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Re: Help with AG3

PostPosted: Tue, 09Apr21 07:36
by percivul
Hello all, I'm new to the boards and am frankly not even sure if this is the right area to post this so please keep the proverbial spanks to a minimum.

I am interested in trying Artificial Girl 3, but of course the game is in Japanese only. I've seen a few websites like that give what they call instructions on how to install and play the game, but they sorta give it from the perspective of those who have already installed it once before.

There in lies my problem. I have no idea how to even go about installing this game, let alone how to get it more or less translated to English so I can play it. I loved Sexy Beach 3 so I'm hopeful that AG3 will be good also, but alas I have no way to know.

My question is this. Has anyone here installed this game and gotten it working in English? If you have, could you give me the version of how to do it as if you were explaining it to a 12 year old? It's not that I'm dumb, it's just that I've never installed (technically) a game that doesn't work on English Windows machines so I'm kinda stuck.

Thanks in advance,
Sir Bink

Re: Help with AG3

PostPosted: Tue, 09Apr21 22:09
by D-Willy
Read this thread and follow some of the other links there.

Once you've read all of the various hongfire discussions, if you still have questions, join hongfire (it's free) and ask there.

There is a learning curve to installing the mods and subs but if you look around in hongfire you'll probably find the answers because just about everything you can think of about AG3 has already been discussed.

ps: Here's the Game Play thread

Re: Help with AG3

PostPosted: Wed, 09Apr22 01:11
by percivul
Thanks for that D-Willy! Ok, I'll go see what they have on their site. I wish they had an installer setup like they did for sexy beach 3. Clear, direct and worked... Well, with the exception of the save directory, but that's an easy fix. Anyhow, thanks for the info and hopefully I'll find what I need there.

Sir Bink

Re: Help with AG3

PostPosted: Wed, 09Apr22 13:52
by Mimailia
Sir Bink, a word of advice, don't ask installation questions in the "Game play thread". There is a general thread for that sort of thing.