Envying Celina

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Re: Envying Celina

Postby tlaero » Sun, 16Nov20 18:59

I played version 1.2. I'm not sure if some of the technical issues were fixed in 1.3.

I like that the POV character is a woman, and I really like that she's black. It's very cool to see people pushing the boundaries here. I also very much like the tension with your character wanting something she can't have and trying to decide between her long time friend and her desires. It's also very cool that there are very real differences in outcomes depending on how you play. You can end up with no growth, with anti-hero growth, and with character growth (and two others I haven't found yet). Very cool. I think it's downright innovative that the character who grows and changes is the POV, not the one you're trying to date.

Something I grappled with, though is whether there is anything about the character, besides the skin tone, that makes her black. Granted, this is an erotic game. It doesn't have to be about racism, etc. But if you changed the color of her skin, would anything else need to change? If the answer to that is "no" then was there really any point to making her black? I can see an argument that, the fact that I find it remarkable that she's black is itself a problem with society, and that games should have characters of various races in them to reflect reality. I can get behind that. But it feels like more could have been done with her characterization. (Of course, my detractors say the same thing about my characters, so this may be the pot calling the kettle ... well you know.)

As for her gender, it felt a bit off. She really felt more like a male than a female to me. Yes, there are sex obsessed, always horny females out there. But, if you're going to put one in a game, why not just make her male? It's unquestionably a challenge to write a female character that men want to play. And you have the serious problem (for gameplay) that a woman can get a man to have sex with her at the drop of a hat, so the game's challenge can't be finding a way to have sex. I thought you set the challenge up pretty well by making her after forbidden fruit. Very well done there. And I thought you showed the "easy to have sex" aspect well too. But it felt like if you reversed the genders of all of the characters in the game, very little of their characterization would need to change.

Gameplay wise, I found it very hard to understand what choices had which, if any, effects. For instance, when you wake up in the hotel and decide whether you take a shower first or Celina does. I've played both ways and, if the choice mattered, it's not clear to me how. In other places, there are things you can say that seem really rude, but again, I've played them both ways and don't see the effect. I don't know if I want a visible point system or more defined reactions to my actions or what. If the challenge is "figure out from context provided in the game how to act," that's cool. If, on the other hand, the challenge is, "Play n times trying every combination until you stumble across the various endings" it's less so.

I'm not much of a fan of the hit targets being displayed on the images, but that's a style thing. I know some people really want that.

For me, the hamburger menu didn't work, (I'm playing in Edge) so I couldn't save or restore the game.

And you desperately, desperately need to compress your images. 250M for 350 images is outrageous. Save one of your images at 70% quality, do a side by side comparison, and I defy you to tell me which is which. But the 70% image will be around a tenth the size of the full one. Even if you did 80% quality, your images would be a fifth the size. That's 1/5th the bandwidth on your server. 1/5 the time for your customers to download it. 1/5 the space on your customer's hard drives. And, frankly, it's the difference between being able to play this on some tablets and not. There's a tool in the Adventure Creator distribution that will bulk compress all of your images for you. I'd be happy to explain how to use it if it's not clear.

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Re: Envying Celina

Postby albert99 » Sun, 16Nov20 19:16

Gameplay wise, I found it very hard to understand what choices had which, if any, effects...

You have hit my nail on the head of how I feel playing through this. I enjoyed the scenes but I felt I got to them by clicking a random button a lot of the time instead of active choice. I think it is a combination of there isn't enough feedback on your actions to tell you what impact they are having and the lack of a defined goal. If when I got a "bad ending" it said "You failed because Celina didn't like you enough..." or something similar it would be easier to direct my play next time.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby lagoonfish » Sun, 16Nov20 20:04

So, finally it is out, the long awaited sequel 'Envying Celina'!

A big thank you to the developers for their effort they spent on creating this game and for sharing it with us.

I must say that I had high expectations for this game especially because the pevious game 'Inspiring Celina' was so well done, with a convincing story which I really enjoyed playing.

Unfortunately for 'Envying Celina' my expectations was not met, and to be honest, personaly I am rather disappointed.

On the pro side we have:

- An interessting story with a lot of potential, especially because it's written from the point of view of a woman who is not only Celina's best friend but also had a crush on Celina's boyfriend since a long time.

-The visuals are great. The girls looking very attractive and sexy with natural proportions.

-Furthermore the main character is an ebony girl (thumbs up for that) since in this kind of games we rarely see any black girls.

However there are some cons that may ruin this game's experience:

- The story has a lot of potential but the authors doesn't make full use of it. It's too linear and not really evolving.
Actually there are only two days of the whole holiday trip where the player can make someting happen.
And some of the choices that counts as influence points are not clear how they would influence the relationship between those 3 characters.
Come on guys, you can do better!

- For such a short, linear story at least the sex scenes could be better. There should be more of them and choices for the player during the sex scenes like switch positions etc. Especially for the 3 some there could be more choices.
The sex scenes are almost non interactive and kinda boring, and there is no chance to see Celina beeing fucked at all.
Imagine, if a girl lets her boyfriend join her lesbian session and let him fuck her friend, wouldn't she not have him fucking her as well, especially because they're a couple?
Plus there is no sex bonus scene like in 'Inspiring Celina' rewarding the player for getting max influence points.

My suggestions: Add more interaction to the scenes, let player choose/toggle positions, or add some interactive forplay. The scene when spying on them in the shower or the scene where April is daydreaming in the shower could be extended for example to be interactive.

- And finally technicaly there are some issues as well.
The game.js has syntax errors.
To make this game work online or on non Windows OS, you would need to replace all the relative paths that have double backslashes with a single forward slash since in HTML folders are separated by '/' not '\' or even '\\'.
Also while playing I experienced several times the situation that you reach a page that has no further options to click, no dialogs, no hidden spots in the image, which makes it impossible to continue to the next page, so the only option in this case was to restart the game and start over using different choices.
There are leftover files that are never used in the game as well...

Conclusion: With more emphasis on developing the story using it's full potential, and with longer, interactive sex scenes this game could be as fun as it's prequel.
Currently it has almost zero replay value, which is a pitty.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby kessie8dn » Sun, 16Nov20 20:41

sylakone2 wrote:
Super wrote:After a long production cycle, sylakone and myself are proud to finally show off the sequel to Inspiring Celina. I'd like to think this is a bit different than other games of it's ilk, and at the same time it's very different from wha I originally planned so enjoy. Although technically a sequel to Inspiring Celina, you don't technically need to play it first. But anyway, hope you enjoy:

Here is the updated link with all the bugs squashed hopefully.
This is the full Envying Celina V1.3.


https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bync7t ... sp=sharing



Instead of posting numerous updates please just update the link in your original post and tell us the date and the new version number.. Saves everyone having to wade through page after page, checking if we've got the latest version or not.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Salvatio » Sun, 16Nov20 21:24

sylakone2 wrote:Here is the updated link with all the bugs squashed hopefully.

The bug when waiting for them to return, after the threesome shower fantasy is still there for me.

So far I've gotten 3 endings, although I haven't tried everything yet. I imagine this bug would negate the possibility of atleast one of the five endings?
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Maurice » Mon, 16Nov21 00:12

tlaero wrote:

Something I grappled with, though is whether there is anything about the character, besides the skin tone, that makes her black. Granted, this is an erotic game. It doesn't have to be about racism, etc. But if you changed the color of her skin, would anything else need to change? If the answer to that is "no" then was there really any point to making her black? I can see an argument that, the fact that I find it remarkable that she's black is itself a problem with society, and that games should have characters of various races in them to reflect reality. I can get behind that. But it feels like more could have been done with her characterization. (Of course, my detractors say the same thing about my characters, so this may be the pot calling the kettle ... well you know.)Tlaero

I have an issue with this paragraph.

More could have been done with her characterization, agreed.

But this does not follow out of her skincolour. Black and white people deserve equal rights to be shallow.

When I look at the model I see a pretty (so pretty that it is in fact unrealistic) girl.
And the skintone is just a part of it. In my opinion that should be enough reason to give a model any colour. (so yes, if you change the skincolor you have to change a lot to get the same distribution of appriciation.)

(eg. person 1 likes black skin and large breasts. So to compensate for removing the black skin the breasts need to be made bigger. Person two on the other hand doesn't care about skintone but prefers smaller breasts. Fortunately he has a fetish for attached earlobes etc.)
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Regardie » Mon, 16Nov21 09:08

Salvatio wrote:
sylakone2 wrote:Here is the updated link with all the bugs squashed hopefully.

The bug when waiting for them to return, after the threesome shower fantasy is still there for me.

So far I've gotten 3 endings, although I haven't tried everything yet. I imagine this bug would negate the possibility of at least one of the five endings?

I can confirm that you can get into a place where you get stuck waiting for them to return. I sent PMs to Super and Sylakone2 with what I believe is the path to reproduce it.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby sylakone2 » Mon, 16Nov21 11:14

Thanks Regardie your screenshots definitely helped.
I have made a change based on those I really hope this has finally fixed this annoying bug.
Here is the Link.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bync7t ... sp=sharing

Instead of posting numerous updates please just update the link in your original post and tell us the date and the new version number.. Saves everyone having to wade through page after page, checking if we've got the latest version or not.

Before you complain to me about putting patches here and there and not in the first post.
Remember this I can't edit Supers post.
I put these patches here to get them to you quickly.
I am in a different Timezone to Super.
As soon as he gets my notifications and is able he will update the first posts link.

And you desperately, desperately need to compress your images. 250M for 350 images is outrageous. Save one of your images at 70% quality, do a side by side comparison, and I defy you to tell me which is which. But the 70% image will be around a tenth the size of the full one. Even if you did 80% quality, your images would be a fifth the size. That's 1/5th the bandwidth on your server. 1/5 the time for your customers to download it. 1/5 the space on your customer's hard drives. And, frankly, it's the difference between being able to play this on some tablets and not. There's a tool in the Adventure Creator distribution that will bulk compress all of your images for you. I'd be happy to explain how to use it if it's not clear.

Lady Tlaero
I have the utmost Respect for you and I really appreciate your feedback but I do not understand why you always seem to have a problem with my image sizes.
First thing is this.
Our game is 256mb in this day and age that is miniscule due to download speed and even the fact that even the smallest tablets and smartphones have Gbs of space.
Pretty much every other game I play in this Genre is way larger. e.g most of Chaotics games are around the GB mark now.
The WBA engine expands the pictures to suit whatever resolution you are running at. It does not reduce it to a small window.
On my 27" which I play all of these games on the quality difference is very very noticeable being an artist I probably notice this more than most players but really?

I tried using your converter to compare this I reduced them to 80 it saved about 90mb that's it and I could see the difference especially with the further back images of the characters.

I agree with you if we were hosting this to play online then definitely I would compress these images so it runs smoother.
That may still happen yet.
one of the reasons for the higher quality in this case is because it's downloadable a lot of people like higher resolution and quality.
I have limited these to only 1280 x 700 res so they are not too huge.

To save our customers from downloading so much I have been releasing just the data.js file as a patch it is tiny and you do not need to re-download the whole game again like a lot of these games in our genre.

Again thanks for your feedback


Sorry for the rant. At the moment my work is crazy, our weather is stinking hot, I have not slept well, I'm currently working on 2 other projects of my own, bug fixing Envying Celina, Running our P atreon site on my own and assisting some other creators on script editing.

So a lot on my plate that does not even take into consideration that I am a father or a young family that I am trying to spend quality time with as well.

Anyway enough about me lol


Cheers Sy
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby kexter » Mon, 16Nov21 12:37

tlaero wrote:For me, the hamburger menu didn't work, (I'm playing in Edge) so I couldn't save or restore the game.
I can confirm that it doesn't work in Edge (and probably the same goes for IE too) if played from the filesystem (over the file:// protocol, as most would play it). The issue is with the following bit of code in game.js:
Code: Select all
// Lines 161, 171, 180
if (!!window.localStorage) {
// Replace it with:
if (typeof window.localStorage !== 'undefined') {
// and it should work.

lagoonfish wrote:To make this game work online or on non Windows OS, you would need to replace all the relative paths that have double backslashes with a single forward slash since in HTML folders are separated by '/' not '\' or even '\\'.
I second this, all occurrences of "\\" in data.js should be replaced with "/".
lagoonfish wrote:There are leftover files that are never used in the game as well...
Yep, this too. Especially the 80+ MB avi file, and there's at least one duplicate gif as well.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby sylakone2 » Mon, 16Nov21 14:15

Wow thanks for all of the points kex and Lagoon.

I had no idea that I had left those avi's there damn.

Sorry guys

Just too much going on.
that will definitely reduce the size.

I will also look at the changes required for online play.
I am guessing that is another limit of the Engine.

I wish I knew more about Java.

Anyway thanks guys.

I will udpate all of the links with those changes.

Tomorrow or Super can I will let him know.


Cheers Sy
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Regardie » Mon, 16Nov21 15:13

While we are talking about things that should or shouldn't be included in the game files, I think you need the WBA license file as part of the license says to include it.
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby kessie8dn » Mon, 16Nov21 18:22

sylakone2 wrote:Thanks Regardie your screenshots definitely helped.
I have made a change based on those I really hope this has finally fixed this annoying bug.
Here is the Link.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bync7t ... sp=sharing
Before you complain to me about putting patches here and there and not in the first post.
Remember this I can't edit Supers post.
I put these patches here to get them to you quickly.
I am in a different Timezone to Super.
As soon as he gets my notifications and is able he will update the first posts link.

You can rant at me as much as you like - I actually hadn't noticed the original post and the updates were being entered by different people, but if you're not the one responsible for that action then don't assume that I'm addressing my comments to you in the first place.

Seeing as Super still hasn't updated the first post at all.. I think my point remains a valid one.

Has anyone else noticed the link to "Other Games" on the title page doesn't actually do anything?

More generally I'm finding the outcomes seem to be a matter of luck - even though I've tried copying the same pattern I seem to come out with different endings. There also seems to be a very early cut-off point where the ending is decided a long time before the process of the game is over. I suspect this maybe because there are too few decision points, some of which disappear depending on earlier choices.
for example: It seems to be if you don't get to masturbate while spying on them in the shower you can forget any kind of happy ending

I also find the introduction is way too long - I've lost count of the number of clicks it takes before the first option is reached. As good as the graphics are, it is a bit boring to see them over and over again each time you replay the game.. Personally I'd like to see some more interactions but perhaps a restart point from the first scene in the car would help?
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Mortze » Mon, 16Nov21 18:47

First of all, hello Super and sylakone2. It feels great to see you deliver your game. I remember enjoying your first game with Celina.
I haven't got much time to play Envying Celina yet. I must confess that I am not that much drawn into playing a back woman. Why would that be? Purely personal tastes. We all have those. And we are all mature enough to not confound it with racism or bigotry.
But I'll give it a shot when I find more time because of Celina, who is a hottie for sure.
So, I can't comment on the game yet.

tlaero wrote:As for her gender, it felt a bit off. She really felt more like a male than a female to me. Yes, there are sex obsessed, always horny females out there. But, if you're going to put one in a game, why not just make her male? It's unquestionably a challenge to write a female character that men want to play. And you have the serious problem (for gameplay) that a woman can get a man to have sex with her at the drop of a hat, so the game's challenge can't be finding a way to have sex.

I can testify that it will never be easy for a man to make a story with a female character and portray her way of be and think properly. The man who manages to understand how a woman thinks will be treated as a god. He won't be writing erotic games. He will be writing human history. Praise to the one who unveil the mysteries of the fair sex mind!

tlaero wrote:Save one of your images at 70% quality, do a side by side comparison, and I defy you to tell me which is which.

Oh, a trained eye will surely notice. I really notice the 80% quality reduction we currently use. It's weird but I won't notice that an object has mysteriously disappeared from one page to the other but I'll definitely see a misplaced or slightly discolored pixel.
I understand your POV about the need to reduce the files size but I can also relate to the artist's struggle to do that. :p
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby evilgrim » Mon, 16Nov21 19:30

I can't seem to get more than ending 1 all the time no matter what i do , anyone got any hints on how to get some better endings please [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img]
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Re: Envying Celina

Postby Super » Mon, 16Nov21 23:18

Yea, I'm really unable to grasp my mind around the finer points of game design or writing. I'm sorry :(
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