Pandora part I

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Re: Pandora part I

Postby Loren123 » Mon, 16Oct24 16:14

Hoboy wrote:
Loren123 wrote:Hi, I wish there was a way to get these games to work on an iPad. It works on my Android phone but not on my iPad :??:

If you have Safari working on your iPad it should work, I would think? (works on my Mac...)

Not working on the Safari, but managed to get it to work on the Puffin browser
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Re: Pandora part I

Postby mtfkb » Tue, 16Oct25 14:52

Hi everyone,
I would like to know how the progress of the game was going, because we haven't had an update since July (on your website), and I am really looking forward to Part 2!
Hope you reply soon!
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Re: Pandora part I

Postby Mortze » Tue, 16Oct25 16:04


Pandora part II is kind of on hold until I finish Finding Miranda. But Tlaero will help me out with Pandora when we finish Miranda.
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Re: Pandora part I

Postby Weltmeister » Wed, 16Oct26 14:19

Mortze wrote:Hello,

Pandora part II is kind of on hold until I finish Finding Miranda. But Tlaero will help me out with Pandora when we finish Miranda.

Can you give us some details about the progress and maybe a rough release date of FM?
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Re: Pandora part I

Postby Mortze » Wed, 16Oct26 15:37

Weltmeister wrote:Can you give us some details about the progress and maybe a rough release date of FM?

We currently have almost 1000 pics. Much of the story is done. 5 Scenes to do yet, 3 of them are sex scenes.
Plus the testing and proof-reading. I'd hope to have it done this year yet but my previsions point to January. Let's hope it will be ready in 2016 yet.
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Re: Pandora part I

Postby Dolphin-BR » Wed, 16Oct26 17:09

Mortze wrote:Hello,

Pandora part II is kind of on hold until I finish Finding Miranda. But Tlaero will help me out with Pandora when we finish Miranda.

I hope it won't change Pandora game 'mechanics' :sarcastic:
Let me explain it:

In Tlaero's game 'Redemption for Jessika' (Great game) we played a male character in some sort of 'mold yourself' game. We had to make our choices in a way we would fit into the female character's expectations, otherwise, 'game over'. Although we controlled the male character, he was never 'in charge'. I don't have a problem with that. I think it is a different kind of AIF game and it adds to AIF games diversity, and this is a good thing. But I prefer games where the male character is 'in charge'. Where the choices he makes lead to different paths and the game goes on. Either you decide for a bold action or a shy approach the game continues, you would only 'live' through different situations. Pandora part-I was like this.
These are the different mechanics I'm talking about.
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Re: Pandora part I

Postby tlaero » Thu, 16Oct27 04:51

Okay, here's what's happening.

In interacting with Mortze, I realized that, while he likes writing, he loves creating images. We were theoretically working on Finding Miranda and Pandora part II in parallel, but every time I sent him the script for a Miranda scene, he excitedly went off and rendered it, usually pushing the writing of Pandora back. I didn't like the stress that was putting on him, nor the disappointment it was causing in his fans, so I offered to take over the coding and writing of the Pandora games.

Here's what this means.

First: I'm going through Pandora part I and cleaning up the English a little. I'm not changing the story at all, just doing an edit pass on the words. English is Mortze's second language, and it's my first, so it's easy for me to smooth over some rough edges.

Second: When Finding Miranda is done, he and I are going to work exclusively on Pandora part II (modulo patron perks) and not start on the follow on to Miranda until Pandora part II is done.

Third: Pandora is not going to become a Tora Productions game or a "Tlaero and Mortze" game. It's Mortze's game. I'm going to do the programming and write the words, but I'm going to write the story he wants, the way he wants it written. Gameplay mechanics, characterizations of the characters, decisions of who you can an can not have sex with, etc will all be his.

Fourth: After Pandora part II is done, we'll work on the follow on to Miranda.

After that we'll decide case by case what games we do and what "style" they're done in.

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Re: Pandora part I

Postby Marco6661 » Thu, 16Oct27 06:44

Thank you Tlaero for this clarification.

I believe that it is good to know that the spirit of every author is preserved.
Please continue, You and Mortze, to treat us with your fantastic respective creations.

Marco [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]
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Re: Pandora part I

Postby pipboy » Thu, 16Oct27 11:59

You two created a team that became what Goblinboy is to TADS, for HTML CYOA AIF. You create amazing games with excellent quality and right now you have a great momentum. By the law of nature, I know that this momentum will fade in time. And it is great to see that you know that too, and you two try to produce as much as you can in your most productive era. I think Tlaero's help will accelarate the production of Pandora Part II and Tlaero's choice of words will improve the overall quality (no offense Mortze! Pandora part I is still perfect imo! [img]images/icones/icon10.gif[/img] ) also meaning more time for Mortze to render those amazing graphics as he always does.

So ,guys, keep in mind that they are creating art, not those cheap hentai games for you to jerk off in minutes. And I respect Tlaero's storytelling as much as I do to Mortze's beautiful graphics.. It will take time, and I'm sure it will be another masterpiece when it finishes.
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Re: Pandora part I

Postby Mortze » Thu, 16Oct27 13:39

Thank you Marco and Pipboy. By the way, great pictures!

English isn't even my second language. It's my survival language. Tlaero's support will be a great improvement. The game won't have dumb english errors.
The code will also be flawless and the next Pandora will have more complexities on that side.
But Tlaero's contribution is much more that words and code. Her skill as a writer and vivid and rich imagination will add more substance.
If we consider the story as clay, the material I put into the table, then Tlaero will be my aid sculpting the clay into a beautiful vase. The raw material is there, and can't be changed - the overall plot - but the sculpting, refining the details, that's where Tlaero will add her wonderful touch.
I'm honored and humbled to have Tlaero help me with this. It isn't a Tora Production's game in name. But it will be a Mortze & Tlaero game in spirit.

And it's true that I am more enthusiastic at rendering than at writing and coding. I have a tumultuous imagination but when it's time to put it on paper it somehow fades away. It's frustrating. I wish I could write well. I'd love to make books. But I can't. Not even in my native language.
The process of directing seems more natural to me. I say directing because that's what I think I do with 3D rendering. I take the role of a movie director. I direct the actors, the wardrobe, the make-up, the photography, the lighting, the props, the editing.
It's funny because with our games, Tlaero fills the role of the producer, the writter, and also editor.
We both do the castings. Because we are a team, and because I am not to be trusted in a room alone with the female actresses and a couch.
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Re: Pandora part I

Postby TheGreatJoeGargery » Thu, 16Oct27 13:44

Dolphin-BR wrote:
Mortze wrote:Hello,

Pandora part II is kind of on hold until I finish Finding Miranda. But Tlaero will help me out with Pandora when we finish Miranda.

I hope it won't change Pandora game 'mechanics' :sarcastic:
Let me explain it:

In Tlaero's game 'Redemption for Jessika' (Great game) we played a male character in some sort of 'mold yourself' game. We had to make our choices in a way we would fit into the female character's expectations, otherwise, 'game over'. Although we controlled the male character, he was never 'in charge'. I don't have a problem with that. I think it is a different kind of AIF game and it adds to AIF games diversity, and this is a good thing. But I prefer games where the male character is 'in charge'. Where the choices he makes lead to different paths and the game goes on. Either you decide for a bold action or a shy approach the game continues, you would only 'live' through different situations. Pandora part-I was like this.
These are the different mechanics I'm talking about.

If someone were to tell me that Tlaero wrote the best stories on this site I wouldn't argue with them. She is defiantly in the top three on my list and I acknowledge that arranging those three comes down more to personal preference than any noticeable differences in writing skill. Some people can write great scenes and loosely connect them, but when you talk about writing a story as a cohesive whole Tlaero is defiantly one of the best. She does write stories that are from a female perspective, even when you are playing a man though. Honestly I think the protagonist of her games are the female leads in the game and the player character is a point of view character to experience the female lead's story. This doesn't make it bad storytelling as anyone who has seen a movie like Mad Max: Fury Road can tell you. It's a perfectly valid method of storytelling. It seems to be a law of nature in her games that the man is to conform to the woman. I know this tends to rub me the wrong way when I play her games but then I've started saying "you know, this is how women feel when 99.9% of all content out there on almost every medium is geared towards a man's perspective". All of her games are well made and obviously made by someone with a clear vision of what they want to create and how they want it presented. That creative choice at times can feel a little restrictive to some but at the end of the day it is a creative choice and not a flaw in the writing.

Quite honestly I'm actually looking forward to seeing what Tlaero does here. The main character has already been established and I'm sure the entire story has at least an outline on how it will progress. This leaves Tlaero with fleshing out the skeleton of the story and expanding on the established characters. I think this type of collaboration could turn out to be something great. What are normally my issues with her games have already been done by somebody else which leaves her to work on what I enjoy most about her games.
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Re: Pandora part I

Postby Dolphin-BR » Thu, 16Oct27 15:06

Thanks Tlaero and Mortze for clarifying it.
Pandora part-I is my favorite game style. I was afraid it might be lost in the part-II cooperation. It seems it won't be the case thou. :crazy:
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Re: Pandora part I

Postby ltpika » Sat, 16Oct29 04:24

I think you sell yourself too short, Mortze. Pandora is so refreshing compared to all of the other 3d dating sims. Unique characters, setting and mythos.
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Re: Pandora part I

Postby Mortze » Sat, 16Oct29 13:07

ltpika wrote:I think you sell yourself too short, Mortze. Pandora is so refreshing compared to all of the other 3d dating sims. Unique characters, setting and mythos.

Thank you Itpika. That will all be kept. With the adding of Tlaero's touch.
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Re: Pandora part I

Postby nacho666 » Sat, 16Oct29 15:12

This cooperation will be fine to us, i'm sure of that.
Mortze wrote:Because we are a team, and because I am not to be trusted in a room alone with the female actresses and a couch.

Lol, now i see yo like the dude of fake casting :lol:
Oigo voces y no les gustas...

Sorry for my bad English, my level is basic.
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