abilities (and thus better accepting Jessica's own power). The real Miranda appears when she is not trying hard to be everything else. And she is not that strong.
Last edited by Amirne Mallar on Thu, 16Dec15 19:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby Skelaturi » Thu, 16Dec15 18:25

tlaero wrote:Okay, Christmas is coming a bit early this year. I've decided to release the game now. It's available to everyone at this link.

If you're ever on a site that points to some other place to get it, please point them to this link instead. Those sites are blood sucking parasites, and they should be squished.

However, Leo has my full permission and blessing to put FM on PlayForceOne. He's legit.


sad and happy. Happy it's released, sad that you basically felt forced on releasing it, because of piracy.
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby JFR » Thu, 16Dec15 18:42

I simply cannot understand how anyone could "play all the way through" this game and not see any sexual content. That just seems impossible to me. I can only presume such a player made every possible wrong choice and/or missed the hidden choices. :??:
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby DarthMelkor » Thu, 16Dec15 20:36

First of all, thank you tlaero and mortze.

You two are my absolute favorite game developers and this one is another amazing work from you so kudos. Just completed it once and loved it immensely. Miranda is my favorite lady now [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]

I am happy to be playing this game, but also a bit sad that you had to change your plans to release it. That being said, a few comments -

1. I love the story being revealed bit by bit and pieces moving into place.

2. Mortze is amazing and everyone looks and feel so good. A lot of LOP games have great looking girls, but somehow they make this idiotic mistake of keeping their hair/makeup same in every scene. That makes it hilarious when you see a rich girl attending opera or getting married in ponytails for example. Mortze excels here because his characters are always dressed and made up as per the situation. I loved Miranda's dress & look in first date in restaurant.

3. iRay is definitely something you should use in pandora2.

4. Who're the 2 ladies on mortze's arms when he's entering the concert?

One playthrough, and I've barely scratched the surface. More thoughts, after playing it a bit more.
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby Mortze » Thu, 16Dec15 20:49

DarthMelkor wrote:4. Who're the 2 ladies on mortze's arms when he's entering the concert?

Dude, you're asking too much questions.
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Re: Finding Miranda (publicly released)

Postby moskys » Thu, 16Dec15 22:20

Well, you guys totally ruined my afternoon and it seems you'd ruin my evening too and maybe a slight part of the night as well
Fortunately I need to sleep some hours - as Dasati rightly pointed out, a regular person who can't sleep for about 10 days or so in a row doesn't go insane, but die. I know this is a fantasy universe and all, but this illness looked like an important issue to me, not just a 'weird, I have headaches and pain but let's look what I'm able to do with all this spare time'... But minor point after all.
. Shame on you, pirates. I can't really understand this behaviour (all right, I do can, but I hate it, especially when it hurts the authors not just economically -not sure that's exactly the case- but also sentimentally).

I really appreciate the efforts made by Tlaero to release an actual game, and not just a story. It's always about choosing the right lines but at least we have these couple of choices at the beginning that set different scenarios, so later I feel more challenged than in previous games, trying to stay consistent with that decisions. Maybe it's just a personal feeling, but I wanted to remark it because I know Tlaero were somehow worried about this issue. I also recognize some other topics she asked in this forum while developing the game so I'm glad to see she really tried to adapt her ideas to the feedback we gave her. After all, she has a story to tell and just try to make it interesting and enjoyable (and playable) for us, and I believe she succeeds more than fails.

Personally, I have to say that, talking about RfJ, Tlaero assured me we would understand why the bads didn't just kill Jess, and although we haven't seen the whole picture, at least we can say 'if they thought killing her would have be more troubling, that's OK, but we really need morer info about it' ;)
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