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mum's going out

PostPosted: Mon, 18Dec17 15:57
by shark
Hi everybody,
Since two months, I'm learning the coding in html5 and javascript to know if I will be able to continue to make games if flash disappears from the browsers.
It's a very different coding from Flash and Action Script and many of the scripts I used with flash are difficult to transform, but I advance little by little.
I want to present to you my first "production" in html5 for you give me your opinion. There is still a lot of thing to do, but I would like you to help me test my current work before I continue.
So here is a small game developed in recent weeks. It's a bonus of "mum's boyfriend". It looks like a flash game but the coding is totally different.
Thank you for giving your comments. ... _page.html

Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Mon, 18Dec17 16:45
by Marco6661
Bonjour Shark,

Les séquences ont l'air de s'enchaîner correctement, pas de problème de ce côté là, mais j'ai bien peur que la scène où Mélanie va retrouver Diego dans sa chambre ne se charge pas correctement.
Alors qu'elle est arrivée à convaincre le jeune homme et qu'elle s'est installée sur lui, j'ai un écran noir et rien de plus.
Je vais réessayer plus tard...


Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Mon, 18Dec17 16:51
by shark
salut Marco,
Certaines scènes sont longues à charger à partir du serveur, surtout que le jeu vient juste d'être mis en ligne. Éventuellement, essaye de télécharger le jeu sur ton PC (bouton download en bas de page).

Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Mon, 18Dec17 17:09
by Marco6661
J'ai relancé depuis le début et ça baigne, pas de souci. Vérifie le lien que tu as mis dans le sujet "Adobe Killing Flash". J'ai comme réponse "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé..."

Le jeu fonctionne bien pour moi, pas de problème.


Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Mon, 18Dec17 17:14
by shark
Thanks! Juste une question: Qu'as-tu utilisé comme navigateur?

Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Mon, 18Dec17 17:30
by Marco6661
Chrome. Tu veux que j'essaie avec FireFox?

Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Mon, 18Dec17 17:43
by shark
Non, merci, pas utile, c'est sur Firefox que j'ai fait le plus de tests. (Et c'est là que ça fonctionne le mieux).

Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Mon, 18Dec17 19:54
by Greyelf

I downloaded and played the English version of the game locally using Chrome v71.0.3578.98 on Windows 10, and the game played smoothly all the way to the end.
I only found two bad-endings: the first was near the start when Patrick visits Mel's room; and the second was near the end when Patrick visits Diego's room and finds Mel there.

Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Mon, 18Dec17 21:37
by shark
Thank you for your help. You're right for the bad ends.

Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Tue, 18Dec18 09:38
by Stella_
Shark, in the future we can see a scene between Melanie and her mother?

Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Tue, 18Dec18 11:14
by lucky loser
Hmm, it went grey between after

the mother bent down and got a 2nd pair of panties

Then nothing happened. I'm on Chrome OSX 10.14

Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Tue, 18Dec18 12:49
by shark
the scenes are sometimes long to load on the server. Try to download the game on your PC.

Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Tue, 18Dec18 17:45
by Depeche
Bonjour Shark,

Le "Jeu Bonus" marche parfaitement bien pour moi sous chrome.
Aucun bug, un peu long pour charger les pages sur le serveur ( et j'ai la fibre...) mais ça fonctionne nickel.
Et il est court, mais bien bon ;)

Ca augure de très nombreux autres jeux pour l'avenir, si tu migres tes capacités de codage de Flash à HTML5 !
Tout bon pour la communauté de joueurs [img]images/icones/icon7.gif[/img]


Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Tue, 18Dec18 19:01
by LRM
lucky loser wrote:Hmm, it went grey between after

the mother bent down and got a 2nd pair of panties

Then nothing happened. I'm on Chrome OSX 10.14

Morning; I too use Chrome and sometimes it doesn't load. It seems the more I use it the better behaved it gets, but that may only be my perception.
I played many times during its' creation and it was well behaved. Shortly before its release, there was a problem when the view was expanded and Shark rewrote something to overcome that.
With the new release, it again stumbled, getting better with each reload.
I've played the public release many times without any problem. Try a restart and be patient between fadeout/fade ins.
Good Luck
There a couple of scenes that require some patience also. I'm elated to see Shark games continue without flash.

@ Ms Stella;
You're welcome to ask but I really doubt you will ever see any interaction between adults and their children, regardless of the child's age.

Re: mum's going out - html5 small game

PostPosted: Tue, 18Dec18 22:12
by arnii
Hi Shark,

I have been working with HTML5 for a few years now, I’ll play your game as soon as I get the chance and send you any comments.

I probably have a lot of experience that could be of benefit to you, especially from all the mistakes I have made in the past :(

If you have any questions message me or email me.
