What would you want from a 3D game?

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Re: What would you want from a 3D game?

Postby Chaotic_VDG » Mon, 16Nov21 10:34

Thank you everyone for the feedback.

Are there any specific opinions on the idea of customizing your date's name, look and personality? Is this appealing at all, would everyone just prefer a selection of preset characters to pick from?
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Re: What would you want from a 3D game?

Postby Mortze » Mon, 16Nov21 13:58

Chaotic_VDG wrote:Are there any specific opinions on the idea of customizing your date's name, look and personality? Is this appealing at all, would everyone just prefer a selection of preset characters to pick from?

I can't imagine the complexity that involves in terms of code, text and renders...
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Re: What would you want from a 3D game?

Postby TheGreatJoeGargery » Mon, 16Nov21 14:31

Mortze wrote:
Chaotic_VDG wrote:Are there any specific opinions on the idea of customizing your date's name, look and personality? Is this appealing at all, would everyone just prefer a selection of preset characters to pick from?

I can't imagine the complexity that involves in terms of code, text and renders...

From a player's perspective I think it would get old fast having that much control over the girl. You'll lose a lot of the sense of discovery, although I can see the appeal of this to some who have a specific body type that they have in mind that they want to see in games, especially if that body type is typically underrepresented. For example I find that petite builds tend to be underrepresented because it makes the girl look very young, possibly underage. If I were a petite woman over 18 I'd start to get a bit of a complex playing these games. I'd be thinking "why can't I be considered sexy too?"
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Re: What would you want from a 3D game?

Postby TheGreatJoeGargery » Mon, 16Nov21 14:34

muttdoggy wrote:What if you combined a few elements from your suggestions?
Staff the world with your regular characters like Maddison, Rachel, Crystal, etc and they've all got jobs in their areas? Like Crystal's a lifeguard at the pool, Maddison's at the photography studio, etc? With all that set and most or all of your characters are working in their respective places, the world is done! I would make each story about 2 or 3 girls for more replay value.
My thought is one of 2 things.. Now I don't know about patching unity or how that's done but what about an episodic development where the first and main release is one or 2 characters who have fleshed out dates with a possibility of threesomes? Then we could "patch in" the new character storylines as they are developed and release those as patches. Eventually, the final patch would include a pool party and orgy. That would end up as a final game where you can pick any girl you want for some dates that might include another girl and if you get all the achievements, a "pool party" date-orgy can be unlocked.
Or my other idea is (since we've already got the base characters and locations done) we could do it similar to what you're doing now with HTML. The first episode could focus on 2 or 3 characters. Then the next game (re-using the template of locations and girls) would focus on a different set of ladies since all you have to do is program the storylines so it could come out quickly. And so on until you've got all the girls done. The finish the series with a "pool party" deal!
This is just something I thought would work and be different yet feel familiar. Kinda like the best of both worlds deal.

I'm liking pretty much all of this.
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Re: What would you want from a 3D game?

Postby dauner » Mon, 16Nov21 15:46

I'm indifferent about creating own girls. Sounds like a lot of work for minimal outcome.
You have many old characters (Rachel, Crystal, Maddisson etc.) and new ones (April, Violet) with a good range of body-types and personalities, so mostly everybody already has a favourite. And you can add new ones on your own, who will fit in your universe.

But since the biggest variable in all of your games is who will be the person playing it it is more important that you can create your own player character, be it male or female etc. Especially if you give us the option to go out of POV.
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Re: What would you want from a 3D game?

Postby _Inerfa » Mon, 16Nov21 16:04

Hi Chaotic,

I have a lot of similair questions myself and actually registered just now to ask the people here what their preferences are.
If you do choose to use a specific platform, I would look into the added benefits opposed to your previous development platform.

In my opinion custom character creation is definately one of those, as this is something that is much harder to pull off with pre-rendered graphics (at least compared to real-time rendering).

Good luck with your project!
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Re: What would you want from a 3D game?

Postby Vitu » Mon, 16Nov21 19:41

"There are eight million stories in the naked city. This has been one of them."

What if there was a whole Chaotic City populated by x-number of characters - the player being one of them - that can interact with each other, but as in real life, the paths/stories that lead to something are the ones you must find in the city.
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Re: What would you want from a 3D game?

Postby muttdoggy » Tue, 16Nov22 02:33

Chaotic_VDG wrote:Thank you everyone for the feedback.

Are there any specific opinions on the idea of customizing your date's name, look and personality? Is this appealing at all, would everyone just prefer a selection of preset characters to pick from?

Definitely preset girls. Just pick a mystery girl like one of your regular gals or maybe a new set of ladies. I'd like to try to find out things about them. It's part of the fun we have playing your games is figuring out what buttons make the girls turn "on".
I'd say we should be able to choose only 3 things... our protagonist's job and/or set of traits which affects how receptive the girls are to him, which lady to date, and the outcome we deserve. Less programming headaches... more ladies to chase! :lol:
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Re: What would you want from a 3D game?

Postby TheGreatJoeGargery » Tue, 16Nov22 14:59

Chaotic_VDG wrote: My initial plan was to basically aim for a 3D version of Maddison, though not necessarily with that character. You'd meet your date, then visit various locations, take her back to your place if she likes you enough, etc etc. There's a couple of problems with this though. a) I've done it before, but b), and more importantly to me, I've done it before in my 2D games. If it's just going to deliver that, why bother making a 3D game at all? It has to be worth the effort of making it with Unity.

I think the effort of making the game in unity is that it can free you from the one date limit that many 2D games have. To expand on a point I made before, you could have the first date be very hard to have sex. The way to do this is to put a small window where if you don't score enough "points" (or whatever other metric you use to define how successful the game is) she doesn't like you enough to have sex with you, but if you score too many points then she likes you too much and wants to hold off on sex so she doesn't risk losing your interest right away after the first date. This narrow window can get a bit larger if the girl is more adventurous or smaller if she is shy. This way getting her to have sex with you isn't about maximizing you points but being strategic in your point selection. Basically on the first date the difficulty is set to hard and on each successive date it gets easier. If you don't get laid by the third date then she's just not that into you and she doesn't return your calls after that. There could also be different sex scenes available depending on which date you do manage to score. If you score on the first date the girl may be more experimental because she doesn't see you as long term relationship material and you're just a fling she is having some fun with so she is willing to do more things, or the opposite may be true and she may be more reserved because that trust hasn't been established yet and more sexual acts may be available if you wait a bit. That would depend on the personality of the girl and affect your strategy on how you approach the dates.

Instead of the point system a variation of the Date Arianne game mechanics could be used as well. In that game you have four separate meters, Smart, Sexy, Funny and Nice. Certain dialogue choices gave you one point in each of these categories. You could get slightly different results by choosing to fill up one meter over another. If you filled up a meter too much though the date would end. Too sexy and she thinks all you want is to get in her pants, too funny and she feels she's not being taken seriously, too smart and she thinks you're pretentious and if you're too nice you get friendzoned. You could modify tolerances based on the tolerances of the personality of the girl. One girl may like funny men, another may like smarter men. Also what happens on the date may change if you decide to focus on one trait over another.

In short you're now playing the long game instead of the short game on the date. Is it better to hold off on sex for later or go for sex on the first date? That's going to depend on the personality of the girl and will change from girl to girl. It adds further complexity to the game and is a general advancement of the dating simulation game.

The open world also means your perspective isn't as forced so you can better hide things in the world (instead of using the pixel hunt method to hide things). You could find a romance novel under the couch in her apartment to give you an idea of her sexual tastes. Before a date you may be on your computer at your home and happen to stumble upon her dating profile. Someone else you talk to in the world may know your date and can give you helpful (or inaccurate and non helpful) advice. Having that option to move around your environment and check things out creates a lot more options for conveying information to the player. You can hide clues to a girls personality in much less obvious ways making exploration of the environment rewarding for the players.
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Re: What would you want from a 3D game?

Postby cj1015 » Fri, 16Nov25 01:09

My thought is perhaps you could put in a good and evil system...
That is the main character whomever... Can use Charm...Wit or Strength to get into bed with these women.

Also maybe influence?

Drugs/ Alcohol?

Have a home base depending on which path you take or make them all available.
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Re: What would you want from a 3D game?

Postby TheGreatJoeGargery » Sat, 16Nov26 14:14

cj1015 wrote:My thought is perhaps you could put in a good and evil system...
That is the main character whomever... Can use Charm...Wit or Strength to get into bed with these women.

Also maybe influence?

Drugs/ Alcohol?

Have a home base depending on which path you take or make them all available.

By strength I am assuming you mean strength of will (such as having a dominant personality) rather than physical strength. Also I'm not sure what the difference between charm and wit is. I think by charm you mean that you're more of a smooth talker and wit means that you're more funny and a comedian but please correct me if I'm wrong.

I think the game Wife Trainer at the Hypnotics Collective has a mechanic like what you're looking for. You have to erode the resistance of a girl through choices you make before you can affect their personality, but you can also affect their personality in different ways for different results. The girls all have attributes like Sense of Self, Desire, Submission and Resistance. You have to erode the resistance no matter what to be able to make significant gains. Then you can chose to build a girl's sense of self (or not to build it), their desire for you or their submission. Building some attributes over others will give you different results and sometimes not building attributes is preferable to building attributes. That game also has a home base but you decorate it by your personality type instead of having a different home base for each personality. If you have a bedroom full of sexual items (silk sheets, ceiling mirrors, scented candles etc.) you get bonuses to seduction while if you turn your basement into a S&M Dungeon you have advantages to being more dominant.

Another game with more "evil" content are the games by Selectacorp, specifically the Corporate Raider games. Typically the game is finding out information through nefarious means and using it against your female coworkers to gain advantages.

I have a love/hate relationship with both these games. The content is very misogynous which I usually don't like but I find the game mechanics very entertaining. Wife Trainer is particularly challenging which I find fun.
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