The Academy- Part 2

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The Academy- Part 2

Postby wellidosaythat » Mon, 16Aug01 23:45

Anyone play this yet? I can't seem to figure out how to get any good endings and was wondering if anyone had any tips. Thanks in advance!
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby realkane » Tue, 16Aug02 00:01


I have played it and i must say it is a really fun series so far from DSP3000.
I have reached one good ending with Lola.
In order to get that ending you must start with a specific door code.
Holly ending i havent found out yet.
This seems to be a day that nothing goes your way but you keep on going anyway....cause you're a CHAMP!
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby reptarrd » Tue, 16Aug02 01:02

realkane wrote:In order to get that ending you must start with a specific door code.

This right here. There are multiple codes you can get from part 1, and using the best one will help out a bunch. I found this out the hard way.
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby EscapeEvade » Tue, 16Aug02 01:54

realkane wrote:Holly ending i havent found out yet.

It's not so much of an "ending" as it is getting the scene with her.

Make sure you work on the report in the morning (this is key). When you do the photo shoot in the morning, tell Holly the camera "loves" her. NOTE... after that dialog choice, there should be an option to snap a photo of Holly's cleavage... Do this. It adds to your relationship with her.

Then, talk to Holly and Lola after the first set of pictures is done. Oddly enough, do NOT defend Holly when Annie attacks her. This all should trigger the ability to have a conversation with Holly at lunch. Agree to meet Holly at 3:30 pm. Work on the report after lunch but before your meeting with the Principal (this is also key). As you're leaving your meeting with the Principal, steal the storeroom key from Didi's desk. When you meet Holly downstairs, she'll ask to speak somewhere private. Look out for a screen where you have three dialog choices, but also a choice to click the screen. It should be after Holly tries to go into the photo room. If you stole the key, you can click the screen at this point and offer the storeroom. This should lead to the scene with Holly.

The reason why working on the report is key is that it makes your meeting with the Principal go faster so that you can steal the storeroom key and meet Holly.

I'm going to work on the Annie scene tonight. I've established it before, but I pursued other paths instead, since I'd also established those.
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby bing6541 » Tue, 16Aug02 04:20

EscapeEvade wrote:
realkane wrote:Holly ending i havent found out yet.

It's not so much of an "ending" as it is getting the scene with her.

Make sure you work on the report in the morning (this is key). When you do the photo shoot in the morning, tell Holly the camera "loves" her. NOTE... after that dialog choice, there should be an option to snap a photo of Holly's cleavage... Do this. It adds to your relationship with her.

Then, talk to Holly and Lola after the first set of pictures is done. Oddly enough, do NOT defend Holly when Annie attacks her. This all should trigger the ability to have a conversation with Holly at lunch. Agree to meet Holly at 3:30 pm. Work on the report after lunch but before your meeting with the Principal (this is also key). As you're leaving your meeting with the Principal, steal the storeroom key from Didi's desk. When you meet Holly downstairs, she'll ask to speak somewhere private. Look out for a screen where you have three dialog choices, but also a choice to click the screen. It should be after Holly tries to go into the photo room. If you stole the key, you can click the screen at this point and offer the storeroom. This should lead to the scene with Holly.

The reason why working on the report is key is that it makes your meeting with the Principal go faster so that you can steal the storeroom key and meet Holly.

I'm going to work on the Annie scene tonight. I've established it before, but I pursued other paths instead, since I'd also established those.

If you defend Holly, you can still have the conversation at lunch.
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby redle » Tue, 16Aug02 05:15

From what I saw there is actually only 1 good ending (well, 2 if you count... nothing special happened but you successfully completed the day and will be allowed to come back for day 3).
Chasing Holly is the only good ending.

It's one of the things that I dislike about the game. As much as I do like DSP's games, to see a number of "good events" the player must intentionally make bad choices. You want to choose who you want to pursue, and it doesn't match who the game wants you to pursue, then sorry, you can't continue.

By the way, if you are pursuing annie
I believe it is right after lunch, most playthroughs you can go to the left, walk a few steps down an empty hall, and turn around and go back. It's a pointless option that trains the player into ignoring that path altogether. That said, if you've done the right steps with annie before lunch, you need to travel down this empty hallway.

My preference in a game is that I can make everything happen in a single playthrough that I want to happen (even if it is incredibly difficult to do and takes me playing over and over to manage to see most of them happen). Barring that as an option, I at least want every pursuable person to have winning ending, and in this scenario to have each path play with as little repeat content from other pursuits as possible. It ceases to be a game when a player needs to traverse every single node in the decision tree.

I imagine it's being done this way simply because it's a 5-part story. Every new day he writes he wants to know where the player is starting from, not need to code each day more and more ways depending on all potential previous ends. Still, if the premise of the whole story is, the player really wants to pursue maria and holly and ignore everyone else, then it might be better if the story actually read that way.
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby Spluts » Tue, 16Aug02 06:48

DSP and Chaotic did another amazing job! ^_^ Man, I'm running out of things to say to praise their work already lol! ^_^ Anyway, Academy part 2 was amazing. Similar to part 1 in that it is setting things up for the 5 part series. Also like part 1, it is more of simmering things... getting ready for parts 3, 4 and 5... Can't wait till they all come out! If it's anything like the buildup in Tara 1, 2 and 3, we are in for a wild ride! ^_^
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby friendlyglorb » Tue, 16Aug02 07:02

redle wrote:From what I saw there is actually only 1 good ending (well, 2 if you count... nothing special happened but you successfully completed the day and will be allowed to come back for day 3)
I don't think that's true. There's three girls you can successfully pursue in this one, you just need to have entered the right code at the start to ensure you don't get caught.

the three you can succeed with are in the game's intro image: Holly, Annie and Lola
It feels a bit random in that way. The only indication such a thing matters is that the codes from Academy 1 each had a picture of a girl on them, even though I don't think getting a particular code was tied to pursuit of a particular girl (just overall endgame score).

Otherwise, I liked this a lot, but I'm not sure how it's going to scale to three more episodes while still having the amount of choice seen in this one. The code entry stuff seems like kindof a nightmare from a coding perspective. Unlike Brad's Erotic Week, the game can't really keep track of events between episodes to a high degree of fidelity.

My guess would be it continues this formula: all episodes allow mostly the same activities to all players, with one or two extra options provided by entering certain codes from the previous game.
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby redle » Tue, 16Aug02 08:53

friendlyglorb wrote:
redle wrote:From what I saw there is actually only 1 good ending (well, 2 if you count... nothing special happened but you successfully completed the day and will be allowed to come back for day 3)
I don't think that's true. There's three girls you can successfully pursue in this one, you just need to have entered the right code at the start to ensure you don't get caught.

the three you can succeed with are in the game's intro image: Holly, Annie and Lola
It feels a bit random in that way. The only indication such a thing matters is that the codes from Academy 1 each had a picture of a girl on them, even though I don't think getting a particular code was tied to pursuit of a particular girl (just overall endgame score).

Otherwise, I liked this a lot, but I'm not sure how it's going to scale to three more episodes while still having the amount of choice seen in this one. The code entry stuff seems like kindof a nightmare from a coding perspective. Unlike Brad's Erotic Week, the game can't really keep track of events between episodes to a high degree of fidelity.

My guess would be it continues this formula: all episodes allow mostly the same activities to all players, with one or two extra options provided by entering certain codes from the previous game.

I suppose it depends how you want to define "good ending." There are actually 4 girls you can have sexual scenes with, but I'm pretty sure that 3 of the 4 all will end with losing, as in, you get fired and can not come back for day 3. I consider not getting fired to be a requirement for good ending.
As far as I know, to not get fired you must get with no one or only with Holly.

Maria is the 4th girl. She shows up if you mistype the code and you can go play with her then.
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby friendlyglorb » Tue, 16Aug02 09:28

redle wrote:I'm pretty sure that 3 of the 4 all will end with losing, as in, you get fired and can not come back for day 3.
Use the code B148# and play through Lola's path, or A595# and play through Annie's path
You definitely don't get fired at the end if you do this.
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby JFR » Tue, 16Aug02 09:31

The real annoyance I am having is that I didn't bother to write down any of the codes from Part 1, months ago. I am left to guess or go back and replay #1 just to get the codes. I realize that was my mistake but I simply didn't realize the game was going to be so rigidly episodic.

I may have to just give up on this one and concentrate on BEW and the new tlaero/Mortze release. ;-(

EDIT: Whups, I just noticed the hints in the post above. Anybody feel like also posting the code for the Holly path?
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby kessie8dn » Tue, 16Aug02 10:40

JFR wrote:The real annoyance I am having is that I didn't bother to write down any of the codes from Part 1, months ago. I am left to guess or go back and replay #1 just to get the codes. I realize that was my mistake but I simply didn't realize the game was going to be so rigidly episodic.

I may have to just give up on this one and concentrate on BEW and the new tlaero/Mortze release. ;-(

EDIT: Whups, I just noticed the hints in the post above. Anybody feel like also posting the code for the Holly path?

Read the thread for Part 1...
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby bing6541 » Tue, 16Aug02 13:09

redle wrote:There are actually 4 girls you can have sexual scenes with, but I'm pretty sure that 3 of the 4 all will end with losing, as in, you get fired and can not come back for day 3. I consider not getting fired to be a requirement for good ending.
As far as I know, to not get fired you must get with no one or only with Holly.

Maria is the 4th girl. She shows up if you mistype the code and you can go play with her then.

There are actually 5.
The 5th is the principal, if you count getting a handjob from her as a "sexual scene." And, for Maria, you don't have to mistype the code. You can just turn around once you are at the keypad.
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby realkane » Tue, 16Aug02 14:28

Very nice game, i really like the setup.
The fact that your a photographer in a school full of young women is very appealing to me and i like that it is a series.....

Im hoping i can get some good action with the principal now i have her secret, i want to dominate her instead of the other way around lol.
Also i really like Bridgette and Didi, hopefuly there will be a threesome as a reward when the principal is out of the way :-)

Maria Annie Holly Bridgette Principal Didi and Lola look good graphicwise.
The two lesbian girls look awfull, the dark girl even like a freaking zombie and the blond chick with the ponytail also looks creepy this episode, it looks absolutely not sexy that is the ony thing i can think of that is not so good.

Ive had all the endings and action with the 5 women, very nice episode!
This seems to be a day that nothing goes your way but you keep on going anyway....cause you're a CHAMP!
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Re: The Academy- Part 2

Postby bootus » Tue, 16Aug02 14:49

bing6541 wrote:
redle wrote:There are actually 4 girls you can have sexual scenes with, but I'm pretty sure that 3 of the 4 all will end with losing, as in, you get fired and can not come back for day 3. I consider not getting fired to be a requirement for good ending.
As far as I know, to not get fired you must get with no one or only with Holly.

Maria is the 4th girl. She shows up if you mistype the code and you can go play with her then.

There are actually 5.
The 5th is the principal, if you count getting a handjob from her as a "sexual scene." And, for Maria, you don't have to mistype the code. You can just turn around once you are at the keypad.

You can end the 2nd day without loosing with every girl, you just have to put the right code.
For Holly and Maria no code needed.

Exam: A679#
Lola: B148#
Annie: A595#
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