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Re: Break-in

Postby Greyelf » Wed, 17May17 00:23

PinkVendeta wrote:But in the period it is set in, lesbians not being out back then as such, who would believe them in reality if they tried to blackmail an ex cop now private dick or if they tried to use it to leverage him into doing stuff to let them go cos he did some mild petting with them.
When they both ended up in jail back then, the male guards would have been ploughing them both daily :lol:
further thoughts on the matter.
For discussion sake I will assume that this noir game takes place in the US and is set around the same time period (1940s'ish) as noir films like The Maltese Falcon.

The theft of the item was a public matter so I will assume that there would of been a court case to determine the guilt of 'bad guy' and that the main character would of been called to testify, and thus the main character would need to lie in court (commit perjury) to save their own skin when the "bad guy" lawyer asked him about the subject. As an ex-police officer who still believes in justice I think he would of known of that possibility and would of decided that caution was the better option.

I'm not an expect on the history of lesbians in my or any other country so I used the History of lesbianism in the United States on wikipedia as a source for information about the subject, and while the information there doesn't paint a petty picture of (some) peoples reactions to this lifestyle/relationship type it does show that it was one known by the general population.
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Re: Break-in

Postby PinkVendeta » Wed, 17May17 01:49

Greyelf wrote:further thoughts on the matter.
For discussion sake I will assume that this noir game takes place in the US and is set around the same time period (1940s'ish) as noir films like The Maltese Falcon.

I was guessing the same time period also 1940s or there abouts.

Greyelf wrote:The theft of the item was a public matter so I will assume that there would of been a court case to determine the guilt of 'bad guy' and that the main character would of been called to testify, and thus the main character would need to lie in court (commit perjury) to save their own skin when the "bad guy" lawyer asked him about the subject. As an ex-police officer who still believes in justice I think he would of known of that possibility and would of decided that caution was the better option.

I agree with your statement above for a movie or even reality, but in the game he crosses over lines and does mild petting with both lesbians, also with the sister being framed, the girl in the garage, and the hooker, he seems to be a private dick who is lead about by his dick :lol: and once it is all put into that context as above, it makes for a fun and good game, had it been done like a movie or reality, well lets be honest it would have made for one boring ass game, thankfully it was not done like that.

Greyelf wrote:I'm not an expect on the history of lesbians in my or any other country so I used the History of lesbianism in the United States on wikipedia as a source for information about the subject, and while the information there doesn't paint a petty picture of (some) peoples reactions to this lifestyle/relationship type it does show that it was one known by the general population.

You are fully right, it was known by the general population back then, as was being homosexual, as was the word Gay actually meaning Happy :lol: , as was people having sex with kids, and animals, and a host of other things also, but none of it was accepted as being normal human behavior by the general population in most countries in the world back then.
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Re: Break-in

Postby Greyelf » Wed, 17May17 22:48

PinkVendeta wrote:... and does mild petting with both lesbians, also with the sister being framed, the girl in the garage, and the hooker, he seems to be a private dick who is lead about by his dick

true, but that all happens before he discovers/knows who the 'bad guy' is, while they are still just potential suspects (who he can have fun with). I believe that once that discovery is made he would start seeing them as a criminal that needs to be brought to justice, and thus change his (natural) behaviour towards them.

PinkVendeta wrote:... but none of it was accepted as being normal human behaviour by the general population in most countries in the world back then.

while that is true about the behaviour itself, my point (badly made) was that the individual could/did participate in 'normal' society and thus their evidence in a court of law would likely be considered in the same way that any other members is unless it could be proven to be untrue.
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Re: Break-in

Postby Poisoned » Fri, 17May19 02:28

Greyelf wrote:
Poisoned wrote:Maybe like joining in? Getting a piece of the action?
While I like both these ideas, I believe that both of them would need to lead to a Bad Ending.

The main character is an ex-police officer who seems to be still motivated by solving the crime and bring the 'bad guy'(tm) to justice, the first option would easily allow the 'bad guy' to use the situation as leverage to blackmail the main character into letting them go, and the second automatically makes the main character an 'accessory after the fact'.

I have to disagree. Here is why:

Earlier in the story, he had stated "When I left the police, I should have become a burglar without scruples rather than a detective without clients" and "This is the kind of case that could make me regret having left my old job".
He used the word "left" both times. If he would have used the word "retired", then yes, he might still be some overgrown boy scout that still clings onto the belief of right and wrong. As it is, we know he is a degenerate gambler. He lost $200 on Jack LaMottato. $200 back in 1940 is equivalent to roughly $3,500 for 2017 (today). Not sure what a cop made back then, but it couldn't have been a lot?
Nadia (hooker) states "what's going on? What became of the Bill I knew... Don't you like my breasts anymore. My pussy doesn't make you horny anymore? Or maybe you think I'm a whore who is getting old and who can't get your dick hard anymore". So now it has been established that he used to fuck at least one hooker on a regular basis back when he was on the force. Nadia also says "Thanks to you, I have never been bothered by the police, and in my job, it's valuable".
Ok, you can read a lot into this. Was he a corrupt cop banging hookers? Was she his snitch? Does Bill still have pull on the force to make cops turn a blind eye? Do good cops turn a blind eye on crimes, or do corrupt cops turn a blind eye to crimes? This is open to interpretation, to many variables.
What I am getting at is that Bill wasn't the cleanest of cops. Not saying he was a bad cop, but it looks like he has a bit of a dark side, plus he is smart, very smart. Therefore after he realizes he had been used, I can see him turning the situation around to his advantage. Getting that three-way with the lesbians. Just banging the deception right out of them, but then turning them in for justice. Bill likes pussy, that is obvious. If he is willing to get into a three-way with a stranger (guy) and a hooker, then I feel he would jump on the chance to bang two hot chicks in a three-way.
Or a piece of the action? We already know he is corrupt to a certain extent. How far down the rabbit hole has he gone? Not sure? Possibly getting some free jewelry and letting the crooks flee the country the next day. I am sure the extra money he got for the jewels would help support his gambling habit.
I don't know? I read to much shit into things. Like I said in my first post, it was a great game! I truly enjoyed it. Keep up the good work Shark and I am looking forward to your next one.
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Re: Break-in

Postby Greyelf » Sat, 17May20 01:26

Poisoned wrote:I have to disagree. Here is why:
You make some good and well thought out points, some that could 'possibly' change by opinion though not yet.
"When I left the police, I should have become a burglar without scruples rather than a detective without clients"

Unfortunately the word 'left' can have a number of different meanings in this context (including details from other statements from him), from "I was forced to leave" due to whatever external reasons, to "I decided to leave" for whatever personal reasons. We don't have enough back story to tell which possible mean was meant.

I read the whole 'burglar without scruples' wise crack as "I don't like being broke all the time", due to both the irregularity of potential clients and his spending habits.

re: the hooker relationship.
Some people (even law enforcement) see a difference between the 'letter' of the law and the 'spirit' of it, and some of these people don't see the 'physical act' of prostitution as a crime even though in the possible setting of this story it was likely illegal.

ex. In the country I current reside in there are legal regions where it is still illegal to drive a vehicle either at night or in the fog without a person walking in front of it carrying a lit lantern, yet for some reason law enforcement does not charge anyone that breaks that law.

Personally I see a difference between the mostly absolute of 'the belief of right and wrong' and the more vague concept of 'just and unjust'.

ex 1. Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to the poor, therefor he was 'wrong' but was he 'just'?
ex 2. A person owns a block of apartments and treats their tenants badly while obeying the letter of the law. they would be 'right' but would they be 'just'?

re: We already know he is corrupt to a certain extent
People are complex things and full of contradictions, so an otherwise upstanding and law abiding person can still own illegally downloaded music on their phone.

Again without a more detailed backstory it is hard to know his motivations and moral code, I guess I err on the side of him being a 'just' person if not a 'right' one. lol
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Re: Break-in

Postby French gamer » Tue, 18Mar06 01:42

I’m in need of help. I’ve been stuck in the strippers change room and can’t get my 3rd star. Please help
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Re: Break-in

Postby Greyelf » Thu, 18Mar08 00:58

French gamer wrote:I’ve been stuck in the strippers change room

If you mean Livia's dressing room from Part 2 then
Try clicking on something that she was previously wearing.
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Re: Break-in

Postby bathory35 » Sat, 18Mar10 11:12


I need help. I'm stuck with livia after the club (in his room), I fuck her but can't get the star.

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Re: Break-in

Postby LRM » Sat, 18Mar10 20:34

@ bathory35;
Shark posted the hint word somewhere in preceding pages, this post may help you find it: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2179.
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Re: Break-in

Postby PorkChops » Sun, 18Mar18 18:56

Hi, I can usually fly through these games in a couple of days but I've been playing this on and off for over three weeks now and just can't seem to get anywhere, please could someone pm the hint word to me just so I can see where I've been going wrong?
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Re: Break-in

Postby Rikwar » Mon, 18Mar19 00:09

Haven't you seen LRM's reply just above PorkChops :??:
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Re: Break-in

Postby seriousgigi » Thu, 18Jun28 04:36

couldnt get any star yet. in the first scene at garage star turns red clicked everywhere but nothing happened. only spot i can click turns star from red to green so i lost the star chance i guess.....
can i get the hint word?
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Re: Break-in

Postby LRM » Thu, 18Jun28 07:46

seriousgigi wrote:couldnt get any star yet. in the first scene at garage star turns red clicked everywhere but nothing happened. only spot i can click turns star from red to green so i lost the star chance i guess.....
can i get the hint word?

Three posts above this one (also a post by me) is how you can find the hint word. We do not provide them, a little work on your part will solve your problem.
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Re: Break-in

Postby seriousgigi » Thu, 18Jun28 22:48

i tried every 5 letter word in the shark's posts in first two pages but nothing happened.
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Re: Break-in

Postby LRM » Fri, 18Jun29 00:06

seriousgigi wrote:i tried every 5 letter word in the shark's posts in first two pages but nothing happened.

What part of "somewhere in the first 5 pages" confuses you?
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