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Re: next game?

PostPosted: Wed, 13Jul03 01:19
by jfrancois323
the idea of using Angela is so nice, she deserve to be seen again.

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Wed, 13Jul03 08:33
by Tskxe
...this could be another great game by shark+lagoon team...I like the idea for the story...

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Wed, 13Jul03 11:29
by Squeeky
shark wrote:
DiTo wrote:Can I help?

It would be an honor, Duchess...
Here the starting situation:
In the evening there was a big meeting to present the project to the customer (a leisure center with a casino, a night club, etc.).
The customer has asked for major changes that need to be completed for the next day, he will wait and spend the night in a local hotel, but must go home (at the other end of the country) tomorrow.
The boss, the project manager and the architect have to work all night. They see that Angela, the secretary, is not yet left and the boss asks her to stay and help them. Angela understands that she can not refuse...
...But another person remained in office: Miss Dahlene, the staff chief, and she does not like that a little secretary spends the night with the three men and can be appreciated by the boss...

if the topic interests you, perhaps you could join the team for this project? :draguelettre:

Honestly, this thought came from an idea as a 'revisit' but with the focus upon a different character (Miss Dahlene).
Shark understandably has an affection for "Angela", and in hindsight why not.

Truly various members of the team have commitments which take us away from this project which means that our thoughts are either slow or clouded. Yes, some new ideas might assist.

1. Offer thoughts within this thread,
2. PM Shark of your interest if you can see a great involvement.

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Wed, 13Jul03 11:58
by Greebo
I have fond memories of late nights with Angela at the [s]orifice[/s] office (any chance of implementing the 'strikethrough' command for real on the Forum, shark?)

It was some time later that Milly twisted my arm(?) and made me join the motley members of the lagoon and start posting. ;)

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Wed, 13Jul03 17:34
by Solid Snake
Il est vrai que le Bureau a toujours été un endroit phantasmatique. Regardez le nombres de films/scènes classés XXX mettant en scène des secrétaires ou autres personnes équivalentes ( comptables, patrons, ... ).

Le raisonnement reste applicable aux hôtesses de l'air, aux infirmières, aux soubrettes, aux bonnes soeurs, aux étudiantes, etc ... La liste des phantasmes masculins est infinie. Maitre Sharks et sa Lagoon Team en ont déjà traité certains.

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Wed, 13Jul03 17:51
by shark
Solid Snake wrote: La liste des phantasmes masculins est infinie.

Heureusement pour nous, sinon, la vie deviendrait vite ennuyante...

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Sat, 13Jul13 17:42
by gonza42
Salut Sharks
As tu une date pour la suite du jeu de NSP "another afternoon"

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Sat, 13Jul13 19:38
by shark
Je n'ai aucune nouvelle de MSP...

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Mon, 13Jul15 22:13
by NoPanic
salut shark

si tu fais un jeu avec angela ce serait super.

j'avais fait un topic ou je disais avoir fait un scénario qui pouvait être un cross avec horny afternoon

j'ai un scenrio écrit qui pourrait pas mal coller si tu as pas trop d'idée

je suis dispo pour discuter si tu cherches des idées :)

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Mon, 13Jul15 22:41
by shark
Des idées? pourquoi pas?
Voila la situation de départ : Le boss et ses 2 principaux collaborateurs (l'architecte et le chef de projet) sont obligés de passer la nuit au bureau pour terminer un important projet. Il demande à Angela de rester pour leur donner un coup de main.
Que va-t-il se passe pendant la nuit ?...

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Tue, 13Jul16 22:36
by NoPanic
salut shark,

vérifie ta boite à mp du forum, je te poste par la pour éviter de tout spoiler si mes idées t'interessent :)

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Tue, 13Jul30 16:32
by Stev-23
I think the 'late night in office' theme is very very good.

You can have so many fantasies about that...

Great idea shark... keep on the good work! [img]images/icones/icon13.gif[/img]

In what time you think, the game could be done? 3 to 4 months?


Re: next game?

PostPosted: Tue, 13Aug27 23:07
by Bischoflobo
there is already info about what the next game is?


Re: next game?

PostPosted: Mon, 13Sep02 15:01
by LucaNatoli
Yes if you follow his twitter account, you can get "sneak" peeks on the upcoming game, although he has not updated for quite some time, i think he is either on holidays or they ran into complications with the next game, like story wise or such.

Re: next game?

PostPosted: Mon, 13Sep02 19:46
by NoPanic
Shark said on his twitter that he will take some holidays (on his post at the end of July)